In MATLAB, is it possible to check if an object already exists before creating a new one? - matlab

I'm trying to figure out how to ask the user whether they want to replace the previous object of the same class with the default object, or simply use the previous object, when calling the constructor.
I'm looking for actions in both these cases:
>>obj = Obj()
'obj' already exists. Replace it with default? (y/n): y
%clear obj and call default constructor to create new obj
>>obj = Obj()
'obj' already exists. Replace it with default? (y/n): n
%cancel call of Obj()
How would I do this? I've messed around with the default constructor, to no avail.
EDIT: If it makes any difference, Obj is a subclass of Handle.

The following solution stems from several workarounds/hacks and is not part of the standard MATLAB's OO constructs. Use with caution.
You need to:
evalin() into the 'caller' workspace the names and classes of the 'base' workpsace variables
retrieve the last executed command
extract the name of the assigned variable with e.g. regexp()
compare names and classes. If a total match occurs, i.e. the variable in the 'base' workspace is being overwritten with a new instance of the same class, ask the user for input(). If the user chooses to preserve the existing object, overwrite the new instance with the existing one through evalin('caller',...).
The class foo:
classdef foo < handle
check = true;
function obj = foo()
% variable names and sizes from base workspace
ws = evalin('base','whos');
% Last executed command from window
fid = fopen([prefdir,'\history.m'],'rt');
while ~feof(fid)
lastline = fgetl(fid);
% Compare names and classes
outname = regexp(lastline,'\<[a-zA-Z]\w*(?=.*?=)','match','once');
if isempty(outname); outname = 'ans'; end
% Check if variables in the workspace have same name
idx = strcmp({}, outname);
% Ask questions
if any(idx) && strcmp(ws(idx).class, 'foo')
s = input(sprintf(['''%s'' already exists. '...
'Replace it with default? (y/n): '],outname),'s');
% Overwrite new instance with existing one to preserve it
if strcmpi(s,'n')
obj = evalin('caller',outname);
Class in action:
% create class and change a property from default (true) to false
clear b
b = foo
b =
foo with properties:
check: 1
b.check = false
b =
foo with properties:
check: 0
% Avoid overwriting
b = foo
'b' already exists. Replace it with default? (y/n): n
b =
foo with properties:
check: 0
The weaknesses (see points above):
applies only to cmw line and script executed commands, not functions (see link to extend to function calls). Also, might break in case of problems reading history.m.
the current regex fails on a==b.
Dangerous because the evalin() on user input leaves potential security threats open. Even if the input is filtered with the regexp and the string comparison, the construct might pose a problem if the code is revisited later on.

try this, not sure if you are familiar with it, but this mean, you only have one global instance of this specific object.

You could use the function isobject() (see doc here) to check if the variable is an object. If true, you could then check the class of the object with class() (see doc here) and compare it to the class of the object you want to build. Something like (just to give you an idea):
if isobject(obj)
if class(obj) == myclass
% ask to replace it or not
% create new one over the object of a different class
% create new one
If I understand your question correctly, you probably want to put this as a constructor function for your class. I think you will have to pass the variable name when calling the constructor: obj = Obj(obj).


