Entity Framework not saving to the database - entity-framework

I have a challenge that I am trying to update a record from database But it is not saving to the database, and not showing any errors, it is giving a message that it has updated the record but there are no changes to the database. My code is as below. Any suggestions
dbEntities context = new dbEntities();
var query = context.ConsultantsProfiles.SingleOrDefault(c => c.Username == username);
if (query != null)
query.Summary = txtSummary.Text;
query.CareerTitle = txtTitle.Text;
query.ConsultantType = cbType.Text;
query.Username = username;
query.FirstName = txtFirstname.Text;
query.LastName = txtLastName.Text;
query.Email = txtEmail.Text;
query.DateofBirth = Convert.ToDateTime(dptDateofBirth.Value);
query.PhoneNumber = txtPhoneNumber.Text;
query.Website = txtWebsite.Text;
query.Town = txtTown.Text;
query.Country = txtCountry.Text;
if (FileUpload1.HasFile)
//image upload
HttpPostedFile postedFile = FileUpload1.PostedFile;
// HttpPostedFile postedFile = uploadControl.UploadedFiles[i];
Stream stream = postedFile.InputStream;
BinaryReader reader = new BinaryReader(stream);
byte[] imgByte = reader.ReadBytes((int)stream.Length);
int imglength = FileUpload1.PostedFile.ContentLength;
query.ProfilePhoto = imgByte;
context.Entry(query).State = EntityState.Modified;
Response.Write("<script language=javascript>alert('Notification: The Profile Has been Updated');</script>");

dbEntities context = new dbEntities();
var consultantProfile = new ConsultantProfile
Summary = txtSummary.Text;
CareerTitle = txtTitle.Text;
ConsultantType = cbType.Text;
Username = username;
FirstName = txtFirstname.Text;
LastName = txtLastName.Text;
Email = txtEmail.Text;
DateofBirth = Convert.ToDateTime(dptDateofBirth.Value);
PhoneNumber = txtPhoneNumber.Text;
Website = txtWebsite.Text;
Town = txtTown.Text;
Country = txtCountry.Text;
if (FileUpload1.HasFile)
//image upload
HttpPostedFile postedFile = FileUpload1.PostedFile;
// HttpPostedFile postedFile = uploadControl.UploadedFiles[i];
Stream stream = postedFile.InputStream;
BinaryReader reader = new BinaryReader(stream);
byte[] imgByte = reader.ReadBytes((int)stream.Length);
int imglength = FileUpload1.PostedFile.ContentLength;
consultantProfile.ProfilePhoto = imgByte;
context.Entry(ConsultantsProfiles).State = EntityState.Modified;


get_value of a feature in IFeatureCursor

I'm trying to read the attribute "POSTCODE" of the features in IFeatureCursor. The FID was successful read but the "POSTCODE" was failed. The runtime error 'An expected Field was not found or could not be retrieved properly. Appreciate your advise. Paul
private void test2(IFeatureCursor pFeatc1)
IFeature feature = null;
IFields pFields;
int ctcur = 0;
while ((feature = pFeatc1.NextFeature()) != null)
pFields = feature.Fields;
int indxid = pFields.FindField("FID");
int indxpost = pFields.FindField("POSTCODE");
object valu = feature.get_Value(indxid);
string valupost = feature.get_Value(indxpost);
string aValu = Convert.ToString(valu);
Debug.WriteLine("FID: " + aValu + " Postcode: " + valupost);
feature = pFeatc1.NextFeature();
MessageBox.Show("count cursor = " + ctcur);
I have modified the program and successfully read the feature attribute 'POSTCODE'. I have added IFeatureClass.Search(queryFilter, true) to search the feature again by FID and save in a cursor then use the 'feature.get_Value' to read the attribute. Please see my updated code below. Thanks.
private void test2(IFeatureCursor pFeatc1)
IMxDocument mxdoc = ArcMap.Application.Document as IMxDocument;
IMap map = mxdoc.FocusMap;
IFeatureLayer flayer;
IMaps pMaps = mxdoc.Maps;
for (int i = 0; i <= pMaps.Count - 1; i++)
map = pMaps.get_Item(i);
IEnumLayer pEnumLayer = map.get_Layers(null, true);
ILayer pLayer = pEnumLayer.Next();
while (pLayer != null)
if (pLayer.Name == "AddrKey")
Debug.WriteLine("Layer: " + pLayer.Name);
flayer = (IFeatureLayer)pLayer;
IFeatureLayer pFeatureLayer = (IFeatureLayer)pLayer;
IFeatureClass pFeatureClass = pFeatureLayer.FeatureClass;
IFeature feature = null;
IFields pFields;
while ((feature = pFeatc1.NextFeature()) != null)
pFields = feature.Fields;
int indx = pFields.FindField("FID");
object valu = feature.get_Value(indx);
string sFID = Convert.ToString(valu);
IQueryFilter queryFilter = new QueryFilter();
queryFilter.WhereClause = ("FID = " + sFID);
Debug.WriteLine("FID: " + sFID);
queryFilter.SubFields = "POSTCODE";
int fieldPosition = pFeatureClass.FindField("POSTCODE");
IFeatureCursor featureCursor = pFeatureClass.Search(queryFilter, true);
while ((feature = featureCursor.NextFeature()) != null)
feature = pFeatc1.NextFeature();
pLayer = pEnumLayer.Next();

