Can you give an example of a good command to start with if you are new to Dragon Advanced Scripting? [closed] - naturallyspeaking

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I'm especially interested in this use case as it applies to automating Epic.

If you are using it for Epic I would start with something simple that you know you will use every day, like automating pulling in a most used progress note template. You could call the script "open progress note".
SendDragonKeys "{Ctrl+Shift+n}"
Wait 1.5
SendDragonKeys ".nameofmytemplate"
SendDragonKeys "{Enter}"
The most important thing is getting your feet wet with something that will give you immediate results and value, but not be overly complex or subject to failure.


Local network batch [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I have been playing around with azure batch for a project at work.
My work has 100-1000s of computers running win10 mostly chewing over Outlook and not much else.
Is there some framework that can leverage 'idle' CPU time in this environment?
Seems a bit of a shame to send tasks to Azure server in US when the 3 or 4 computers around me (in New Zealand) crying for non-fb attention.
I can take downvotes for 'too vague' and 'off topic' - just need a clue where to look.
You will want to investigate machine/CPU time scavenging schedulers such as HTCondor.

Any links on creating presentation in windbg [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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The one and only Sasha's tweet below shows that presentations can be created using windbg.
Anyone knows how to do that?
PS: I know Sasha is on stackoverflow, so may be he can answer this question :)
"Presentation" is somewhat of an exaggeration. What you meant to ask is "how to format output in WinDbg?"
To this the answer is "using DML".
Whether you use .printf or send output to the debugger using OutputDebugString, you can use Debugger Markup Language (DML) to output use colors, links etc.
The tag reference is located in the page Customizing Debugger Output Using DML.
"Drawing" using monospace text is your business, however. WinDbg has no facilities to help you with that as far as I know.

What are the available open source acceptors for quickfix? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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What are the available open source quickfix acceptors/servers/simulators which have MATCHING and EXECUTION option. If you any tool please give the link.
I found few tools like fiximulator,quickfix-messenger and ect. But these tools don't have order matching option.
Thanks in advance.
QuickfixJ comes with an example called OrderMatcher. It is a simple order matching engine that accepts orders and generated ER when matches occurs.

EBNF presentation examples? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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Anyone know of good examples for the presentation of Extended Backus-Naur Form for electronic media (i.e. HTML)?
I am looking for suggestions about form, not content -- I'm looking to make it as readable as possible, so that rules, terminals, and EBNF symbols are easily distinguished from each other.
Not sure if this is what you mean (or whether it's way too late), but I've been playing with this visualisation tool:
At the moment it appears to only support png output, and it's not that pretty. Otherwise I have had recommended to me (untried, YMMV) Graphviz.

i want to host a wiki site for an internal company project [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I don't have much experience with this. are there any free or low-cost solutions I can deploy? We have a relatively low-powered server running windows NT (ouch, i know).
Preferably something that allows multi-user access though something light-weight is the main consideration.
I used to compare features and prices of over 100 wiki engines last year for my company. Try it out.