Slidify tables not displaying correctly when using revealjs framework - frameworks

I'm trying to create a table (like the one below) using RMarkdown inside of the Slidify package.
Attribute | Value
------------ | -------
Arribute1 | Value1
Attribute2 | Value2
Attribute3 | Value3
I had originally written the presentation using io2012 framework and my tables would display as table using framework io2012 after knitting.
However, after I switched to the revealjs framework, the tables no longer display in the correct format table using framework revealjs
I would like to use the revealjs framework for the final presentation but also need for my tables to show up as they do using the io2012 framework. Does anyone have tips on how to solve this issue? Thanks in advance!

reveal.js uses a completely different CSS styling than io2012. I'm afraid you'll have to dig into the CSS and basically copy the table styles over.
You could try to use knitr::kable and library(kableExtra) and force the table into html (rather than markdown) kable(df, "html"), but you'd still have the issue of CSS.
Check the .reveal table stuff in the reveal.js CSS for a starter.


Can I display custom tags of columns in a database diagram?

I am trying to use database diagrams in Sparx EA to collect and communicate information about how we are using tables.
I want to add information to columns and have this information show up in a diagram.
For example, the first thing I want to do is note which columns are required in a given application.
I have used the reverse-engineering to import all the many tables into my Sparx project.
It looks like I can extend column information with Tags at least.
But I can't find a way to show my custom tags in a diagram, such as a basic database diagram with tables.
Is there a way to visualize custom tag information for columns in a diagram?
What seems like the most direct example would be such as the following, where a custom "usage" Tag appears after the column name and data type ...
I welcome other options such as conditionally changing the color or font or something based on the Tag,
if adding the Tag name & value is not possible.

Is there any way to make markdown tables sortable?

I'd like to write my table in markdown text, but allow it to be sortable on github after its been rendered(simple asc/desc sorting by clicking on the column header.
Any way to do this?
Table sort is not supported in Github flavored markdown but one alternative is to use user script such as Github Sort Content
It's very easy to install, for instance from Chrome :
install Tampermonkey
install Github Sort Content from Greasyfork
Then tables from markdown pages can be sorted like :
A possible alternative is offered with GitLab 15.4 (September 2022):
Sortable, filterable data-driven tables in Markdown
Working with tables in Markdown can be a bit cumbersome. Not only is it difficult to figure out the correct number of pipes and empty cells, but the table output is static when you save your document. If you have to sort the table by the third column in an ascending order, you end up rewriting the whole thing.
Now you can insert data-driven tables using JSON syntax as follows:
In the rendered table, you can also enable:
Sorting for specific fields using "sortable": true
Dynamic filtering of data using "filter" : true
Now it’s as simple as a click when you have to re-sort that 100-row table and as easy as a web search when you have to find that one issue reference lost in a sea of nearly identical URLs.
See Documentation and Merge Request.
There are some Chrome plugins that do this, including HTML Table Auto Sort that I've used that toggles ascending/descending sort when clicking on a column header.

Is it possible to create table templates in Filemaker?

I'm using Filemaker Pro 12 and I was wondering if there is a way of creating a template for tables. There are a number of fields I'm placing in my tables that are identical utility-fields like modification time-stamp, active/inactive flags, etc. I was hoping there was a way that I could define the skeleton of each table somehow instead of having to manually add these identical fields every time.
If you are using the Advanced version, you can copy&paste fields among tables/files.
Using the regular version, you can import records from your "default" table and specify [New Table...] as the target table. This will recreate the source table's structure in the target file. The source table does not have to contain any records for this to work.
To expand a little bit on michael-hor257k's answer, if you're using FileMaker Pro Advanced, a good practice is to create a "Default" table that has your core utility fields. When you want to make a new table in Manage Database, instead:
Highlight the Default table,
Copy & Paste the table, then
Rename the new table.

What is the purpose of the <group> tag in jrxml files

can anyone explain in very simple words what the <group> tag stands for. I already read this: enter link description here
But I can't get it, I played with reports over three hours but can't get any results.
I have a csv datasource looking like that:
Name | Value
Ab | 123
Ba | wow
Cb | got
De | it
For instance I would like to get only the entry in the value column where the entry in the Name column is "Cb" (would be "got").
Hence, I created a group with: following expression: $F{Name}.compareToIgnoreCase("Cb")
Unfortunately I always get the entire column although I only want one entry.
Do I use the group tag in the right way? Maybe I have misunderstood the intended purpose of this tag.
Any help would be appreciated.
I made a simple example PastBin:minimalcode-jrxml-file using following csv file as datasource:
Here is a screenshot of the design view (ireports 5.5.0):
And here is what I get when I click on preview (in ireports), unfortunately this is not what i want:
Maybe anyone can help.
The purpose of this tag is to "group/unite data based on a specific column value. Let's take for example the classic HR schema. Every Employee is linked with a specific Department. While getting all the employees inside a report, you can "divide" them in groups based on the department on which they are connected (i.e: by creating a group with for the employee.department_id attribute). A simple usage might be creating different tables with employees records for every department. Basically, is the same function as the Group clause in SQL (only that Jasper is aware of these groups and allows you to customize them).
In your case, i'm not quite sure that the expression used is creating a jasper-group. Anyway, what you're trying to do (i mean, getting only that record) can be easily accomplished by a "WHERE" clause inside the report query: WHERE name='Cb'
You don't need group use filter expression:

Selecting different columns in SWT Table, using JFace TableViewer

I have a 2-column SWT Table that uses TableViewer. Trouble is that I can only select (and edit) cells in the first column -- clicking on the second column does nothing.
I read from somewhere (lost the link) that there's no easy way to get such functionality (!) -- you're supposed to mess around with several extra concepts if you want to select (and edit) different columns in your table.
This snippet
seems to be relevant, but it's not clear which part of it is necessary and it has depenendencies to other snippets. I tried to get it working but it did nothing.
Seems that new table editing and cell-selecting features were added in Eclipse 3.3 -- is there a tutorial or smth available on how to use them? The snippets are too cryptic for me.
You should be able to edit and select cells independently. You might have the SWT.FULL_SELECTION style bit set on the Table constructor. That forces every selection to span the whole row instead of a single cell.
I'd check out this tutorial for more on TableViewers: