spyder Ipython console buffer - ipython

I'm using Spyder 3.5 and trying to change the number of IPython Console buffer line. The default is 500 lines. But no matter what number I change to, the limit is still 500, and I cannot scroll back beyond 500 lines. I also open a new console after changing the preference but it still doesn't work. Any idea why?

Change your settings in the IPython console rubric (Tools->Preferences->IPython console). Also make sure to reload spyder or open a new Ipython console for the changes to take effect.


Terminal cursor in VSCode obscures the command I type so I can't fully see it

When I start to type a command in VSCode terminal, the cursor sort of multiplies and partly obscures the command, so I can't fully read it, as on this picture (it reads "git status"). Besides, if I try out different styles in the settings, the cursor won't change - it remains the same.
VSCode 1.74.1/Mac OS High Sierra 10.13
enter image description here
Changing fonts doesn't help. I tried to reinstall the app, but it's all the same.

VS Code terminal showing ERROR on every line with oh-my-posh

My terminal in VS Code has since the previous update shown the word ERROR on every single line. I have installed oh-my-posh a little while back to make the terminal more pleasant to look at and give me some basic information.
Does anyone know where to look, to find the source of the error message? Tyvm :)
Noticed something different when running echo $ as suggested by #kamen-minkov
When I booted Ubuntu up again and my VS Code opened from the previous state it was in the ERROR label was gone:
However. When I opened up a new tab it returned:
The only difference I can notice between the two is that there is a little, unfilled, circle/dot on the left side of the newly opened tab and not the one that opened up with VS Code. Is it some sort of debugger marking or something else? Could it be the source of the problem?
Apparently it's the Shell Integration decorations that's causing the hazards..
// settings.json
"terminal.integrated.shellIntegration.enabled": false,
"terminal.integrated.shellIntegration.decorationsEnabled": "never",
disable these settings and oh-my-posh error label will be gone :)

Plotting Inline with IPython Console in PyDev

Just installed pyDev and eclipse. I see that the console is an IPython console, but when Im trying to plot, I need to use the show() command instead of the plots just appearing inline like a regular IPython console. I've tried to use %pylab inline but there is no such magic.
The console loads IPython 1.1.0. What do I need to do to get inline figures?
Actually, that's correct, the PyDev console is not able to show images such as you'd have on IPython notebook (which is an HTML viewer in the end), so, you need to show the plot widget to see the results (note that the plot should be interactive and shouldn't halt the console in the latest version).
It should be possible to create a special view in PyDev where those results could be seen in an HTML viewer, but there are currently no plans to do so.

Enthought Canopy iPython console fills with text and loses prompt

I'm running the latest academic distribution of the Canopy IDE on a Windows 7 machine. In the iPython console, if I ask for a docstring (for example, typing "linspace?"), the resulting text fills up the console and gets cut off at the top and bottom. Afterwards, there is no longer an "In [#]" prompt and I cannot type any further commands into the console. If I don't want to lose all of the variables I have defined during the session, I have found that I can open a new editor window (File/New Editor Window) and I will once again have an "In [last #]" prompt where I can enter commands. However, this is a rather a nuisance. I would like to be able to view docstrings without having to open a new window each time. Is there a way I can fix this?
For reference, I have Canopy version
Update: this only seems to happen when I use the question mark, not if I enter, for example, "help(linspace)." Maybe I should just stick to using help() instead of question marks?
This isn't specific to Canopy and should apply to IPython in general. When you print a long docstring (i.e. one longer than your screen), it prints the output to something call a "pager" which allows you to scroll through the text. I think IPython (more or less) uses less.
When you're in the pager, you can press the q key to exit (and return to the IPython prompt). (Also, space bar pages down, b pages up.)

Emacs code browser "Store current window-sizes" doesn't actually save window dimensions

I'm using emacs with CEDET+emacs code browser (ECB). For the most part, ECB works great. Hwoever, I'm trying to get the window sizes saved so I don't have to drag the panes around everytime I restart emacs.
When I choose from the menu: ECB / Layout administration / Store current window-sizes, something a few lines do indeed get added to my .emacs file. However, when I start up, the dimensions of the windows are not restored.
Any ideas on how to fix this?