Build and interact with checkbox in Scala and Play Framework - scala

I am new to Scala and the Play Framework. My goal is to display a checkbox in a view with values from a model. I would also like to grab those checkbox values from the view, process in a controller (make sure at least one value is selected), and add to a record in a model.
I have my controller built which displays the view and passes the checkbox values:
public Result addProfile() {
List<Service> services = Service.find.all();
return ok(profile.render(form(ProfileRegister.class), services));
I have my view built:
#(profileForm: Form[Application.ProfileRegister], servicesList: java.util.List[Service])
#main(null) {
#for(service <- servicesList) {
<input type='checkbox' name='servicesThis' value=#service>#service <br>
However, when the view displays, it looks like this:
I would like to have a checkbox appear -- it just displays text with no box to check. I wanted to also show the value of each record, such as the name property/field.
I would appreciate any help on this.

Try to put the value between double or single quotes, i.e. value="#service"

I got it to work with this:
#for(service <- servicesList) {
<label><input type="checkbox" name="services"><span></span></label>
What is the best way to grab those checked values (multiple values) in a controller? And how to display if that record is opened for editing?
I appreciate the help.


Angular 2 - Dynamic Reactive form with Radio Inputs build with FormBuilder, FormGroup, FormArray

I have an array of answers which I want to show in the view as radio inputs. When one of the answers is already answered it must be [checked] and if it's [checked] a textarea shows, so far so good.
Next I want to check another radio input and I want the current selected to be deselected and its textarea hidden, then the new selected radio input should be [checked] and it's textarea should show.
I use the FormBuilder and FormArray and have following issues.
I can't use index without intrapolation, I see many examples where the index is used without.
If I select another radio input, first my data disappears and it's not checked and on the second click it get's checked but now both are checked.
- I don't have access to the checked event, I can show it in the view with {{tempVar.checked}} as you can see above, if I use a template variable #tempVar, but I don't have access to it in the textarea below *ngIf="tempVar.checked". If I do use it in the ngIf I get the following error
Expression has changed after it was checked. Previous value: 'false'. Current value: 'true'.
Is this the right approach?
An example of a Reactive Dynamic form with FormBuilder and FormArray with Radio inputs
Here is my code
I would think using the tags should be reserved for unique identifiers? I wouldn't be surprised if dom renderer will update all elements with the same id.
Not sure if this will help, but you could use an answer view model instead (containing the same data) but that also has a 'checked' property
This way you can be sure that it will behave as you would expect.
e.g.: (in your component.ts)
let answers = this.question.Question.PossibleAnswers
.map(a =>
{ return Object.assign({}, a, { checked: false });
then in html you use: 'answer.checked' instead of 'radio.checked'
ps: also you could use ng-container instead of span, so you don't have an extra DOM imprint in your html

Tracking changes in textbox in scala js

I've a text box in my html file and I want to detect whenever a user changes the value of it and determine its updated value also. html code for text box is :
<input type="text" name="amount" id="amount" value="0" onchange="Demo().change(id,value)">
and in my scala file, I've implemented a function 'change' as :
def change(id:String):Unit={
appendPar(document.body,"Text Box value is changed and the new value is : "+document.getElementById(id).getAttribute("value"))
But it is not working in my case. What am I doing wrong here ?
Any suggestions ?
UPDATE : It is firing the event only when I press enter after altering the value in text box. Further, it is showing updated value as "0". How can I make it fetch from the text box instead of my pre defined value ?
You can use input event instead of change if you can ignore IE<=9.
The DOM input event is fired synchronously when the value of an or element is changed
From MDN.
Note that for non-text/textarea inputs (e.g. checkboxes, radio buttons, etc.) there are additional browser compatibility caveats, but you can just use change event on those. See for details.
I also don't see where the variable id is coming from in your code. You should pass the string "amount" instead of id if that's what you want, like this: Demo().change("amount"). That would be quite unreusable, but it should at least work.
If you want the method to be more generic, note that javascript passes an Event object to all event handlers, and it has a target key which contains the HTML element on which the event happened (in this case that would be your textarea). You can get then easily get the value of that target.
If this is confusing, I suggest you try to implement this in JS first, and then translate this into Scala. You don't want to be fighting on both fronts at the same time.
You'll need to use one of the onkey handlers. For example:
Note that IIRC, this will also trigger if the user moves around with the arrow keys. So if you really want to only be called if it changes, you'll need to introduce a variable and check:
var lastValue: String = ""
def change(id:String): Unit = {
val newValue = document.getElementById(id).getAttribute("value")
if (lastValue != newValue) {
"Text Box value is changed and the new value is : " + newValue)
lastValue = newValue

