Trouble understanding private attributes in classes and the class property method in Python 3 - class

This class example was taken from here.
class Celsius:
def __init__(self, temperature = 0):
self.temperature = temperature
def to_fahrenheit(self):
return (self.temperature * 1.8) + 32
def get_temperature(self):
print("Getting value")
return self._temperature
def set_temperature(self, value):
if value < -273:
raise ValueError("Temperature below -273 is not possible")
print("Setting value")
self._temperature = value
temperature = property(get_temperature, set_temperature)
The idea here is that when we create an instance of Celsius and set the temperature attribute (e.g. foo = Celsus (-1000) ), we want to make sure that the attribute is not less than -273 BEFORE setting the temperature attribute.
I don't understand how it seems to bypass self.temperature = temperature and go straight to the last line. It seems to me like there are three attributes/properties created here: the Class attribute, temperature; the Instance attribute, temperature; and the set_temperature function which sets the attribute _temperature.
What I DO understand is that the last line (the assignment statement) must run the code property(get_temperature, set_temperature) which runs the functions get_temperature and set_temperature and intern sets the private attribute/property _temperature.
Moreover, if I run: foo = Celsius(100) and then foo.temperature, how is the result of foo.temperature coming from temperature = property(get_temperature, set_temperature) and thus _temperature AND NOT self.temperature = temperature? Why even have self.temperature = temperature if temperature = property(get_temperature, set_temperature) gets ran every time the foo.temperature call is made?
More questions...
Why do we have two attributes with the same name (e.g. temperature) and how does the code know to retrieve the value of _temperature when foo.temperature is called?
Why do we need private attributes/properties an not just temperature?
How does set_temperature(self, value) obtain the attribute for parameter value (e.g. the argument that replaces value)?
In short, please explain this to me like a three year old since I have only been programming a few months. Thank you in advance!

When we are first taught about classes/objects/attributes we are often told something like this:
When you look up an attribute like it first looks to see if
'foo' is an instance variable and returns it, if not it checks if
'foo' is defined in the class of x and returns that, otherwise an
AttributeError is raised.
This describes what happens most of the time but does not leave room for descriptors. So if you currently think the above is all there is about attribute lookup property and other descriptors will seem like an exception to these rules.
A descriptor basically defines what to do when looking up / setting an attribute of some instance, property is an implementation that lets you define your own functions to call when getting / setting / deleting an attribute.
When you do temperature = property(get_temperature, set_temperature) you are specifying that when x.temperature is retrieved it should call x.get_temperature() and the return value of that call will be what x.temperature evaluates to.
by specifying set_temperature as the setter of the property it states that when ever x.temperature is assigned to something it should call set_temperature with the value assigned as an argument.
I'd recommend you try stepping through your code in pythontutor, it will show you exactly when get_temerature and set_temperature are called after which statements.


Return value is not the same as predicted from a defined function

james=open('C:/Users/skora da_bura/Documents/data.txt')
def Read(numblist,charlist):
for i in range(0,len(jake),4):
for i in range(2,len(jake),4):
Bring = numblist,charlist
james = open('C:/Users/skora da_bura/Documents/data.txt')
jake22 = james.readlines()
back='Number of lines read',len(jake22)
return back
the charlist returns [] even though I had appended values to it to make a list when I was defining the function Read.
I don't seem to see what the problem is with the code
The charlist you define in the signature of Read shadows the global charlist. They're different variables that happen to have the same name. If you intend to modify the global variable, you shouldn't try to pass it as a parameter.

Can you pass by reference in PeopleCode?

