Why middleware in ASP.NET Core requires specific semantics, but not an interface? - interface

As known, IApplicationBuilder of the method Configure (class Startup) in ASP.NET Core requires specific semantics (to have method 'Invoke' with input parameter of HttpContext type and Task as return value). But why it's not implemented as interface? I can write something like it:
public class FakeMiddleware
and register it:
and we'll get an runtime error. Of course, it's trivial thing and easy to be found and fix, but it's implemented so rough, without interface?

The Invoke method is flexible and you can ask for additional parameters. ASP.NET will inject the additional parameters using the application's service configuration.
public async Task Invoke(HttpContext ctx,
IHostingEnvironment host,
ISomethingElse service)
// ...
C# interface definitions can't provide this flexibility in a nice way.

Since AspNetCore2.0 you can set middleware which implements interface IMiddleware.
public class InterfaceMiddleware : IMiddleware
private InterfaceMiddlewareOptions _opts;
public InterfaceMiddleware(IOptions<InterfaceMiddlewareOptions> opts)
_opts = opts.Value;
public async Task InvokeAsync(HttpContext context, RequestDelegate next)
await context.Response.WriteAsync(_opts.Message);
In addition to app.UseMiddleware<InterfaceMiddleware>(). You need to register your middleware in DI(singleton lifetime is not required).
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
services.Configure<InterfaceMiddlewareOptions>(opts =>
opts.Message = "IMiddleware interface is implemented";


Autofac - upgrading from .net core 2.2 to 3.1

i'm following Autofac guide to migrate to .net 3.1
According to their guide, I need to add (among other things) this function:
public void ConfigureContainer(ContainerBuilder builder)
And this will be called automatically
The problem is that the code inside it that is registering the services is conditional for our app so I need to pass a boolean to the function
for example:
public void ConfigureContainer(ContainerBuilder builder)
if (enableTokenAutoRefresh)
Can I just add a boolean to the ConfigureContainer method?
seems this will break the calling for it?
and if not - how to pass data to it ?
please help
ConfigureContainer, provided by the ASP.NET Core framework, only takes the container builder type of your DI framework (in this case, an Autofac ContainerBuilder). To get additional data in there, you'd need to set a variable on the Startup class somewhere earlier in the startup pipeline and use it.
// NOT a complete Startup, but gives you the idea.
public class Startup
public Startup(IConfiguration config)
// appSettings.json has the value you want
this.EnableTokenAutoRefresh = config.GetValue<bool>("path:to:key");
public bool EnableTokenAutoRefresh { get; set; }
public void ConfigureContainer(ContainerBuilder builder)
// Do what you need to based on config

Disposal and injecting DbContexts with .NET Core

I know that one way to use a context is via the using statement.
I use it like so within my controllers
public class MyController : ControllerBase
public ActionResult PostActionHere(ActionRequestClass request)
using (var context = new MyEntityFrameworkContext())
// use context here
I would like to start injecting it into my controller. Mainly because I think it is easier to read and is more uniform with .NET Core dependency injection.
public class MyController : ControllerBase
private MyEntityFrameworkContext _myDb;
public MyController(MyEntityFrameworkContext myDb)
_myDb = myDb;
public ActionResult PostActionHere(ActionRequestClass request)
// use context here
Within my startup.cs:
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
services.AddDbContext<MyEntityFrameworkContext >(options =>
What I am worried about is that injecting it I lose the disposal properties that come with the using statement. Is that true? Feel free to suggest alternate approaches.
injecting it I lose the disposal properties that come with the using statement. Is that true?
The AddDbContext extension method registers DbContext types with a
scoped lifetime by default.
Configuring a DbContext
And when the scope (here the HttpRequest) ends, the Scoped Lifetime object will be Disposed.

