I have perl 5.22 (Ubuntu 16.04). One software I am using has some issues and needs older perl (older than 5.22). I tried installing 5.20.1 with perlbrew but I got the error:
makefile:840: recipe for target 'test_harness' failed
with mention of file:
I tried using --force, and patch as suggested after failure.
Does the older perl no longer being maintained imply anything in this case?
Does anyone have any idea how to overcome this?
I upgraded to El Capitan on two laptops. For some reason on one I am having trouble installing any node versions with nvm (installed through homebrew). If I nvm install v0.12.7 this is what I get:
######################################################################## 100.0%
perl version 5.18.2 can't run /USR/BIN/shasum. Try the alternative(s):
/USR/BIN/shasum5.16 (uses perl 5.16)
/USR/BIN/shasum5.18 (uses perl 5.18)
Run "man perl" for more information about multiple version support in
Mac OS X.
Checksums do not match.
Binary download failed, trying source.
Downloading https://nodejs.org/dist/v0.12.7/node-v0.12.7.tar.gz...
######################################################################## 100.0%
perl version 5.18.2 can't run /USR/BIN/shasum. Try the alternative(s):
/USR/BIN/shasum5.16 (uses perl 5.16)
/USR/BIN/shasum5.18 (uses perl 5.18)
Run "man perl" for more information about multiple version support in
Mac OS X.
Checksums do not match.
I don't know what happened, but I've looked into the error message and various mentions of how to fix the Perl issue but have came up with nothing.
I had the same problem - for some reason, on my Mac I had at least 2 versions of Perl, if not 3 - 5.16, 5.18 and I think also 5.18.2.
This broke many of the Perl libraries and command line tools, some of them used by homebrew, such as shasum.
I believe this could have happened during an XCode upgrade, because this could have changed the Perl installation.
I fixed it by re-installing a new version of Perl manually. I chose the latest one and followed these instructions:
I had the same problem, no idea how it happened. I suspect it somehow happened during an XCode Update. I fixed this by re-installing Perl on my Mac manually. I used the latest version as described here:
curl -O http://www.cpan.org/src/perl-5.26.1.tar.gz
tar -xzf perl-5.26.1.tar.gz
cd perl-5.26.1
./Configure -des -Dprefix=/usr/local/
make test
sudo make install
See also http://search.cpan.org/~shay/perl/README.macosx
Since a recent update Perl fails to execute most of the scripts on my Arch Linux System.
Most of the time it failes due to a undefined Symbol in the Data::Dumper module. Other times it is because of the Parser.so with the same undefined symbol Perl_xs_apiversion_bootcheck
Perl v5.22.0
Data::Dumper is up to date (2.154).
Full Error:
/usr/bin/perl: symbol lookup error: perl5/lib/perl5/x86_64-linux-thread-multi/auto/Data/Dumper/Dumper.so: undefined symbol: Perl_xs_apiversion_bootcheck
I already tried to reinstall the Modules, did not help.
I found this thread:
Error running Perl script on 2 different computers
They talk about the problems of differen perl versions, which I do not seem to have here.
Any other ideas? (Reinstall the perl as whole looks impossible for from here...)
Arch Linux recently upgraded from Perl 5.20 to Perl 5.22. Those are not ABI compatible, so any XS modules installed for Perl 5.20 need to be rebuilt, or you'll get errors like the one you're describing.
Arch's perl-5.22.0-1 package includes Data::Dumper 2.158. Since you say you have 2.154, you must have manually installed an upgrade to Data::Dumper for Perl 5.20. You need to remove that (now obsolete) version.
Does pacman -Qi perl-data-dumper report anything? If it does, you might try pacman -R perl-data-dumper.
Update: It seems you've been installing modules into your system Perl directories using cpan. That winds up mixing files installed by pacman and files installed by cpan, which is why it's not recommended.
You should consider installing CPANPLUS::Dist::Arch and using cpanp instead. You can do this with:
sudo pacman -S perl-cpanplus-dist-arch
After that, installing modules with cpanp will build a package file and install it with pacman. You can then use pacman to uninstall them.
When I try to install Padre with cpan (or cpanm)...
bash-4.2$ sudo cpan Padre
CPAN.pm: Building P/PL/PLAVEN/Padre-1.00.tar.gz
Found locale ru_RU.UTF-8
Found wxWidgets 2.8.12
Found Wx.pm 0.9921
Unparsable version '6,59' for prerequisite ExtUtils::MakeMaker at inc/Module/Install/Makefile.pm line 352.
Checking if your kit is complete...
Looks good
unexpected end of string while parsing JSON string, at character offset 281 (before "},"build_requires":{...") at /usr/local/share/perl5/CPAN/Meta/Converter.pm line 45.
at /usr/share/perl5/vendor_perl/ExtUtils/MM_Any.pm line 831.
