Script not running via Task Scheduler - perl

I have to deploy some Perl automation scripts on a server. But to schedule them I am using Windows Task Scheduler. I have a .bat file in which I have written the command
Provided the .bat file and script are in same directory which is in D: drive. But the task scheduler always triggers and then gives error that previous instance is already running.
I don't want to override the instance but I cannot see any instance running. Also the script is a selenium script and I am not seeing any browser window which I generally see when the task is triggered by the Scheduler.
The script is working fine on excuting the .bat file directly.


Silent bat file execute powershell command

We have an application server running as a service, when some configuration is loaded it starts a bat script which has to run the powershell command Stop-ClusterGroup DRMSERVICES and then start it again.
The bat file works flawless when I manually execute it by dobbelt clicking. But when the service is running the bat, it does not finish, or execute the powershell command.
Bat file looks as follows
#echo off
powershell -command Stop-ClusterGroup DRMSERVICES
powershell -command Start-ClusterGroup DRMSERVICES
The service runs the bat file in silent mode, as a main difference.
I have tried with various switches including the -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted and START /wait etc
Creating a seperate ps1 file and have the bat execute this instead.
All with the same output:
Manually executing the bat works
When the service executes the bat, it does not work.
I know the bat file is executed by the service, as inserting NET STOP servicename is working correct.
In the powershell event viewer I can also see event of the powershell commands take place.
The difference between manually executing and have the service execute the command in the event viewer, is event id 800 which states info about 'execution pipe' this is not present when the service is executing the bat.
The service does not wait for the powershell, and thus it does not have time to stop the cluster before exiting.
I'm lost whether this is a permission issue, syntax error or whatever.
Hopefully somebody can help
I have tried with all proposed solutions, all with same result, the bat file works when double clicked, but the service does not execute the powershell command. Pure cmd is executed, as I can pipe to a txt file. I even got to a point when trying runas that the output log text wrote "insert administrator password"
I even managed to have our software guy change our software to call a powershell directly instead of a bat, same result. Powershell won't execute the command, this tells me it probably is permission, but everything have been set to log in as admin and run as admin for the sake of success, but still nothing.
I solved the problem.
Because the service is a 32bit process, it will execute a 32bit powershell.
FailoverClusters module only exists as a 64bit module.
By using %SystemRoot%\sysnative\WindowsPowershell\v1.0\powershell.exe
The service is able to open a 64bit session, and thus use the failover cluster module.
As a side note, the sysnative folder is only visible from a 32bit session, therefore it cannot be found via browsing in a 64bit os.
I think i have dealt with this kind of issue before, after the,
powershell -command Stop-ClusterGroup DRMSERVICES
you need to have cmd wait for a certain number of seconds, and then test if the DRMSERVICES is now stopped, if it is stopped then to start the DRMSERVICES again. This way cmd will keep waiting, and then check if the service has stopped.
After a certain number of tries, maybe have a way to stop checking and exit the script, for example it is trying to stop the service, and has run into a problem.
There is a timeout command in cmd

Run a bat file when a specific application is opened in Windows XP

I want to know how can we run a bat file when a specific application is opened?
Eg: I would like to run a bat file whenever mspaint is opened.
I have successfully performed this in Windows 7 and Windows 10 using Task Scheduler. But the task scheduler available in Win Xp is very basic.
You could use another batch file that runs on startup of windows. use while loop with an appropriate sleep to detect when Paint.exe runs.
then you could write more commands to do anything you want. For example, as you said, you could run another batch file...
I found this solution by an investigation of these topics:
Syntax for a single-line Bash infinite while loop
How to check if a process is running via a batch script
Batch program to to check if process exists

Compiling powershell scripts using PowerGUI

In my power shell script(task_scheduler.ps1) when runs in a system, it creates a daily task in task scheduler. This daily task is to run another power shell file (action.ps1) in the system.
Now I would like to convert task_scheduler.ps1 into an exe file. Since this file accesses action.ps1 file, I tried giving the same as "dependency" in Power GUI (while compiling script).
Now, the task is getting scheduled. But the task is not running the action.ps1 file. As the file is not present in the specified path.
How shall I get the path whether the dependency ps1 files get saved?

Is there a way to schedule a SikuliX script to run automatically?

I've managed to run the script from the command line thinking that i could possibly use windows Schedule Task to run it, but it doesn't run command prompt or anything. When i go and check the task it says it completed. Im running windows8. Any help would be appreciated.
You can make a .bat file to execute your sikuli sript. .bat files can be scheduled with Windows 8, but you may need to schedule that task as SYSTEM or as the admin.

TeamCity running Powershell script, but failing to execute a batch file

I am currently in the process of implementing a deployment method using Teamcity, which runs a Powershell script on my Build Agent, which then configures my Production environment etc.
I have a problem with the Powershell script though, in that it can't seem to run the batch file from it.
The script runs perfectly if I run it manually, it only fails when run via TeamCity.
In the build log I am getting the error:
'myBatchFile.bat' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.
The batch file and the powershell script are in the same directory and the batch file is called as such:
cmd /c Deploy.bat
I have my TeamCity configuration set up to have the build step for this as:
Script: File
ScriptExecutionMode: Execute script with -File argument
Script Arguments: None
Additional CMD line params: None
I had originally not used the cmd to try to execute the batch file, but executing the batch file like .\Deploy.bat did not seem to work either.
Is there an additional thing I need to set up in order to get the batch file to run? The rest of the script runs fine, just the call to the batch that doesn't.
This is a bit of a wild stab as it's difficult to predict what's happening, but from the description it seems like the path is been altered in the script and it's also dynamic as TeamCity creates temp directories, but if you replace:
cmd /c Deploy.bat
cmd /c "$(Split-Path $myinvocation.MyCommand.Path)\Deploy.bat"
then I think this will be able to located the deploy script.
Let me know how it goes.