After Changing Github User Name? - github

After you change your github username, are there github settings that you need to change?

See the reference link for updating
All references to the previous username, such as old url with your name will now give a 404 error. We cannot set up a redirect from the old username to the new one.


Change git account root folder, i.e mine is to

I started my github account and I used a chat room handle for the root folder so that when you go to it's my stuff. I'd now like to change this caverdude to something more professional. Like my business name, or my name or something.
A google search turned up something totally different like changing the root folder in a repository.
Man, I've been there. I believe once you change your github username it will effectively change your repo root url.
fyi - I believe they will create redirects from the old urls to the new ones but only so long as another caverdude account isn't created. If another user named caverdude comes along at a later time the redirects from the old name to your new name will stop working.
Recently on a project I followed but hadn't really bookmarked or forked changed their name to something mysterious and it was a brief mystery as their old profile showed Github's custom 404/ not found. Eventually I tracked it back to their new, not-very-obvious name. All this to say, the whole "old redirects to new account" seems a might bit tenuous.
You can change your username in your account settings:
Click profile picture
Change username
This will change your root folder on your profile page to the new username, and any links with your old name will show 404 error. So, you’ll need to update your links, but your repos will be updated with your new username. Here is the article from GitHub docs which gives you the steps and what happens after changing usernames :). Hope that helps, take care!

GitHub pages "There isn't a GitHub Pages site here."

TL;DR: Changed my GH-Pages domain to a custom one, the custom one works well but the default (old) one is not redirecting to the custom one.
I have a GitHub pages repo that was on the default domain, then switched it to a custom domain, which worked fine, and the default domain was redirecting to the new one. I then changed the repo's name to the new domain's name, but when I went to the old domain, it returned 404, so I changed the repo's name back to the default one (, but it still returns 404 and says
There isn't a GitHub Pages site here.
The repo contains a CNAME with
What do you think I should change?
Please make sure you have been included CNAME in the root directory.

Is there a way to remove repository name from github page link?

I created a page for a github repository following these instructions:Getting Started with GitHub Pages. Worked perfectly, the page is already hosted.
But I would like to change the page URL, This is the currently URL:
Is there any way to remove the repository name? (
I've seen the articles to configure a custom domain, but I think that's not the case.
To remove the repository name, you'll need to make it a User Page (or an Organization page). Create a repository named, and commit your content to the master branch. See this help page for more information.

GitHub Username Change Breaks GitHub Page

I had a GitHub account named "ericthelam73" and a subsequent website along with it (at I set up A Records to link it and, as specified on GitHub's help page.
Recently, I changed my username to "ericblam". I moved the repo to as well. It seemed to have worked.
Every now and then, when I try going to or even, nothing happens. It is like I entered nothing into the browser. The other day this happened, but after a little while I was once again able to access my web page.
Is there a reason for this behavior? Did I forget to change something during the migration from one username to another?

How to Setup Github Pages for account?

I am trying to figure out how to setup github pages for account rather than for a repository.
I want the blog address to be like this: rather than Therefore when i go to xxx.github.iothe static markdown pages should appear rather than a 404 page.
You're looking for Pages' user / organization sites. The official site has a good getting started guide, but the first bit is the most important one:
Create a repository
Head over to GitHub and create a new repository named, where username is your username (or organization name) on GitHub.
If the first part of the repository doesn’t exactly match your username, it won’t work, so make sure to get it right.
So, instead of creating a gh-pages branch as you would for a project site, you must create a repository that matches your user name.