Build pages not showing on admin panel? - content-management-system

As you can see here: [1]: . I have build some pages from templates but they are not showing in admin panel. When I go for example to : http://sulu-dev.lo/contact, it opens that page.

Are you using the doctrine-dbal transport layer and do you have some kind of special character (dot, dash, ...) in your webspace configuration? There is currently an issue in Jackalope Doctrine DBAL which causes this behavior. Simply change the webspace key, use bin/adminconsole sulu:build --destroy to initialize Sulu again.
The --destroy option deletes all the existing data. If you don't want to do that you should move the /cmf/<webspace> node to match the new key using something like the PHPCR Shell on your own.


In CQ5, my responsive emulator devices list is empty

To start, I followed these directions exactly as it's stated:
The problem is, despite all of that, my Devices dropdown on the sidekick in preview mode is empty.
The list works without issue in the Geometrixx Media without issue.
I made sure I set the cq:deviceGroups and the sling:OsgiConfig as required, and also included the simulator.js in the head tags.
Edit: I have found that if I set the resourceType on the root level page to geometrixx-media/components/page, which is their working demo, it works. I have completely removed all jsp and config items from that component page and it still continues to work anyways.
Does anyone know of something that is missing from the documents, and how to fix the issue?
This is what I did to resolve this issue:
I am going to assume your application name is jason-riis
In CRXDE|Lite create a config folder in /apps/jason-riis/
Now create a node of:
*alias could be anything, I gave my application name. What it does is it will get you a unique PID when you look at it in configuration Manager
If you go to your configuration manager now, you should be able to see two MobileEmulatorProvider config settings.
Add a node property to node you just created:
TYPE=String[] (you have to click multi at the end of the value textbox)
*page is all the components that has sling:resourceSuperType of foundation/components/page and it is a multi array so it should look like this
jason-riis/components/page, jason-riis/components/widepage, jason-riis/components/newspage
I assume you already have the cq:include for simulation in your header. This makes the devices button appear in preview mode.
Last thing is, go to your website root page's jcr:content [/content/jason-riis/jcr:content] and add node property
*VALUE=/etc/mobile/groups/touch, /etc/mobile/groups/smart
*If you go to this etc path in CRXDE|Lite; you will see more relevant information in jcr:content node. This will help you in creating your own custom emulator list.
You should be able to see the dropdown now, with options of iPhone and iPad and all. I know AEM docs are frustrating, let me know if there is any confusion.

Export/Importing Expression Engine Entries

I'm currently building an Expression Engine site and have got to the stage when I would like to put it on a staging area for the client to see and start adding content too. However, if he starts adding content I'm not sure how to copy that over to my dev area before I do another update. I've had a look round for some import/export plugins but there doesn't seem to be a simple way to do it, the best way I've seen so far is to export it using a statement within this plugin:
And import it again using this plugin:
Is there a better way?
Nope. That's the only way -- major failing of ExpressionEngine. Control panel used to have an export option built in under 'Tools', but it was removed for reasons unknown!

gsutil setwebcfg weird sub folder behavior

It seems google cloud storage provides a different behavior whether a folder is access from a web client with or without a trailing /
A simple test shows a different behavior for the following link (fail to load css - background is white) (works ok - background is black)
Where the bucket has been configured using:
gsutil setwebcfg -m index.html -e 404.html gs://
For information it contains 3 simple files index.html/404.html/style.css where style.css only set the background to black.
They both correctly "redirect" to the url However the relative path does not allow for style.css to be loaded properly in the first case.
What I would like is to have the 1st case to be redirected using a trailing / (which is what Amazon S3 does). What is needed for this to work propertly so that I can give a url to someone without worrying about whether the trailing / is entered?
as a side, this works fine as at the root level ( got automatically renamed to as here the trailing / is not needed)
I've spoken with the engineering team and we agree this should work the way you expected. This will be fixed in the near term by adding a bucket configuration setting to enable the expected behavior (the extra config step is needed to avoid breaking any apps depending on the current behavior). We're also planning to make it easy to update the new config setting via gsutil. I can't say when exactly these changes will be available but tune into the gs-announce group to monitor these (and other) details about Google Cloud Storage. Thanks for bringing this to our attention.
Update (June 3, 2013): This has now been fixed in production.

Eclipse: How can I set the {user} variable?

I'm using Eclipse (v3.5.2 to be exact), and the several of the plugins I'm using use the {user} field to populate various things (for instance, Egit puts the username and email address in commits, and the StatEt plugin for R puts the username as the Authour tags in roxygen Rd doc files.)
However, On my system my username is meaningless to anyone outside of the company. Is it possible to change this field to something more sensible like "Paul Hurley" (and similarly to set an email address), either manually, via a configuration or via some script on load ?
I always modify some eclipse settings in ECLIPSE_HOME\eclipse.ini file.
-Duser.language=en BROUILLARD []
Overriding those properties is very usefull especially for bad translation in your local language. For me for example SVN plugins are really difficult to use with french translation.
Hope this helps.

How can I get rid of a persistent VBA Form Object that won't honor the form deletion?

I have an MS Access 2003 database that I'm using to develop a basic little inventory app. I have added some extraneous forms along the way and I wanted to get them out of the DB. I deleted most of them just fine but one of them appears to have left behind its VBA Object. All that's in the object is Option Compare Database. Now whenever I try to work with the database, I get the following error:
The form name 'Transaction1' is misspelled or refers to a form that doesn't exist.
If the invalid form name is a macro, ...
Truncated for typings sake.
Yes, I agree, the form doesn't exist. What confuses me so much is that all of the other forms, when I deleted them, also destroyed their VBA object as well. This one, no matter what, seems to like to stick around and I have no idea how to get rid of it.
How do I get rid of it?
Things I've tried:
Compact and Repair and the DB
Create a new form named what it's expecting, verify that it gets rid of the problem, and then delete that form.
You can try the /decompile switch
Make a backup of your mdb
Open your mdb (hold the SHIFT key down to stop any code from running) via a short
cut: msaccess.exe database.mdb /decompile
Open a module and compile your app
Save and close Access
Open again (SHIFT again) without decompile
Compact and repair database
close Access
I had similar problem. I found I had named the missing form in the STARTUP menu as the default form to open when starting Access. I opened Tools>Startup and deleted the missing forms name from the "Display/Form/Page" field of the Startup. My problem solved.
The problem I was having is that the form was named ~TMPCLP8151 and would not show up in Access no matter what I tried, but I could see it in VBA in the Project Explorer. Here's how I resolved the issue. I created a new form, and created an Event Procedure for Form_Open that contained this:
DoCmd.DeleteObject acForm, "~TMPCLP8151"
Then I just opened the form, and sure enough, the VB code deleted the form that I could not delete myself.
I had a same problem. I created a form with same name and deleted the form again. That fixed the peoblem. Try. BTW try to open the new form in design mode to make sure if the VBA module is assosiated with the new form.
I had to combine both solutions to achieve the goal.
First de- and recompile
next compact and repair
then create new form with the same name and delete it
Pay attention that the form has the status Hasmodule set to Yes
I had this problem. I renamed my default form from Form Login to frmLogin which suits my naming style, but the program was still looking for it on opening. I am using 2013 so I went to File » Options » CurrentDB and in the display dropdown select the new name. The old name remains in the list until you close and restart the application.