Using Google Places Web API to search for business and using results to make a phone call - swift

I'm working on a project, and I'm completely stuck.
I get the user's location using CLLocation and am able to get the place name using CLGeocoder, and using this I've constructed a URL to search the Google Places Web API.
My question is, how can I actually complete the search and return the top place result's phone number? Any help would be much appreciated!
let url: URL = URL(fileURLWithPath: "" + placeMark.locality!+"&key=" + self.GAPIKEY)
This is the URL I've come up in case that helps

The first thing you need to do is an HTTP GET on the URL to get the API results. Consult the following SO question for various ways to do that:
How to make an HTTP request in Swift?
The data returned will be a JSON document in the format described in the Google Places API Docs. Look for the formatted_phone_number and/or international_phone_number fields. See Working with JSON in Swift for how to parse the JSON string.


Extracting value from API/Webpage

I'm trying to retrieve the 'estimated value' field displayed on the website so it can be displayed in a google sheets automatically.
Example URL:
I've tried using the =IMPORTXML() function as such:
=IMPORTXML(, /*[contains(concat( " ", #class, " " ), concat( " ", "value", " " ))])
with no success, seemingly to be caused because it is retrieved using Javascript.
Doing some research I found poppriceguide is using Hobbydb's API which according to Hobbydb should be available.
Going through the network calls I found this API request, however when I do it separately it gives me an authentication failed.
Other API Requests do work however, for example:
How would I go about retrieving the value so it can dynamically be displayed in a Google sheets?
The link you shared says
Let us know if you are interested in exploring co-operation and using the API. Please provide us with a good overview of your project.
This is likely to mean that the API requires authentication
It is also possible for the API to have certain endpoints that are free, which is why some seem to work. Yet with no publicly available documentation, there is no way to know which ones.
So unfortunately you will not be able to use Apps Script for this, you could look into some other web scraping software, maybe Puppeteer. Or try and apply for an API key from HobbyDB.

How to get live video id from YouTube channel

YouTube API eventType=live not working, does anyone have an idea why?
Without eventType was working fine (but not now):
Looks like YouTube changed something in API, search.list really not returning live broadcast since end of last week.
If you have user's access token you can use
endpoint to retrieve if any broadcast is live.
If you do not have user's access token, you can try this answer
but i didn't check it if it is working
Anyway this question looks like to be a duplicate of this question
Right now the YouTube API is not working, specifically for retrieving live streams of a specific channelId. In other words if you are setting channelId in the API call, you will get 0 results.
If you're using an API key rather than OAuth (not sure if OAuth works) the only work around at the moment is to use the API to search for a specific title. Here is my query URL below.[apiKey]
The results returned by the API will be from all of YouTube. (Note: the rest is done serverside) Put the results into an array and discard any that don't match your channelId. Then check the titles in an array and only get the video ID of the one that matches your desired title. That is the basic logic and it is sort of a rigid work around that won't work for most. But at least it will get you what you need until Google fixes the API.

How do I get the Explore and Stream section from the SoundCloud API

I can't seem to find the section in their api reference. I tried it as a searchquery but it doesn't seem to work. or /explore return a 404, so that doesn't work either
Thats actually not a part of the public API.
But its quite easy to grab your call from the dev console.
Thats an example call from my user:
To make that call work, you need to modify the headers.
These answers may help you:
Retrieving the "recommended" playlist via API call?
soundcloud: Is api-v2 allowed to be used and is there documentation on it?
How to get "all" tracks related to an artist with Souncloud API
Using these endpoints does not go inline with SoundClouds TOS.

Unknown number of Parameters in GET request: Play Framework 2.3.x+ Twilio

I am trying to point my twilio voice URl to my server.
So my routes files has this line:
GET /v1/twilio/
When I get the request from Twili, I get it as below:
SO you see, there are a lot of parameters.
My problem is that I am Not aware of all the parameters.
So when I just put above line in my routes file, I get an Error: 404 Not found.
How should modify the routes file so that I get the GET request?
If I ask twilio to send me POST request, then I don't have to worry about it as then I can simply get the parameter I need by Querying thee RequestData.
But there has to be some way I can get GET REQUEST to succed and reach my application controller.
Please help me here.
sorry if this is a silly question. But I am really struggling to get some info.
PS: I am using 2.3X version of play framework
Also, I dont have the control over parameters sent by Twilio.
I will simply get a GET/POst request, as per this :
There's nothing unusual with this route, it works with sample URL like a charm (checked) maybe Twilio untrails return path by default? try to add spare route for handling this case as well:
GET /v1/twilio
GET /v1/twilio/

Facebook graph api search results depends on location?

I've tried to fetch results using Graph search API and I've notice that the results when executed in my computer (Argentina) are different from the results when I run it in a server (France).
Is this like this? How can I force a location for a search?
Thanks #Sascha Galley. I also find another easy way.
Just add &locale=en_US in Facebook Graph search API query URL.
This is languages and locales list refrence
I don't know exactly which results are different and which skd version you are using, but one possible approach is to send the accept-language header with the cURL request. In the facebook api php file add the following line in the function makeRequest() below $opts = self::$CURL_OPTS;
$opts[CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER] = array('Accept-Language: en-us,en;');
This post is almost two years old: Get Facebook Graph API results in English
Actually, this issue should have already been solved: Return values from the graph-api depend on geographic server location