Debug portal_skins order for Dexterity content types - tinymce

We have one Plone site (4.3.x) using TinyMCE version 1.4.3, but we found that we should have the version 1.3.18 instead for this Plone version.
So I:
Uninstalled the TinyMCE package ( manage / portal_setup / import / Remove TinyMCE profile ).
Pin buildout version to 1.3.18 and run buildout.
Reinstalled TinyMCE package ( same procediment, but select TinyMCE install profile).
After that I notice that:
For default Plone content types it worked fine.
For the new dexterity content types defined in this Plone Site it didn't work. It load just a textarea with html into it instead of load TinyMCE.
I did many tests on this, and what I can see is that my content type should use wysiwygEditorBox macro from this template Products/TinyMCE/skins/tinymce/ but instead it is using this template Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_wysiwyg/
I tried to change order of portal_skins but it just affect Archetypes types, not Dexterity types.
What step should I do next? is there any better way to debug it instead of adding <span> tags with debug messages?

Looking in the parts/omelette directory shows the following in plone/app/form/widgets/ (line 21)
support_path string:nocall:here/${editor}_wysiwyg_support|here/${editor}/wysiwyg_support|here/po
My guess is that ${editor} isn't set right (ie to tinymce) so the above line is falling back to search for the template.


Typo3 problem: internal links not rendered correctly after upgrade to 9.5.11

I have just updated my typo3 site from 8.7.29 to 9.5.11 following the official documentation. From technical point of view everything went fine: the upgrade wizard ran successfully in all the required steps and there are no complains from all the available checking tools (database, extensions,...).
The additional problem was that I had to migrate from css_styled_content to fluid_styled_content (because scc_styled_content is not supported anymore by typo3 9). So I modified my old template to work with fluid. After that everything is fine except the fact that all the internal links are not rendered correctly. In particular in the FE all the internal links are reported as:
<a class="internal-link" href="t3://page?uid=246" title="Opens internal link in current window">My link</a>
So obviously typolinks are not parsed correctly.
Some other users reported a similar problem when the extension frontend editing is used. In my case the problem is still there even if this extension is disabled...
Do you have any idea on what is going on?
Thanks a lot for your help!

Image file cannot be resolved

The file of an image I used in an productbox cannot be resolved anymore.
I used this tag f:uri.image(src:bild.url,crop:bild.crop)} and PhpStorm throws me this error from now on, I did not recognize this message when I used it in other projects, but it`s also happening there.
Seems to be a current problem maybe with some Viewhelper Updates or the TYPO3 Version, I used TYPO3 v8.7.18 and v.8.7.4.
Anyone got a similar issue?
by default PhpStorm does not know about fluid. So PhpStorm probably tries to validate the fluid against HTML syntax which will fail, as there are tags not included in HTML. Also if you use fluid-variables where in HTML strings are used PhpStorm will fail.

Netbeans (7.0) HTML 'dynamic' code templates

I know how to define static, standard code templates in NetBeans and I am wondering whether it's possible to define more customized and dynamic templates.
For example, when i type div.className to generate me a HTML <div> element with the class I specify.
Start netbeans and go-to: Tools->Plugins menu,Available Plugins tab, then search for Zen Coding hit install.
type: div.className and hit: ctrl+alt+n to get: <div class="className">
You will notice the new Edit->Zen Coding menu.
Installation & usage:
Read more about Zen Coding at:

Content assist in eclipse JSDT javascript editor fails using object notation

I'm using eclipse JSDT and I have a javascript object declaration that looks like this:
var rs1 = {};
rs1.person1 = {}; = "hg"; = "lk";
Content assist will pull up rs1 properties ( in the editor if I add it to a file in the project javascript include path user library, but the following notation
var rs1 = {person1:{ phone:"hg", name:"lk"}};
then content assist will only go as far as rs1.person and stop. If I use this same JSON notation directly in my javascript, then content assist works as expected. It just doesn't work when I add it the project include path.
I've been struggling with this for a few days but I can't find a way to make it work.
Any ideas?
It seems that this may be a problem with eclipse on linux (I'm running ubuntu). I downloaded a fresh copy of indigo to ensure that it wasn't some third party plugin that was causing the problem, but the content assist was still not working.
Just tried it on a windows box this morning and content assist works as expected.

TYPO3 - how to set the <base> tag in the header of generated html pages?

I have inherited ownership of a website running on TYPO3 version 4.2.1. There are two pages that are not rendering correctly, and this seems to be down to a failure to load css and javascript files. Inspecting the page source, I can see that the <base href="blah..." /> tag is missing from the page header.
The question: how on Earth do I set the base url property in TYPO3!?
I have poured over the Typo3 website, edited various "typoscript" files, offered sacrafices to the PHP gods, all to no avail. The generated code still does not include the tag.
Any help appreciated. Please note it is not possible for me to "upgrade to the latest version", and my PHP knowledge is non-existant.
Adding this line to the "Setup" field of your site's main TypoScript template ought to do it:
config.baseURL = < URL here >
The "TSRef" (TypoScript Reference) is a key document for every TYPO3 site administrator -- it's available online here:
I recommend printing out a copy to keep at your desk, you will be referring to it frequently. (They provide it in OpenOffice format as well, to make this easy.)
Section 1.6 ("Setup") describes all the properties you can set via TypoScript's CONFIG object:
P.S. While I wasn't going to recommend you download the latest version to fix this problem, I will recommend you download the latest version to be sure you haven't missed any security patches.
Here is how to set the baseurl within the v4.5 introduction package:
Template > Home > Edit Whole Template Record
Includes (between Options and Recources tab )
Click on the little template icon to the left of ROOT, choose Edit
Under Constants > Config, enter the base domain as shown below (leave out the <>
Rememember to clear all cache and then to Ctrl + F5 to complete refresh the browser
config {
# cat=config; type=boolean; label=Admin Panel: Turn on admin panel (mainly for testing purposes only)
adminPanel = 0
# cat=config; type=boolean; label=Debugging: Turn on debugging (testing purposes only)
debug = 0
# cat=config; type=string; label=Domain name for Base URL: (excluding slashes and protocol like http://)