Github doesn't let me change title of ssh key - github

I accidentally put a wrong title for ssh key. Is it possible to change it without having to delete and generate a new key? I was looking in the settings but couldn't find it on

It doesn't appear you can change the title, but you don't need to generate a new key. Just delete the key on Github and upload the same key again with the correct title.


changing vscode extension title from Api key to API key

I want to change from Api key to API key in vscode settings.
This was not my extension from the start, I got it from other developer to make
an improvments(The developer left the company). and now I want to change that too,
but I cant find to change from Api key to API key.
My vscode extensions settings in vscode settings:
I tried to change title in package.json but nothing worked.

Change git account root folder, i.e mine is to

I started my github account and I used a chat room handle for the root folder so that when you go to it's my stuff. I'd now like to change this caverdude to something more professional. Like my business name, or my name or something.
A google search turned up something totally different like changing the root folder in a repository.
Man, I've been there. I believe once you change your github username it will effectively change your repo root url.
fyi - I believe they will create redirects from the old urls to the new ones but only so long as another caverdude account isn't created. If another user named caverdude comes along at a later time the redirects from the old name to your new name will stop working.
Recently on a project I followed but hadn't really bookmarked or forked changed their name to something mysterious and it was a brief mystery as their old profile showed Github's custom 404/ not found. Eventually I tracked it back to their new, not-very-obvious name. All this to say, the whole "old redirects to new account" seems a might bit tenuous.
You can change your username in your account settings:
Click profile picture
Change username
This will change your root folder on your profile page to the new username, and any links with your old name will show 404 error. So, you’ll need to update your links, but your repos will be updated with your new username. Here is the article from GitHub docs which gives you the steps and what happens after changing usernames :). Hope that helps, take care!

Change pull request that has a / on the name

I have a pull request with the following name pr/amazing-pull-request. I followed this tutorial but I'm only able to change the amazing-pull-request part of the name. It seems that GitHub doesn't allow me to change the full name.
Is there a way around to be able to change the full name?

GitHub ssh key audit with no approve button

Today I added an SSH key on to my GitHub account. When I try and clone a repo to that machine, I get the following error:
I visited the /settings/keys GitHub page but I do not see an "Approve" button next to the key I just added.
The guide here from GitHub says there should be an "Approve" button. When I try to refresh the keys page, sometimes the newly added key disappears, then sometimes it reappears. I have tried deleting it and adding it back, but I get the same error.
Am I doing anything wrong here? Any help is appreciated. Thanks!

After Changing Github User Name?

After you change your github username, are there github settings that you need to change?
See the reference link for updating
All references to the previous username, such as old url with your name will now give a 404 error. We cannot set up a redirect from the old username to the new one.