Installing Perl with Perlbrew - perl

I am trying to install Perl version 5.19.2 or version 5.19.8 with perlbrew. I am using the following command to install:
perlbrew -v install perl-5.19.8 (or 5.19.2) -Dcc=gcc
Everytime no matter what version I am trying to install I keep getting the following error:
FatPacker error loading Devel/ (could be a perl installation issue?) at /Path/to/my/perl/bin/patchperl line 33687
I am not sure whats going on. I am not very experienced in Perl. If anyone can offer me some tips/help that will be great.


Net::SSLeay::Handle compiling error in Ubuntu 16.04

I've a problem to install the aforementioned module via cpanm in my multi-threading version of Perl (not the original one).
I've Ubuntu 16.04.
When trying to compile and test this module it gives me the following error:
/usr/bin/ld: impossible to find -lz
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
Makefile:494: instructions set for target "blib/arch/auto/Net/SSLeay/" fail
make: *** [blib/arch/auto/Net/SSLeay/] Error 1
-> FAIL Installing Net::SSLeay::Handle failed. See /home/my_name/.cpanm/work/1548275319.13675/build.log for details. Retry with --force to force install it.
openssl,ssllib-dev-perl,libnet-ssleay-perl, libcrypt-ssleay-perl already installed via apt-get.
I've also tried to compile manually this module, without success. I forced the installation way.
The error seems linked with something missing in /usr/bin/ld: (impossible to find -lz collect2).
Is there anyone who can help me with this?
Cpanm has always worked pretty well. Up to now i've been able to get all my modules installed and well functioning, apart from Net::SSLeay::Handle.
Thanks in advace for your help
Ok, i solved by installing this packages (Ubuntu 16.04LTS):
-zlib1g-dev as suggested above
Once you're done doing that, remember to avoid testing the module when gcc will be finishing compiling it, because in most cases it fails.
So the best incantation in doing this should be as follows:
-cpanm install -v --notest Net::SSLeay::Handle
Many thanks again to all Perl mates writing in this forum.
You saved the day
first log in cpan
sudo cpan
force intalling the module should work
force install Net::SSLeay::Handle
This should also install missing modules or notice it

XML Parser perl module is needed

I'm trying to install intltool on Debian (Raspberry Pi). When running
The system always come back with the error:
checking for XML::Parser... configure: error: XML::Parser perl module is required for intltool
But I do have the latest version libxml and libxml-libxml-perl installed.
Can anyone help me interpret what is missing here?
Thank you!
You need to install XML::Parser::Style::Tree module. Try with cpanm
cpanm XML::Parser::Style::Tree
Or using CPAN Shell
perl -MCPAN -e shell
install XML::Parser::Style::Tree
After that, the module will be installed and XML::Parser will work well.

Unable to install Params::Validate

I am trying to install Params::Validate on perl 5.10.0.
Executing cpan install Params::Validate will give me the error:
can't locate object method "object_file" via package "ExtUtils::CBuilder" at /usr/lib/perl5/5.10.0/lib/5.10.0/Module/Build/ line 3935.
What is this error and how can I install Params::Validate?
I was able to install the module. It seems like the perl version 5.10.0 didnt have a Module::Build up to date.
Installing the latest version of the module fixed my issue. Hope this helps somebody that meets the same issue.