Call a script with definitions in a function

We have a script that defines values to names similar to #define in c. For example:
This script already exists and is used for value replacement when reading data from files.
Now we have a function (or more) that does some analysis and we would like to use the same definition in this function to avoid magic numbers. But when the script is called from the function we get an error.
Attempt to add "ERR_NOERROR" to a static workspace.
See MATLAB Programming, Restrictions on Assigning to Variables for details.
And this does not help much in the understanding of the problem.
The question is how can we make these definitions visible/usable in the functions with having to copying it every time.
function foo = bar(a)
run(script.m) %also tried running it without the run command
foo = 5;
foo = 6;
There was a nested function,below in the function which I was not aware of. This explains the problem.
This kind of scoping error happens when you use nested or anonymous function within a function. The solution is well documented.
To your case, you can avoid nested function, or "Convert the script to a function and pass the variable using arguments", as the documentation suggests.
EDIT: I should have made it clear that the error occurs even if the script is not called within the nested function. Similar scenario is that, in debug mode (by setting up a break point), it will be an error if one tries to create a temporal variable to test something.
This is not a direct answer, rather a recommendation to switch to another method, which will not be mixing scope and workspace.
Instead of defining your constant in a script, you could make a class containing only constant properties. ex: code for error_codes.m:
classdef error_codes
% ---------------------------------------------------------------------
% Constant error code definition
% ---------------------------------------------------------------------
properties (Constant = true)
noerror = 0 ;
fatal = 1 ;
errorlvl2 = 2 ;
errorlvl3 = 3 ;
warning = -1 ;
% etc ...
I use this style for many different type of constants. For tidiness, I groups them all in a Matlab package directory (The directories which starts with a + character.
The added benefit of using constant class properties is the safety that the values cannot be changed in the middle of the code (your variables defined in a script could easily be overwritten by a careless user).
So assuming my file error_codes.m is placed in a folder:
and of course the folder +Constants is on the MATLAB path, then to use it as in your example, instead of calling the script, just initialise an instance of the class, then use the constant values when you need them:
function foo = bar(a)
ERR = Constants.error_codes ;
if a == ERR.noerror
foo = 5;
foo = 6;
or it can works in switch statement too:
switch a
case ERR.noerror
foo = 5 ;
case ERR.warning
foo = 42 ;
case ERR.fatal
foo = [] ;

MATLAB CLASSES getter and setters

I come from a Java background. I am having issues with classes in Matlab particularly getters and setters. getting a message saying conflict between handle and value class I'm a little lost with what to do so any help for lack of a better word will be helpful.
classdef Person
properties(Access = private)
% class constructor
function obj = Person(age,name)
obj.age = age; = name;
function name =
function age = get.age(obj)
function value =,name)
function value = set.age(obj,age)
Since your class is currently a subclass of the default Value class, your setters need to return the modified object:
function obj =,name)
function obj = set.age(obj,age)
From the documention: "If you pass [a value class] to a function, the function must return the modified object." And in particular: "In value classes, methods ... that modify the object must return a modified object to copy over the existing object variable".
Handle classes (classdef Person < handle) do not need to return the modified object (like returning void):
function [] =,name)
function [] = set.age(obj,age)
Value vs. Handle
Going a bit deeper, the difference between a Value class and a Handle class lies mostly in assignment:
Assigning a Value class instance to a variable creates a copy of that class.
Assigning a Handle class instance to a variable create a reference (alias) to that instance.
The Mathworks has a good rundown on this topic.
To paraphrase their illustration, the behavior of a Value class is
% p is an instance of Polynomial
p = Polynomial();
% p2 is also an instance of Polynomial with p's state at assignment
p2 = p;
and of a Handle class is
% db is an instance of Database
db = Database();
% db2 is a reference to the db instance
db2 = db;
Quick'n Dirty from the Java perspective:
- "handle" classes are what your mind is set to. proper object instances with pointers to them. use them.
- "value" classes are always returning a full clone of whatever object (which has been modified by what you just did, e.g. setting a name).
the reason they have both in Matlab is that in Matlab you would expect the "value" behaviour natively. Imagine you have a matrix A = [1 2; 3 4], then assign that via B = A. if you now set B(1) = -1 you'd hope that A(1) is still 1, right? this is because matlab keeps track of "copies" and truly creates them as you modify different variables initially set to the same matrix. in OOP you'd have A(1)=-1 now as everythings an object reference.
furthermore, "native" matlab routines dont have a "this/self/me" variable that contains the instance reference to access from within functions. instead, the convention is that the class instance will be prepended to the function's argument list.
so for a function call myclass.mymethod(arg1,arg1), the declaration must be
function mymethod(this, arg1, arg2)
% Note that the name you choose for "this" is arbitrary!
mind you, this is the java-perspective (and also my favourite one), the above function call is equivalent to mymethod(myclass,arg1,arg1). this is more native to matlab-style, but somehow makes it harder to see you're calling an objects method.
now, regarding setters/getters: for handle classes, everything feels java-ish now:
classdef MyClass < handle
function set.MyProp(this, value) %Note: setMyProp is also valid!
... % do checks etc, trigger calls,
this.MyProp = value;
function value = get.MyProp(this)
... % notify, update, triggers etc
value = this.MyProp;
Of course it goes without saying that you dont need to define a getter if you just want to return the value, i.e. myclassinstance.MyProp will work without any just as well.
Finally, getters/setters for value classes are something that [never encountered me/i never needed] in my 7 years of matlab oop, so my advise would be to go with handle classes and enjoy happy matlab coding :-)
otherwise, the above explanation & official matlab docs is doing the job for value class getter/setters.

