PostgreSQL leaving headers blank while importing CSV - postgresql

I'm trying to import a CSV file with column names "Zip Code", "2010 Population", "Land-Sq-Mi" and "Density per Sq Mile" into my test table, which is named derp--that's why I have the drop statement at the beginning, so I don't replicate any rows and can start clean in each iteration.
Code is as follows:
CREATE TABLE public.derp("Zip Code" varchar, "2010 Population" integer, "Land-Sq-Mi" numeric, "Density Per Sq Mile" numeric);
COPY derp("Zip Code", "2010 Population", "Land-Sq-Mi", "Density Per Sq Mile")
FROM '/home/michael/PycharmProjects/cmsDataProject/Zipcode-ZCTA-Population-Density-And-Area-Unsorted.csv'
This does a fine job of importing the actual data, but it leaves the column headers blank in the pgadmin III data view. I looked at the source file in Nano--the headers are there, and if they weren't the query would have thrown a syntax error telling me that there was no relation for the column I was trying to import into.
Any ideas about what I'm doing wrong?
Edit: I would like pgadmin III data view to display the header names, and possibly a way to verify that the columns are actually named even if they aren't being imported and not displayed. To reiterate, every row after the headers is intact and in view, just the header row is blank.
Edit 2: When I CREATE TABLE public.derp(); and then manually add the columns, they show correctly in the data view. Something about the multi-line query statement was causing the breakage.

So pgadmin is not showing the column names but it's showing the data?
If you open a table in pgadmin, then alter the table, but keep the table window open, it seems to lose the column names.
Close the window with the table. Click the tables icon in the pgadmin tree view and refresh the tables, and reopen the table window.


Columns not auto populating when importing CSV data on PgAdmin for PostgreSQL (On Windows)

I am on Windows. I created a database, went to the schemas tab on the database dropdown, and created a table. I entered in all of the info for the table. However, when I import a CSV file to the table, the columns of the table do not show up on the column tab. As a result, I cannot import the csv data. It will not even allow me enter in the column names myself.
This is the code I used to create a table:
CREATE TABLE table_name(column1 int, column2 varchar, column3 varchar, column4 int);
select * from table_name
After, I clicked on the table I had made to import csv data. However, the columns will not autopopulate when I finished importing the csv data with a header, and UTF-8 encoding.
I reinstalled PgAdmin but it did not solve anything. I cannot enter in the column names myself as well. The column names of the table should be autogenerating but it is not working.

How to import data from csv to postgresql table that has an auto_increment first column or field

Hi I am trying to import data to a postgresql table from a csv file, so I'd like to know how do I exlude the first column since it is an identity column that increments when data is inserted?
Error I get is here
If you are using some script to add or modify data, then you should just skip the variable on the script (e.g. does not write then on the insert statement), but on doing so you should modify your csv to delete the insert column(the data, if any, and the separator, usually a comma) since the number of variables are now different.
Looking at your print I suppose you are using pgadmin or some simmilar GUI, on the case of pgadmin if you click on the column and select the import\export data... option, you will open a windows where you should select "import" and then, on the upper windows menu, click on "columns" and exclude the "ID" or any other auto-increment, this slution also needs you to remove the csv column as well.

Postgresql copy from file changed rows order

I'm trying to save text file content into Postgresql database. First of all I want to copy file into one table with one column in order to iterate over it and save values into specific tables.
I'm using Postgresql version 11.5 on Mac. I copied file into temp table (one line as one row). Then I wrote plpgsql function that iterates over each row of temp table and parses values into other tables. It was working fine on small dataset but when I used bigger one ~ aprox (6*10^5 lines) function failed because it expected specific (same as in file) rows order. After some investigation it turned out that rows order in temp table is different than lines order in the file. What's more interesting first difference occurs on 455864th row.
data_row text
COPY "Temp"(data_row) FROM 'PATH_TO_FILE';
I expect COPY FROM command to copy data in same order that is in file.

How to avoid OIDs column from table in PostgreSQL?

I am using PostgreSQL 9.6. I have created a table with create query.
But when i checked in left panel of pgAdmin, under table i found more six columns named tableid,cmax,xmax,cmin,xmin and ctid.
When i searched about this, I found that these are OIDs column and does not affect to data on other columns.
I have to import data into this table. So after selecting table, from right click i got option for import/Export. So from that i am importing .csv file.
But when i tried to import the data in table, i am getting error like,
ERROR: column "tableoid" of relation "account" does not exist
Please suggest me how to eliminate these OID columns from table.
You must be missing some column that is present in the csv named "tableoid".
In this case ,TABLE according to the import file must be created first. IF there is no prior table , it wont work. This may help.

How to insert a row in postgreSQL pgAdmin?

I am new to postgreSQL. Is there any way to insert row in postgreSQL pgAdmin without using SQL Editor (SQL query)?
The accepted answer is related to PgAdmin 3 which is outdated and not supported.
For PgAdmin 4 and above, the application is running in the browser.
After you create your table, you have to make sure that your table has a primary key otherwise you couldn't edit the data as mentioned in the official documentation.
To modify the content of a table, each row in the table must be
uniquely identifiable. If the table definition does not include an OID
or a primary key, the displayed data is read only. Note that views
cannot be edited; updatable views (using rules) are not supported.
1- Add primary key
Expand your table properties by clicking on it in the pgAdmin4 legend. Right-click on 'Constraints', select 'Create' --> 'Primary Key'to define a primary key column.
2- View the data in excel like format
Browser view, right-click on your table --> select View/Edit Data --> All Rows
3- Add new row / Edit data
On the Data Output tab at the bottom of the table below the last row, there will be an empty row where you can enter new data in an excel-like manner. If you want to make updates you can also double click on any cell and change its value.
4- Save the changes
Click on the 'Save' button on the menu bar near the top of the data window.
I think some answers don't provide an answer to the original question, some of them insert records but with SQL statements and the OP clearly said WITHOUT, so I post the right answer: (Step by Step)
Alternatively you can use the query tool:
INSERT INTO public.table01(
name, age)
VALUES (?, ?);
use the lightning icon to execute.
You can do that without the SQL editor, but it's better to do this by queries.
Although, in pgAdmin, there is an option which you can click to have an excel-like window where you can add and update data in a table without using SQL language. Please select a table which you want to add a row first and click on the next icon here below.
Editing table data without primary key is forbidden
If your tables don't have a primary key or OIDs, you can view the data only.
Inserting new rows and changing existing rows isn't possible for the Edit Data tool without primary key.
INSERT INTO tablename (field1, field2) values ('value1', 2);
on pgAdmin 4, right-click on the table and use the item like below. You can also use that script in the background.
Finally, to watch the inserted data do like below. You can also use that script in the background.
All the above are correct answers. I just want to add that : When u create a table, make sure u have atleast one column as PRIMARY_KEY. Then, just follow the GUI : View/Edit data. U can add row as the last row of the table
As an update, the icon for the save button is different in pgAdmin 4.
This is how the menu should look after right-clicking on the table you want to insert into and hovering over "View/Edit Data".
After adding rows, either press F6 (on Ubuntu) or click the icon that looks like a stack of discs (database icon) with a lock on it.
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