I'm new to PeopleCode and as I'm learning functions, I noticed that in PeopleCode, we'd normally pass value using %PATIENT_ID. A friend told me that you can also pass by reference in PeopleCode but how?
PeopleCode passes by reference for functions.
Function addOne(&num As integer)
&num = &num + 1
Local integer &val = 9;
MessageBox(0, "", 0, 0,String(&val));
Results in 10
If you are using App Classes it behaves differently
for methods:
Pass by value for simple types (string, int, number,etc)
Pass by reference for objects (rowsets, records, app classes)
Can pass by reference for simple types using the OUT keyword in the parameter list
method addOne(&num as integer out)
Functions which are defined in the same context as the executing code, e.g. page/component/record/field event PeopleCode, always consider parameters as refernces.
Within Application Classes, parameters of simple types on methods can be defined with the 'out' key word to state that they are a references. Methods also automatically pass parameters as references for complex types. Think: "If there is a lot of data, it is a reference"
This documentation will be very helpful for you.
Passing Parameters with Object Data Types
Parameters with object data types are always passed by reference:
/* argument passed by reference */
method storeInfo(&f as File);
If you specify the out modifier for a method parameter with an object
data type, it becomes a reference parameter. This means that the
parameter variable is passed by reference instead of the object that
it is pointing at when passed.
For example, if you pass an object parameter with the out modifier:
method myMethod(&arg as MyObjectClass);
Local MyObjectClass &o1 = create MyObjectClass("A");
Local MyOtherObjectClass &o2 = create MyOtherObjectClass();
And inside myMethod this occurs:
Method myMethod
&arg = create MyObjectClass("B");
Since the method argument is reassigned within the body of myMethod,
&o1 does not point at the new instance of MyObjectClass (initialized
with "B") after the method call completes. This is because &o1 still
references the original instance of MyObjectClass.
However, if &o1 had been passed with the out modifier, after the
method call completes, &o1 points at whatever the parameter was last
assigned to; in this case, the new instance of MyObjectClass. The
parameter, rather than the object, is passed by reference. Using
the Out Specification for a Parameter
In the following example, a class, AddStuff, has a single public
method, DoAdd. This adds two numbers together, then assigns them as
different numbers. In the signature of the method declaration, the
first parameter is not declared with an out statement, while the
second one is.
class AddStuff
​method DoAdd(&P1 as number, &P2 as number out);
method DoAdd
&X = &P1 + &P2;
&P1 = 1;
&P2 = 2;
In the following PeopleCode example, an object named &Aref is
instantiated from the class AddStuff. Two parameters, &I and &J are
also defined.
local AddStuff &Aref = Create AddStuff();
local number &I = 10;
local number &J = 20;
The following code example is correct. &J is changed, because of the
outstatement in the method signature, and because the value is being
passed by reference. The value of &I is not updated.
&Aref.DoAdd(&I, &J); /* changes &J but not &I */
The following code example causes a design time error. The second
parameter must be passed by reference, not by value.
&Aref.DoAdd(10, 20); /* error - second argument not variable */

Advantage of computed properties (gettable ones only) vs. stored properties

I would like to clarify if I understand the following concept correctly.
Assume that my goal is to store the String "Good morning, Mike" into the variable var sayGoodMorningToUser.
The String is composed of two variables, namely
var greeting = "Good morning, "
var username = "Mike"
What difference does it make if I use stored properties vs. computed properties, in other words:
var sayGoodMorningToUserStored = greeting + username
var sayGoodMorningToUserComputed:String {
return greeting + username
The only difference I see between these two approaches is that anyone could change the value of sayGoodMorningToUserStored easily and directly, e.g. by writing
var sayGoodMorningToUserStored = "myNewChangedValue"
whereas the variable sayGoodMorningToUserComputed cannot be modified directly, because it cannot simply be set it to a new String value:
var sayGoodMorningToUserComputed = "Hallo" //this would cause an error
Otherwise I cannot understand why people compute the variable instead of simply writing
var sayGoodMorningToUserStored = greeting + username.
Can anyone explain if I understood it correctly? Or are there also other advantages of computed variables vs. stored ones?
I would like to limit my question to gettable variables only, because discussing settable variables here would go beyond the scope.
The difference in your example is this:
var sayGoodMorningToUserStored = "myNewChangedValue"
var sayGoodMorningToUserStored = greeting + username
are set when your class is initialized, whereas this:
var sayGoodMorningToUserComputed:String {
return greeting + username
is evaluated every time the property is accessed.
The simple example is a class that has a firstName and lastName, but also want fullName. Using a normal property, every time you update firstName or lastName you will also have to update fullName so it will match. Using a computed property, every time you access fullName you will get the up to date information.
Computed Properties
var sayGoodMorningToUserComputed: String {
return greeting + username
sayGoodMorningToUserComputed acts just like a function. If a change has been made to greeting or username, then sayGoodMorningToUserComputed will return an up-to-date result that will be the concatenation of the current values.
You would want to use this if you want to ensure your returned value is computed off the latest values of its dependencies (greeting and username).
In the case that both dependencies are final, then it's very likely that the compiler would optimise this computed property into a stored property, because it knows the dependencies can't change
Stored properties
var sayGoodMorningToUserStored = greeting + username
sayGoodMorningToUserStored is just a variable, with nothing special going on. However, it's only set once, whenever the containing scope is initialized. It's computed once, stored and remains constant until it is overwritten by an external source. As such, if greeting or username changes, there will be no effect on sayGoodMorningToUserStored, because it's been computed from the old values, and stored.
You would want to use this if you want to improve performance by caching the result of a computation whose dependencies are constant.

