TinyMCE 3 - textarea id which fired blur event - tinymce

When a TinyMCE editor blur occurs, I am trying to find the element id (or name) of the textarea which fired the blur event. I also want the element id (or name) of the element which gains the focus, but that part should be similar.
I'm getting closer in being able to get the iframe id of the tinymce editor, but I've only got it working in Chrome and I'm sure there is a better way of doing it. I need this to work across different browsers and devices.
For example, this below code returns the iframe id in Chrome which is okay since the iframe id only appends a suffix of "_ifr" to my textarea element id. I would prefer the element id of the textarea, but it's okay if I need to remove the iframe suffix.
EDIT: I think it's more clear if I add a complete TinyMCE Fiddle (instead of the code below):
setup : function(ed) {
ed.onInit.add(function(ed) {
ed.pasteAsPlainText = true;
/* BEGIN: Added this to handle JS blur event */
/* example modified from: http://tehhosh.blogspot.com/2012/06/setting-focus-and-blur-event-for.html */
var dom = ed.dom,
doc = ed.getDoc(),
el = doc.content_editable ? ed.getBody() : (tinymce.isGecko ? doc : ed.getWin());
tinymce.dom.Event.add(el, 'blur', function(e) {
var event = e || window.event;
var target = event.target || event.srcElement;
console.log('the above outputs the following iframe id which triggered the blur (but only in Chrome): ' + 'idPrimeraVista_ifr');
tinymce.dom.Event.add(el, 'focus', function(e) {
/* END: Added this to handle JS blur event */
Maybe it's better to give a background of what I'm trying to accomplish:
We have multiple textareas on a form which we're trying to "grammarcheck" with software called "languagetool" (that uses TinyMCE version 3.5.6). Upon losing focus on a textarea, we would like to invoke the grammarcheck for the textarea that lost focus and then return the focus to where it's supposed to go after the grammar check.
I've struggled with this for quite some time, and would greatly appreciate any feedback (even if it's general advice for doing this differently).
Many Thanks!

TinyMCE provides a property on the Editor object for getting the editor instance ID: Editor.id
It also seems overkill to check for doc.content_editable and tinyMCE.isGecko because Editor.getBody() allows for cross-browser compatible event binding already (I checked IE8-11, and latest versions of Firefox and Chrome).
Note: I actually found that the logic was failing to properly assign ed.getBody() to el in Internet Explorer, so it wasn't achieving the cross-browser functionality you need anyway.
Try the following simplified event bindings:
mode : "textareas",
setup : function (ed) {
ed.onInit.add(function (ed) {
/* onBlur */
tinymce.dom.Event.add(ed.getBody(), 'blur', function (e) {
console.log('Editor with ID "' + ed.id + '" has blur.');
/* onFocus */
tinymce.dom.Event.add(ed.getBody(), 'focus', function (e) {
console.log('Editor with ID "' + ed.id + '" has focus.');
…or see this working TinyMCE Fiddle »
Aside: Your Fiddle wasn't properly initializing the editors because the plugin was failing to load. Since you don't need the plugin for this example, I removed it from the Fiddle to get it working.


