How to send the xml to mongoDb? - mongodb

i am trying to send an xml.bz2 file to mongodb and i am using Mac and writing everything in the terminal.
In the there is a step 4 that i stucked,
4 get going
load it into mongo (10-15 minutes)
wikipedia-to-mongodb ./afwiki-latest-pages-articles.xml.bz2
I have a directory called wikipedia-to-mongodb and i downloaded file with wget. I connected mongod,
when i write the terminal that $ wikipedia-to-mongodb ./afwiki-latest-pages-articles.xml.bz2 it is not working. What am i doing wrong? I am kind of new this environment.
I tried 2 inputs below you can see it
input= ./afwiki-latest-pages-articles.xml.bz2
[thread1] SyntaxError: missing name after . operator #(shell):1:22
input= wikipedia-to-mongodb ./afwiki-latest-pages-articles.xml.bz2
-bash: wikipedia-to-mongodb: command not found


How can I change the .dbshell history file location

With cmd in Win10, after terminate the mongo service, I got the error:
Error saving history file: FileOpenFailed Unable to fopen() file
C:\Users\鍒樺簡鏂嘰.dbshell: Access is denied.
If use Powershell with Admin, I will get this strange file in C:\Users:
So, the error occurs for the reason of my non-English name directory, so how to change the location of the .dbshell file in MongoDB? Thanks!
You can set it with environment variable USERPROFILE:
c:\>set USERPROFILE=C:\Temp Files\IMP
c:\>mongo --norc
MongoDB shell version v4.4.1
connecting to: mongodb://
Implicit session: session { "id" : UUID("b242c05d-68d5-48a5-ba06-43665f3eb2e9") }
MongoDB server version: 4.4.1
MongoDB Enterprise > db
MongoDB Enterprise > print("Hello World")
Hello World
MongoDB Enterprise > exit
c:\>cat "C:\Temp Files\IMP\.dbshell"
print("Hello World")
see How to get to the Mongo shell history file or all history on Windows
Note, at startup the mongo shell reads file %USERPROFILE%\.mongorc.js, so you may have to move this file as well.

How can I turn on the Kodi webserver from the command line?

My Kodi is running as root (for better or for worse). This means the user folder is:
A quick search for web-related junk:
cat guisettings.xml | grep web
<webserver default="true">false</webserver>
<webserverpassword default="true"></webserverpassword>
<webserverport default="true">8080</webserverport>
<webserverusername default="true">kodi</webserverusername>
<webskin default="true">webinterface.default</webskin>
Looks good to me. I just have to turn on the webserver.
Steps Taken
systemctl stop kodi
perl -i -pe 's/<webserver default="true">false<\/webserver>/<webserver default="true">true<\/webserver>/' /root/.kodi/userdata/guisettings.xml # (I actually used vim)
systemctl start kodi
Guess what happens, the guisettings.xml gets overwritten each time I start Kodi. I also tried adding the following file: /root/.kodi/userdata/advancedsettings.xml with the following contents:
<loglevel hide="attribute">3</loglevel>
<webserver default="true">true</webserver>
<webserverpassword default="true"></webserverpassword>
<webserverport default="true">8080</webserverport>
<webserverusername default="true">kodi</webserverusername>
<webskin default="true">webinterface.default</webskin>
This also does not work.
Are you by any chance trying to enable the web server to allow using Kodi remote?
I encountered the same issue too, "guisettings.xml gets overwritten".
According to, you need to configure 2 more XML elements.
To be complete, having the following in advancedsettings.xml should help:

q - cannot load log4q

I would like to use log4q. I downloaded the log4q.q file to my %QHOME% directory. When I try to load the script
C:\Dev\q\w32\q.exe -p 5000
q) \l log4q.q
I get
[0] (<load>)
When I try the same in qpad after connecting to localhost server I get
(attempt to use variable .log4.q without defining/assigning first (or user-defined signal))
which I find strange because I can switch to non-existing namespaces in the console without any issues.
Thanks for the help!
It looks like a typo in the first line stemming from a recent change of namespace from .l to .log4q
I think the first line should be:
\d .log4q
\d .log4.q

%include centos kickstart unable to open input kickstart file

Hi would like to have multiple kickstart files which use a central kickstart file for the bulk of the install and a second file for the small differences. I'm building DVDs for distribution.
The first ks contains small config and has a %include line which points to a common ks file which should do most of the work.
I'm having trouble with %include line.
Fist of all have I understood what %include is for?
Second I think I have the syntax wrong because when I boot I get the following error message:
unable to open input kickstart file: Could not open/read file:///mnt/sysimage/media/dvd/ks/common.cfg
I am installing from a DVD what is the correct path or syntax to the files stored in a sub directory called /ks/ of the DVD's root?
I have tried the following:
%include /mnt/sysimage/media/dvd/ks/common.cfg
%include cdrom:/ks/common.cfg
Does anyone have any working examples?
Thanks in advance for your support
I eventually found part of the answer
%include /mnt/stage2/ks/common.cfg
The dvd is mounted as stage2
However I now get an error message saying it cant read the file
I can see the file and less it if I hit ctrl + alt + F1
Does anyone have a working simple example of how this should be written?
Open your isolinux/isolinux.cfg from the OS and give the ks file path as below . You can enter your kick start option in boot: prompt of dvd
label 1
kernel vmlinuz
append initrd=initrd.img nofb skipddc lang= devfs=nomount ramdisk_size=8192 ks=cdrom:/option1.cfg 1
label 2
kernel vmlinuz
append initrd=initrd.img nofb skipddc lang= devfs=nomount ramdisk_size=8192 ks=cdrom:/option2 2
label 3
kernel vmlinuz
append initrd=initrd.img nofb skipddc lang= devfs=nomount ramdisk_size=8192 ks=cdrom:/option3.cfg 3
Then edit /isolinux/boot.msg and add the enter the below details
Select installation:
1) option 1
2) option 2
3) option 3

EclipseFP issues with Hoogle

Installed EclipseFP, looks without any observable issues. However, when I start Eclipse, I get this:
Whether I click yes or no, the same thing happens on next restart.
Also, in the Hoogle view, I see this:
even though I see the databases seemingly OK in workspace\.metadata\.plugins\net.sf.eclipsefp.haskell.browser\scion-browser-0.2-dbs:
hackage.db 123.71 MB 31.10.2014 09:42:18 Data Base File A
local.db 3.06 MB 31.10.2014 10:20:53 Data Base File A
In the scion-browser console, I have this on startup:
>> {"rebuild":true,"filepath":"C:\\eclipse\\workspace\\.metadata\\.plugins\\net.sf.eclipsefp.haskell.browser\\scion-browser-0.2-dbs\\local.db","command":"load-local-db"}
Local database loaded
>> {"module":"","command":"get-modules","db":"_all"}
>> {"rebuild":false,"filepath":"C:\\eclipse\\workspace\\.metadata\\.plugins\\net.sf.eclipsefp.haskell.browser\\scion-browser-0.2-dbs\\hackage.db","command":"load-hackage-db"}
Hackage databas"ok"
e loaded
>> {"module":"Prelude","command":"get-declarations","db":"_all"}
>> {"path":"C:\\eclipse\\workspace\\.metadata\\.plugins\\net.sf.eclipsefp.haskell.ui\\sandbox\\.cabal-sandbox\\bin\\hoogle.exe","command":"extra-hoogle-path"}
>> {"command":"hoogle-check"}
Looks like hoogle is not working from the command line either:
C:\>cd C:\eclipse\workspace\.metadata\.plugins\net.sf.eclipsefp.haskell.ui\sandbox\.cabal-sandbox\bin\
C:\eclipse\workspace\.metadata\.plugins\net.sf.eclipsefp.haskell.ui\sandbox\.cabal-sandbox\bin>hoogle fmap
Could not find some databases: default
Searching in:
There are no available databases, generate them with: hoogle data
Any ideas here? I'll add additional information as needed, just not sure what would be useful, let me know and I'll edit.
Looks like for some reason hoogle did not work from the command line either. May be related to this:
C:\eclipse\workspace\.metadata\.plugins\net.sf.eclipsefp.haskell.ui\sandbox\.cabal-sandbox\bin>hoogle data
Downloading downloads/platform.cabal
WARNING: Could not find command line program wget.
You may be able to install it from:
WARNING: Could not find command line program curl.
You may be able to install it from:
hoogle: Error when running Shake build system:
* default.hoo
* platform.hoo
* platform.txt
* downloads/platform.cabal.cache
* downloads/platform.cabal
Could not find downloader, neither curl nor wget are on the $PATH.
I have Cygwin installed, so I fixed this by running hoogle data from withing Cygwin terminal, which had wget available in the path and that seems to have solved the issue.