Celery chain's place of passing arguments - celery

1 ) Celery chain.
On the doc I read this:
Here’s a simple chain, the first task executes passing its return value to the next task in the chain, and so on.
>>> from celery import chain
>>> # 2 + 2 + 4 + 8
>>> res = chain(add.s(2, 2), add.s(4), add.s(8))()
>>> res.get()
But where exactly is chain item's result passed to next chain item? On the celery server side, or it passed to my app and then my app pass it to the next chain item?
It's important to me, because my results is quite big to pass them to app, and I want to do all this messaging right into celery server.
2 ) Celery group.
>>> g = group(add.s(i) for i in xrange(10))
>>> g(10).get()
[10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19]
Can I be sure that these tasks will be executed as much as possible together. Will celery give priority certain group since the first task of the group start to be being executed?
For example I have 100 requests and each request run group of task, and I don't want to mix task from different groups between each other. First started request to be processed can be the last completed, while his the last task are waiting for free workers which are busy with tasks from others requests. It seems to be better if group of task will be executed as much as possible together.
I will really appreciate if you can help me.

1. Celery Chain
Results are passed on celery side using message passing broker such as rabbitmq. Result are stored using result backend(explicitly required for chord execution). You could verify this information by running your celery worker with loglevel 'INFO' and identify how tasks are invoked.
Celery maintains dependency graph once you invoke tasks, so it exactly knows how to chain your tasks.
Consider callbacks where you link two different tasks,
2. Celery Group
When you call tasks in group celery executes(invokes) them in parallel. Celery worker will try to pick up them depending upon workload it can pick up. If you invoke large number of tasks than your worker can handle, it is certainly possible your first few tasks will get executed first then celery worker will pick rest gradually.
If you have very large no. of task to be invoked in parallel better to invoke then in chunks of certain pool size,
You can mention priority of tasks as mentioned in answer
Completion of tasks in group depends on how much time each task takes. Celery tries to do fair task scheduling as much as possible.


Celery prefetched tasks stuck behind other tasks

I am running into an issue on an ECS cluster including multiple Celery workers when the cluster requires up-scaling.
Some background:
I have a task which is running potentially for a few hours.
Celery workers on an ECS cluster are currently scaled based on queue depth using Flower. Whenever the queue depth is larger than 1, it scales up a worker to potentially receive more tasks.
The broker used is Redis.
I have set the worker_prefetch_multiplier to 1, and each worker's concurrency equals 4.
The problem definition:
Because of these settings, each of the workers prefetches 4 tasks, before filling the queue depth. So let's say we have a single worker running, it requires 8 tasks to be invoked before the queue depth fills to 1 on the 9th task. 4 tasks will be in the STARTED state and 4 tasks will be in the RECEIVED state. Whenever, scaling up the number of worker nodes to 2, only the 9th task will be send to this worker. However, this means that the 4 tasks in the RECEIVED state are "stuck" behind the 4 tasks in the STARTED state for potentially a few hours, which is undesirable.
Investigated solutions:
When searching for a solution one finds in Celery's documentation (https://docs.celeryproject.org/en/stable/userguide/optimizing.html) that the only way to disable prefetching is to use acks_late=True for the tasks. It indeed solves the problem that no tasks are prefetched, but it also causes other problems like replicating tasks on newly scaled worker nodes, which is DEFINITELY not what I want.
Also ofter the setting -O fair on the worker is considered to be a solution, but seemingly it still creates tasks in the RECEIVED state.
Currently, I am thinking of a little complex solution to this problem, so I would be very happy to hear other solutions. The current proposed solution is to set the concurrency to -c 2 (instead of -c 4). This would mean that 2 tasks will be prefetched on the first worker node and 2 tasks are started. All other tasks will end up in the queue, requiring a scaling event. Once ECS scaled up to two worker nodes, I will scale the concurrency of the first worker from 2 to 4 releasing the prefetched tasks.
Any ideas/suggestions?
I have found a solution for this problem (in these posts: https://github.com/celery/celery/issues/6500) with the help of #samdoolin. I will provide the full answer here for people that have the same issue as me.
The solution provided by #samdoolin is to monkeypatch the can_consume functionality of the Consumer with a functionality to consume a message only when there are less reserved requests than the worker can handle (the worker's concurrency). In my case that would mean that it won't consume requests if there are already 4 requests active. Any request is instead accumulated in the queue, resulting in the expected behavior. Then I can easily scale the number of ECS containers holding a single worker based on the queue depth.
In practice this would look something like (thanks again to #samdoolin):
class SingleTaskLoader(AppLoader):
def on_worker_init(self):
# called when the worker starts, before logging setup
monkey patch kombu.transport.virtual.base.QoS.can_consume()
to prefer to run a delegate function,
instead of the builtin implementation.
import kombu.transport.virtual
builtin_can_consume = kombu.transport.virtual.QoS.can_consume
def can_consume(self):
monkey patch for kombu.transport.virtual.QoS.can_consume
if self.delegate_can_consume exists, run it instead
if delegate := getattr(self, 'delegate_can_consume', False):
return delegate()
return builtin_can_consume(self)
kombu.transport.virtual.QoS.can_consume = can_consume
add a bootstep to the celery Consumer blueprint
to supply the delegate function above.
from celery import bootsteps
from celery.worker import state as worker_state
class Set_QoS_Delegate(bootsteps.StartStopStep):
requires = {'celery.worker.consumer.tasks:Tasks'}
def start(self, c):
def can_consume():
delegate for QoS.can_consume
only fetch a message from the queue if the worker has
no other messages
# note: reserved_requests includes active_requests
return len(worker_state.reserved_requests) == 0
# types...
# c: celery.worker.consumer.consumer.Consumer
# c.task_consumer: kombu.messaging.Consumer
# c.task_consumer.channel: kombu.transport.virtual.Channel
# c.task_consumer.channel.qos: kombu.transport.virtual.QoS
c.task_consumer.channel.qos.delegate_can_consume = can_consume
# add bootstep to Consumer blueprint
# Create a Celery application as normal with the custom loader and any required **kwargs
celery = Celery(loader=SingleTaskLoader, **kwargs)
Then we start the worker via the following line:
celery -A proj worker -c 4 --prefetch-multiplier -1
Make sure that you don't forget the --prefetch-multiplier -1 option, which disables fetching new requests at all. This is will make sure that it uses the can_consume monkeypatch.
Now, when the Celery app is up, and you request 6 tasks, 4 will be executed as expected and 2 will end in the queue instead of being prefetched. This is the expected behavior without actually setting acks_late=True.
Then there is one last note I'd like to make. According to Celery's documentation, it should also be possible to pass the path to the SingleTaskLoader when starting the worker in the command line. Like this:
celery -A proj --loader path.to.SingleTaskLoader worker -c 4 --prefetch-multiplier -1
For me this did not work unfortunately. But it can be solved by actually passing it to the constructor.

