Any chrome API to get platform info? - google-chrome-app

As you might already know, chrome app on windows & mac & linux will be deprecated.
So, I need to show an alert on my app. but it should not be shown on chromeos.
But it seems there's not such API to determine platform.


App Launch: The Huawei Lite Simulator supports only Lite projects

When trying to run my test app on a HVD emulator, I get the following error message:
App Launch: The Huawei Lite Simulator supports only Lite projects.
Meanwhile I've realized, that currently one can only use hardware or a remote emulator for such a project. But when trying to set this up, the Harmony OS Virtual Device Manager responds with 404:
Is there anything to do about it?
I haven't tried with DevEco Studio on Windows so far, but with Android Studio on Linux, which appears to be functioning now.
With HMS Toolkit version 1.0.5, it will ask for Huawei ID and then also lists devices in Düsseldorf or Ireland (where the one is a city and the other a country). However, there are currently only EMUI ROM available. It integrates better than before, but without an HarmonyOS 2.0 ROM, it still doesn't provide the expected environment.

Using brave browser to debug flutter web app

I just started-off with flutter web and I want to use brave browser to debug my flutter apps not chrome or edge.
When I use flutter devices command, it gives the following result.
No devices detected.
Run "flutter emulators" to list and start any available device emulators.
I'm using brave by using the link provided by web-server and it does not support hot reload.
So, how to configure browsers other than chrome or edge with flutter web for complete functionality.
I found this:
All you have to do, based on your Linux operating system (for Windows
and macOS the process is similar), is to modify your .bashrc file and
insert this line:
#Put your Brave installation location here
export CHROME_EXECUTABLE="/opt/"
For MacOs,
export CHROME_EXECUTABLE="/Applications/Brave Browser"
You can use flutter run -d web-server to run your app like a server.
This means that you can just enter the URL on any browser of your choice to access your Flutter app !
Hot Restart/Reload from the terminal is not possible. You must refresh the page on your browser instead.
You can use any browser for developing flutter apps.
You can even use ngrok to forward your port to a HTTPS URL, and access your flutter app from anywhere (your phone, your desktop , someone else's device etc.)
PS: Credits to the Issue #77229 for helping me find this solution. I am aware that this workaround has already been suggested on this thread.
I just wanted to put out a simpler answer for the general viewer.
I've been diving in the same issue, it's known Brave it's Chromium-based, this will help u

Create Android Wear Emulator Without Google Play Services

I'm using Android Studio 2.3.3 and I need to test my app on an emulator without Google Play Services. I know that it was pretty easy to create one using the old device manager (as described in this question), but I can't figure out how to do it with the new one.
The SDK Manager tells me that the system images that I want/need (API level 25) are installed:
Android Wear Intel x86 Atom System Image
Google APIs Intel x86 Atom System Image
At the "Select a system image" step for my new virtual device, only images with the Google APIs are presented under the "Recommended" tab. I've checked "x86 Images" and "Other Images" but no options without Google Play Services are to be found anywhere. I've also looked through all the settings options available at the "Verify Configuration" step without finding anything useful.
Does anyone know how to do this, or is it perhaps in fact no longer possible?

Running Android app in PiP mode

Is it possible to put Google TV Android app in PiP mode (not full screen)?
I think this would be a nice feature.
Currently, the only app that is able to run in PiP mode on Google TV is the "Live TV" app. We've passed the feature request on to the Google TV product development team, and we'll definitely let the dev community know if/when it's part of a release!
There's a feature request opened for this at:
If this is an important feature to you, add a star!
In Android 8.0 oreo, they support the custom pip mode now. The document is here.
Not only works for the tv devices but also mobile devices.

Turn auto-sync on in Android emulator

I've found this problem a few times on the web, but no answer:
I'm running an android application (using C2DM) on an emulator using a google api avd (api 8 upwards, tried a few of them). I've managed to register a google account on the device, but it says "sync is off".
Anybody knows how to turn this on?
Try the latest version of Google API's Add-on with an emulator and it may have solved the issue of using the account's sync on. as described here. Not guaranteed though !
You need install Google Apps