SetLockoutEnabled on additional user in seed method not finding UserId

I am trying to seed my database with the primary admin user (which when done on its own works fine) but when I attempt to add the first BP user then it is erroring out on the following line:
result = userManager.SetLockoutEnabled(bpc1.Id, false)
My question is, is it only possible to add the admin roles and not other roles?
with the error "UserId not Found" but if i check this on debug I can see that the bpc1 has an Id attached to it, my code is as follows:
public static void InitializeIdentityForEF(ApplicationDbContext db) {
//User Manager and Role Manager
var userManager = HttpContext.Current.GetOwinContext().GetUserManager<ApplicationUserManager>();
var roleManager = HttpContext.Current.GetOwinContext().Get<ApplicationRoleManager>();
//Admin User
const string name = "Admin#123456";
const string password = "Password!";
//BP Customers
const string bpc1_name = "bpc1";
const string bpc1_password = "Welcome2!";
const string bpc2_name = "bpc2";
const string bpc2_password = "Welcome2!";
const string bpc3_name = "bpc3";
const string bpc3_password = "Welcome2!";
//KP Customers
const string kpc1_name = "kpc1";
const string kpc1_password = "Welcome2!";
const string kpc2_name = "kpc2";
const string kpc2_password = "Welcome2!";
const string kpc3_name = "kpc3";
const string kpc3_password = "Welcome2!";
const string roleName = "Admin";
const string roleName2 = "BP";
const string roleName3 = "KP";
//Create Role Admin if it does not exist
var role = roleManager.FindByName(roleName);
if (role == null) {
role = new IdentityRole(roleName);
var roleresult = roleManager.Create(role);
//Create Role Billpay if it does not exist
var role2 = roleManager.FindByName(roleName2);
if (role2 == null) {
role2 = new IdentityRole(roleName2);
var roleresult2 = roleManager.Create(role2);
//Create Role Keypad if it does not exist
var role3 = roleManager.FindByName(roleName3);
if (role3 == null) {
role3 = new IdentityRole(roleName3);
var roleresult3 = roleManager.Create(role3);
//Create Admin user
var user = userManager.FindByName(name);
if (user == null) {
user = new ApplicationUser { UserName = name, Email = name };
var result = userManager.Create(user, password);
result = userManager.SetLockoutEnabled(user.Id, false);
//Create Billpay Customer 1
var bpc1 = userManager.FindByName(bpc1_name);
if (bpc1 == null)
bpc1 = new ApplicationUser { UserName = bpc1_name, Email = bpc1_name };
var result = userManager.Create(user, bpc1_password);
result = userManager.SetLockoutEnabled(bpc1.Id, false);
//Create Billpay Customer 2
var bpc2 = userManager.FindByName(bpc2_name);
if (bpc2 == null)
bpc2 = new ApplicationUser { UserName = bpc2_name, Email = bpc2_name };
var result = userManager.Create(bpc2, bpc2_password);
result = userManager.SetLockoutEnabled(bpc2.Id, false);
//Create Billpay Customer 3
var bpc3 = userManager.FindByName(bpc3_name);
if (bpc3 == null)
bpc3 = new ApplicationUser { UserName = bpc3_name, Email = bpc3_name };
var result = userManager.Create(bpc3, bpc3_password);
result = userManager.SetLockoutEnabled(bpc3.Id, false);
//Create Keypad Customer 1
var kpc1 = userManager.FindByName(kpc1_name);
if (kpc1 == null)
kpc1 = new ApplicationUser { UserName = kpc1_name, Email = kpc1_name };
var result = userManager.Create(kpc1, kpc1_password);
result = userManager.SetLockoutEnabled(kpc1.Id, false);
//Create Keypad Customer 2
var kpc2 = userManager.FindByName(kpc2_name);
if (kpc2 == null)
kpc2 = new ApplicationUser { UserName = kpc2_name, Email = kpc2_name };
var result = userManager.Create(kpc2, kpc2_password);
result = userManager.SetLockoutEnabled(kpc2.Id, false);
//Create Keypad Customer 3
var kpc3 = userManager.FindByName(kpc3_name);
if (kpc3 == null)
kpc3 = new ApplicationUser { UserName = kpc3_name, Email = kpc3_name };
var result = userManager.Create(kpc3, kpc3_password);
result = userManager.SetLockoutEnabled(kpc3.Id, false);
// Add user admin to Role Admin if not already added
var rolesForUser = userManager.GetRoles(user.Id);
if (!rolesForUser.Contains(role.Name)) {
var result = userManager.AddToRole(user.Id, role.Name);
// Add Billpay Customers to Role Billpay if not already added
var rolesForBillpayCustomer1 = userManager.GetRoles(bpc1.Id);
var rolesForBillpayCustomer2 = userManager.GetRoles(bpc2.Id);
var rolesForBillpayCustomer3 = userManager.GetRoles(bpc3.Id);
if (!rolesForBillpayCustomer1.Contains(role2.Name))
var result = userManager.AddToRole(bpc1.Id, role2.Name);
if (!rolesForBillpayCustomer2.Contains(role2.Name))
var result = userManager.AddToRole(bpc2.Id, role2.Name);
if (!rolesForBillpayCustomer3.Contains(role2.Name))
var result = userManager.AddToRole(bpc1.Id, role2.Name);
// Add Keypad Customers to Role Keypad if not already added
var rolesForKeypadCustomer1 = userManager.GetRoles(kpc1.Id);
var rolesForKeypadCustomer2 = userManager.GetRoles(kpc2.Id);
var rolesForKeypadCustomer3 = userManager.GetRoles(kpc3.Id);
if (!rolesForKeypadCustomer1.Contains(role2.Name))
var result = userManager.AddToRole(kpc1.Id, role3.Name);
if (!rolesForKeypadCustomer2.Contains(role2.Name))
var result = userManager.AddToRole(kpc2.Id, role3.Name);
if (!rolesForKeypadCustomer3.Contains(role2.Name))
var result = userManager.AddToRole(kpc3.Id, role3.Name);