Perl Install PAR:Packer Problems

My perl version is 5.16.2 on my Windows 7 64bit, I failed to install PAR:Packer. I tried active perl and strawberry perl , both got the same error. Can you please give me some suggestion. Below is my experience:
I tried ppm install PAR:Packer, version 1.013, But when I use pp, I got the error:
Perl lib version (5.16.2) doesn't match executable version (v5.16.0).
I also tried cpan install PAR:Packer, version 1.014. But I got the error during installation. The pop up window says: par.exe has stopped working. Then command prompt got the error:
C:\Perl64\bin\perl.exe -Mblib par.exe -q -B -Oparldyn.exe
system(par.exe -I C:\Users\PAR-Packer-1.014\blib\arch -I C:\Users\PAR-Packer-1.014\blib\lib - IC:/Perl64/site/lib -IC:/Perl64/lib -I. -q -B -Oparldyn.exe) failed:
dmake.exe: Error code 255, while making 'parldyn.exe'
dmake.exe: Error code 255, while making 'subdirs'
I have googled extensively, but as of yet haven't been able to find a solution, any help is greatly appreciated, thanks a lot!
I simply changed the line 60 in .../perl64/ from
`$^V eq 5.16.3`
`$^V eq 5.16.3 or $^V eq 5.16.0`
and voila! My par-packer module 1.013 installed through ppm (ActiveState Perl 5.16.3) works ...
I'll start off with my own environment:
Windows 7 x64 en_US
Strawberry Perl v5.16.2 32bit
I just confirmed that I do have PAR::Packer working on my environment. I'm running PAR::Packer version 1.014.
There is a bug logged about PAR::Packer 1.013 failing to build on certain environments. The bug is logged on CPAN here:
I recommend trying one of the following paths forward (based on your build version requirements):
Install PAR::Packer 1.0.14.
Install the patched version of PAR::Packer 1.013 that is available at
To build you will need any dependencies as well. Hopefully those work just fine through CPAN.
Download either the patched version listed above or the latest version from the CPAN site, then execute:
dmake test
dmake install
Keep in mind PAR::Packer requires a C/C++ compiler to build.
I ran into this exact same error scenario with Perl 5.16.3 on my Windows 7 64 bit machine. I started my Perl tinkering with ActiveState and later installed other related programs like Komodo Edit and finally installed StrawberryPerl. After reading quite a few of these online posts I tried the manual dmake methods and whatever other suggestions I could find. I then tried uninstalling ActiveState. That didn't help either. Finally, I went on an uninstall binge and found that after uninstalling all of the ActiveState and Komodo applications (along with a bunch of other stuff I wasn't using anymore) I was able to successfully install and use pp in two simple steps from the cpan prompt:
install CPAN
install pp
I was going to uninstall and re-install StrawberryPerl next but didn't have to. The install CPAN may not be necessary but it was suggested in the log output in one of my previously failed attempts so I figured I'd try that first. Hope this saves someone all the hassle I went to as a begginer.

Why can't I install DBD::mysql so I can use it with Maatkit?

I'm trying to install Maatkit following the maatkit instructions. I can't get past having to install DBD::mysql. "Warning: prerequisite DBD::mysql 1 not found."
When I try to install DBD::mysql from cpan, I get very helpful "make had returned bad status, install seems impossible".
Perl is "v5.8.8 built for darwin-thread-multi-2level", the one that came with OS X. I also tried building from source with same result.
We need more of the error message. Most likely, you are missing the MySQL client development files. I don't know how to install these on OSX. Also see this older post on OSX 10.5.2 , in which some other failures with the mysql client libraries are found.
Possibly post this question with more parts of your error message at, if stackoverflow doesn't allow for convenient pasting of your make session or rather the last 20 or 10 lines of it.
Some more Googling with also finds this post which has some more details on things to watch out for when installing DBD::MySQL. Depending on how comfortable you feel with the installation, you might want to manually run the tests, supplying a test database and test user or even skip testing the module.
After a bit more googling, this worked for me:
sudo ln -s /usr/local/mysql/lib /usr/local/mysql/lib/mysql
sudo ln -s /usr/local/mysql/include /usr/local/mysql/include/mysql
sudo perl -MCPAN -e 'install Bundle::DBD::mysql'
press enter a bunch of times, then in your maatkit folder:
perl Makefile.PL
sudo make install
and you'll find the mk-* programs in /usr/local/bin/
You will want to install MySQL first. I usually use the binary packages they provide for OS X. The packages do include the headers and MySQL client libraries which DBD::MySQL requires. Once the MySQL package is installed, DBD::MySQL should install without issue.
Here is my output:
$ perl Makefile.PL
Checking if your kit is complete...
Looks good
Warning: prerequisite DBD::mysql 1 not found.
Writing Makefile for maatkit
$ mysql --version
mysql Ver 14.12 Distrib 5.0.51b, for apple-darwin9.0.0b5 (i686) using readline 5.0
I notice that there are in effect DBD::MySQL packages in the fink repositories. For example:
ayaz#ayazs-macbook$ fink list | grep -i 'dbd-mysql'
dbd-mysql-pm586 3.0008-10 Perl5 Database Interface to MySQL
dbd-mysql-pm588 3.0008-10 Perl5 Database Interface to MySQL
Perhaps installing through fink one of those packages may help alleviate your troubles.
Also, and I cannot be certain of this, you may want to install for MySQL-5.x (if you have that version installed) the mysql15-dev and mysql15-shlibs packages. I installed those through fink thus:
$ sudo fink --use-binary-dist install mysql15-dev