So I have this table with a LOT of columns. And I am trying to do pxf connection from another database where this table is. Are there any way I can copy or export maybe all
column name - data type pairs, so I won't have to announce it one by one in while creating external table?
You could generate the DDL from that table and use it as you need, by clicking right mouse button and selecting from menu Generate SQL-->DDL.
Is it possible to dynamically select a table by name?
For example I have a table, and every time records are uploaded to it a backup is created first with the date appended to the table name.
What I would like to do is basically write some type of dynamic sql that always
select * from table_MAXDATE
I would like to do this so I can compare table to the most recent backup (e.g. table_20191111) in order to see what changed between the two tables.
haven't tried anything specific yet.
I'm trying to import a CSV file with column names "Zip Code", "2010 Population", "Land-Sq-Mi" and "Density per Sq Mile" into my test table, which is named derp--that's why I have the drop statement at the beginning, so I don't replicate any rows and can start clean in each iteration.
Code is as follows:
CREATE TABLE public.derp("Zip Code" varchar, "2010 Population" integer, "Land-Sq-Mi" numeric, "Density Per Sq Mile" numeric);
COPY derp("Zip Code", "2010 Population", "Land-Sq-Mi", "Density Per Sq Mile")
FROM '/home/michael/PycharmProjects/cmsDataProject/Zipcode-ZCTA-Population-Density-And-Area-Unsorted.csv'
This does a fine job of importing the actual data, but it leaves the column headers blank in the pgadmin III data view. I looked at the source file in Nano--the headers are there, and if they weren't the query would have thrown a syntax error telling me that there was no relation for the column I was trying to import into.
Any ideas about what I'm doing wrong?
Edit: I would like pgadmin III data view to display the header names, and possibly a way to verify that the columns are actually named even if they aren't being imported and not displayed. To reiterate, every row after the headers is intact and in view, just the header row is blank.
Edit 2: When I CREATE TABLE public.derp(); and then manually add the columns, they show correctly in the data view. Something about the multi-line query statement was causing the breakage.
So pgadmin is not showing the column names but it's showing the data?
If you open a table in pgadmin, then alter the table, but keep the table window open, it seems to lose the column names.
Close the window with the table. Click the tables icon in the pgadmin tree view and refresh the tables, and reopen the table window.
I am doing some databese thing, I need copy one table from one model to another, but i try many ways there no effect.
Is there any way for doing this?
If you just want to do a single table through the MySQL Workbench.
In MySQL Workbench:
Connect to a MySQL Server
Expand a Database
Right Click on a table
Select Copy To Clipboard
Select Create Statement
A create statement for the table will be copied to your clipboard similar to the below:
CREATE TABLE `cache` (
`cid` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
`data` longblob,
`expire` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
`created` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
`headers` text,
`serialized` smallint(6) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
PRIMARY KEY (`cid`),
KEY `expire` (`expire`)
Create the table in the new database
Open a new SQL tab for executing queries (File->New Query Tab)
Alter the create table code to include the database to create the table on.
CREATE TABLE `databaseName`.`cache` (
`cid` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
`data` longblob,
`expire` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
`created` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
`headers` text,
`serialized` smallint(6) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
PRIMARY KEY (`cid`),
KEY `expire` (`expire`)
Then click the Execute button (looks like a lightening Bolt)
That will copy the table schema from one db to another using the MySQL workbench. Just refresh the tables in the database and you should see your newly added table
Select tab with source database
In menu: Server->Data Export
Select Schema and the Table as Schema Object
Select option Export to Self-Contained File and check Create Dump in a Single Transaction (self-contained only)
Copy full file path to clipboard
Start Export
Select tab with target database
In menu: Server->Data Import. Make sure your target database name is at the top left corner of the Data Import view
Select Import from self contained file and paste full file path from clipboard
Select Default Target Schema
Select Dump Content (Dump Structure and Data etc…)
Start Import
Your best option is probably to create a stripped down version of the model that contains the objects you want to carry over. Then open the target model and run File -> Include Model.... Select the stripped down source model and there you go.
