Publish Word documents with Sphinx - ms-word

My project is transitioning its documentation from Word documents to Sphinx. An intranet page with the Sphinx output is already up and running.
What we'd like to do is have Sphinx also copy Word documents to the intranet page, and reference those with hyperlinks from the rst files. Preferably in such a way that the links are still readable in plaintext (for example, a reference to ./file.doc is perfectly acceptable).
The documents don't need to be indexed nor converted nor generated - just published.
Is there any way to get Sphinx to do this, or do I need to build some scripts manually?

The download text role can be used to do what you want. From the following markup, Sphinx will copy Test.docx to the _downloads subdirectory of the output directory and generate a link:
See :download:`this Word document <../Test.docx>`.


Is it possible to index custom documents in Faceted Search (ke_search) ?

My requirement is to index content of documents uploaded by user e.g PDF / DOC etc. Is it possible to index content of these documents by building custom indexers for the Faceted Search extension ke_search? If so, then can anyone provide any guide as to how would I create such indexers?
I am new to Typo3 so any help would be appreciated.
Hello and welcome to TYPO3 - the almost everything is possible CMS :-)
For your own indexeres you will need an own small extension and then register your indexers to the ke_search. Since the customers indexeres are written in PHP, you can use the whole power of PHP. So you just need some PHP libs on your server that are able to read the content of PDF and DOC files and then store the result to the TYPO3 database.
Check the docs:
Example configuration with an indexer:
EDIT: You should also check the build in indexers of ke_search. I guess there is already an indexer for PDF / DOC files included.

Editing Word Documents from Web Server

I have looked for a solution to this but all I have found are products that are close but not what I need.
We have a program that creates a word document on the fly based on data from our database, and stores it on our server, then the user can download this file to print,email,file away.
I need something that will allow the user to open the existing document from the server, edit it, and save it back to the server.
I need this to be able to work on all browser, so activex isn't a full solution.
This link is a proof of concept of using CKEditor to do what you describe.
The focus is on ensuring that the "long tail" of possible docx content is preserved across the editing process.
For example, take a look at the Microsoft demo docx, which they use to compare their web apps with Google Docs, at

How do I edit files in place that were uploaded to Moodle?

I would like a better workflow for debugging uploaded SCOs. As things are, I must edit a file in the activity, repackage, upload, and test. Often, I just need to change a single line of code. It would be VERY nice to be able to edit that file, that line of code, on the server. So far, all I've found is that Moodle manages the files, so it seems impractical to locate and decipher the renamed files after upload.
Is there a way to configure Moodle so that it doesn't rename and relocated files in SCOs upon extraction? Actually, I'm open to any suggestions on the best, fastest workflow for debugging SCOs.
Problem background
Since Moodle 2.0, files are no longer stored on server in the conventional /this/is/the/path/to/my.file way. Instead, files are rehashed and stored in Repositories (i.e. spread all over the moodledata folder as a collection of seemingly random data). This increases security and cross-OS compatibility but complicates stuff for people who would like to simply upload a SCORM zip package via FTP. Here's more information on file handling in Moodle 2.0
Path to the soluton
Let's locate the file you want to update, then update it.
Run phpmyadmin, go to mdl_files table, find your file by name in the filename field (let's say it's portrait.jpg)
Look at the contenthash field, it'll look like abcde1234567890. This means your file is stored in moodledata/filedir/ab/cd/ folder under the name abcde1234567890.
Rename the updated portrait.jpg to abcde1234567890, upload and overwrite.
Go back to phpmyadmin and update the filesize field in record for portrait.jpg with the size of the updated file.
Obviously, this process can be automated. You'll have to write a script that allows you to upload a file, then it'll search for that file in mdl_files, save it to the correct folder and update all fields accordingly.
Alternative idea
Enable external package type (and also enable 'Update on every launch'). Go to Site administration / Plugins / Activities / SCORM and check the box down below. Now you'll be able to launch SCORM packages directly from another server, so Moodle won't mess with it. Of course, you can run in other (probably cross-domain related) problems.
Sergey's answer is very good, with one caveat:
In his example with the contenthash of abcde1234567890, the file is stored in the moodledata/filedir/ab/cd/ folder under the name abcde1234567890. Moodle uses the full contenthash to name the file.

Embedding a dynamic file using the "view file" macro

The view file macro allows embedding documents (.ppt, .pdf, etc) on a Confluence wiki page. Limitation is, documents must be on attachments.
So question, is there a way to load dynamically a file located into an SCM's deposit?
P.S. Current SCM: Perforce.
UPDATE: As I see, there is no official Perforce plugin.
You may of course include a link to that file, if Perforce provides a way to link items. We use that a lot, to include content that is stored in Subversion, and document the standing, the usage, ... in Confluence then. The user has to click on that link to get that file, but I think it is necessary anyway, because your authorization rules are not known to Confluence.

Search file content on iphone

Is there an Iphone SDK API to search resource files?
I have a set of html file resources that I'd like the user to be able to search in, but I want to avoid reading the files into memory and searching them one by one.
Is there any API that can help me do this?
No, you'll have to read the files in to search them. There's nothing like "Spotlight" on the phone.
I would suggest you using SQLite FTS3 extension for full text search through your documents. It has quite good capabilities for it. But you will need to strip HTML tags first so it can index only your text and don't bother with tags