How can I "accept" the autocomplete in Netbeans? - netbeans

Sorry if this is a stupid question, for the last ten years I've worked solely in a text editor.
In Netbeans, I'd like to be able to quickly accept the autocomplete and move on. For example:
Netbeans will have automatically completed this to:
My caret/cursor is after the 'r' of bar. At this stage I would love to be able to hit one key and move to after the ] or even the " and then the ]. I can use the right keyboard arrow but that is impractical/painful. They must have thought of this by version 8? It really interrupts my flow and right now I'm just retyping the characters myself as it's quicker than moving my hand to the arrow keys.
I've scoured Netbean's menus, help, StackOverflow, Google. I think the answer will be very simple but I'm not sure what I should be searching for. I may just be very dim.

I use the end key to jump past the autocompleted characters.


Multiple lines selection with ctrl

Hello guys today i woke up with very weird feeling that something is wrong with my vscode, I can't select multiple lines with just CTRL+click, only using multiple carets. Is it normal? how to avoid that? its pretty usefull to just quickly select some random divs element and delete them all by one backspace click.
Isn't it a standard in text editors to do it only with ctrl?
Sorry for such a trivial question, I have no other place to ask about it and get an answer

Issue with TAB and ENTER in vscode

So, Ive been using Visual Studio code now for several months, and I love it. BUT, there is one thing that is driving me nuts that I'm tired of dealing with.
VSCode has a terrible habit of changing my text when i hit TAB or ENTER at the end of typing. For example, Let's say I'm writing something and I want to tab over a few tabs. So, as an example:
I type "fix", meaning, i hit tab at the end so I can tab over a few columns. When I do this, my line changes to:
"<fix></fix>" (hope this doesnt looks weird, I had to edit to the tags wouldnt be hidden)
So, in order to tab to the right for in-line comments or something, I have to hit SPACE before i hit tab. Lame.
Similar stuff happens when I hit enter immediately after typing something. It changes my text to something else before leaving the line. So, again, I find myself adding an extra space at the end of every line.
Does an extra space hurt me in the long run? No. But my OCD is freaking out over it.
I dont have tab autocomplete turned on, so why is this behaving as such?
I'm using vscode on a Mac. I disabled and uninstalled all extensions... still happens.
So yeah, I've messed with this for days, and only now after I post a question do I figure it out. These two settings took care of my issues:
// When enabled, emmet abbreviations are expanded when pressing TAB.
"emmet.triggerExpansionOnTab": false,
// Controls if suggestions should be accepted 'Enter' - in addition to 'Tab'. Helps to avoid ambiguity between inserting new lines or accepting suggestions.
"editor.acceptSuggestionOnEnter": false
Emmet was the tab issue, and the accept suggestion on enter was the second, even though no suggestion was showing. Hope this helps someone else...

IE9 : Arrow Keys not working in text area field in popups

We are just testing our application on IE9 and I found an issue regarding the arrow keys behaviour in text area in popup window.
Two arrow keys are not working fine:
1) Left arrow key - When we enter some multiline text in the text field and try to move the left arrow key in last line. Repeated left arrows movement on the line result in the cursor going to the left THEN back to the end of the same line. It does not move to the last of the previous line (as expected).
2) Up Arrow Key - When we enter some multiline text in the text field and try to move to the previous line using the Up arrow key. It does not work.
It will be great if somebody can help me on it.
Thanks in Advance :).
I have seen many posts on this in other forums, and had some issues with it in web-based applications we use at my work. It seems to be something weird associated with IE9 and ieSpell.
While some forums have said pressing F7 allows you to get around the problem, it doesn't actually solve it, and there doesn't seem to be any acceptable permanent solution. Some say to dump your browsing history, others to turn caret browsing off in IE options.
Generally, there are lots of suggestions to get around the problem, but none to actually solve it.

Apatana 3.0.7 Code Assist - Auto Complete

Hey I'm a Cisco guy,
Just started with apatana to design a web page for my small business. My question is about the code assist and the auto complete feature. Apatana is very good at picking up what i'm typing be it an element, selector or even value sometimes. The issue im having is when i begin entering text. The code assist window will pop up, and present a list of possible choices based on what i have entered so far. then i have to either stop what i'm doing and press the down arrow, or grab my mouse and select my choice for assist. Or, i can continue typing out the element (or whatever) to narrow down the list. What I'm hoping is that, there exists a feature like in cisco terminal. where you can press the "tab" key to goto the next branch point of ambigious choices.
Let's say I was looking for the background-color selector. In my ideal world with code assist it would go something like this.
"b" ->[tab]
"back" ->"g"
"backg" ->[tab]
"background" ->"-co"
"background-co" ->[enter]
I hope this makes sense. Thank you for reading.
Moved to
That feature is not currently available, but it's an interesting idea. I'd suggest filing a feature request at

How can I make the Home key put me at position 1 in Eclipse?

I'm using Eclipse Galileo, with a plugin for PHP development. I use the same editor at work and at home for my personal projects (at work, I do not use PHP or the PHP plugin, however).
One thing about using it is driving me crazy, though, and though I've spent a couple of hours digging through all the different options under Window->Preferences (as well as searching around the Internet), I can't find out how to do this one thing. Maybe someone here can help me?
Here's what's happening. I've got a line of code:
echo "Hello world"; // <-- I'm talking about this line
and my cursor is on the 'w' in 'world'.
I hit the 'Home' key on my keyboard. In my key mappings, it claims this is supposed to take me to the beginning of the line ('Line Start', to be exact). To me, 'start' means 'there is nothing to the left of this position', aka position 1. As in, no tabs, no spaces, no nothing, and if I hit the 'Left arrow' key on my keyboard, I should then move to the end of the previous line. You know, how your browser works inside of a textarea, and how Word, Notepad, Excel, and almost every other program works.
Instead, when I hit 'Home', my cursor moves to position 5, the very beginning of the word 'echo'. This, in case it's not clear, is NOT the start of the line. It's the start of the non-whitespace content on the line, but that's not the way I expect this key to function. If I hit 'Home' again, I get to the REAL start of the line - position 1. Hit it again, and I'm back to 5.
It's possible that it's not a matter of the 'Home' key at all, but potentially a side-effect of the 'Smart Indenting' function. I also can't figure out how to turn that off (I've seen a few posts here that indicate that it can't be done), and it frequently messes up my formatting which causes me to waste my time fixing it, as I'm particular about how my code looks when I'm coding. For example, when I copy/paste a line, the indenting gets all messed up (the pasted line tabs in to where Eclipse thinks it should be, in spite of all of the preceding whitespace I've copied along with the text on the line). This may be related to the operation of the 'Home' key, or to Eclipse's conception of what the 'start' of the line really means.
I realize that people out there who don't code like I do will have an initial reaction of 'change the way you type', or 'ignore the messed-up formatting and let Eclipse auto-fix it later' or something similar. That's possible, but will take quite a bit of time, and is actively hindered by the fact that I'd be changing the way I work on this one app (in this one setting, as it doesn't do this at work), while all the others will continue to operate as I expect them to. So for me, that sort of suggestion is not a very viable option.
Thanks in advance for any help, advice or assistance you can offer.
PS. If you know of a way for me to keep 'Auto-indenting' on but turn off 'Smart Indenting', please let me know that too.
Untick General > Editors > Text Editors > Smart caret positioning at line start and end. Note that this will apply to all Eclipse editors, not just the PHP editor.