Missing "description" for get user playlists - deezer

It seems missing the "description" attribute of the playlist object when i request this endpoint http://developers.deezer.com/api/user/playlists
So, no way to get it in this way ? Must doing a request for each of this playlist ?


Missing parameter "q" in bing image search API

When I tried to use similar products search from Bing search api with the following url with a valid api key in the header, it returns an error saying the request is missing a parameter "q". I need to search the image without a query string but just the image URL.
Thanks in advance
The endpoint is different. "Search" endpoint is meant for searching for images, given a query. "Details" endpoint will do the trick here. You need to do something like this:
GET https://api.cognitive.microsoft.com/bing/v7.0/images/details?imgurl=YOUR_IMAGE_URL&modules=SimilarImages
Use this with your access key as a header and it will work.

Salesforce API CALL issue

I'm testing the REST API,
I successfully called to https://naxx.salesforce.com/services/data/v29.0/sobjects/
It returns the expected result.
When I call to https://naxx.salesforce.com/services/data/v29.0/sobjects/Account/
It returns a (404) Not Found response.
I have replaced the "Account" placeholder with the logged user's email, nickname, email , also I have tried with access_token.id value but nothing works. The answer is always 404.
What should I use as "Account" value, and where can I get that information?
I'm following this documentation:
Specifically the subtitle called "Get Basic Object Information".
I have the same problem with:
I have not the problem with:
Thank you in advance.
Account is not placeholder text it is the actual name of an SObject type. That it returns a 404 response means your user account does not have access to Account records. You should check your users profile & license settings. The services/data/v29.0/sobjects/ request will return details of all the SObject types your user has access to. (so you'll find that Account is not in this list in your case)
I had a similar issue. I was able to access the object Account in the list of objects but was not able to retrieve the metadata. Seems that the documentation misses the parameter "sobjects" in the path. The correct URL is:
https://na1.salesforce.com/services/data/v20.0/sobjects/Account/describe/ -H "Authorization: Bearer token"
This can be confirmed through by trying the url:
which lists the uses such as records, describe, listviews, etc. It may vary based on organization and if the user has permission, it is ideal that the developer hit the second URL and then obtain the correct base url to retrieve the metadata.

Facebook Graph API: How to check if an object is a user and not another type of object

Of course you can use http://graph.facebook.com/{object_id} to get a JSON response for that object. However, for my application I want to determine if the object returned is a user and not a page, group, or any other object. Or in other words, I want to query only users.
Is this possible?
I've looked through the Graph API docs, but I can't find a way to ask/query for only users.
This is possible by adding the
parameter in the GET request URL like this:
The response will include a type field, which contains the object type of the object you requested

How To Get Facebook user's "tid" parameter

I sniffed a bit when sent a message to a friend and found that there is a simple post message sent that contains a "tid" parameter .By this parameter Facebook knows whom to send the message.
So far I didn't find any relevance of this parameter to user id or other aliases.
Does anyone knows how can I get this "tid" parameter from user who is not my friend ?
(because if he is a friend I can just fetch it from a source code when opening a message dialog page).
Yes, the tid is what is the to field of this: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/api/post/
This is the actual solution because you can use the public id and it will redirect you to the tid :)
https://m.facebook.com/messages/thread/*your fbid here*/

What are the "base URLs" for status, photos, etc?

I developed an app that looks for specific terms using the facebook api (search).
Every result comes with an ID for the item that can be of many types like "status","photos",etc.
I remember that some time ago I could surf facebook and get this URLs from the browser address bar, but now with some updates that facebook has made it seems to be all AJAX based calls and it seems like you do not have a "specific page" for each item.
I looked over the web and could not find anything regarding this.
Is there any way I can get a "photo id" from the API and open it like "http://facebook.com/photos/0293820293842"?
Thanks for any clue.
https://graph.facebook.com/40796308305/picture (by page id)
https://graph.facebook.com/cocacola/picture (by page's name)
https://graph.facebook.com/4/picture (by user id)
https://graph.facebook.com/4/zuck (by user name)
after some time I just gave up trying to get the picture from the data provided by the search API.
From the api I get entries of type "photo" but they do not match with the API documentation found at http://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/api/photo/ since I do not receive the fields "picture", "source" or "images" (they just does not exist in the results from a search)
Looking to find a way to use the approach of "setting up the URL from the fields received from the API" I could not get any sucess either.
That's one case... I set up a search for "pepsi"... and within the results I got a "photo" object.
In this object I have the following fields:
id: 100002307882828_188072634633218
author\id: 100002307882828
link : "http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=320417371337648&set=a.133681116677942.17717.131381520241235&type=1" (this link really points to the photo's page, but is not the photo itself)
object_id: 320417371337648
I used the URL you provided as a "base" and tried to setup some combination that returns me a photo but I always get "Content not found" as result.
The only way I could find the final photo URL is to make another call to the API using the Photo Id as parameter (but I would need to do a lot of calls to the API and this just do not fit my scenario)
If I call https://graph.facebook.com/320417371337648 I get everything I need from the photo, but this is the "another call" I would need to perform for each result I get.
Thanks a lot for your help,
Victor Reboucas