Using object as _id in MongoDb causes collscan on queries - mongodb

I'm having some issues with using a custom object as my _id value in MongoDb.
The objects I'm storing in _id looks like this:
"_id" : {
"EDIEL" : "1010101010101",
"StartDateTicks" : NumberLong(636081120000000000)
Now, when I'm performing the following query:
"_id.EDIEL": { $eq: "1010101010101" },
"_id.StartDateTicks": { $gte: 636082776000000000, $lt: 636108696000000000 }
I does a COLLSCAN. I can't figure out why exactly. Is it because I'm not querying against the _id object with an object?
Does anyone know what I'm doing wrong here? :-)
Tried to create a compound index containing the EDIEL and StartDateTicks fields, ran the query again and now it uses the index instead of a column scan. While this works, it would still be nice to avoid having the extra index and just having the _id (since it's basically a "free" index) So, the question still stands: why can't I query against the _id.EDIEL and _id.StartDateTicks and make use of the index?

Indexes are used on keys and not on objects, so when you use object for _id, the indexing on object can't be used for the specific query you do on the field of the object.
This is true not only for _id but subdocument also.
"name":"awesome book",
"detail" :{
"alias" : "AB"
Now when you have index on detail and you query by detail.pages or detail.alias, the index on detail cannot be used and certainly not for range queries. You need to have indexes on detail.pages and detail.alias.
when index is applied on object it maintains the index of object as a whole and not per field, that's why queries on object fields are not able to use object indexes.
Hope that helps

You will need to index the two fields separately, since indexes cant be on embedded documents. Thus creating a compound index is the only option available, or creating multiple indexes on the fields which in turn use intersection index are the options for you.


MongoDB createIndex() when using populate() in my query

I have a query into my MongoDB database like this:
WineUniversal.find({"scoreTotal": {
"$gte": 50
path: 'userWines',
model: 'Wine',
match: {$and: [{mode: {$nin: ['wishlist', 'cellar']}}, {scoreTotal: {$gte: 50}}] }
Do I need to create an compound index for this query?
Do I just need a single-item index, and then do a separate index for the other collection I am populating?
In MongoDB it is not possible to index across collections, so the most optimal solution would be to create different indexes for both collections you are joining.
PS: You could use explain to see the performance of your query and the indexes you add:
mongoose's "populate" method just executes an additional find query behind the scenes into the other collection. it's not all "magically" executed as one query.
Now with this knowledge is very easy to decide what would be optimal.
For the first query you just need to make sure "WineUniversal" has an index for scoreTotal field.
For the second "populated" query assuming you use _id as the population field (which is standard) this field is already indexed.
mongoose creates a condition similar to this:
const idsToPopulate = [...object id list from wine matches];
const match = {$and: [{mode: {$nin: ['wishlist', 'cellar']}}, {scoreTotal: {$gte: 50}}] };
match._id = {$in: idsToPopulate}
const userWinesToPopulate = collection.find(match);
So as long as you're using _id then creating additional indexes could help performance, but in a very very negligible way as the _id index does the heavy lifting as it is.
If you're using a different field to populate yes, you should make sure userWines collection has a compound index on that field.

Order of Fields in Mongo Query vs Ordered Checked In

Say you're querying documents based on 2 data points. One is a simple bool parameter, and the other is a complicated $geoWithin calculation.
db.collection.find( {"geoField": { "$geoWithin" : ...}, "boolField" : true} )
Will mongo reorder these parameters, so that it checks the boolField 1st, before running the complicated check?
MongoDB uses indexes like any other DBs. So the important thing for mongoDB is if any query fields has an index or not, not the order of query fields. At least there is no information in their documentation that mongoDB try to checks primitive query fields first. So for your example if boolField has an index mongoDB first check this field and eliminate documents whose boolField is false. But If geoField has an index then mongoDB first execute query on this field.
So what happens if none of them have index or both of them have? It should be the given order of fields in query because there is no suggestion or info beside of indexes in query optimization page of mongoDB. Additionally you can always test your queries performances with just adding .explain("executionStats").
So check the performance of db.collection.find( {"geoField": { "$geoWithin" : ...}, "boolField" : true} ) and db.collection.find( { "boolField" : true, "geoField": { "$geoWithin" : ...} } ). And let us know :)
To add to above response, if you want mongo to use specific index you can use cursor.hint . This explains how default index selection is done.

Add _id when ensuring index?

I am building a webapp using Codeigniter (PHP) and MongoDB.
I am creating indexes and have one question.
If I am querying on three fields (_id, status, type) and want to
create an index do I need to include _id when ensuring the index like this:
db.comments.ensureIndex({_id: 1, status : 1, type : 1});
or will this due?
db.comments.ensureIndex({status : 1, type : 1});
You would need to explicitly include _id in your ensureIndex call if you wanted to include it in your compound index. But because filtering by _id already provides selectivity of a single document that's very rarely the right thing to do. I think it would only make sense if your documents are very large and you're trying to use covered indexes.
MongoDB will currently only use one index per query with the exception of $or queries. If your common query will always be searching on those three fields (_id, status, type) then a compound index would be helpful.
From within the DB shell you can use the explain() command on your query to get information on the indexes used.
You don't need to implicitly create index on the _id field, it's done automatically. See the mongo documentation:
The _id Index
For all collections except capped collections, an index is automatically created for the _id field. This index is special and cannot be deleted. The _id index enforces uniqueness for its keys (except for some situations with sharding).

MongoDB multikeys on _id + some value

In MongoDB I have a query which looks like this to find out for which comments the user has already voted:
_id: { $in: [...some ids...] },
votes.uid: "4fe1d64d85d4f4c00d000002"
As the documentation says you should have
One index per query
So what's better creating a multikey on _id + votes.uid or is it enough to just index on votes.uid because Mongo handles _id automatically in any way?
There is automatically an index on _id.
Depending of your queries (how many ids you have in the $in array) and your data, (how many votes you have on one object) you may create a index on votes.uid.
Take care of which index is used during query execution and remember you can force Mongo to use the index you want by adding .hints(field:1) or hints('indexname')

Adding an index to a MongoDB collection hash field

I have a MongoDB collection that I would like to add an index on. For the purpose of this post, let's say the collection name is Cats. I have a hash key on the Cats collection so if you do db.cats.findOne(); it'll look like the following:
> db.cats.findOne();
"_id" : ObjectId("4f248f8ae4b0b775c9eb002d"),
"metaData" : {
"type" : "cute",
"id" : "4ed3b6c599114b488be52bc3"
I query very often (using Mongoid), with something like this:
Cat.first(:conditions => { "" => an_id }
I'd really like to be able to take advantages of indexes here, but I'm not entirely sure if I should index all of metaData or just (I query against id specifically, and very often).
Would love any solution to this problem because I think I can dramatically speed up queries if I do the right thing here. Also, this is a unique index.
also metaData is not an embedded document. it does not have its own collection. it is simply a hash with a 1:1 mapping in each cats object.
You can just define an index on the embedded document. This is covered here:
For your specific example, this would be:
db.Cats.ensureIndex({ "" : 1}, {unique : true})
To compare your results do some of your standard queries in the shell with a .explain() to compare the speed with and without the index. If you are not doing a lot of queries you might need to hint the index to use so that it doesn't cache the "best" index (don't forget there is one on _id by default). More explain info here: