Install SonarQube Coverity Plugin - plugins

I'm trying to install the coverity plugin for sonarqube and followed all the instructions and executed the mvn command.
the build is successful. however, the widget does not show up after restarting sonarqube.
is there anything I missed? any help is appreciated.

after contakting coverity specialists, it turned out to be a compatibility problem. the coverity plugin for sonarqube works exclusively for sonarcube 5.3 (and not with version 6.1 I used). although the widget eventually showed up, the plugin was not able to get the defects from coverity and probably won't be able to do so at the moment for other versions than sonarqube 5.3.


Invoke Standalone Sonar Analysis isn't an option on Jenkins

I've run into a problem on Jenkins. I have installed the SonarQube plugin for Jenkins(v can't upgrade for project), but when I try to add the build step "Invoke Standalone Sonar Analysis" it isn't an option in the build steps. I've followed a few tutorials and I have installed every SonarQube plugin there is on Jenkins and it still isn't an option.
As far as I have seen no one else has come across this particular issue. Might it have something to do with my Jenkins version? I have seen some tutorials with similar Jenkins versions that are able to add that build step so I feel thats not the issue. Anyone else come across this?
Add build options:

Issue Editor and Browser for SonarQube in Eclipse are Blank

I recently installed SonarQube 5.1 on machine on my local network. I have successfully run the Maven plugin on one of my projects and everything seems to be working fine. I also installed the Eclipse plugin (Luna) from the marketplace and have been able to run an analysis within eclipse. The issues show up in the SonarQube Issues view. However, both the SonarQube Issue Editor and SonarQube Web Browser are completely blank.
This appears to be similar to this SO post, but the bug referenced there has been marked fixed. I would post a screenshot, but I don't have the required reputation.
Has anyone else encountered this?
Thanks Julien, the tip on the embedded browser led me to the solution. The problem was in fact caused by missing libraries on my system that were preventing the internal browser from functioning properly. The solution was to install the proper webkit-gtk libraries for my system. On Gentoo, the default is to install webkit-gtk:3, which is incompatible with SWT. The correct version can be installed by running emerge net-libs/webkit-gtk:2 on the command line as described in this SO answer.

Configure SonarQube Eclipse plugin to visualize the results of analysis from Sonar plugin on Jenkins

I have a question regarding the setup and configuration of SonarQube plugin in Eclipse . We have Sonar plugin version 2.1 installed in Jenkins. It runs analysis every day and I want to configure the Eclipse plugin so that it displays the result from the Jenkins analysis. I don't know if this is possible because I can't find any information about this, the only hope comes from the first answer of this question.
PS. I apologize if there already is an answer to my question, I couldn't find it.
The Sonarqube eclipse plugin is able to present to you the results of your analysis you run with jenkins. The results your are looking for however, are stored in the sonarqube database. So you need to to configure the sonarqube eclipse plugin to connect to the sonarqube-server, not the jenkins-server.
Here is how you do the configuration:

Upgrade sonar to 3.7.2

I made a bad sonar upgrade from 3.4.1 to 3.7.2. I did not upgrade plugins first, and directly upgrade sonar to 3.7.2. After that I found sonar cannot be started due to plugin consistency issue. I removed all plugins and restart sonar. Sonar started normally, but all quality profile rules are empty now, even after I re-installed all plugins from upgrade center. Any ideas?
Best Regards,
This is a known limitation. See and For now, the only way to get back the default profiles is to export them from a fresh install and import them into your production instance.

Can't run local Sonar analysis in Eclipse: Sonar version 3.4 is required to perform local analysis

I'm running Sonar both on Jenkins and local Eclipse. Recently I've updated Sonar plugin for Eclipse and since then I keep on getting the upper mentioned error. I've updated the plugin on Jenkins as well, but it did not fix the issue. I can connect to server from Eclipse and see Sonar reports there, but local analysis won't start. How can this be fixed? Thank you.
You are trying to connect to a Sonar server which version is less than 3.4.
If you upgrade your Sonar server to lastest version (3.4.1), everything will be back to normal.