getContent triggers even on dragging of selected text - tinymce

I have this callback in my html:
editor.on('getContent', function(e) {
if ((typeof(obj) !== 'undefined') && (obj !== null)){
When I select some text in the editor and drag the selected part some distance (doesn't have to be dropped to the text, the actual event is triggered as soon as you start dragging), TinyMce will trigger the getContent-event!
Now, as you can see in the code snippet above, I have a callback to my application, which will sync the editor text with the application.
So, if you select 'Hello' from the text 'Hello there' and drag it (doesn't matter where you drop it), the application will think that the text in TinyMce is 'Hello' now, when it in fact still is 'Hello there'!
Is this a bug?
I would really like to know how to either:
In editor.on('getContent'... check for a "This is a dragged selected text"-event and then just skip it. or.....
Stop getContent from triggering on dragging selected text.
How can I do this?
Here's a codepen where you can try this for yourself!
- Bring the codepen console up if it's not up already.
- Select some part of the text, like " is a te" or something.
- In the console you will now see that the getContent event fired with your selected text.

I found it!
e.selection holds a boolean that is true if the event is a selection.
The rest was easy...
editor.on('getContent', function(e) {
if ((typeof(obj) !== 'undefined') && (obj !== null) && !e.selection){


disable boxZoom when control key active

I am using the area select plugin. By default it responds to a ctrlKey box drag. And by default Leaflet boxZoom responds to a shiftKey box drag. All good so far. However a ctrlKey + shiftKey box drag triggers the Leaflet boxZoom and the area select plugin. I would like it to trigger just the area select plugin instead. Any suggestions?
If you have a look at Leaflet's source code for the BoxZoom map handler, you can see the line where it checks for a pressed shift key plus primary (""left"") mouse/pointer button to start the box zoom:
_onMouseDown: function (e) {
if (!e.shiftKey || ((e.which !== 1) && (e.button !== 1))) { return false; }
And you want to change that to check for ctrlKey, so that the box zoom doesn't start if it's set to true, something like:
if (!e.shiftKey || e.ctrlKey || ((e.which !== 1) && (e.button !== 1))) { return false; }
The question is how to do this without rewriting or breaking up everything. An approach is to monkey-patch that method from the BoxZoom handler's prototype while keeping a reference to the old one, e.g. something like:
var oldBoxZoomMouseDown = L.Map.BoxZoom.prototype._onMouseDown;
L.Map.BoxZoom.prototype._onMouseDown = function(ev) {
// Worry only about ctrlKey...
if (ev.ctrlKey) { return false; }
// ...and let the previous event handler worry about shift and primary button, ev);
Note that it'll work only when done before the map has been instantiated. There are other approaches, such as replacing the method of the BoxZoom instance after the map has been instantiated, and creating a subclass of the BoxZoom handler. Reading about javascript's prototypal inheritance and Leaflet's way of dealing with OOP is recommended at this point.

Stop window from closing in tinyMCE in onSubmit function

I am trying to add some validation logic to the code plugin for tinyMCE.
It seems, however, that when a window's onSubmit function is called, the window closes by default.
The onSubmit function currently looks like this:
onSubmit: function (e) {
// We get a lovely "Wrong document" error in IE 11 if we
// don't move the focus to the editor before creating an undo
editor.undoManager.transact(function () {
What I would like to do is add some validation logic to the plugin to prevent tinyMCE from reformatting invalid html and, rather, display a message that the html is invalid. Essentially, something like this:
onSubmit: function (e) {
// We get a lovely "Wrong document" error in IE 11 if we
// don't move the focus to the editor before creating an undo
var isCodeValid = true;
//check if code valid
isCodeValid = ValidateCode(;
if (isCodeValid) {
//if code valid, send to tinyMCE to let it do it's thing
editor.undoManager.transact(function () {
else {
//if code invalid, display error message and keep text editor window open
tinyMCE.activeEditor.windowManager.alert("Your HTML is invalid. Please check your code and try submitting again.");
However, it seems that the onSubmit function closes the text editor window regardless. I was wondering if there is a way to stop it from doing this. I have scoured the documentation which leaves much to be explained and have looked at other plugins as examples. The closest I can find is the searchandreplce plugin. The 'Find' button calls the onSubmit function, but it seems to stay open if the 'find' text field is blank. However, the logic behind it seems very different from what I can use in the Code plugin as it is.
Can anyone who is familiar with the tinyMCE API give me any ideas on how to prevent the window from closing when onSubmit is called? Or do I have to go another route?
As per this question the way to cancel an event is to return false;. This will keep the popup open. Your code would then become:
onSubmit: function (e) {
// We get a lovely "Wrong document" error in IE 11 if we
// don't move the focus to the editor before creating an undo
var isCodeValid = true;
//check if code valid
isCodeValid = ValidateCode(;
if (isCodeValid) {
//if code valid, send to tinyMCE to let it do it's thing
editor.undoManager.transact(function () {
else {
//if code invalid, display error message and keep text editor window open
tinyMCE.activeEditor.windowManager.alert("Your HTML is invalid. Please check your code and try submitting again.");
return false;
I figured it out finally. All you need to do is add e.preventDefault(); at the start of the onSubmit function and the window will not close. The documentation was no help, but looking at the searchandreplace plugin as an example lead me to the answer. What I have now is like this:
onSubmit: function (e) {
// We get a lovely "Wrong document" error in IE 11 if we
// don't move the focus to the editor before creating an undo
var isCodeValid = true;
//check if code valid
isCodeValid = ValidateCode(;
if (isCodeValid) {
//if code valid, send to tinyMCE to let it do it's thing
editor.undoManager.transact(function () {
else {
//if code invalid, display error message and keep text editor window open
tinyMCE.activeEditor.windowManager.alert("Your HTML is invalid. Please check your code and try submitting again.");
e.PreventDefault() seems to stop the default behavior of the onSubmit function.

