Need to iterate through all objects created by the following class and destroy them after they become useless;
Casing = {}
Casing.__index = Casing
sentArray = {}
function Casing.create(x, y, z)
if x ~= nil and y ~= nil and z ~= nil then
local _casing = {}
return _casing
Edit (answer):
The issue with this question is simple: There is no need to explicity deconstruct or destroy variables. Lua automatically destroys unused variables and dereferences them accordingly — as demonstrated and explained in the answer below.
Tables in Lua are subject to GC. Simply abandon all references when they become 'useless' and unless you've turned off garbage collection their 'destruction' will just happen naturally.
An example of manually subjecting a table to GC:
local mytable = {}
mytable = nil
--[[stdout (approximation):
table: 0x7fa821c066f0
If you want to keep a record of the instances you create you can store references to them in a table. Simply removing them from the table will cause GC to clean them up, assuming no other references are held.
Something naive like this:
local my_instances = {}
local function create_instance ()
local t = {}
my_instances[#my_instances + 1] = t
return t
local function destroy_instances ()
for i = 1, #my_instances do
my_instances[i] = nil
Alternatively, you can create a weak table, so you can operate on any instances that still have external references in your program. Once again, when all references outside of this table are lost, GC will kick in.
local my_instances = setmetatable({}, {
__mode = 'k'
local function create_instance ()
local t = {}
my_instances[t] = true
return t
We have a script that defines values to names similar to #define in c. For example:
This script already exists and is used for value replacement when reading data from files.
Now we have a function (or more) that does some analysis and we would like to use the same definition in this function to avoid magic numbers. But when the script is called from the function we get an error.
Attempt to add "ERR_NOERROR" to a static workspace.
See MATLAB Programming, Restrictions on Assigning to Variables for details.
And this does not help much in the understanding of the problem.
The question is how can we make these definitions visible/usable in the functions with having to copying it every time.
function foo = bar(a)
run(script.m) %also tried running it without the run command
foo = 5;
foo = 6;
There was a nested function,below in the function which I was not aware of. This explains the problem.
This kind of scoping error happens when you use nested or anonymous function within a function. The solution is well documented.
To your case, you can avoid nested function, or "Convert the script to a function and pass the variable using arguments", as the documentation suggests.
EDIT: I should have made it clear that the error occurs even if the script is not called within the nested function. Similar scenario is that, in debug mode (by setting up a break point), it will be an error if one tries to create a temporal variable to test something.
This is not a direct answer, rather a recommendation to switch to another method, which will not be mixing scope and workspace.
Instead of defining your constant in a script, you could make a class containing only constant properties. ex: code for error_codes.m:
classdef error_codes
% ---------------------------------------------------------------------
% Constant error code definition
% ---------------------------------------------------------------------
properties (Constant = true)
noerror = 0 ;
fatal = 1 ;
errorlvl2 = 2 ;
errorlvl3 = 3 ;
warning = -1 ;
% etc ...
I use this style for many different type of constants. For tidiness, I groups them all in a Matlab package directory (The directories which starts with a + character.
The added benefit of using constant class properties is the safety that the values cannot be changed in the middle of the code (your variables defined in a script could easily be overwritten by a careless user).
So assuming my file error_codes.m is placed in a folder:
and of course the folder +Constants is on the MATLAB path, then to use it as in your example, instead of calling the script, just initialise an instance of the class, then use the constant values when you need them:
function foo = bar(a)
ERR = Constants.error_codes ;
if a == ERR.noerror
foo = 5;
foo = 6;
or it can works in switch statement too:
switch a
case ERR.noerror
foo = 5 ;
case ERR.warning
foo = 42 ;
case ERR.fatal
foo = [] ;
In my program when two functions with the same name are defined for the same table, I want my program to give an error. What's happening is that it's simply just calling the last function and executing it.
Here's a sample code
function Cat:meow( )
function Cat:meow()
kitty = Cat:create()
The result of the execution is only: "Mmm"
Instead I want something like an error message to be given.
