How to verify object with changing index in protractor? - protractor

Want to verify notifications on particular menu (Auction), unable to use indexing as it changes with presence/absence of notifications on different menus.
In my application I have multiple menus and all get notifications if other users have requested.
Now the problem I am facing is, One of the menu on which I am working currently (Auctions) takes lots of time to show notification (taking time to load that number) and I want to validate if notification exists on Auction menu, which is failing even after using browser.sleep
I am not able to use
browser.wait(EC.presenceOf(element.all(by.css('')).get(0)), 10000);
as get(0) can consider notification on News menu if notification count does not appear on any other menu before it. Check the screenshot for reference.
Now, I need your help in identifying notification only on Auction menu. I don't know how to select that specific element.
Please suggest.

You can use any of the parent selector and search for descendant element that contains class as notification from the DOM.try the below selector.
element(by.css("[element-type='auction'] .notification"))


Is there a setting to force user stories to be linked to a parent?

There is a setting for forcing story points to be entered when creating a work item (e.g. user story) in the layout processes field options, but is there one for mandating linking of work item/story to a parent?
There isn't a straight forward way to do that.
A good option is to create a custom field in User Story work item in your inherited process.
And set the work item rule to make required the value of this field when creating User Stroy.
Check the UI output by using the rule. This could be a reminder to link the parent work item.
Update 1:
You still need to manually add link as Related Work.
The required value for the custom field works as a reminder for the users when creating the User Story.
You could also define the custom field as Picklist(string). When a user creates a new User Story, he could add Related Work links and pick a value for the custom field in order to save this User Story.

How to update the responses of the google form to the form itself

I am creating a Google Form. I want to insert a count in the end(anywhere,not specific) of the form which will show the number of responses submit till date.This goes like updating the live count. I have tried using script editor for Google Form Add-ons option.But I am unable to view the results automatically or changes. It asks me to accept "Terms of Service" which I don't want to do right now because I am not sure about the way it may result.
There are various options available to view the form results/responses.But here I don't want to view the results later.They should get updated when we click the submit button on form.Please note..simultaneously many users may fill the form.
To implement this,I have thought of logic like whenever submit button gets clicked..the text in the form should get updated.
Please suggest how I can add the count or apply above logic of whenever submit operation is performed. Is it possible?? Any other suggestions are welcomed..Thanks in Advance!!!
I found another possible way of doing this..I received all the responses in Google Spreadsheet..which I later embedded in my site. Solves the purpose..And the embedded data gets updated automatically for the responses !! Cheers

How to correctly configure an Open Graph story with map attachment?

In a test app I've set up an object (race) and an action (run). I'm now trying to set up a story that combines both of these.
Ideally the race object references a place on my app. But I've been experimenting with many configurations trying to get this to work — none successfully.
In the 'edit attachment' popup is a field 'highlighted points'. I believe this should provide a dropdown list of selectable options? It currently is not, and if I type free text into this field, it is not saved.
What am I doing wrong?
The race page on my app includes the following:
And the course pages include
>>>' />
>>' %> />
On Facebook, course is configured as a Place, race has the course property assigned. But I am unable to select race.course:location in the map popup.
I have also tried various configurations, including defining the lat/lon explicitly on the race page and defining appropriate properties on FB.
I am still unable to select the highlighted points value.
Am I missing something?
Have a look at the answer at
Open Graph Map layout
This should be able to guide you.

Intalio: Difference between 4 ways of adding a form to a process

I made a form using Intalio's AJAX Widget tool but I was confused once I wanted to add the form to a user's pool.
I actually followed this tutorial from Intalio's website. In the 5th slide, they mentioned the ways of adding the form (initProcess, create and complete, notify, escalate):
but no further explanations were given.
So, I would like to know the differences between each one of these ways and when should I use one way and not the other.
You use the initProcess if that form will actually kick off a process. Doing so will show a new entry on the web site front end in the Workflow>Processes category. It's what you can see in slide 6. Connect the form to the process.
Use create and complete if you want to give a user or group of users a task to complete. This shows up in the Workflow>Tasks section on the website. It locks your process until a user completes the task or a deadline is hit.
Use notify if you want to send a form as a notification to a user. This shows up in the Workflow>Notifications section. User can only dismiss it. It does not lock you process. It basically just triggers the notification and moves on.
You can use escalate to reassign an existing form to another user or group. This basically sits between the create and complete part of the form, gets triggered by an external message/event and lets you reassign the form.
Hope this helps. Cheers.

Open Graph Action and Object Resubmission

As I submit an application for "read" action on Open Graph I received the following response.
Status: Changes needed
Unfortunately, your built-in submission does not meet the read requirements specified at: You must give users the ability to turn sharing off/on globally as well as remove an article that was shared within the app. In addition, read actions should only be generated when there is a strong indication that the user is actually reading the article. Please note that we cannot accept resubmission as this time due to technical limitations, so you will need to create a new submission. We plan to have this resolved within the next couple of weeks. We suggest making the required changes and checking back. We appreciate your patience. Note: If you are creating an aggregation based on the object, you need to add 6-7 unique sample objects, and then create a corresponding sample action acting on each of these unique objects. (You can not just create 6-7 sample actions pointing to the same sample object). Submission Checklist:
Please make changes below and resubmit for review.
Unfortunately, this "guide" is not helping with anything. Firstly, I have no idea where to do this:
You must give users the ability to turn sharing off/on globally as well as remove an article that was shared within the app.
Second of all, I don't even know how to "resubmit"!
Any help would be appreciated.
I was experiencing the same thing. You have to click on the name of your action that you submitted. Once you do that, Facebook provides detailed instructions why they didn't approve the action and what you need to do before you resubmit. Once you review the message, you can make the necessary changes and save the action again. Then you'll have the option to resubmit. In my case Facebook said that I need to provide more detailed instructions what the user needs to do to get an action published. They provided this example: "User must create an account, enable Timeline sharing in the settings, view a product within the app and then click the “want” button underneath the product image to trigger a story". I did that and resubmitted. Hopefully it works this time around. Good luck.
To resubmit, just delete the rejected action and create a new one. You can use the same action name as before. You then go through the submission process again as you did the first time.
Facebook have recently updated their guide to implementing their built-in action types. For the Read action type, see You will see a sample application that meets the following criteria required for the use of this action type:
Turn sharing on/off globally on each page an article appears.
Remove articles they shared within your app on each page an article appears.
Only generate read actions when you're sure someone is interested in reading the article.
Built-In actions can't be resubmitted. It is a FB Bug:
From this answer on FB tools and support I got this:
You can start a new submission at the bottom of the "Items in Review" page:
That link didn't work for me.. so I just went to the app dashboard and clicked on status and review
clicking on the start a new submission button loaded a dialog that prompted me to select which items to "re-review".. so I only selected the problematic one:
after that it loads a form for you to resubmit, so here you gotta re-upload the iOS simulator build etc..
and that's it!