Is it possible to add methods on the fly to MATLAB classes?

Writing a subclass of dynamicprops allows to me to add properties dynamically to an object:
addprop(obj, 'new_prop')
This is great, but I would also love to create set / get functions for these properties on the fly. Or analysis functions that work on these dynamic properties.
My experience with Matlab has been so far, that once I create an instance of a class, adding new methods is not possible. That is very cumbersome, because my object may contain a lot of data, which I'll have to re-load every time that I want to add a new method (because I have to do clear classes).
So is there a way to add methods on the fly?
You cannot add methods like you add dynamic properties. However, there are two ways for implementing new methods during development that won't require you to re-load the data every time.
(1) I write standard methods as separate functions, and call them as myMethod(obj) during development. Once I'm sure they're stable, I add their signature into the class definition file - this requires a clear classes, of course, but it is a much delayed one, and from time to time you may have to shut down Matlab, anyway.
(2) With set/get methods, things are a little trickier. If you are using dynamicprops to add new properties, you can also specify their set/get methods, however (most likely, these methods/functions will want to receive the name of the property so that they know what to refer to):
prop = findprop(obj,'new_prop');
prop.SetMethod = #(obj,val)yourCustomSetMethod(obj,val,'new_prop')
(2.1) Here's an example of how to set up a hidden property to store and retrieve results (based on jmlopez' answer). Obviously this can be improved a lot if you have a better idea what you're actually designing
classdef myDynamicClass < dynamicprops
properties (Hidden)
name %# class name
store %# structure that stores the values of the dynamic properties
function self = myDynamicClass(clsname, varargin)
% self = myDynamicClass(clsname, propname, type)
% here type is a handle to a basic datatype.
self.name_ = clsname;
for i=1:2:length(varargin)
key = varargin{i};
addprop(self, key);
prop = findprop(self, key);
prop.SetMethod = #(obj,val)myDynamicClass.setMethod(obj,val,key);
prop.GetMethod = #(obj)myDynamicClass.getMethod(obj,key);
function out = classname(self)
out = self.name_;
methods (Static, Hidden) %# you may want to put these in a separate fcn instead
function setMethod(self,val,key)
%# have a generic test, for example, force nonempty double
validateattributes(val,{'double'},{'nonempty'}); %# will error if not double or if empty
%# store = val;
function val = getMethod(self,key)
%# check whether the property exists already, return NaN otherwise
%# could also use this to load from file if the data is not supposed to be loaded on construction
if isfield(,key)
val =;
val = NaN;
I'm adding this answer because I think that this is not intuitive. At least not to myself at this moment. After finding this question I thought I had what I needed to be able to define the set/get methods for my dynamic class. All I wanted to achieve with this was something similar to what python does with its __setattr__ method. In any case, here is a continuation of the class made by #jonas a while ago with a few modifications to add the our custom set method.
classdef myDynamicClass < dynamicprops
properties (Hidden)
name_ %# class name
function self = myDynamicClass(clsname, varargin)
% self = myDynamicClass(clsname, propname, type)
% here type is a handle to a basic datatype.
self.name_ = clsname;
for i=1:2:length(varargin)
key = varargin{i};
addprop(self, key);
prop = findprop(self, key);
prop.SetMethod = makefunc(key, varargin{i+1});
function out = classname(self)
out = self.name_;
function h = makefunc(key, argtype)
h = #newfunc;
function newfunc(obj, val)
obj.(key) = argtype(val);
With this class I'm defining the set method so that the parameter passed to the attribute is copied to the right type. To see what I mean consider the following usage:
>> p_int = myDynamicClass('Point', 'x', #int8, 'y', #int32);
>> p_int.x = 1000
p_int =
myDynamicClass with properties:
y: []
x: 127
>> class(p_int.x)
ans =
With this we have forced the x attribute to be an integer of 8 bits which can only hold integers from -128 to 127. Also notice how the class of each attribute gives us the intended type.
My experience with Matlab has been so far, that once I create an instance of a class, adding new methods is not possible. That is very cumbersome, because my object may contain a lot of data, which I'll have to re-load everytime that I want to add a new method (because I have to do clear classes).
It's worth noting for present-day readers of this question that this is no longer true. As of MATLAB R2014b MATLAB updates class definitions at the moment you save them, and the behaviour of existing class instances automatically updates accordingly. In the case of adding new methods, this is uncomplicated: the new method simply becomes available to call on class instances even if they were created before the method was added to the class.
The solutions given for choosing set/get methods for dynamic properties still apply.
There are still cases where you might want to add methods to an instance dynamically and the method doesn't constitute a property set/get method. I think the only answer in this case is to assign a function handle as the value to a dynamic property. This doesn't create a bona fide method, but will allow you to call it in the same way you would a method call:
addprop(obj, 'new_method');
obj.new_method = #(varargin) my_method(obj,varargin{:});
Calls to obj.new_method(args) are thus passed to my_method; however this only works with a scalar obj; an array of instances will have separate values for the new_method property so obj.new_method no longer resolves to a single function handle that can be called if obj is an array.