Supporting "recursive objects" in lua

I'm fairly new to lua and have the following problem with an assignment from a class:
We currently extend lua to support objects and inheritance. The Syntax for that is
attribute1 = String,
attribute2 = Number
Class{'MySubClass', MyClass,
attribute3 = Number
This works perfectly fine. The real problem lies within the next task: We should support "recursive types", that means a call like
Class{'MyClass', attribute = MyClass}
should result in an class with a field of the same type as the class. When this "class-constructor" is called the variable MyClass is nil, thats why the parameter table doesnt't have an entry attribute. How is it possible to access this attribute?
My first thought was using some kind of nil-table which gets returned every time the global __index is called with an unset key. This nil-table should behave like the normal nil, but can be checked for in the "class-constructor". The problem with this approach are comparisons like nil == unknown. This should return true, but as the __eq meta method of the nil-table is never called we cannot return true.
Is there another approach I'm currently just ignoring? Any hint is greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
Here the relevant part of the "testfile". The test by which the code is rated in class is another one and gets published later.
three = 3
print( three == 3 , "Should be true")
print( unknown == nil , "Should be true" )
Class{'AClass', name = String, ref = AClass}
function AClass:write()
print("AClass:write(), name of AClass:",
aclass = AClass:create("A. Class")
Since MyClass is just a lookup in the global table (_G), you could mess with its metatable's __index to return a newly-defined MyClass object (which you would later need to fill with the details).
However, while feasible, such an implementation is
wildly unsafe, as you could end up with an undefined class (or worse, you may end up inadvertantly creating an infinite lookup loop. Trust me, I've been there)
very hard to debug, as every _G lookup for a non-existing variable will now return a newly created class object instead of nil (this problem could somewhat be reduced by requiring that class names start with an uppercase character)
If you go that route, be sure to also override __newindex.
How about providing the argument in string form?
Class{'MyClass', attribute = 'MyClass'}
Detect strings inside the implementation of Class and process them with _G[string] after creating the class
Or alternatively, use a function to delay the lookup:
Class{'MyClass', attribute = function() return MyClass end}

How to pass parameters to a Progress program using database field dynamic-based rules?

