I have a native app registered in AAD and I've added it in ACS as identity provider. Now I would like to use the JWT token issued from AAD to request a token from ACS for service bus. I checked out this article: How to: [Request a Token from ACS via the OAuth WRAP Protocol][1]
[1]: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/azure/hh674475.aspx#BKMK_1 and it lists three ways of requesting token from ACS: Password, SWT and SAML. I'm wondering if it's supported or there's any example of requesting by using JWT token.
As such ACS capabilities are being moved to Azure active directory and AAD will soon be the one service for all authn/authZ and ACS will be sunset. So you need to follow the process or registering your app in AAD and then how to manually handle the JWT token response on successful authentication of request from the client application. It uses json web token handler.
Refer the sample here. AAD JWT token handler sample
Of course this is a sample with web api and you have to modify as per your application.
When an user account is disabled on a connected IdP, how do I ensure the account is blocked as soon as possible on Keycloak? At the moment, the “disabled” user is able to continue using my SPA because Keycloak continues to refresh the access token without speaking to the external IdP.
One of the critical features required by my partners when using SSO is that they have control over their users’ access to my application. At the moment if the user was logged into my SPA, they can continue using it for about 24 hours. I would hope to cut that time down to 5 minutes, the lifetime of the access token.
The external IdP is Google. I have tried using both Keycloak’s builtin Social provider for Google as well as setting up a SAML app in Google and user-defind SAML provider in Keycloak. I’m using Keycloak v9 but can upgrade if necessary.
Is there a recipe to achieve my goal? What options do I need to set in the Keycloak client and SAML provider?
Many thanks!
The approach could be as follows. The resource server will need to do the checking with the IDP, not Keycloak.
Enable the option to Store Tokens and Read Stored Tokens in the IDP settings.
Assign users the broker/read-tokens role.
On the resource server, decide on a frequency to check whether the user has been disabled on the IDP. Be aware of each IDP's token introspection's endpoint. Each time the API is consumed:
First of course verify the access token as usual.
If it's time to verify against the IDP, call the Keycloak API with the access token to retrieve the IDP's access token.
The Keycloak endpoint is: https://{domain}/realms/{realm}/broker/{idpid}/token
Call the IDP's token introspection endpoint to validate the IDP access token.
Act accordingly if the IDP responds that the token is not valid. Respond with 401 and ensure that the Keycloak access token can't be used again. Maybe the end_session_endpoint or revocation_endpoint, not sure.
Token validation endpoints:
Google: https://www.googleapis.com/oauth2/v3/tokeninfo?access_token={access_token}
AuthO: https://{tenant}.eu.auth0.com/userinfo
MS Azure: doesn't exist, good luck with that!
I have a SPA (angular) application that connects users with Azure AD B2C. The application then obtains a JWT. The application (SPA) must then consume APIs behind WSO2 APIM. I want to have the JWT validated by Wso2 APIM.
SPA --> APIM (Validate JWT) --> Backend API
Should I create a custom key manager in APIM? or is there another setting?
You should be able to use the JWT Bearer Grant[1] for this purpose.
Basically, you will have to add Azure AD as an IdP in APIM and configure a service provider. Then you can obtain a token from APIM after validating your JWT and use that to access the APIs.
[1] - https://apim.docs.wso2.com/en/latest/design/api-security/oauth2/grant-types/jwt-grant/#jwt-grant
WSO2 API Manager provides two ways to cater this requirement.
If you want to validate the token directly generated from Azure AD
It needs to be configured as key manager from Admin portal. WSO2 API Manager does not have out of the box support to configure Azure AD as key manager. (It supports WSO2 IS, KeyCloak, PingFederate, Okta and Auth0 OOTB).
You can write custom key manager implementation and deploy it in API Manager to cater this requirement. The steps to write custom key manager is explained here.
