Facebook test users with checkin details? - facebook

I have created an app and have set up a few test users. My aim is to create posts with check-in to specific places say "Disney store xyz street" or " Waffle house yz street" but currently its allowing me to only add checkins for specific cities.
Am I doing something wrong?


Streamchat.io: Accessing a user's teams

I'm trying out Stream's chat API. It is possible to enable multi-tenancy, so that users can only search for other contacts that are in the same teams as themselves. I want to query for a user's contacts. If you do that you have to specify a team filter like so:
Client.shared.queryUsers(filter: .contains("teams", "Chicago Bulls"))
Of course I would like to not hardcode the team name for other users that aren't members of the Chicago Bulls. How do I do that? There's no teams properties on User in the Swift SDK as far as I can see, so you can't just do Client.shared.user.
Support is added at https://github.com/GetStream/stream-chat-swift/pull/295
Grab the new version.

google map what information to save to database

I use angular client and express/mongodb server for my website. I need to implement a location picker.
Here is a demo.
I need to store users address in my database. I dont want to store the entire complex object as it would be very tedious. (see the screenshot)
I need to be able to suggest friends nearby, same street, or same city, same state etc.
If i store the formatted_address, it's easy to save, but hard to get the relationship between 2 places. e.g. 2 user may enter the following 2 addresses.
Santa Monica, CA, USA
California, USA
So what information should I save?

Require api to search for company information

Hi i am new into IOS development, I have requirement from my client that he wants to search for particular company name in particular city and in particular country.
The query would be like
"company name +city + country name".
Can anyone suggest me is there some kind of API available for this kind of query. Any help would be appreciated.

Facebook APIs using checkins as an entry to raffle

I've been exploring ways that it might be possible to promote the business of a friend of mine. One of these ways is by encouraging users to check in to his business, the incentive for this being that they go into the draw to win some kind of prize.
I've been trying to find if the code for this already exists but I might be looking in the wrong places. If it doesn't what would be the best way to do it using the graph APIs.
You can use Facebook app to check-in to your page/business.
All page check-ins can be fetched using following request by your code
If you want to get only specific time period check-ins use since and until params in query.
You have to parse the json response and store in an array and randomly select the winner.
you can contact the winner using their facebook id and send them a message.
You will have to write the code yourself, but it would essentially work like this:
Get the user to allow access to the "Raffle" application and get their email address and permissions to look at their check-ins. Email is required to contact the winner.
Use a scheduled script (cronjob) to periodically check if the user has checked-in anywhere (in particular, the business you want to promote).
Award a raffle ticket for each unique check-in within a 24 hour period.
Hold a draw between all the users who checked in on that day or week and award the prize to someone randomly.
Pretty simple flow, but complex code.

list of companies using facebook graph API in a specific region (defined by lat/lng)

If I search for all pages for a particular business (say IBM), the result JSON has many objects, each one's category could be one of "Local business", "Company", "Product/service", "Computers", "Internet/Technology", "Computers/technology" or something else. Which one of these is the company info? or is there a graph API which gives company info?
EDIT: Just to clarify my question further, when I do a get request using this reference, the JSON result is an array of entities, each with unique facebook id. Is there a way to know which one refers to IBM headquarters? or regional offices or something else.
Currently, "category" doesn't make any sense to me.
To what I have seen the facebook API for pages is not very advanced, the developers page would be more helpful.