Shortcut to the command prompt in VisualStudio Code - visual-studio-code

In VisualStudio Code, is there a keyboard shortcut to jump to the command prompt in the debug mode? It is somewhat tiresome to have to click at this prompt with the mouse every time.
Using binding workbench.debug.action.focusRepl results in the following error:

If the debug console is closed, there is View: Debug Console (workbench.debug.action.toggleRepl) to open it. That one is bound to cmd+shift+y on macOS, should be ctrl-shift-y on Windows / Linux.
If the debug console is already open, you can either press the aforementioned shortcut twice or use the following command:
Debug: Focus Debug Console
It has no default shortcut, but you can bind it to whatever you like, the action is called:


How to unfreeze the terminal in VScode after CTRL+S?

I purposefully froze my terminal with CTRLS in visual studio code, so that I could inspect the fast log messages scrolling through. Normally, you can unfreeze it again with CTRLQ.
However, it seems that vscode catches this second shortcut and instead of unfreezing my terminal, it opens this popup in the middle of the screen - which disappears as soon as I release the keys...
This seems to be called the "Quick Open View".
I assume that there is a way to send the "unfreeze" signal to the terminal. How?
My solution for now was to detach tmux in vscode, then connect over ssh using a normal terminal, attach tmux, send the CTRLQ there, detach and exit again, and re-attach in vscode.
you can remove any shortcuts you want. go to file > preference > keyboard shortcuts
type "ctrl q"
and adapt as you wish
I also ran into this issue,
I found that if you go into File -> Preferences -> keyboard shortcuts
When you find the Ctrl-q shortcut, you can right click it and choose to remove it,
then the Ctrl-q will work to resume the terminal

How to show both internal terminal and debug console in vscode?

I need to debug a program on a server and would like to still have its output in GDB.
The following "works" in general:
manual started (terminal) task that opens a ssh connection, does the necessary pre-setup (server-side scripts), then runs gdbserver --multi :12345
GDB debug configuration that runs in attach mode and executes the appropriate command chain "set sysroot remote:", "target extended-remote myserver:12345", "set remote exec-file /path/to/myfile", "run"
I know see the program running and stopping on the breakpoint, see the program's output in the integrated terminal and can toggle to the debugging console. But how can I see both the debugging console and the integrated terminal at once?
If somehow possible I'd like to not use an external window for one of those, as there are multiple vscode instances open - each connecting to a different server - and multiple windows "mgically" belonging to each other would make debugging harder together - the integrated option solves this problem completely.
The Views and Panels (Problems - Terminal - Output - Debug console) can be moved.
Click on the header/Tab of the View/Panel and drag the mouse to the new location.
The mouse pointer will change if it is possible to drop it.
You can restore a panel/view to the original location from the context menu on the top-bar.
I have looked in the doc but could not find any mentioning of this. It was mentioned in one of the Release notes.

VSCode mysterious command prompt window apearing in Debug Console

I seem to be pressing some keyboard shortcut that is opening a command prompt in the Debug console. I don't know what it is so can't find how to close it. Sometimes it covers half the debug console.
How do I close it? So far only restarting VSCode seems to get rid of it but that's inconvenient since I lose all my undo history that way, and it also closes the open simulator.
This console is inactive when you not debug something. Press Ctrl+Shift+Y to close it.
About the arrow on your screenshot: you can write commands to this prompt during debugging process. For example for gdb use -exec and type command you need.

Prevent integrated terminal from opening automatically

Whenever I open a PowerShell script in VS Code, the integrated terminal opens. How can we prevent the integrated terminal from opening automatically. I have searched the settings for "terminal" and have found nothing associated with auto-start.
VSCode will remember your last session.
So, if you close the terminal and exit VSCode, the next time you open, the terminal will not be displayed.
You can set your VSCode profile to not display (close the terminal on load).
As for User Settings:
This is not the first time this has been asked for.
powershell.startAutomatically: When set to true (default), causes the
language service to start automatically the first time a PowerShell
file is opened. You could then use the "Restart PowerShell Session"
command to kick off the language service on demand. •
powershell.showIntegratedConsoleOnStartup: When set to true (default),
causes the integrated console window to be shown automatically when
the language service starts. If false, the language service starts but
the console window isn't shown until the user runs script code (or
runs the Show Integrated Console command)
Update as per the OP side discussion with me
What I just tested.
In your custom user settings, either set the:
"powershell.enableProfileLoading": false
or if you have that setting this way:
"powershell.enableProfileLoading": true
Add this setting:
"powershell.integratedConsole.showOnStartup": false,
What Worked
"powershell.integratedConsole.showOnStartup": false
If the setting isn't there yet, then simply add it.
What Almost Worked
Setting "powershell.startAutomatically": false also kills the entire PowerShell extension.
Relying on VSCode to remember the last session's setup works inconsistently; for instance, it does not work when loading a file directly from a terminal with $ code someFile.psm1.
I believe the setting is:
"terminal.integrated.enablePersistentSessions": false
regardless of Powershell or other types of terminals. This should be self-explanatory.
My VSCode v1.65.2
In the Search settings input field:
Type the word-> terminal
Under Extensions:
Click-> Remote-SSH
Uncheck-> Always reveal the SSH login Terminal.
Close all VSCode windows and restart VSCode.
Open the remote SSH location and the integrated terminal should no longer open automatically.

Enter pydev interactive console immediately on F11?

I would like to F11 a python file in Eclipse and when I hit a breakpoint automatically enter the Python Interactive Console (not the default pydev debug console).
I understand that I could upon entering debug mode open a new interactive python console (I have turned on the connection between the interactive console and the debug console) and work from there. But not only is that an extra step but it is frustrating because everytime I interact with such an interactive console it shoves me back to the debug console! Then I have to go review the interactive console. I also understand that I could do a 'runfile' from within the interactive console, but I really want to use the convenient F11 capacity of eclipse to just be in an editor, hit F11 and when I break enter the interactive console.
Basically I would like the Interactive Console to be my debug console. Possible?
If the F11 approach is not possible, is there another approach? My goal is to get my history of command typing available to me with arrow keys. Not possible in the default python debug console from what I can tell. Perhaps if I made the pydev debug console ipython?
Thanks, I have searched a lot on this but can't come up with a solution.
from PyDev 3.9.2 onwards, a console prompt with history, code-completion, etc. will appear automatically.
See: for details.