Accessing a user's teams - swift

I'm trying out Stream's chat API. It is possible to enable multi-tenancy, so that users can only search for other contacts that are in the same teams as themselves. I want to query for a user's contacts. If you do that you have to specify a team filter like so:
Client.shared.queryUsers(filter: .contains("teams", "Chicago Bulls"))
Of course I would like to not hardcode the team name for other users that aren't members of the Chicago Bulls. How do I do that? There's no teams properties on User in the Swift SDK as far as I can see, so you can't just do Client.shared.user.

Support is added at
Grab the new version.


Moodle REST API to get all the course list and users enrolled for that particular courses

There is any Moodle REST API available to get all the course name list and all the users enrolled for that particular courses.
Someone suggest the answer using SQl query. But I need any Moodle API available for that.
API is available for get all the users enrolled for single course by passing courseId in core_enrolled_get_enrolled_users . But I have to display all the courses and number of users enrolled for that course in charts . Please find below the sample charts :
You may first get courses through core_course_get_courses and then iterate resulting array and apply core_enrolled_get_enrolled_users to each course id.

Yammer API get list of all users in All Company does not work and only gives me users in the current user’s Yammer network. I need every single user.
If All Company had an ID I could use
Moreover, does not seem to have All Company within it
On the backend, All Company is not actually a group. It behaves kind of like a group in the UI, but with notable difference like users not being able to leave All Company. This and other difference betray the fact that the Yammer backend does not in fact treat All Company as a normal group.
Hitting the users.json endpoint will give you data about all users in the users' current network. This list of users is the same as the list of users who are "members" of the All Company group for that network.

Swift - Parse - Friend list - Possibility to create groups of friends

Could someone give me a link (github/gitlab) of a swift projet which show the possibility of managing Users on Parse.
For example , I would like for a user (who have 15 friends):
to create a group with 5 friends for example (the user could add a name for this group)
to delete if necessary the group
to send a message(textfield) to a group
to send a message (textfield) to a user
For the UI, I would like if it exists, to manager user like the Springboard (having the picture of user in round), and when you longpress on it, you have a cross to delete /and 'block sign' to block user.
And the user could drag/drop other user on his friend list to create a group (like on the Springboard when you create a group of app)
Thanks for helping me !
Have a nice day!
I've not come across such framework for parse/swift. I think you need to build it yourself.
This might help you in the direction:
Friend/de-friend people: &
Parse Swift: User relations with a "friends request"
Send messages framework:
What you're asking for is pretty general and extensive. You could use Roles and Relations to manage friend groups. You could have Group objects, give them an owner, and a relation for all the members of the group.
For chat, I'd recommend not trying to just build that directly into Parse. Twilio recently released their Programmable Chat feature, which is awesome. Sounds like it'd be beneficial for you to use that.

Openfire contact list sharing

I installed openfire on CentOs and it uses external database for authentification and user list.
I managed groups based on a user table and a friend listing so that each user is also a group that is is an administrator and populated with users that are (friends).
External users and authentication works fine.
The issue is that the buddy list is only populated when is check "enable contact list group sharing openfire" on group administration.
I want to make this option always enabled so that user can see each other in their buddy list.
this is an existing issue openfire issue
Are there any possible solutions or alternatives.
In other words, I want to avoid adding the following three lines to the ofGroupProp table:
name sharedRoster.displayName groupname
name sharedRoster.groupList
name sharedRoster.showInRoster onlyGroup

Google Groups: Retrieve list of groups for a user

Is there an API to get the list of all Google groups a user is part of (of course, with his/her permission) and vice versa (given a Google group, get all users part of that group).
The Google Apps Provisioning API lets you retrieve the current memberships for a Google Apps user as well as list all members of a Google Apps Google Group. However, there is no way to do this for consumer ( Google Accounts and regular ( Google Groups.
Also it need not be Google Apps Provisioning. They also have gdata Services and retrieve Groups function. For example
if you have an user, then you can use RetrieveGroups(String memberId, bool directOnly) where memberId is the email address and directOnly must be set to True. This works sleek.