Bootstrap 3 Datepicker v4 - jquery.noConflict() mode - eonasdan-datetimepicker

Can I somehow specify the jQuery variable to use?
I have already jQuery version 1.7.x loaded on startup and Datepicker needs version 1.9.x. I have no chance of changing the original $ variable so I loaded jQuery 3.x in no conflict mode to _$. Is there any way to tell Datepicker to use that instead of $?


How to change primary-color of webpack for laravel?

A customer, sigh, asked to change buttons to standard 'boostrap blue' color.
Could you point me to a guide on which file change and how to recompile theme?
Or tell me if there is a way to override compiled theme without do bad things?
You can follow this section in the Backpack 4.2 docs to do that. The same also works for Backpack 4.1.
In short, in your config/backpack/base.php, under styles you should stop using the standard bundle file and use the blue bundle instead:
'styles' => [
- 'packages/backpack/base/css/bundle.css',
+ 'packages/backpack/base/css/blue-bundle.css',
Make sure you're running Backpack 4.1.57+ for that blue-bundle.css file to exist. If it still doesn't, re-publish the assets using php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Backpack\CRUD\BackpackServiceProvider" --tag=public --force

$(...).datetimepicker is not a function when use converse.js

I want to implement XMPP chat functionality in my system using converse.js for client side chat interface. but when i use converse.js in my layout page, browser showing me error like
$(...).datetimepicker is not a function
$(...).dataTable is not a function.
I have used bootstrap datetimepicker and datatables. It seems like jquery conflictions.
I have tried to resolve conflictions by changing place of some jquery files. but i didn't get success. So how can i remove conflictions?
EDIT: As of version 3.0.1 this shouldn't be an issue anymore. In previous builds the $.noConflict call wasn't being made. This is now fixed in 3.0.1. If you're using an older version, then the text below is still relevant.
Converse.js comes bundled with jQuery. It uses jQuery's noConflict method to relinquish control of the $ variable and therefore to avoid conflicts with other versions of jQuery, but apparently this doesn't always work reliably.
There are a few things you can try:
Load converse.js before all your other JS libraries.
Alternatively, drop your own jQuery and instead use the one included in converse.js. You can access it via converse.env.jQuery.
Or alternatively use the converse.js bundle that doesn't include jQuery:

Debug portal_skins order for Dexterity content types

We have one Plone site (4.3.x) using TinyMCE version 1.4.3, but we found that we should have the version 1.3.18 instead for this Plone version.
So I:
Uninstalled the TinyMCE package ( manage / portal_setup / import / Remove TinyMCE profile ).
Pin buildout version to 1.3.18 and run buildout.
Reinstalled TinyMCE package ( same procediment, but select TinyMCE install profile).
After that I notice that:
For default Plone content types it worked fine.
For the new dexterity content types defined in this Plone Site it didn't work. It load just a textarea with html into it instead of load TinyMCE.
I did many tests on this, and what I can see is that my content type should use wysiwygEditorBox macro from this template Products/TinyMCE/skins/tinymce/ but instead it is using this template Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_wysiwyg/
I tried to change order of portal_skins but it just affect Archetypes types, not Dexterity types.
What step should I do next? is there any better way to debug it instead of adding <span> tags with debug messages?
Looking in the parts/omelette directory shows the following in plone/app/form/widgets/ (line 21)
support_path string:nocall:here/${editor}_wysiwyg_support|here/${editor}/wysiwyg_support|here/po
My guess is that ${editor} isn't set right (ie to tinymce) so the above line is falling back to search for the template.

GWT: What user.agent is my browser using?

I am using GWT 2.5 and GWT 2.7. I suspect that am running into a bug caused by GWT selecting the wrong user.agent property. How can I see what user.agent property GWT has selected?
Ideally, I would like be able to open my browsers developer tools and enter something like window.gwtProperties.getUserAgent. This would return one of the values that I have specifide in the user.agent my something.gwt.xml file.
Starting point: I know in GWT 2.5 the user agent is selected by UserAgentPropertyGenerator. This writes a javascript function to somewhere that is executed and determines what user.agent is used.
The xsiframe linker (used by default in 2.7) will output a compilation-mappings.txt file mapping each permutation strong name (equivalent o a generated *.cache.js file) to the permutation property values. So looking at which file has been loaded by your browser, you can easily track back which user.agent was computed and used.

Busy Indicator - Wicket is not defined

[Wicket 6.6.0]
I try to migrate my busy indicator script from 1.5.10 to 6.6.0 (based on Generic Busy Indicator) and I always get the error "Wicket is not defined" at line ig. Wicket.Event.subscribe(...).
Should I include manually any JavaScriptReference or Wicket does it automatically? I ask because there isn't any Wicket JS script references in my page source.
Is there any Ajax behavior in your page ? If you don't, libraries are not contributed, you can however call CoreLibrariesContributor.contribute(yourApplicationInstance, iHeaderResponse); to add it into your page.