I have in my database a set of records that concentrates information about my .W's, e.g. window name, parent directory, file name, procedure type (for internal treatments purposes), used to build my main menu. With this data I'm developing a new start procedure for the ERP that I maintain and using the opportunity in order to rewrite some really outdated functions and programs and implement new functionalities. Until now, I hadn't any problems but when I started to develop the .P procedure which will check the database register of a program that was called from the menu of this new start procedure - to check if it needs to receive fixed parameters to be run and its data types - I found a problem that I can't figure out a solution.
In this table, I have stored in one of the fields the parameters needed by the program, each with his correspondent data type. The problem is on how to pass different data types to procedures based only on the stored data. I tried to pre-convert data using a CASE clause and an include to check the parameter field for correct parameter sending but the include doesn't work as I've expected.
My database field is stored as this:
Description | DATATYPE | Content
I've declared some variables and converted properly the stored data into their correct datatype vars.
DO i-count = 0 TO 8:
IF TRIM(programa.parametro[i-count]) = '' THEN
LEAVE blk-count.
i-count = i-count + 1.
CASE ENTRY(2,programa.parametro[i-count],CHR(1)):
c-param-exec[i-count] = ENTRY(3,programa.parametro[i-count],CHR(1)).
i-param-exec[i-count] = INT(ENTRY(3,programa.parametro[i-count],CHR(1))).
de-param-exec[i-count] = DEC(ENTRY(3,programa.parametro[i-count],CHR(1))).
da-param-exec[i-count] = DATE(ENTRY(3,programa.parametro[i-count],CHR(1))).
l-param-exec[i-count] = (ENTRY(3,programa.parametro[i-count],CHR(1)) = 'yes').
c-param-exec[i-count] = ENTRY(3,programa.parametro[i-count],CHR(1)).
Then I tried to run the program using an include to pass parameters (in this example, the program have 3 INPUT parameters).
RUN VALUE(c-prog-exec) ({util\abrePrograma.i 1},
{util\abrePrograma.i 2},
{util\abrePrograma.i 3}).
Here is my abrePrograma.i
/* abrePrograma.i */
(IF ENTRY(2,programa.parametro[{1}],CHR(1)) = 'CHARACTER' THEN c-param-exec[{1}] ELSE
IF ENTRY(2,programa.parametro[{1}],CHR(1)) = 'INTEGER' THEN i-param-exec[{1}] ELSE
IF ENTRY(2,programa.parametro[{1}],CHR(1)) = 'DECIMAL' THEN de-param-exec[{1}] ELSE
IF ENTRY(2,programa.parametro[{1}],CHR(1)) = 'DATE' THEN da-param-exec[{1}] ELSE
IF ENTRY(2,programa.parametro[{1}],CHR(1)) = 'LOGICAL' THEN l-param-exec[{1}] ELSE
If I suppress the 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th IF's from the include or use only one data type in all IF's (e.g. only CHAR, only DATE, etc.) the program works properly and executes like a charm but I need to call some old programs, which expects different datatypes in its INPUT parameters and using the programs as described OpenEdge doesn't compile the caller, triggering the error number 223.
Erro (Press HELP to view stack trace)
** Tipos de dados imcompativeis em expressao ou atribuicao. (223)
** Nao entendi a linha 86. (196)
OK Ajuda
Can anyone help me with this ?
Thanks in advance.
Looks as if you're trying to use variable parameter definitions.
Have a look at the "create call" statement in the ABL reference.
Sample from the documentation
/* Invoke hello.p non-persistently */
hCall:CALL-NAME = "hello.p".
/* Sets CALL-TYPE to the default */
/* Clean up */
The best way to get to the bottom of those kind of preprocessor related issues is to do a compile with preprocess listing followed by a syntax check on the preprocessed file. Once you know where the error is in the resulting preprocessed file you have to find out which include / define caused the code that won't compile .
In procedure editor
compile source.w preprocess source.pp.
Open source.pp in the procedure editor and do syntax check
look at original source to find include or preprocessor construct that resulted in the code that does not compile.
Okay, I am getting a little bit lost (often happens to me with lots of preprocessors) but am I missing that on the way in and out of the database fields you are storing values as characters, right? So when storing a parameter in the database you have to convert it to Char and on the way out of the database you have convert it back to its correct data-type. To not do it one way or the other would cause a type mismatch.
Also, just thinking out loud (without thinking it all the way through) wonder if using OOABL (Object Oriented ABL) depending on if you Release has it available wouldn't make it easier by defining signatures for the different datatypes and then depending on which type of input or output parameter you call it with, it will use the correct signature and correct conversion method.
Something like:
METHOD PUBLIC VOID storeParam(input cParam as char ):
dbfield = cParam.
METHOD PUBLIC VOID storeParam(input iParam as int ):
dbfield = string(iParam).
METHOD PUBLIC VOID storeParam(input dParam as date ):
dbfield = string(dParam).
just a thought.