Matlab arduino serial communication - matlab

I am trying to send some data from Matlab to arduino. It is a matrix of [1 by 2]. My plan is to convert this two numbers in to a string and send to the arduino. However in the serial monitor, I can not read any value coming from matlab.
This is my matlab code,
val_a = matt(n,:);
A = [val_a];
asd = A(1:1);
asb = A(:,2);
strA = num2str(asd);
strB = num2str(asb);
comma = ',';
endVal = '#';
theString = strcat(strA,comma,endVal);
obj1 = instrfind('Type', 'serial', 'Port', 'COM19', 'Tag', '');
if isempty(obj1)
obj1 = serial('COM19');
obj1 = obj1(1);
A = [];
And this is the serial event of arduino
bool gotalfa = false;
bool event = false;
void serialEvent() {
while (Serial.available())
char inChar = (char);
event = true;
if (inChar == , && !gotalfa)
alfa = inputString;
inputString = "";
gotalfa = true;
event = false;
if (inChar == '#' && gotalfa)
theta = inputString;
gotalfa = false;
inputString = "";
Serial.print("alfa ");
Serial.print("theta ");
//some program....
event = false;
inputString += inChar;
Do I have to change anything in my matlab/arduino code. Any helpful tip is greatly appreciated.
Thank you in advance

Just a tip, hopefully it points you to the answer.
I would use a terminal program like putty or teraterm to isolate the root cause of your error.
i.e. Run putty/teraterm to send certain string to your serial port of your arduino and see if it does returns the expected strings.
Also, consider using the ReadStringUntil in Arduino.
Hope it helps.


Unable to Get Bitwise XOR to work in GameMaker 2

I'm trying to implement Zobrist hashing for a chess game and thought I was doing things correctly. However, when I try to apply XOR to a Hash value, it simply changes between 0 (the starting value for the hash) and -2147483648, in spite of conducting a bitwise XOR against a random number between 0 and 18446744073709551616.
Here's some code. I thought it was relatively simple with a struct for each entry in the Grid, a constructor function to make an entry, a function to create the Hash Table, and finally one for the Hash itself.
//Hash Table struct. This can be expanded for each new piece type
HashTableEntry = {
//A function for creating a Hash Table Entry
function toHashTableEntryStruct() constructor {
var HashUpperBound = 18446744073709551616;
QueenHash = random(HashUpperBound);
BishopHash = random(HashUpperBound);
KnightHash = random(HashUpperBound);
RookHash = random(HashUpperBound);
PawnHash = random(HashUpperBound);
KingHash = random(HashUpperBound);
//A function to create a ds_grid Hash Table of the size passed to it, which it then returns
function CreateHashTable(_width, _height){
//Copy the local variables
var width = _width;
var height = _height;
//Create the grid for the Hash Table
var NewHashTable = ds_grid_create(width, height);
//Copy the original seed and set the game's seed to create the same table each time
var OriginalSeed = random_get_seed;
//Loop through the Grid and fill each value with a HashTableEntry struct
for(var i = 0; i < width; i++;){
for(var j = 0; j < height; j++;){
var NewHash = new toHashTableEntryStruct();
ds_grid_set(NewHashTable, i, j, NewHash);
//Reset the seed
//Return the shiny new Hash Table
return NewHashTable;
//A function for creating the original Hash of a board. This should only be called on
initialising a Board as it sets the Original Hash
function CreateBoardHash(_board){
var Board = _board;
var width = ds_grid_width(Board);
var height = ds_grid_height(Board);
HashTable = CreateHashTable(width, height);
var FinalHash = 0;
for(var i = 0; i < width; i++;){
for(var j = 0; j < height; j++;){
var PieceToCheck = ds_grid_get(Board, i, j);
if(PieceToCheck == Pieces.BLANK){ continue; }
var HashEntry = ds_grid_get(HashTable, i, j);
var XorValue = MatchPieceToHashTableEntry(PieceToCheck, HashEntry);
FinalHash ^= XorValue;
if(FinalHash == 0){
//Error here
//Set the instance variable for this original Hash
OriginalHash = FinalHash;
//Add it to the Current Hash stack
CurrentHash = FinalHash;
//Return said hash for the calling function
return FinalHash;
The problem comes in the FinalHash ^= XorValue; line, where XorValue each time is a random number, but FinalHash only ever comes out as 0 or -2147483648.
Can someone help with why this is the case and what I may be doing wrong with my XOR function?
Thanks to Reddit, I have fixed this. GameMaker must be doing something weird with the ^= operator, as the solution was as follows:
FinalHash = FinalHash ^ XorValue;

nanopb encode always size 0 (but no encode failure)

