Can't set canvas's background in Unity - unity3d

I got a little problem with my Unity's canvas. I can't set the background image.I've added the Image component to the canvas and I've tried drag the image from the assets to Source Image, but it doesn't allowed that.

You have to set the image to a Sprite (2D and UI) in order to use it in the canvas. This is done by selecting the image in the Project window and making the change in the Inspector window, from the Texture Type dropdown. Make sure you hit apply once you have completed the changes.


Unity UI panel transparency

I'm working on my game and I want to add an inventory type system, when I added the panel it was a little transparent while the one in the video was watching was not. I didn’t see any setting for transparency in the Unity inspector for both the canvas and the panel. The UI mode is an overlay
I didn’t try much other than clicking all the check boxes, and I was excepting for the up to be a solid color.
If you have a Canvas Group in your hierarchy, it can come from here (Alpha property).
I needed to go to colors and slide this slider all the way up or down (the slider you need to change)

Image with material is rendered in the background of canvas

I'm making a thingy in Unity where you can upload an image (using NativeGallery) which rabs the path of the image and then you can load the Image from that path. Unfortunantly it is returned as 'Texture2d', so you can't just set it to be an Images sprite. Instead (so i figured) you can just give your image a material with that texture as 'mainTexture'. For that to work you need to set the Canvas settings to Screen Space - Camera, but as soon as the material is set it 'goes' into the background of all the items in the Canvas. The Button-Component which is atteched to it, stays in the foreground and is still inteactable but the material is in the background and not visible, unless no Object is over it, which is clearly not how it should be.
Google Drive Link to Video for probleme
Why? And How can you fix that?

How Can I fix a Canvas along with image target using EasyAr?

I'm having image target, I need to add buttons on image target When I ever I show the image target , that buttons need to visible without moving apart from image target. It should be fixed on my image target without move. I'm using easy ar How Can I fix this problem in unity Augumented Reality.

Problem while Making Background in Unity 3D

I'm Following these steps
Follow these few steps to add texture as a camera background:
Create a new Canvas that would hold your image.
In that canvas, on Canvas component set:
Render Mode to Screen Space - Camera.
Render Camera to your main camera (drag&drop).
Plane Distance are the units, at which the background would render.
Right-click on the newly created canvas and create an Image inside of it.
On the newly created image on Image component:
Set Source Image to your desired background sprite.
and can't insert my background also
can anyone help ?
It maybe that you will have to use a raw Image instead of a normal image as I think .png files are not supported in a normal Image component

Unity3D - Set a (foreground) UI layer which ignores mouse clicks?

I'm currently writing up a UI-Centric game, and I've added a small image overlay over some elements on screen. However, the problem is that now I can't click any buttons behind this overlay image, regardless of transparency etc.
Just to chance it, I set up a new layer called "noUIclick" and set it to ignore every other layer under physics settings - long shot I know, but no dice. Tried also simply swapping to 3D view and moving the overlay image back on the z-axis.
Is there any easy way to set a layer for UI components which will entirely ignore/allow for passthrough of mouseclicks onto the buttons in the background?
On the Image component, uncheck raycastTarget.