How to enable auto focus on SAPUI5 input suggestion field

I'm currently developing a sapui5 mobile application and am using an sap.m.Input with suggestions bound by a model like this:
new Page('page', {
showNavButton: true,
content: [
new sap.m.Input({
id: "input",
type: 'Text',
showSuggestion: true,
suggestionItemSelected: function(event) {
liveChange: function() {
// some stuff
The Model is created and bound like the following:
var model = new sap.ui.model.json.JSONModel();
// model is filled
sap.ui.getCore().byId('input').bindAggregation('suggestionItems', '/', new sap.ui.core.Item({
text: "{someField}"
When I now click into the input field on a mobile device, kind of a new screen opens with a new input field, which the user has to manually focus again, what seems like a usability flaw to me.
Is there a nice possibility to enable auto focusing the input field on this new screen, so that the user doesn't has to do it again? Or can this screen be disabled at all on mobile devices?
sap.m.input doesn't seem to have a own method for focusing, or at least I'm not finding one - I already tried using jquery's .focus() on the new input field, but without success.
edit: for clarification, the suggestion works troublefree - only the absence of the auto focus on the appearing new screen is what bothers me.
Here is a workaround to "fix" this behavior: https://jsbin.com/lukozaq
Note 1: The above snippet relies on internal implementation of how the popup works. Use it with caution as there are currently no public APIs to access the corresponding internal controls.
Note 2: I put the word fix in quotes because it seems to be the intended behavior that the user has to click on the second input field explicitly, according to the comment in the source code:
Setting focus to DOM Element, which can open the on screen keyboard on mobile device, doesn't work consistently across devices. Therefore, setting focus to those elements are disabled on mobile devices and the keyboard should be opened by the user explicitly.
That comment is from the module sap.m.Dialog. On a mobile device, when the user clicks on the source input field, a stretched Dialog opens up as a "popup" which has the second input field in its sub header.
Please check the API documentation of sap.m.Input, it has a method focus. You can call:
to set the focus into the input field.
Try this:
jQuery.sap.delayedCall(0, this, function() {
About how to detect when the user presses the input field: maybe something like this? Only problem is that I think you probably don't know the id of the new input field which is shown.
var domId = this.byId("input").getId();
$( "#"+domId ).click(function() {
jQuery.sap.delayedCall(0, this, function() {
I am pretty sure that the first piece of code is how to put focus on an input. I'm not sure about the second part, but it's something to try.
in onAfterRendering() do the below..
onAfterRendering : function() {
I didn´t have the exactly same problem, but It was similiar.
My problem was that I needed focus into suggestion input when the view had been rendered. My solution was to put following code into "hanldeRouteMatched" function:
var myInput = this.byId("inputName");
var viewName = this.getView().getId();
var selector1 = viewName + "--inputName-inner";
var selector2 = viewName + "--inputName-popup-input-inner";
jQuery.sap.delayedCall(1000, this, function() {
if($("#" + selector1)){
$("#" + selector1).click();
jQuery.sap.delayedCall(500, this, function() {
if($("#" + selector2)){
$("#" + selector2).focus();
If you see that suggestion input catch focus, but It lose it after, or It never catched it, try increasing the time in delayedCalls. The needed time depends on your connection speed.

Twitter Bootstrap Modal Form: How to drag and drop?

I would like to be able to move around (on the greyed-out background, by dragging and dropping) the modal form that is provided by Bootstrap 2. Can anyone tell me what the best practice for achieving this is?
The bootstrap doesn't come with any dragging and dropping functionality by default, but you can add a little jQuery UI spice into the mix to get the effect you're looking for. For example, using the draggable interaction from the framework you can target your modal ID to allow it to be dragged around within the modal backdrop.
Try this:
handle: ".modal-header"
Demo, edit here.
Update: bootstrap3 demo
Whatever draggable option you go for, you might want to turn off the *-transition properties for .modal.fade in bootstrap’s CSS file, or at least write some JS that temporarily disables them during dragging. Otherwise, the modal doesn’t drag exactly as you would expect.
You can use a little script likes this.
simplified from Draggable without jQuery UI
(function ($) {
$.fn.drags = function (opt) {
opt = $.extend({
handle: "",
cursor: "move"
}, opt);
var $selected = this;
var $elements = (opt.handle === "") ? this : this.find(opt.handle);
$elements.css('cursor', opt.cursor).on("mousedown", function (e) {
var pos_y = $selected.offset().top - e.pageY,
pos_x = $selected.offset().left - e.pageX;
$(document).on("mousemove", function (e) {
top: e.pageY + pos_y,
left: e.pageX + pos_x
}).on("mouseup", function () {
$(this).off("mousemove"); // Unbind events from document
e.preventDefault(); // disable selection
return this;
example : $("#someDlg").modal().drags({handle:".modal-header"});
Building on previous answers utilizing jQuery UI, this, included once, will apply to all your modals and keep the modal on screen, so users don't accidentally move the header off screen so they can no longer access the handle. Also sets the cursor to 'move' for better discoverability.
$(document).on('shown.bs.modal', function(evt) {
let $modal = $(evt.target);
handle: ".modal-header",
containment: $modal
$modal.find('.modal-header').css('cursor', 'move')
evt.target is the .modal which is the translucent overlay behind the actual .modal-content.
jquery UI is large and can conflict with bootstrap.
An alternative is DragDrop.js: http://kbjr.github.io/DragDrop/index.html
DragDrop.bind($('#myModal')[0], {
anchor: $('#myModal .modal-header')
You still have to deal with transitions, as #user535673 suggests. I just remove the fade class from my dialog.