Entity Framework Core DbContext and Dependency Injection

I'm building a service application using Web API, .Net Core and EntityFramework Core.
For configuring options in my DbContext I'm using these lines in "ConfigureServices" method in Startup.cs
var connection = #"Server=ISSQLDEV;Database=EventManagement;Trusted_Connection=True;";
services.AddDbContext<EMContext>(options => options.UseSqlServer(connection));
I know that if I add the context as a constructor parameter in the controller .Net will inject the context in the constructor.
But this is not the behavior I want. I don't want my web api to know anything about the dbcontext. I have a DataAccess Project with a repository class that handles all CRUD operations.
This means that I just want to say Repository.AddEvent(evt) in my controller and then repository knows how to handle that.
On the other hand, repository uses a simple dependency resolver to get the right "IDataAdapter" implementation. One of those implementations is SQLDataAdapter. This is the point I need my context.
How can I pass my context all the way to this point?
You can solve this by adding your dbcontext via constructor injection to your classes from your data access layer.
public class Startup
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
services.AddDbContext<ApplicationDbContext>(o => o.UseSqlServer(myConnStr));
services.AddScoped<Repository>(); // 'scoped' in ASP.NET means "per HTTP request"
public class MvcController
private Repository repo;
public MvcController(Repository repo)
this.repo = repo;
public void SomeEndpoint()
this.repo.AddFoo(new Foo());
public class Repository
private DbContext db;
public Repository(ApplicationDbContext db)
this.db = db;
public void AddFoo(Foo obj)
If you want to further customize how your DbContext is injected into your DI container, I suggest you look at what .AddDbContext is actually doing. See https://github.com/aspnet/EntityFramework/blob/1.0.0/src/Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore/EntityFrameworkServiceCollectionExtensions.cs#L142-L158

IoC avoid to inject container

I am working with IoC and more precisely with windsor and I have an amletic doubt about one thing.
Right now I am implementing the DDD Command layer so for each command I have a concrete class as following
public class CreateUserCommand : IDomainCommand{
/// implementation
Each command has 1 or more handlers with the following implementation
public class CreateUserHandler : IDomainCommandHandler<CreateUserCommand>
public void Handle(CreateUserCommand command)
/// implementation
The problem arise with my Command Dispatcher. I am using the following form at the moment
public class CommandDispatcher : ICommandDispatcher
private IWindsorContainer container;
public CommandDispatcher(IWindsorContainer container)
this.container = container;
public void Dispatch<T>(T command)
var commandHandler = container.Resolve<ICommandHandler<T>>();
What I don't like is the awareness of the dispatcher about the IoC container but in the same way I don't know how I can sort of resolve the handlers only when I need them.
Shell I inject an handler factory inside the Dispatcher and use it to resolve my handlers at runtime?
I'd use the typed factory facility to create a factory to replace the container usage. Conceptually the idea is the same, but it removes the dependency on the container.
The factory (no implementation, the facility takes care of that):
public interface ICommandHandlerFactory
ICommandHandler<T> Create<T>();
// requires Castle.Facilities.TypedFactory namespace
// AsFactory() is an extension method in the same namespace
Then in your class:
public class CommandDispatcher : ICommandDispatcher
private ICommandHandlerFactory commandHandlerFactory;
public CommandDispatcher(ICommandHandlerFactory commandHandlerFactory)
this.commandHandlerFactory = commandHandlerFactory;
public void Dispatch<T>(T command)
var commandHandler = commandHandlerFactory.Create<T>();
It's okay for infrastructure code that is part of your composition root to take a dependency on the container. This is not an implementation of the Service Locator anti-pattern, since the Service Locator is about role and not mechanics.
In other words, as long as your CommandDispatcher is part of the composition root (and contains just infrastructure, no business logic) it is okay to let it depend on the container.

AOP using Windsor and bulk registering classes

I am trying to configure an application such that types from assemblyA can be used by my console to allow for logging in an AOP style. The JournalInterceptor will just write out method calls, input and maybe output arguments to a log file or datastore of some kind.
I can register one type at a time but I would like to register all types in one go. Once I get going I may add some filtering to the registered types but I am missing something.
I am trying to use Classes.FromAssemblyContaining but am not sure how to get at an IRegistration instance for the call to WindsorContainer::Register
Any clues?
// otherAssembly.cs
namespace assemblyA
public class Foo1 { public virtual void What(){} }
public class Foo2 { public virtual void Where(){} }
// program.cs
namespace console
using assemblyA;
public class JournalInterceptor : IInterceptor {}
public class Program
public static void Main()
var container = new Castle.Windsor.WindsorContainer()
// works but can't be the best way
// how do I do it this way
Foo1 foo = container.Resolve<Foo1>();
Implement a Pointcut. In Castle Windsor this is done by implementing the IModelInterceptorsSelector interface.
It would go something like this:
public class JournalPointcut : IModelInterceptorsSelector
public bool HasInterceptors(ComponentModel model)
return true; // intercept everything - probably not a good idea, though
public InterceptorReference[] SelectInterceptors(
ComponentModel model, InterceptorReference[] interceptors)
return new[]
Then register the Interceptor and the Pointcut with the container:
this.container.Kernel.ProxyFactory.AddInterceptorSelector(new JournalPointcut());
For in-depth explanation, you may want to see this recording.