Unfortunately, __newindex does not intercept assignments to fields which already exist. So the only way to do this is to keep Cat empty and store all its contents in a proxy table.
I don't know the nature of your OOP library, so you'll have to incorporate this example on your own:
local Cat_mt = {}
-- Hide the proxy table in closures.
local proxy = {}
function Cat_mt:__index(key)
return proxy[key]
function Cat_mt:__newindex(key, value)
if proxy[key] ~= nil then
error("Don't change that!")
proxy[key] = value
Cat = setmetatable({}, Cat_mt)
local a = {}
function a:test1(value)
local b = {}
function b:test2(v1, v2)
b:test2(_, a.test1)
Doesn't work. Value is nil. I could find a solution doing an encapsulation in an anonymous function
b:test2(variable, function(value) a:test1(value) end)
But I find it pretty bad mkay
What is the correct syntax ?
anotherObject:aFunction(variable, object.doStuff) is the correct syntax.
Using a colon : with a function is just syntactic sugar for a call or declaration with an implicit self parameter as the first argument. If you would like to follow the pattern you've shown in your example in a cleaner way, you could use a helper function.
local function bind(t, k)
return function(...) return t[k](t, ...) end
You then apply it like so.
anotherObject:aFunction(variable, bind(object, 'doStuff'))
Edit: I believe the solution to your problem will require binding at some level, without resorting to modifying the Lua interpreter or using a code translation step.
This is fundamentally because functions in Lua do not carry any information about their origin. I.e., tables do not inherently own the functions that they store.
For example, the following is perfectly legitimate Lua code.
function Circle:area() -- function Circle.area(self)
-- ...
-- Evaluate the function in the "area" slot with Square as the self parameter.
Of course, you could try a paradigm shift, but it may be too late for that if you're building an entire application based on the idea of functions being tied to the table that they have been indexed from, as you said.
Therefore, I propose the following crazy solution.
local mt = {}
function mt:__index(k)
local v = self._slots[k]
if v == nil then
-- Ascend the inheritance tree.
-- This has to be done with rawget all the way up,
-- otherwise inherited functions would be repeatedly bound.
local p = self
p = rawget(p, '_parent')
if not p then break end
v = p._slots[k]
until v
if type(v) == 'function' then
-- Return a self-bound version of the function.
return function(...) return v(self, ...) end
return v
function mt:__newindex(k, v)
self._slots[k] = v
--- Demo & Tests ---
local function Object(parent)
local o = setmetatable({_slots = {}}, mt)
if parent then rawset(o, '_parent', parent) end
return o
local o1 = Object()
local o2 = Object(o1)
assert( == nil, ' should be nil') = 3
assert( == 3, ' should be 3')
assert( == 3, ' should be 3, inherited from o1') = 7
assert( == 7, ' should be 7, overriding o1')
assert( == 3, ' should be 3, unaffected by o2 setter')
function o1:test(bar)
return + bar
assert(type(o1.test) == 'function', 'o1.test should be a function')
assert(type(o2.test) == 'function', 'o2.test should be a function, inherited from o1')
assert(o1.test(5) == 8, 'o1.test(5) should return 3 + 5 = 8')
assert(o2.test(11) == 18, 'o2.test(11) should return 7 + 11 = 18')
function o2:test2(fn)
return + fn(7)
assert(o2.test2(o1.test) == 17, 'o2.test2(o1.test) should return 7 + (3 + 7) = 17')
o2.test3 = o1._slots.test -- proper function copying
assert(o2.test3(11) == 18, 'o2.test3(5) should return 7 + 11 = 18') = nil
assert( == 3, ' should be 3 again, inherited from o1 after clearing') = false
assert( == false, ' should be false, __index needs to differentiate between nil and false')
This metatable will provide you with what you want, with inherited and bound functions to boot. You will just need to make sure that all of the tables that you want to follow this pattern also follow the method of object creation shown in the example code.
To explain, each table made in this way has any new assignment redirected into the _slots sub-table and any new retrieval checked up the _parent inheritance tree. If the type of the value is a function, then it returns a new closure with the original self that started the check bound to the function found.