User authentication with token exchange approach
WSO2 API Manager supports OAuth 2.0 Token Exchange grant type (From APIM 4.1.0 onwards) to exchange JWT tokens generated by external Authorization servers for APIM token.
For this, you need to add Azure AD as a Key Manager as mentioned in this doc and exchange the JWT token generated from Azure AD for APIM token. This method requires some modification in the SPA.
While making a basic http calls from “Keycloak” to “Azure ADB2C” to retrieve a token as a response from AD B2C.
The current flow looks like this. For a Java web application which is integrated with the ‘Keycloak’ as an identity broker, and from the ‘Keycloak’ we have integrated with ‘Azure AD B2C’ as an identity provider for user authentication and to send the token response back to the keycloak request.
Use case 1: We have integrated a Azure ADB2C signin user flow endpoint in keycloak, which is sending the SignIn requests to b2c and retrieving the token as a response from Azure b2c is fine.
Use case 2: Have a blocker in this use case, While making a basic http header call from ‘Keycloak’ to “Azure AD B2C’, we are seeing an error code in the ‘keycloak’ logs as ‘Invalid_grant’, invalid_secret and ‘Invalid_credentials’ upon different calls passing from keycloak. And upon verifying in Azure ADB2C side, we haven’t found any logs for above request from ‘Keycloak’.
Is there any workaround or any changes has to be made In keycloak to handle a basic http calls to Azure ADB2C?
Thank you!!
For client to client calls, Azure AD B2C supports client_credntial flow:
You can send the client_id and client_secret parameters in a Basic Authentication header.
I am integrating AD B2C as Identity provider for the FreshWorks by configuring SSO with OIDC in the Freshworks.
Configuration done in the Azure AD B2C:
Registered an application in the AD B2C Tenant
a. Get the redirect URL from Freshworks SSO with OIDC and added in the Redirect URI in the registered application
b. Id Tokens and Access Tokens check box is selected.
c. Enabled the public client.
d. Generate the client secret for the application
Added Microsoft as external IdP in the AD B2C tenant. Only one external IdP is enabled, local account is not enabled.
Created a SignupSign User flow
Tested the User flow, able to signup and sign-in using Microsoft Account (personal account). JWT token is generated with the claims sub, email, name.
Configuration done in the SSO with OIDC:
Get the ClientId and Client Secret of the Application registered in the AD B2C tenant and added in the SSO with OIDC configuration dialog
Navigate to AD B2C signup sign-in user flow OIDC configuration url and get the authorization_endpoint and token_endpoint, added those two in the SSO with OIDC configuration dialog
set the scopes as openid,email,profile
After doing all the above configurations, a new button is added in the freshworks login page. I have clicked that button, it navigates to the microsoft login page, after providing credentials and accepted the consent, it shows a form with profile information.
On clicking the continue button an account is created in the AD and redirected to the Freshwork page. It shows the below error in the freshworks login page.
The authorization code request is working, AD B2C post the authorization code to the freshwork redirect url. I hope the issue is with the get access token endpoint URL. I have tried the Get access token endpoint from the postman using the authorization code received from the first request, it gives the access token.
The postman screenshot mentioned is showing the IDToken and your freshworks application expect access token. Could you please validate the user flow with access token settings and also use the postman tool to get the access token. Please follow the below document for more requests.
In the Google Actions panel we can enable account linking. We can also specify Authorization URL (Endpoint for your sign-in web page that supports OAuth2 code or implicit flows) and Token URL (OAuth2 endpoint for token exchange). Endpoints configuration image
I don't see any configuration options for Token revocation endpoint, and this possibility is described in the documentation: https://developers.google.com/identity/account-linking/unlinking#token_revocation_endpoint
If you support an OAuth 2.0 token revocation endpoint, your platform can receive notifications from Google. This lets you inform users of link state changes, invalidate a token, and cleanup security credentials and authorization grants.
Where can I set Token revocation endpoint to receive requests when a user deletes a Google Account link directly in their account?