Fetching visible text from a dropdown in protractor

I am trying to fetch visible text from a dropdown which does not have a selected option.
For dropdown which has selected option, i am using below code to fetch value from dropdown.
DenominationDropdown = element(by.css('[id*="MainContent_uxDenomination"] select'));
expect(DenominationDropdown.element(by.css('[selected="selected"]')).getText()).toBe('All Denominations');
In my second dropdown, there is selected value is not getting populated. I want to fetch current visible value (default value) which in my case is "All Dates" but below code is not working as there is no selected value.
DatesDropdown = element(by.css('[id*="MainContent_uxDates"] select'));
expect(DatesDropdown.element(by.css('[selected="selected"]')).getText().toBe('All Dates');;
Can someone please suggest a way in protractor to read current visible text or default value of dropdown?
HTML of dropdown:
<select name="ctl00$ctl00$ctl00$ctl00$body$body$MainContent$MainContent$uxDates" id="ctl00_ctl00_ctl00_ctl00_body_body_MainContent_MainContent_uxDates" class="ClassName">
<option value="%">All Dates</option>
<option value="Option1">Option1</option>
<option value="Option2">Option2</option>
If it doesn't actually have the attribute selected=selected in the HTML, there should be another way. I tried this in my app on a dropdown and it worked fine:
var el = element(by.model('myDropdown')).$('option:checked');
Note the above was for a dropdown, I originally thought it would be option:selected but that threw an invalid locator error. I have done this for radios in the past too:
var el = $('input[type=radio]:checked');
And, in case you werent aware, the $ is syntax equivalent to element(by.css())
getText() should return you the visible text only, by definition, which means that, if you call it on your select element, you should get the currently "selected" option:
expect(DatesDropdown.getText()).toEqual('All Dates');
In the case that doesn´t work with $.('option:checked'). you can try with add to end element(by.css('option:checked'));
var el = element(by.model('myDropdown')).element(by.css('option:checked'));

question about CodeIgniter urls

I am using an application (a blog) written using the CodeIgniter framework and would like to search my blog from my browsers location bar by adding a string to the end of my blogs url like this:
As you can see in the example above I am not really sure how to format the rest of the url after the search part so I am hoping someone here might be able to point me in the right direction.
This is what the form looks like for the search box if that helps at all.
form class="searchform" action="" method="post">
<input id="searchtext" class="search_input" type="text" value="" name="searchtext">
<input type="submit" value="Search" name="Search">
Since your form is posting to, I'm assuming this 'search' controller's default function is the one your are attempting to submit your data to. I think that the easiest way to do this would be to just grab the post data inside of the controller method you're posting to. Example:
function search()
$search_params = $this->input->post('search_text');
Then you would have whatever the user input stored as $search_params, and you can take actions from there. Am I misunderstanding what you're asking?
It seems like you're kind of discussing two different approaches. If you wanted to make a request to
This is going to call the search controllers default method (which is index by default). If you wanted to use the URL to pass parameters like that you would go to your function in the search controller and do:
This will print out "what_am_I_looking_for".
An easier approach in my opinion would be to:
1. Create a view called "search_view" with the HTML content you pasted above, and have the form "action"
Create a controller called "Test" that looks like the following:
class Test extends CI_Controller {
function search()
$search = $this->input->post('searchtext');
public function display_search()
Visit in your browser. This should present you with the form you placed in search_view.php. Once the form is submitted, you should be sent to the search function and print out the variable $search, which will have whatever text you submitted on that form.
If this isn't what you were looking for then I am afraid I do not understand your question.

Get/Set Checkbox and Radio Button values using Prototype

Prototype is great, but with the 1.6.1 release, the library still doesn't allow getting/setting of grouped inputs (checkboxes and radio buttons.) I'd like a way to get an array of selected values with $F($("form").checkboxes). I'd like to be able to set those checkboxes to an array of values, on the flip side.
You can always do something like this: (assumes you have your checkboxes have a class of checkboxes).
var checkedList = [];
if( $(ele).checked )
edit - just realised i misread the question, code below only good for setting values:
var form = $('options');
checkboxes = form.getInputs('checkbox');
checkboxes.each(function(e){ e.checked = 0 });
// or even checkboxes.invoke('checked',0);
could maybe use something like this though:
var cels = new Array();
This is only for radio buttons, but still useful.
$$('input[name="radio_name"][value="to_select"]')[0].checked = true
"radio_name" is the name of your radio group. "to_select" is whichever value you want to select. The "[0]" works because only 1 radio button can be checked at a time.
On a side note, I kinda don't like prototype. A lot easier in jQuery, but you gotta use what you gotta use.
I ended up writing my own extensions to Prototype to do this. You can see them on Github. Here's a note from the project:
"These extensions allow you to use Prototype’s convenient $F() syntax to get and set the values of these grouped input elements. They’ve been tested with Prototype and 1.6.1. There are other bits in these extensions as well. See the README.html file for more details."
The answers from seengee and Los are much appreciated, but I wanted a more integrated solution that would allow me to work with checkboxes and radio buttons with the natural $F() syntax that I already use with other form elements.
Given HTML:
<label><input type="radio" id="choiceA" name="choices" value="A" checked="checked" /> A</label>
<label><input type="radio" id="choiceB" name="choices" value="B" /> B</label>
This does a CSS styles query and returns the value for all of the elements.