Obviously, calling a function from one of these objects with the : colon syntax is going to be a silly idea, since it would evaluate to o.fn(o, o), and that is probably not what you want. Another caveat is that copying functions onto these objects, from these objects, will not work as expected. o1.newfn = o2.fn will put an o2 bound function into o1, which in turn will be re-bound to o1. The end result would be something like o2.fn(o2, o1). You will have to copy functions from the _slots table.
In conclusion: Even though this works, I would not personally recommend it in the long run, since it may be confusing to anyone used to how Lua works with tables, indexing, and functions, and there will be overhead. You might be able to do away with some it via memoizing the closures, but I'll leave that decision up to you. Good luck!
Object method declared with : needs object instance as the first parameter. It gets added automatically if you call it with :, but as you passed just a function pointer, you need to pass this as well. This means whenever you pass a function in some object somewhere, you also have to pass object instance. This works:
local a = {}
function a:test1(value)
local b = {}
function b:test2(obj, v2)
v2(obj, 100); -- object instance is always the first param of a ":"-style func
b:test2(a, a.test1) -- passing object instance and a function
Building on #ryan-stein's neat bind() solution, in a module I've found this to be slightly more concise:
local m = {}
m.__index = m
m.word = 'bar'
function m:bind(fn)
return function(...) return self[fn](self, ...) end
function m:foo(fn)
print("Foo " .. self.word)
function m:start(), self:bind('foo'))
your code will be work. the reason Ryan has said.
I doubt that in the function anotherObject:aFunction(), you were using a wrong way to call the object.stuff.The correct way as this:
local a = {}
function a:test1()
local b = {}
function b:test2(v1, v2)
b:test2(_, a.test1)
In Matlab, I would like a data structure that looks like so:
The structure may well be a class, although I don't really need all the other functionality that goes with oop.
But I require
If Q is assigned something, then automatically Qchol = cholcov(Q).
If Qchol is assigned something, then automatically Q = Qchol' * Qchol.
Meanwhile, both Q and Qchol are stored for fast read-access
And Q and Qchol are writable through simple assignment, e.g.: DS1.mod.Q = value
I know I can make model a class, and have set/get methods for Q and Qchol. However, this really seems like an overkill for just two matrices (plus maybe some more fields). Also Matlab warns me that I should not access other properties during in a set method.
So: What is the best way to have such data structures, preferably without warnings?
You basically want assignment (DS1.mod.Q = value) to have side-effects, which inevitably implies a setter, and hence a class. You should either drop this requirement, or write a class.
If you wish to avoid definition of properties in the class declaration, you could use Dynamic Properties, which allows you to add properties at runtime (although with some telltale syntax addprop()).
Patric, the problem goes deeper then just M-lint. Consider the following class:
classdef cantInstantiateMe < handle
function obj = cantInstantiateMe(x)
obj.x = x; % <-- this calls set.x(), which calls set.minus_x(), which calls set.x(), ...
obj.minus_x = -x;
function set.x(obj, value)
obj.x = value;
obj.minus_x = -value; % <-- this gives an M-Lint warning
function set.minus_x(obj, value)
obj.minus_x = value;
obj.x = -value;
This class cannot be instantiated, because each setter calls the other setter (this is not Matlab-specific). Trying to instantiate on my machine gives:
??? Maximum recursion limit of 500 reached. Use set(0,'RecursionLimit',N)
to change the limit. Be aware that exceeding your available stack space can
crash MATLAB and/or your computer.
At this point I think you have two options:
Make either Q or Qchol a dependent property. This will come at the cost of re-calculating the dependent property each time you read-access it.
Use some private shadow properties e.g. shadow_Q and shadow_Qchol which will be set when the setter for the public property is called, and returned when their getter is called. Similar to:
function set.x(obj, value)
obj.shadow_x = value;
obj.shadow_minus_x = -value;
function value = get.x(obj)
value = obj.shadow_x;
Note the I did not test this properly, so I don't know all implications in Matlab. In other languages I'm familiar with, this should work fine.
