AutoHotKey Right Click - autohotkey

I don't understand why most of the suggestions aren't working for me, so I'm asking here.
I'm trying to get AHK to right click when I press a shortcut. I found a couple of ways to do it:
^R:: RButton
^R:: AppsKey
^R:: Click Right
as well as a few others.
However, none of these actually seem to right click as if I were physically right clicking with my mouse. They all seem to right click as though ^R was remapped to Shift+F10, or some other system right click. What I actually want is a real right click, emulated just as if I were right clicking with my mouse. It should work in folders, applications, everywhere. Is there a way to do this?

As #Jim U said in the question's comments, put it in a new script file. From your reply to his comment it seems that solved the problem, so I have written this answer to clarify that.
In programming generally, always isolate the code first as the problem can be caused by something elsewhere.


Keybindings with mouse click

I am developing in C#, and when I hold down cmd (macOS) and Click a method, I am taken to it's Definition. I am looking for a way to be able to hold down cmd+shift and click the method, and be taken to the methods Implementation. I have searched and tested for some time without finding anything; I am starting to think it is not possible.
Does anyone know how, or if it even is possible?
It's currently impossible. Mouse clicks are not considered modifiers and cannot be customized right now. There's an open issue for this:
You can still press command+F12 to jump to Implementation (which may be unhandy, since you have to press Fn as well). Besides, some applications or specific mouses allow you to map keys.

Atom popup, really annoying

I have no idea what plugin is doing this, but it's incredibly annoying everytime I move mouse mouse to constantly get a popup. When I am coping and pasting code it pops up, and I have to click somewhere else, and it blocks so much of screen. Anyone know what plugin might be doing this?
For me, this was happening because of the atom-ide-datatip package. I went into the settings for that package and unchecked "Show datatip automatically on mouse hover", and checked "Show datatip automatically on cursor stay" as that got in the way for me less.
In my opinion, it would be nice if you could turn off those datatips for certain data types, like int and str. I mostly use this package for the function parameter popups.

Using vscode, i am driven crazy by annoying pop hint every time when i hit Space key, How to solve this problem?

i am driven crazy by annoying pop hint every time when I hit Space key. As shown below:
Now, how to find out which extension or pop snippet hint is causing the issue when I hit space key and which one to disable it ?
There are two ways to solve this issue.
Method 1:
In VSCODE. click File > preferences > keyboard shortcuts and search for space you could see space might be wrongly assigned to some intelli sense. Click on that particular keyboard shortcut. Double click the stroke and change the shortcut.
Method 2:
Very expensive way.
Disable all extensions first and try the space keystroke then try enabling one by one. You will definitely find the culprit.
Hope it helps
I solved it eventually by disable all snippet extend one bye one, then the latest extensions, found out the cause is extension.
It drives me crazy too. I just turned off Editor: Suggest On Trigger Characters and it seems to be working for me!

How can I "accept" the autocomplete in Netbeans?

Sorry if this is a stupid question, for the last ten years I've worked solely in a text editor.
In Netbeans, I'd like to be able to quickly accept the autocomplete and move on. For example:
Netbeans will have automatically completed this to:
My caret/cursor is after the 'r' of bar. At this stage I would love to be able to hit one key and move to after the ] or even the " and then the ]. I can use the right keyboard arrow but that is impractical/painful. They must have thought of this by version 8? It really interrupts my flow and right now I'm just retyping the characters myself as it's quicker than moving my hand to the arrow keys.
I've scoured Netbean's menus, help, StackOverflow, Google. I think the answer will be very simple but I'm not sure what I should be searching for. I may just be very dim.
I use the end key to jump past the autocompleted characters.

ControlClick is not working

My script is supposed to press a button somewhere in my window, upper left. It is not working as it should be. I tried this:
ControlClick ClassNN ThunderRT6UserControlDC29, ahk_class ThunderRT6FormDC
Yet it doesn't work.
I tried the manual option:
Controlclick x160 y60, ....
But that doesn't work as well.
Eventually I resorted to a mere:
Click 160, 60 and that does work.
I was wondering why it is behaving like that? Also, is there a way for merely the button to get pressed without the mouse actually going all the way over there. I looks stupid and it is slow.
The main reason for me asking this question is because it is closely related to another question I posed:
How to obtain textual contents from a window
The common denominator is that anything with classNN and ahk_class seems to be problematic.
Try running script as a administrator (if you're on Windows 7 or Vista)
I finally found my own solution after skimming the documentation more thoroughly:
You can specify NA as the sixth parameter to wait for the mouse button to lift.
I found that when firing Control, Check, ,Button1 prior to ControlClick the click didn't work, but adding the NA to the end somehow magically fixed it. I suppose a click was being simulated and had not yet lifted.
First, make sure you have the capitalization correct. controlclick is case and space sensitive - everything in the name has to be correct.
Second, for your mouse-moving issue - first save the position of your mouse, then controlclick, and then put your mouse back where you found it. The mouse will only be out of place for the duration of either the click or the timeout. 160ms is not noticeable.
You might also try using ahk to activate the window, bringing it the front, and then seeing if you can tab through the controls to the one you want, and then push it by sending keys like space or return to the window in the forefront (which you have activated). This avoids using controlclick altogether. Some windows can be tricky.
Controlclick x160 y60,A,,Left,1, NA
Manual option like that should work,at least in my case it worked.
Left = your mouse button pressed
1 = number of clicks
A = Active Window
Also options to retrieve contents from the games or retrieve variables from other autohotkey parts for ControlClicks or SendMessage/PostMessage seem to not work yet.