can't tap on item in google autocomplete list on mobile

I'm making a mobile-app using Phonegap and HTML. Now I'm using the google maps/places autocomplete feature. The problem is: if I run it in my browser on my computer everything works fine and I choose a suggestion to use out of the autocomplete list - if I deploy it on my mobile I still get suggestions but I'm not able to tap one. It seems the "suggestion-overlay" is just ignored and I can tap on the page. Is there a possibility to put focus on the list of suggestions or something that way ?
Hope someone can help me. Thanks in advance.
There is indeed a conflict with FastClick and PAC. I found that I needed to add the needsclick class to both the pac-item and all its children.
'DOMNodeInserted': function() {
$('.pac-item, .pac-item span', this).addClass('needsclick');
}, '.pac-container');
There is currently a pull request on github, but this hasn't been merged yet.
However, you can simply use this patched version of fastclick.
The patch adds the excludeNode option which let's you exclude DOM nodes handled by fastclick via regex. This is how I used it to make google autocomplete work with fastclick:
FastClick.attach(document.body, {
excludeNode: '^pac-'
This reply may be too late. But might be helpful for others.
I had the same issue and after debugging for hours, I found out this issue was because of adding "FastClick" library. After removing this, it worked as usual.
So for having fastClick and google suggestions, I have added this code in geo autocomplete
jQuery.fn.addGeoComplete = function(e){
var input = this;
$(input).attr("autocomplete" , "off");
var id = input.attr("id");
$(input).on("keypress", function(e){
var input = this;
var defaultBounds = new google.maps.LatLngBounds(
new google.maps.LatLng(37.2555, -121.9245),
new google.maps.LatLng(37.2555, -121.9245));
var options = {
bounds: defaultBounds,
mapkey: "xxx"
//Fix for fastclick issue
var g_autocomplete = $("body > .pac-container").filter(":visible");
g_autocomplete.bind('DOMNodeInserted DOMNodeRemoved', function(event) {
$(".pac-item", this).addClass("needsclick");
//End of fix
autocomplete = new google.maps.places.Autocomplete(document.getElementById(id), options);
google.maps.event.addListener(autocomplete, 'place_changed', function() {
//Handle place selection
if you are using Framework 7, it has a custom implementation of FastClicks. Instead of the needsclick class, F7 has no-fastclick. The function below is how it is implemented in F7:
function targetNeedsFastClick(el) {
var $el = $(el);
if (el.nodeName.toLowerCase() === 'input' && el.type === 'file') return false;
if ($el.hasClass('no-fastclick') || $el.parents('.no-fastclick').length > 0) return false;
return true;
So as suggested in other comments, you will only have to add the .no-fastclick class to .pac-item and in all its children
I was having the same problem,
I realized what the problem was that probably the focusout event of pac-container happens before the tap event of the pac-item (only in phonegap built-in browser).
The only way I could solve this, is to add padding-bottom to the input when it is focused and change the top attribute of the pac-container, so that the pac-container resides within the borders of the input.
Therefore when user clicks on item in list the focusout event is not fired.
It's dirty, but it works
worked perfectly for me :
'DOMNodeInserted': function() {
$('.pac-item, .pac-item span', this).addClass('needsclick');
}, '.pac-container');
Configuration: Cordova / iOS iphone 5

Does a PageDown plugin exist for Jeditable?