Celery- signal to detect idle workers

I 1 celery broker and several celery workers, all communicating with rabbitMQ. In my setup, I send several tasks to my celery workers, they'll process all the tasks (it takes ~1 hour), and then I'll manually terminate my celery workers.
I want to move towards a system where if a celery worker id 'idle' (which I define as: has 0 active tasks for a time period of timeout_seconds, which I will define beforehand), the worker will be terminated programatically. All workers will have approx the same # of tasks to run, and will all go 'idle' around the same time.
I have code set up that lets me terminate workers, but I am not sure how to detect that a worker is 'idle' and ready for termination. I think I want to use a signal but it doesn't look like there is one that fits my requirement
Here where I work we have a task that is doing basically what you want - automatically scales up/down the cluster depending on the "situation". The key in this process is the Celery inspect/control API, so I suggest you get familiar with it. This is an area that is not well-documented so start with the following:
insp = celery_app.control.inspect()
active_queues = insp.active_queues()
# Note: between these two calls some nodes may shut down and disappear
# from the dictionary so may need to deal with this...
active_stats = insp.active()
You can do this in a separate IPython session while your Celery cluster runs tasks, and look at what is there...

Give an entire Celery chain priority over new tasks

I want to launch a chain of Celery tasks, and have them all execute before any newly arriving tasks do. I'll have a single worker process handling all tasks.
I guess the easiest thing to do would be to not make them a chain at all, but instead launch a single task that synchronously calls a sequence of functions. But I'd like to take advantage of Celery retries, allowing each task to be retried a different number of times.
What's the best way to do this?
If you have a single worker running a single process then as far as I can tell from working with celery (this is not explicitly documented) you should get the behavior you want.
If you want to use multiple worker processes then you may need to set CELERYD_PREFETCH_MULTIPLIER to 1.

Celery: list all tasks, scheduled, active *and* finished

Update for the bounty
I'd like a solution that does not involve a monitoring thread, if possible.
I know I can view scheduled and active tasks using the Inspect class of my apps Control.
i = myapp.control.inspect()
currently_running = i.active()
scheduled = i.scheduled()
But I could not find any function to show already finished tasks. I know that this information mus be at least temporarily accessible, because I can look up a finished task by its task_id:
>>> r = my task.AsyncResult(task_id=' ... ')
>>> r.state
How can I get a complete list of scheduled, active and finished tasks? Or possibly a list of all tasks at once?
Celery Flower shows tasks (active, finished, reserved, etc) in real time. It enables to filter tasks by time, workers and types.
One option not requiring a monitoring thread is a Celery on_success handler (using bootsteps feature in 3.1+) - this would need to write relevant info to your own datastore.
You need to create a custom task class to do this. This on_failure example gives an idea.
Possibly better option, needing less code, is to use a task_success signal in a similar way, recording the info you need later.
The Flower option is probably simpler, as you are querying info already maintained by Flower when tasks complete - see this answer.

End Celery worker task on, time limit, job stage or instruction from client

I'm new to celery and I would appreciate a little help with a design pattern(or example code) for a worker I have yet to write.
Below is a description of the desired characteristics of the worker.
The worker will run a task that collects data from an endless source, a generator.
The worker task will run forever feeding from the generator unless it is directed to stop.
The worker task should stop gracefully on the occurrence of any one of the following triggers.
It exceeds an execution time limit in seconds.
It exceeds a number of iterations of the endless generator loop.
The client sends a message instructing the worker task to finish immediately.
Below is some sudo code for how I believe I need to handle trigger scenarios 1 and 2.
What I don't know is how I send the 'finish immediately' signal from the client and how it is received and executed in the worker task.
Any advice or sample code would be appreciated.
from celery.task import task
from celery.exceptions import SoftTimeLimitExceeded
COUNTLIMIT = # some value sent to the worker task by the client
def getData():
for count, data in enumerate(endlessGeneratorThing()):
# process data here
if count > COUNTLIMIT: # Handle trigger scenario 2
except SoftTimeLimitExceeded: # Handle trigger scenario 1
My understanding of revoke is that it only revokes a task prior to its execution. For (3), I think what you want to do is use an AbortableTask, which provides a cooperative way to end a task:
On the client end you are able to call task.abort(), on the task end, you are able to poll task.is_aborted()