Stumped trying to implement Save/Load object functionality in a MATLAB UI

I am trying to implement save/load functions in a MATLAB (R2009a) UI. My object implements a layout function that generates a user interface for the object. I am trying to implement the callbacks for the save/load buttons. The save button works and save the object out to a MAT file which can be loaded later.
My problem is implementing the callback for the load button. I cannot seem to get the load to load the data from the MAT file and update the properties of the new object. Any suggestions on where I am going wrong along with suggestions on how I might proceed is greatly appreciated.
The important code is my class definition file of course my actual object implements many more properties and methods but here is a skeleton of what I have
classdef myObj<handle
image % property holds a matlab image matrix
objCount % number of objects in image
function myObj
% empty constructor
function load_object(self)
% ask user for file
[fileName, pathToFile]=uigetfile('*.mat','Select .mat file');
tmp = load(fullfile(pathToFile,fileName);
if isfield(tmp,'obj')
self = tmp.obj;
LayoutFcn(self) % UI layout function
The UI layout is defined in a seperate file LayoutFcn.m which basically looks like
function LayoutFcn(self)
% create figure window and add various UI elements
% create load button
self.children(end+1) = uipushtool('Parent',hToolbar, ... % set parent to current toolbar
'CData',iconRead('open-document.png'), ... % read icon image from file
'Tag','uiLoad', ...
% create save button
self.children(end+1) = uipushtool('Parent',hToolbar, ... % set parent to current toolbar
'CData',iconRead('save-document.png'), ... % read icon image from file
'Tag','uiSave', ...
function loadingMyObject(self,hObj,event)
self.load_object; % call load_object method defined above in class definition
function savingMyObject(self,hObj,event)
[fileName,pathName]=uiputfile('.mat','Save object to MAT file');
obj = self;
Note: I am using MATLAB R2009a.
The code doesn't throw any errors. The way I wrote the code the parent object (represented by self) does not get updated after the call to LOAD in the method load_object. SO, this has the desired effect:
>> var = myObj;
>> var.load_object;
However, if I use the loadingMyObject callback defined in LayoutFcn.m in this fashion
>> var = myObjl
>> var.LayoutFcn
-> click Load button to call _loadingMyObject_
doesn't affect var properties. That is var will still have its default property values after clicking the Load button.
Changing the load methods to use set as suggested by gnovice throws the following error
??? Error using ==> set
Conversion to double from FujiCalibration is not possible.
even though I have set/get methods for each property; as in
method set.image(self,II)
% ... some data validation code ...
self.image = II
Using a loop to set each field as suggested by Mr Fooz is not really an option as my full class has public constant that throw an error when they are set.
I am looking for a solution that would avoid me having to hand code setting each field individually. Although at this point it seems like the only possibility.
I believe Mr Fooz is right. The self variable passed to load_object is an object of type "myObj", but the line:
self = tmp.obj;
is simply overwriting the self variable with the structure stored in tmp.obj. Doing:
self.image = tmp.obj.image;
should instead invoke a set operator for the image property of object self. In the MATLAB documentation there is a sample class definition with a method called "set.OfficeNumber" that illustrates this.
In addition, the following line in your function savingMyObject may be unnecessary:
obj = self;
I think it might make most sense (and make the code a little clearer) if you used the name "obj" in place of the word "self" within your class code (as the documentation tends to do). "self" doesn't appear to be any kind of special keyword in MATLAB (like it may be in other languages). It's just another variable as far as I can tell. =)
EDIT #1:
If the prospect of having to set each property individually in your load_object method doesn't sound like fun, one way around it is if you have a SET method for your object that is designed like the SET method for handle graphics. That SET command can accept a structure input where each field name is a property name and each field value is the new value for that property. Then you would have one call like:
Quite a bit shorter, especially if you have lots of properties to set. Of course, you'd then have to write the new SET method for your object, but the shortened syntax may be worth the extra work if it comes in handy elsewhere too. =)
EDIT #2:
You may be able to use the loop Mr Fooz suggested in conjunction with a try/catch block:
fn = fieldnames(tmp.obj);
for i = 1:numel(fn),
self.(fn{i}) = tmp.obj.(fn{i});
% Throw a warning here, or potentially just do nothing.
Don't assign values to self. All that does is replace the binding to the self variable in the scope of the method call. It does not call a magical copy constructor to replace the object reference in the caller. Instead, copy the fields into self. Try something like:
if isfield(tmp,'obj')
self.image = tmp.obj.image;
self.objCount = tmp.obj.objCount;
Combining Mr Fooz's and gnovice's suggestions, I added a SET function with the following definition
function set(self,varargin)
if isa(varargin{1},'FujiCalibration')
tmp = varargin{1};
fns = fieldnames(self);
for i = 1:length(fns)
if strcmpi(fns{i}(1:2),'p_')
self.(fns{i}) = tmp.(fns{i});
self.calibImage = tmp.calibImage;
for n=1:2:length(varargin)
tmp = proplist(strcmpi(proplist,varargin{n}));
value = varargin{n+1};
switch length(tmp)
case 0
msg = char(strcat('There is no ''', varargin{n}, '''property'));
case 1
tmp = char(tmp);
self.(tmp) = value;
I then modified the load_object method as suggested by gnovice by changing
self = tmp.obj
I need to make sure that properties with values I want to persist are prefixed with 'p_'.
Thanks to gnovice and Mr Fooz for their answers.

Matlab copy constructor

Is there a better way to implement copy construcor for matlab for a handle derived class other than adding a constructor with one input and explicitly copying its properties?
obj.property1 = from.property1;
obj.property2 = from.property2;
There is another easy way to create copies of handle objects by using matlab.mixin.Copyable. If you inherit from this class you will get a copy method which will copy all the properties for you.
classdef YourClass < matlab.mixin.Copyable
a = YourClass;
b = copy(a); % b is a copy of a
This copy method creates a copy without calling constructors or set functions of properties. So this should be faster. You can also customize the copy behavior by overriding some methods.
If you want a quick-and-dirty solution that assumes all properties can be copied, take a look at the PROPERTIES function. Here's an example of a class that automatically copies all properties:
classdef Foo < handle
a = 1;
function F=Foo(rhs)
if nargin==0
% default constructor
F.a = rand(1);
% copy constructor
fns = properties(rhs);
for i=1:length(fns)
F.(fns{i}) = rhs.(fns{i});
and some test code:
f = Foo(); [f.a Foo(f).a] % should print 2 floats with the same value.
You can even use
F.(fns{i}) = rhs.(fns{i});
which makes the method more useful