Give an entire Celery chain priority over new tasks - celery

I want to launch a chain of Celery tasks, and have them all execute before any newly arriving tasks do. I'll have a single worker process handling all tasks.
I guess the easiest thing to do would be to not make them a chain at all, but instead launch a single task that synchronously calls a sequence of functions. But I'd like to take advantage of Celery retries, allowing each task to be retried a different number of times.
What's the best way to do this?

If you have a single worker running a single process then as far as I can tell from working with celery (this is not explicitly documented) you should get the behavior you want.
If you want to use multiple worker processes then you may need to set CELERYD_PREFETCH_MULTIPLIER to 1.


Detecting outstanding celery tasks

This is purely for a non-eager pytest mode of operation. I want to know when celery has "caught" up with all the outstanding work. Is there any way to find that information? My testing config has a celery_session_app and a single celery_session_worker in it's own thread.
Check the number of entries in the Rabbit queue. This has problems because of pre-fetch. I can set prefetch to 1 and maybe solve it that way but I worry about race conditions. (I'm testing chords and some celery tasks queue other celery tasks)
Add a task to the "end" of the list and then .wait() on it to finish. This has problems for tasks that queue other tasks because the queue is being extended in the other thread so I can be at the end of the list when queued, but that quickly moves forward as tasks are queued behind it. I can work around this using .apply_async(countdown=3) but this is pretty much the definition of a race condition and I might need countdown=4 or I might need nothing and that is some number of seconds wasted on a test regardless.
Use signals (somehow). But what I really need is a worker_is_bored which does not exist and suffers from the same kind of race conditions mentioned above. Tasks queueing tasks could make it flash "bored" and right back to "busy".
time.sleep(N) but what should N be. (i'm running pytest -n 10 so how busy the machine is during tests, is non-trivial). And this wastes time like countdown= above.

How to return the Celery task to the queue that it could take another worker?

Sometimes, it is required that the worker is, after taking the job, it is not processed, and returned back to the turn to the other worker is able to pick up and handle it. How to implement this?
If you're referring to mid-execution crashes, you can turn on the CELERY_ACKS_LATE configuration.
Keep in mind that it may have some side effects as described here

Conditional restart of supervisord processes?

I've been using supervisord for a while -- outstanding tool. The one use case I haven't been able to figure out is, how to configure jobs to be restarted until a condition is met, then stop restarting.
Example: let's say you have a bunch of work to do, like scaling thousands of images, or servicing millions of requests on a queue. A useful pattern would be to run many workers in parallel to work on that backlog. You could set up a supervisord job that ensures 100 workers are running, and if any of them crash, supervisord will spin up replacements so the pool of workers won't shrink.
That's great until the work is done. Maybe when the backlog is gone, the number of workers should scale down to 1 or 0. Supervisord will keep spinning up the total to be 100 processes, even if each new process checks to see if there's work to be done, sees none, and shuts down very quickly.
Is there a way for a process instance or process family to communicate with supervisord to say, the autoretsart behavior is no longer needed? Better yet, is there a way to scale the number of worker processes up and down based on some condition (like number of files in a directory or ??).
I know it can be done by updating the supervisord.conf file and running supervisorctl reload, but I'd prefer something that's more declarative and self-managing if such a thing exists.
Is there a way for a process instance or process family to communicate with supervisord to say, the autoretsart behavior is no longer needed?
You can wind down an activity by making sure your processes exit with different exitcode(s) when there is no work and making those the expected exitcodes with autorestart=unexpected in the configuration.
Better yet, is there a way to scale the number of worker processes up and down based on some condition (like number of files in a directory or ??).
The trouble is that the automatic state transitions don't allow for getting processes running again from an expected EXITED state. AFAIK the only way to do this is with the XML-RPC API's startProcess, so you would need to write or find an appropriate event listener that watches for your start condition and then uses the API.
An alternate design is to wrap your worker process in an event handler watching PROCESS COMMUNICATION Events and have one normal subprocess communicating new tasks to a pool of event listeners. But that model doesn't currently eliminate a pool of waiting processes when there is no work, it just organizes the control task in a way that may make it easier to separate out task related logic and resource usage.

How can I create a Scheduled Task that will run every Second in MarkLogic?

MarkLogic Scheduled Tasks cannot be configured to run at an interval less than a minute.
Is there any way I can execute an XQuery module at an interval of 1 second?
Considering the situation where the Task Server is fully loaded and I need to make sure that the secondly scheduled task gets the Task Server thread whenever it needs.
Please let me know if there is anything in MarkLogic that can be used to achieve this.
Wanting rapid-fire scheduled tasks may be a hint that the design needs rethinking.
Even running a task once a minute can be risky, and needs careful thought to manage the possibilities of overlapping tasks and runaway tasks. If the application design calls for a scheduled task to run once a second, I would raise that as a potentially serious problem. Back up a few steps, and if necessary ask a new question about the higher-level problem that led to looking at scheduled tasks.
There was a sub-question about managing queue priority for tasks. Task priorities can handle some of that. There are two priorities: normal and higher. The Task Server empties the higher-priority queue first, then the normal queue. But each queue is still a simple queue, and there's no way to change priorities after a task has been spawned. So if you always queue tasks with priority=higher, then they'll all be in the higher priority queue and they'll all run in order. You can play some games with techniques like using server fields as signals to already-running tasks. But wanting to reorder tasks within a queue could be another hint that the design needs rethinking.
If, after careful thought about all the pitfalls and dangers, I decided I needed a rapid-fire task of some kind.... I would probably do it using external requests. Pick any scripting language and write a simple while loop with an HTTP request to the MarkLogic cluster. Even so, spend some time thinking about overlapping requests and locking. What happens if the request times out on the client side? Will it keep running on the server? Will that lead to overlapping requests and require deadlock resolution? Could it lead to runaway resource consumption?
Avoid any ideas that use xdmp:sleep. That will tie up a Task Server thread during the sleep period, and then you'll have two problems.

MPI Task Scheduling

I want to develop a task scheduler using MPI where there is a single master processor and there are worker/client processors. Each worker has all the data it needs to compute, but gets the index to work on from the master. After the computation the worker returns some data to the master. The problem is that some processes will be fast and some will be slow.
If I run a loop so that at each iteration the master sends and receives (blocking/non-blocking) data then it can't proceed to next step till it has received data from the current worker from the previous index assigned to it. The bottom line is if a worker takes too long to compute then it becomes the limiting factor and the master can't move on to assign an index to the next worker even if non-blocking techniques are used. Is it possible to skip assigning to a worker and move on to next.
I'm beginning to think that MPI might not be the paradigm to do this. Would python be a nice platform to do task scheduling?
This is absolutely possible using MPI_Irecv() and MPI_Test(). All the master process needs to do is post a non-blocking receive for each worker process, then in a loop test each one for incoming data. If a process is done, send it a new index, post a new non-blocking receive for it, and continue.
One MPI_IRecv for each process is one solution. This has the downside of needing to cancel unmatched MPI_IRecv when the work is complete.
MPI_ANY_SOURCE is an alternate path. This will allow the manager process to have a single MPI_IRecv outstanding at any given time, and the "next" process to MPI_Send will be matched with MPI_ANY_SOURCE. This has the downside of several ranks blocking in MPI_Send when there is no additional work to be done. Some kind of "nothing more to do" signal needs to be worked out, so the ranks can do a clean exit.