TinyMCE 3 - textarea id which fired blur event

When a TinyMCE editor blur occurs, I am trying to find the element id (or name) of the textarea which fired the blur event. I also want the element id (or name) of the element which gains the focus, but that part should be similar.
I'm getting closer in being able to get the iframe id of the tinymce editor, but I've only got it working in Chrome and I'm sure there is a better way of doing it. I need this to work across different browsers and devices.
For example, this below code returns the iframe id in Chrome which is okay since the iframe id only appends a suffix of "_ifr" to my textarea element id. I would prefer the element id of the textarea, but it's okay if I need to remove the iframe suffix.
EDIT: I think it's more clear if I add a complete TinyMCE Fiddle (instead of the code below):
setup : function(ed) {
ed.onInit.add(function(ed) {
ed.pasteAsPlainText = true;
/* BEGIN: Added this to handle JS blur event */
/* example modified from: */
var dom = ed.dom,
doc = ed.getDoc(),
el = doc.content_editable ? ed.getBody() : (tinymce.isGecko ? doc : ed.getWin());
tinymce.dom.Event.add(el, 'blur', function(e) {
var event = e || window.event;
var target = || event.srcElement;
console.log('the above outputs the following iframe id which triggered the blur (but only in Chrome): ' + 'idPrimeraVista_ifr');
tinymce.dom.Event.add(el, 'focus', function(e) {
/* END: Added this to handle JS blur event */
Maybe it's better to give a background of what I'm trying to accomplish:
We have multiple textareas on a form which we're trying to "grammarcheck" with software called "languagetool" (that uses TinyMCE version 3.5.6). Upon losing focus on a textarea, we would like to invoke the grammarcheck for the textarea that lost focus and then return the focus to where it's supposed to go after the grammar check.
I've struggled with this for quite some time, and would greatly appreciate any feedback (even if it's general advice for doing this differently).
Many Thanks!
TinyMCE provides a property on the Editor object for getting the editor instance ID:
It also seems overkill to check for doc.content_editable and tinyMCE.isGecko because Editor.getBody() allows for cross-browser compatible event binding already (I checked IE8-11, and latest versions of Firefox and Chrome).
Note: I actually found that the logic was failing to properly assign ed.getBody() to el in Internet Explorer, so it wasn't achieving the cross-browser functionality you need anyway.
Try the following simplified event bindings:
mode : "textareas",
setup : function (ed) {
ed.onInit.add(function (ed) {
/* onBlur */
tinymce.dom.Event.add(ed.getBody(), 'blur', function (e) {
console.log('Editor with ID "' + + '" has blur.');
/* onFocus */
tinymce.dom.Event.add(ed.getBody(), 'focus', function (e) {
console.log('Editor with ID "' + + '" has focus.');
…or see this working TinyMCE Fiddle »
Aside: Your Fiddle wasn't properly initializing the editors because the plugin was failing to load. Since you don't need the plugin for this example, I removed it from the Fiddle to get it working.

ui.tabs add callback not able to set tab

I am trying to get jQuery tabs to behave like IE and Firefox. I have a few tabs with an "addtab" at the end. When this tab is clicked a new tab is added, this is fine. But i want to select the second last tab. This is proving to be quite difficult.
my init code is
$tabs =$("#tabs").tabs({
add: function(event, ui) {
$tabs.tabs('select', $tabs.tabs( 'length' ) -2);
alert ("after setting tab");
my add tab code is
// The first thing to do is to deselect all the other selections
$("#tabs .ui-corner-top").each (function () {
$(this).removeClass ("ui-tabs-selected ui-state-active").addClass ("ui-state-default");
$tabs.tabs('add','#extra','Generate Report', ($tabs.tabs('length')-1));
however in the add callback the following line is resetting the selected tab
self._trigger('select', null, self._ui(this, $show[0])) === false)
If anyone has any solution or reason why this is done, can you let me know
I was pointed to the answer at the following web page
thanks tsukasa1989

how to disable a jqgrid select list (dropdown) on the edit form

This is strange and any alternative method to what I want to accomplish is welcome. My app uses the jqgrid 3.5.3 and I need to disable a select list on my edit form. When I do so using the code displayed below it breaks the edit form - meaning I can not cancel or submit it. Thanks. This code is in the edit options array of the navGrid method. The the dropdown is the 'serv_descr' field. The others are text boxes and don't pose a problem. The form does come up and the field is disabled - its just broken.
beforeShowForm: function(eparams) {
document.getElementById('equip_id').disabled = true;
document.getElementById('service_dt').disabled = true;
document.getElementById('serv_descr').disabled = true;
document.getElementById('calc_next_svc').checked = 'true';
afterShowForm: function(eparams) {
$('#equip_id').attr('disabled', 'disabled');
$('#service_dt').attr('disabled', 'disabled');
$('#serv_descr').attr('disabled', 'disabled');
$('#calc_next_svc').attr('checked', true);
replace event trigger afterShowForm
id name must be form controll