I am using the jQuery inline editing plugin Jeditable. Thankfully, Jeditable provides a plugin capability for extending the out of the box inline editing it provides.
I am hoping to not reinvent the wheel-- as such does a PageDown plugin already exist for Jeditable? If one does my Google-fu is not turning up any results.
I never found a ready to go Jeditable PageDown plugin so I wrote my own. The below example is too specific to be used without modification, but should provide a decent enough outline for anyone endeavoring to accomplish a similar task.
Code to add a "markdown" input type to Jeditable:
var converter = Markdown.getSanitizingConverter();
$.editable.addInputType('markdown', {
element: function(settings, original) {
var editorId = original.id.substring(original.id.lastIndexOf("-"));
var input = $('<textarea />');
input.attr('id', 'wmd-input' + editorId);
var panel = $('<div class="wmd-panel" />');
panel.append('<div id="wmd-button-bar' + editorId + '" />');
panel.append('<div id="wmd-preview' + editorId + '" />');
return (input);
plugin: function(settings, original) {
var editorId = original.id.substring(original.id.lastIndexOf("-"));
var editor = new Markdown.Editor(converter, editorId);
The above code goes through a bunch of gyrations concerning the elements id, because in my case I can have several editors on a single page. See the PageDown documentation about Markdown.Editor for more details.
Once I've added the "markdown" input type to Jeditable it's just a matter of utilizing it with this code:
$('.editable-element-area').editable('http://jsfiddle.net/echo/jsonp/', {
onblur: 'submit',
type: 'markdown',
indicator: 'Saving...',
loadurl: 'http://jsfiddle.net/echo/jsonp/', // retrieve existing markdown
callback: function(value, settings) {
$(this).html(converter.makeHtml(value)); // render updated markdown
I want my users to see the markdown as HTML when they aren't editing it so I have to make use of the callback and loadurl Jeditable parameters. The load url retrieves the text to edit in markdown format, while the callback converts the new text back to html.

jQuery live with the ready or load event

I'm using the jQuery Tools tooltip plugin, which is initialized with $('selector').tooltip(). I'd like to call this on any current or future .tooltipper element. I figured that the following would work:
$('.tooltipper').live('ready', function(){
But it was unsuccessful---the ready event did not fire. The same for load. I've read that livequery can produce the result of I'm looking for, but surely there is a way to use jQuery .live() to pull it off, considering the documentation says that it works for all jQuery events, of which I believe ready is one.
Quoted from the jQ API (http://api.jquery.com/live/):
In jQuery 1.3.x only the following JavaScript events (in addition to custom events) could be bound with .live(): click, dblclick, keydown, keypress, keyup, mousedown, mousemove, mouseout, mouseover, and mouseup.
As of jQuery 1.4 the .live() method supports custom events as well as all JavaScript events.
As of jQuery 1.4.1 even focus and blur work with live (mapping to the more appropriate, bubbling, events focusin and focusout).
As of jQuery 1.4.1 the hover event can be specified (mapping to "mouseenter mouseleave").
.live() does not appear to support the ready event.
To add to HurnsMobile's excellent answer; Looking at bindReady(), which is the internal call that jQuery makes to bind to the document load event every time you call $(some_function) or $(document).ready(some_function) we see why we cannot bind to "ready":
bindReady: function() {
if ( readyBound ) {
readyBound = true;
// Catch cases where $(document).ready() is called after the
// browser event has already occurred.
if ( document.readyState === "complete" ) {
return jQuery.ready();
// Mozilla, Opera and webkit nightlies currently support this event
if ( document.addEventListener ) {
// Use the handy event callback
document.addEventListener( "DOMContentLoaded", DOMContentLoaded, false );
// A fallback to window.onload, that will always work
window.addEventListener( "load", jQuery.ready, false );
// If IE event model is used
} else if ( document.attachEvent ) {
// ensure firing before onload,
// maybe late but safe also for iframes
document.attachEvent("onreadystatechange", DOMContentLoaded);
// A fallback to window.onload, that will always work
window.attachEvent( "onload", jQuery.ready );
// If IE and not a frame
// continually check to see if the document is ready
var toplevel = false;
try {
toplevel = window.frameElement == null;
} catch(e) { //and silently drop any errors
// If the document supports the scroll check and we're not in a frame:
if ( document.documentElement.doScroll && toplevel ) {
To sum it up, $(some_function) calls a function which binds to:
onreadystatechange (DOMContentLoaded)
window.load / onload
Your best bet would be to bind to those actions that might create new .tooltipper elements, rather than trying to listen for the ready event (which happens only once).
HurnsMobile is right. JQuery live does not support the ready-event.
This is why I created a plugin that combines the two. You register your callback once, and then you will need to call the plugin once for content you add manually.
$.liveReady('.tooltipper', function(){
Then when creating new content:
$('<div class="tooltipper">...').appendTo($('body')).liveReady();
A demo is available here: http://cdn.bitbucket.org/larscorneliussen/jquery.liveready/downloads/demo.html
Check out the introductory post here: http://startbigthinksmall.wordpress.com/2011/04/20/announcing-jquery-live-ready-1-0-release/
Also have a look at http://docs.jquery.com/Plugins/livequery, which listenes for changes on the dom.