Regarding the warning - my approach is that it is safe to disable the warning, as long as you really know what you are doing.
As suggested by #bavaza, one way to implement this is to use a dependent property with corresponding shadow private properties.
Below is the code implementing the inner data structure (inspired by this post). You need to use composition to make an instance of this class a property of the outer object:
classdef Model < handle
properties (Dependent)
properties (Access = private)
function obj = Model()
function val = get.Q(obj)
val = obj.Q_;
function val = get.Qchol(obj)
val = obj.Qchol_;
function set.Q(obj, val)
obj.Q_ = val;
obj.Qchol_ = cholcov(val);
function set.Qchol(obj, val)
obj.Qchol_ = val;
obj.Q_ = val'*val;
Setting one value using the exposed dependent properties affects both underlying variables:
>> m = Model
m =
Model with properties:
Q: []
Qchol: []
>> m.Qchol = rand(3)
m =
Model with properties:
Q: [3x3 double]
Qchol: [3x3 double]
I'm trying to figure out how to ask the user whether they want to replace the previous object of the same class with the default object, or simply use the previous object, when calling the constructor.
I'm looking for actions in both these cases:
>>obj = Obj()
'obj' already exists. Replace it with default? (y/n): y
%clear obj and call default constructor to create new obj
>>obj = Obj()
'obj' already exists. Replace it with default? (y/n): n
%cancel call of Obj()
How would I do this? I've messed around with the default constructor, to no avail.
EDIT: If it makes any difference, Obj is a subclass of Handle.
The following solution stems from several workarounds/hacks and is not part of the standard MATLAB's OO constructs. Use with caution.
You need to:
evalin() into the 'caller' workspace the names and classes of the 'base' workpsace variables
retrieve the last executed command
extract the name of the assigned variable with e.g. regexp()
compare names and classes. If a total match occurs, i.e. the variable in the 'base' workspace is being overwritten with a new instance of the same class, ask the user for input(). If the user chooses to preserve the existing object, overwrite the new instance with the existing one through evalin('caller',...).
The class foo:
classdef foo < handle
check = true;
function obj = foo()
% variable names and sizes from base workspace
ws = evalin('base','whos');
% Last executed command from window
fid = fopen([prefdir,'\history.m'],'rt');
while ~feof(fid)
lastline = fgetl(fid);
% Compare names and classes
outname = regexp(lastline,'\<[a-zA-Z]\w*(?=.*?=)','match','once');
if isempty(outname); outname = 'ans'; end
% Check if variables in the workspace have same name
idx = strcmp({}, outname);
% Ask questions
if any(idx) && strcmp(ws(idx).class, 'foo')
s = input(sprintf(['''%s'' already exists. '...
'Replace it with default? (y/n): '],outname),'s');
% Overwrite new instance with existing one to preserve it
if strcmpi(s,'n')
obj = evalin('caller',outname);
Class in action:
% create class and change a property from default (true) to false
clear b
b = foo
b =
foo with properties:
check: 1
b.check = false
b =
foo with properties:
check: 0
% Avoid overwriting
b = foo
'b' already exists. Replace it with default? (y/n): n
b =
foo with properties:
check: 0
The weaknesses (see points above):
applies only to cmw line and script executed commands, not functions (see link to extend to function calls). Also, might break in case of problems reading history.m.
the current regex fails on a==b.
Dangerous because the evalin() on user input leaves potential security threats open. Even if the input is filtered with the regexp and the string comparison, the construct might pose a problem if the code is revisited later on.
try this, not sure if you are familiar with it, but this mean, you only have one global instance of this specific object.
You could use the function isobject() (see doc here) to check if the variable is an object. If true, you could then check the class of the object with class() (see doc here) and compare it to the class of the object you want to build. Something like (just to give you an idea):
if isobject(obj)
if class(obj) == myclass
% ask to replace it or not
% create new one over the object of a different class
% create new one
If I understand your question correctly, you probably want to put this as a constructor function for your class. I think you will have to pass the variable name when calling the constructor: obj = Obj(obj).