I have a very simple proto:
syntax = "proto2";
message TestMessage {
optional int32 val = 1;
optional string msg = 2; // I set max size to 40 in options, so TestMessage_size is defined.
...and I have the following code in my main loop for an arduino program:
TestMessage test_msg = TestMessage_init_zero;
test_msg.val = 123;
// Print message length.
size_t msg_length;
bool get_msg_length = pb_get_encoded_size(&msg_length, TestMessage_fields, &test_msg);
// Encode and print message.
uint8_t testbuffer[TestMessage_size];
pb_ostream_t teststream = pb_ostream_from_buffer(testbuffer, sizeof(testbuffer));
bool teststatus = pb_encode(&teststream, TestMessage_fields, &test_msg);
if (!teststatus) {
Serial.println("Failed to encode test message.");
Serial.print("Message: ");
for(size_t i = 0; i < teststream.bytes_written; i++){
Serial.print(testbuffer[i], OCT);
Serial.println("testbuffer flushed");
For some reason I can print test_msg.val and it will show 123 but when I try to encode it (following examples like this one) it always is empty / has size 0.
Is this a configuration issue with nanopb? I wonder if the encode method requires something that I am not using?
For optional fields, you also have to set the has_field:
TestMessage test_msg = TestMessage_init_zero;
test_msg.has_val = true;
test_msg.val = 123;
That's because otherwise there is no way to know if the optional field has been set or not. C++ handles this via setter methods, but C doesn't have those.

Swift, dictionary parse error

I'm using an API to get weather condition and the retrieved dict is
dict = {
base = stations;
clouds = {
all = 92;
cod = 200;
coord = {
lat = "31.23";
lon = "121.47";
dt = 1476853699;
id = 1796231;
main = {
"grnd_level" = "1028.63";
humidity = 93;
pressure = "1028.63";
"sea_level" = "1029.5";
temp = "73.38";
"temp_max" = "73.38";
"temp_min" = "73.38";
name = "Shanghai Shi";
rain = {
3h = "0.665";
sys = {
country = CN;
message = "0.0125";
sunrise = 1476827992;
sunset = 1476868662;
weather = (
description = "light rain";
icon = 10d;
id = 500;
main = Rain;
wind = {
deg = "84.50239999999999";
speed = "5.97";
If I want the value of humidity, I just use
let humidityValue = dict["main"]["humidity"] and it works.
But the problem is I also want to get the value of description in weather
when I used let dscptValue = dict["weather"]["description"]
it retrieved nil.
How's that? and I notice there are two brackets around weather .I'm not sure whether it is the same with the statement without brackets.
weather = (
description = "light rain";
icon = 10d;
id = 500;
main = Rain;
How to get the value of description?
weather keys contains Array of Dictionary not directly Dictionary, so you need to access the first object of it.
if let weather = dict["weather"] as? [[String: AnyObject]], let weatherDict = weather.first {
let dscptValue = weatherDict["description"]
Note: I have used optional wrapping with if let for preventing crash with forced wrapping.
Weather is an array of dictionaries.
may give you the expected result.

How to convert a string to a variant in jscript under wsh?

I need to append a string of text to the end of a binary file.
This is what I'm trying:
inStream = WScript.CreateObject("ADODB.Stream") ;
inStream.type = 1 ; ;
inStream.LoadFromFile('test.bin') ;
outStream = WScript.CreateObject("ADODB.Stream") ;
outStream.type = 1 ; ;
outStream.write( ) ;
outStream.write( "\nCONTENT AT THE END" ) ; // this gives an error
outStream.SaveToFile('test2.bin',2) ;
The reported error is "wrong argument".
The documentation of that method says the argument must be of type variant.
How can I convert a string to a variant?
The solution is to use auxiliary ADODB.Stream instance .copyTo() method.
var inStream = WScript.CreateObject('ADODB.Stream'); // source stream
inStream.Type = 1; // adTypeBinary
var outStream = WScript.CreateObject('ADODB.Stream'); // target stream
outStream.Type = 1; // adTypeBinary
var bufStream = WScript.CreateObject('ADODB.Stream'); // auxiliary stream
bufStream.Type = 2; // adTypeText
bufStream.WriteText('\nCONTENT AT THE END'); // strings held as Unicode in memory
bufStream.Position = 2; // skip BOM bytes FF FE
bufStream.CopyTo(outStream); // append to the end of target stream
outStream.SaveToFile('C:\\Test\\dst.bin', 2);

Javascript create a function that returns a boolean value based on certain parameters

Thanks for taking the time to look at my problem. What I'm trying to do is create a javascript function that tests whether a sting is a particular length and also whether each element of that string can be found in another string. The function then needs to return a boolean value of either true or false depending on whether the string is valid.
Here's what I have:
N_ALPHA = 6;
var alphabet = ALPHABET.substring(0, N_ALPHA);
function isValidGuess(inStr)
{ var valid;
var Str = inStr;
for (i=0; i<Str.length; i++)
{ if (Str.charAt(i) === alphabet.charAt(i) && Str.length == N_CHOICES.length)
{ valid = true;
{ valid = false;
return valid;
This code is not working at all. It only returns false every time. Any help you could provide would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
N_CHOICES.length return undefined, because variable N_CHOICES is number.
you have to change your condition to
if (Str.charAt(i) === alphabet.charAt(i) && Str.length == N_CHOICES)