ERROR from evaluation of /root/.local/share/.cpan/build/Padre-1.00-UsByhx/winxs/Makefile.PL: unexpected end of string while parsing JSON string, at character offset 78 (before "}") at /usr/local/share/perl5/CPAN/Meta/Converter.pm line 45.
Warning: No success on command[/usr/bin/perl Makefile.PL]
/usr/bin/perl Makefile.PL -- NOT OK
Running make test
Make had some problems, won't test
Running make install
Make had some problems, won't install
Could not read metadata file. Falling back to other methods to determine prerequisites
This bug we have a few years. I can't find JSON, that was a reason of this error. Anybody pass this problem?
There are known problems in some releases of JSON::PP which cause problems further up the toolchain like this.
Try upgrading JSON::PP. If the toolchain issues prevent you from installing JSON::PP in the normal way, then download the latest version of the module from CPAN, and manually replace the JSON/PP.pm file on your system.
Fedora currently has Padre 0.90 available as a pre-built package. So you can install it with
$ sudo yum install perl-Padre
I am trying to install Perl version 5.19.2 or version 5.19.8 with perlbrew. I am using the following command to install:
perlbrew -v install perl-5.19.8 (or 5.19.2) -Dcc=gcc
Everytime no matter what version I am trying to install I keep getting the following error:
FatPacker error loading Devel/PatchPerl.pm (could be a perl installation issue?) at /Path/to/my/perl/bin/patchperl line 33687
I am not sure whats going on. I am not very experienced in Perl. If anyone can offer me some tips/help that will be great.
My perl version is 5.16.2 on my Windows 7 64bit, I failed to install PAR:Packer. I tried active perl and strawberry perl , both got the same error. Can you please give me some suggestion. Below is my experience:
I tried ppm install PAR:Packer, version 1.013, But when I use pp, I got the error:
Perl lib version (5.16.2) doesn't match executable version (v5.16.0).
I also tried cpan install PAR:Packer, version 1.014. But I got the error during installation. The pop up window says: par.exe has stopped working. Then command prompt got the error:
C:\Perl64\bin\perl.exe -Mblib run_with_inc.pl par.exe -q -B -Oparldyn.exe
system(par.exe -I C:\Users\PAR-Packer-1.014\blib\arch -I C:\Users\PAR-Packer-1.014\blib\lib - IC:/Perl64/site/lib -IC:/Perl64/lib -I. -q -B -Oparldyn.exe) failed:
dmake.exe: Error code 255, while making 'parldyn.exe'
dmake.exe: Error code 255, while making 'subdirs'
I have googled extensively, but as of yet haven't been able to find a solution, any help is greatly appreciated, thanks a lot!
I simply changed the line 60 in .../perl64/Config.pm from
`$^V eq 5.16.3`
`$^V eq 5.16.3 or $^V eq 5.16.0`
and voila! My par-packer module 1.013 installed through ppm (ActiveState Perl 5.16.3) works ...
I'll start off with my own environment:
Windows 7 x64 en_US
Strawberry Perl v5.16.2 32bit
I just confirmed that I do have PAR::Packer working on my environment. I'm running PAR::Packer version 1.014.
There is a bug logged about PAR::Packer 1.013 failing to build on certain environments. The bug is logged on CPAN here: https://rt.cpan.org/Public/Bug/Display.html?id=77408
I recommend trying one of the following paths forward (based on your build version requirements):
Install PAR::Packer 1.0.14.
Install the patched version of PAR::Packer 1.013 that is available at http://strawberryperl.com/package/kmx/perl-modules-patched/PAR-Packer-1.013_patched.tar.gz
To build you will need any dependencies as well. Hopefully those work just fine through CPAN.
Download either the patched version listed above or the latest version from the CPAN site, then execute:
perl Makefile.pl
dmake test
dmake install
Keep in mind PAR::Packer requires a C/C++ compiler to build.
I ran into this exact same error scenario with Perl 5.16.3 on my Windows 7 64 bit machine. I started my Perl tinkering with ActiveState and later installed other related programs like Komodo Edit and finally installed StrawberryPerl. After reading quite a few of these online posts I tried the manual dmake methods and whatever other suggestions I could find. I then tried uninstalling ActiveState. That didn't help either. Finally, I went on an uninstall binge and found that after uninstalling all of the ActiveState and Komodo applications (along with a bunch of other stuff I wasn't using anymore) I was able to successfully install and use pp in two simple steps from the cpan prompt:
install CPAN
install pp
I was going to uninstall and re-install StrawberryPerl next but didn't have to. The install CPAN may not be necessary but it was suggested in the log output in one of my previously failed attempts so I figured I'd try that first. Hope this saves someone all the hassle I went to as a begginer.