You can just use a select statement. Here I am creating a duplicate of "original_table" table from the "original_schema" schema/database to the "new_schema" schema :
CREATE TABLE new_schema.duplicate_table AS
Select * from original_schema.original_table;
You can just put any select statement you need ,add a condition and select the columns :
CREATE TABLE new_schema.duplicate_table AS
SELECT column1, column2
FROM original_schema.original_table
WHERE column2 < 11000000;
I think it is worth mentioning that
a copied table may reference fields in tables of the original schema, that do not exist, in the schema where it's to be copied. It might be a good idea, to inspect the table for these discrepancies, before adding it to the other schema.
it's probably a good idea, to check engine compatibility (e.g. InnoDB vs MyISAM) and character set.
step 1 : Righit click on table > copy to clipboard > create statement
step 2: paste clipboard in the query field of workbench.
step 3: remove (``) from the name of the table and name of the model(schema)followed by a dot.
eg : `cusine_menus` -> schema_name.cusine_menus
If you already have your table created and just want to copy the data, I'd recommend using the "Export Data Wizard" and "Import Data Wizard". It is basically choosing stuff in the program for exporting and then importing the data and is easy to use.
MySQL has an article on the wizards here: Table Data Export and Import Wizard
To copy data using the wizards, do the following:
Find the table in the list from which you want to copy data from.
Right click and choose "Table Data Export Wizard."
Choose the columns you wish to copy.
Choose a location to save a *.csv or *.json file with the copied data.
Find the table to insert the copied data to.
Right click and choose "Table data import wizard".
Choose the file you just exported.
Map the columns from the table you copied from to the table you insert to.
Press "Finish". The data is inserted as you chose.
In this post, we are going to show you how to copy a table in MySQL
First, this query will copy the data and structure, but the indexes are not included:
CREATE TABLE new_table SELECT * FROM old_table;
Second, this query will copy the table structure and indexes, but not data:
CREATE TABLE new_table LIKE old_table;
So, to copy everything, including database objects such as indexes, primary key constraint, foreign key constraints, triggers, etc., run these queries:
CREATE TABLE new_table LIKE old_table;
INSERT new_table SELECT * FROM old_table;
If you want to copy a table from one database to another database:
CREATE TABLE destination_db.new_table LIKE source_db.old_table;
INSERT destination_db.new_table
create table .m_property_nature like .m_property_nature;
INSERT INTO .m_property_nature SELECT * from .m_property_nature;
You can get the crate table query from table info and use the same query on different database instance.
show create table TABLENAME.content and copy the query;
Run the generated query on another Db instance connected.
I've searched through all of the responses on SQL Developer and I haven't found a response that matches this question. I need to be able to see the SQL for a table/view etc by clicking on the sql tab, but for now it simply shows me a blank screen. Has anyone else solved this? It works fine in toad and I can see the code but we have a new server and I can't connect to it with toad. Any help would be nice.
When i connect to SQL Developer and type alter the session set current_schema=xyz then i am connect as if i was that user.
When i open the branche other users, and navigate to a table of user xyz, and click table A_TABLE, then i see the definition of that table in the columns tab and i have several other tabs, such as data to show the data in the table. So far so good.
But when i navigate to the SQL tab (on the far right of the tabs) i would expect to see the DLL of the table, but this tab stays empty. (this is also posted in another thread, but no good solution)
Is there a way to get this working ?
Probably tab in the backend looks in user_tables and user_tab_columns to generatie the DLL.
And since i did an alter session, the table are probably in the all_tables view.
It works fine when i log in and click my own tables, but not that of other users.
Same think with view definitions.
Also right clicking on the object and choose quick DLL results in empty file/worksheet of clipboard.
In short, can the tab SQL only work for schema owners of dba's or can it also work when using alter session set current_schema = xyz
Not sure exactly what you mean, but:
1. Can you connect to your db using Sqldev? Can you expand the list of schema objects and see your tables?
2. If so then when you open a sql worksheet, yes it is blank., this is where you type your sql statement and execute it. Type the FROM clause first, then go back and add the select clause and sql dev will show a drop down list of columns for the tables you can select from w/o typing the col names.
3. If you want to see you table data, simply double click the table in the tree browser on the left.
You can also build queries graphically though drag and drop.
But, normal behavior of the SQL worksheet window is to display blank, so not sure exactly what you expecting to happen.
If you select a view and right click and select Export DDL and Select Save to Worksheet, then the DDL is pasted into a worksheet: Example:
SQL DDL statements show the 'code' to create the schema object.