Embedding a dynamic file using the "view file" macro - confluence

The view file macro allows embedding documents (.ppt, .pdf, etc) on a Confluence wiki page. Limitation is, documents must be on attachments.
So question, is there a way to load dynamically a file located into an SCM's deposit?
P.S. Current SCM: Perforce.
UPDATE: As I see, there is no official Perforce plugin.

You may of course include a link to that file, if Perforce provides a way to link items. We use that a lot, to include content that is stored in Subversion, and document the standing, the usage, ... in Confluence then. The user has to click on that link to get that file, but I think it is necessary anyway, because your authorization rules are not known to Confluence.


Rename README.md to custom name and use as a project description

I do apologize if similar question already put, but I haven't found one.
I would like to change the default project description file name (called README.md) to be a custom name (let's say XXX.md) and I wonder if it is possible to be the XXX.md the initial readme file for the project (typical situation: you open the project Code page and you will see the content of XXX.md down at bottom).
I would like to verify if this approach possible in general, but I am mainly interested in Github and Bitbucket services. I briefly checked project settings and I cannot find there such customization. Is it even possible?
GitHub, at least, doesn't provide the ability to do this. It is possible to use a different format (e.g., README.asciidoc or README.rst), but the root file must be called README.
Note that you can include other text markup documents like this and they'll be rendered if they're visited, it's just that they won't appear at the bottom of the file listing like a README will.

Can I use symbolic links in Dokuwiki's page files?

I'm planning to try using dokuwiki to manage my large collection of notes, and one of the major attractions is its flat file basis that'll allow me to edit via scripts etc. I had a question - suppose a page's material fits into multiple namespaces. If I were to create the file in one namespace and then create symlinks in the other namespace directories, would that work? Or would that screw up revisions etc?
Yes, you can do that. But yes, this will mess with your revisions a bit:
when DokuWiki saves a page, it copies the data of the old page to the attic
the name of the attic file is the same as the page that was edited, but with a timestamp appended
because new attic files are created you can't work with symlinks in the attic
Imagine you have the following setup:
data/pages/copy.txt -> original.txt
You now can edit the pages original and copy in your wiki and they will both always be the same. However old revisions of the pages will be split between the two, depending on which page you edited.
Instead of messing with file level consider
Include plugin to share content between pages.
Creation of some 'commons' namespace for such pages to be DRY.
Namespace templates (+ additional plugin).
Pulling content from page side instead of pushing it to pages. This might be good to start with. You can always include some php code or even write your own plugin.

Find all <forms> used on a site

Is there e.g. a crawler that can find (and list the form action etc.) all pages that have forms in my site?
I'd like to log all pages with unique actions to then audit further.
Norconex HTTP Collector is an open source web crawler that can certainly help you. Its "Importer" module has a "TextBetweenTagger" feature to extract text between any start and end text and store it in a metadata field of your choice. You can then filter out those that have no such text extracted (look at the EmptyMetadataFilter option for this).
You can do this without writing code. As far as storing the results, the product uses "Committers". A few committers are readily available (including a filesystem one), but you may want to write your own to "commit" your crawled data wherever you like (e.g. in a database).
Check its configuration page for ideas.

change html output doxygen link

I am working on a project that is heavily documented with doxygen.
In a UI I have a list of all the classes available - I would like to be able to open the right documentation page of the class I select. In order to do that I need an easy to read link, so I can dynamically build it and run it.
Is it there any way I can control the generated link of the html file? Because the ones I have right now are impossible do be built dynamically.
You could use Doxygen's tag file mechanism for that (see GENERATE_TAGFILE in the config file).
A tag file is a reasonably easy to understand and parse XML file that basically lists all symbols in your project, with for each symbol the corresponding (relative) URL to the documentation.
So you could parse the tag file from your UI to resolve the links to the doxygen generated documentation in a robust way.

MediaWiki bot automatically copying content from external websites

I am trying to find a MediaWiki bot or extension that would do the following:
I sometimes copy external content to MediaWiki to display it in proper context and to make it searchable. That is not very DRY.
I would like to keep a live link to the original content using a special tag and have a bot update the MediaWiki page if the original content changes.
For instance, the snippet could be a configuration file in Subversion that I want to reference in documentation. I would like to do something like:
start="#begin snippet"
end="#end snippet">
The MediaWiki bot would download http://svn/config.txt, retain everything between the #begin snippet and #end snippet comments, and paste the result right between the external-content tags.
This way I can be sure that as I change the config.txt, my MediaWiki documentation stays in sync.
There are numerous other uses. I am not looking only into referencing Subversion content, there are many other web-based systems with data I would like to integrate in this manner.
Does anyone know of a bot that would do this?
You could probably do this with a MediaWiki parser tag extension. In fact, the "Include" extension seems to do something very much like what you're asking for.