Need more efficient way to convert Entities to DataTable

So, I have a method that converts entities into a DataTable. The only problem is it is very slow. I made sure to call .ToList() on the IQueryable to make it go ahead and load before processing the results into a DataTable. It takes hardly any time to load the 3000+ rows into memory. However, the real time slayer is in the following iteration in the method:
foreach (var index in imgLeaseIndexes)
DataRow dataRow = dataTable.NewRow();
dataRow["StateCode"] = index.StateCode;
dataRow["CountyCode"] = index.CountyCode;
dataRow["EntryNumber"] = index.EntryNumber;
dataRow["Volume"] = index.Volume;
dataRow["Page"] = index.Page;
dataRow["PageCount"] = index.ImgLocation.PageCount;
dataRow["CreateDate"] = index.ImgLocation.CreateDate;
And here is the complete method, for what it's worth:
private DataTable buildImgLeaseIndexDataTable(List<ImgLeaseIndex> imgLeaseIndexes)
var dataTable = new DataTable();
var dataColumns = new List<DataColumn>();
var tdiReportProperties =
new List<string>() { "StateCode", "CountyCode", "EntryNumber", "Volume", "Page", "PageCount", "CreateDate" };
Type imgLeaseIndexType = imgLeaseIndexes.FirstOrDefault().GetType();
PropertyInfo[] imgLeaseIndexPropertyInfo = imgLeaseIndexType.GetProperties();
(from propertyInfo in imgLeaseIndexPropertyInfo
where tdiReportProperties.Contains(propertyInfo.Name)
select new DataColumn()
ColumnName = propertyInfo.Name,
DataType = (propertyInfo.PropertyType.IsGenericType &&
propertyInfo.PropertyType.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(Nullable<>)) ?
propertyInfo.PropertyType.GetGenericArguments()[0] : propertyInfo.PropertyType
Type imgLocationType = imgLeaseIndexes.FirstOrDefault().ImgLocation.GetType();
PropertyInfo[] imgLocationPropertyInfo = imgLocationType.GetProperties();
(from propertyInfo in imgLocationPropertyInfo
where tdiReportProperties.Contains(propertyInfo.Name)
select new DataColumn()
ColumnName = propertyInfo.Name,
DataType = (propertyInfo.PropertyType.IsGenericType &&
propertyInfo.PropertyType.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(Nullable<>)) ?
propertyInfo.PropertyType.GetGenericArguments()[0] : propertyInfo.PropertyType
foreach (var index in imgLeaseIndexes)
DataRow dataRow = dataTable.NewRow();
dataRow["StateCode"] = index.StateCode;
dataRow["CountyCode"] = index.CountyCode;
dataRow["EntryNumber"] = index.EntryNumber;
dataRow["Volume"] = index.Volume;
dataRow["Page"] = index.Page;
dataRow["PageCount"] = index.ImgLocation.PageCount;
dataRow["CreateDate"] = index.ImgLocation.CreateDate;
return dataTable;
Does anyone have ideas on how I can make this more efficient and why it is so slow as is?
I removed the reflection and explicitly set the data columns at compile time per the feedback I've received so far, but it is still really slow. This is what the updated code looks like:
private DataTable buildImgLeaseIndexDataTable(List<ImgLeaseIndex> imgLeaseIndexes)
var dataTable = new DataTable();
var stateCodeDataColumn = new DataColumn();
stateCodeDataColumn.ColumnName = "StateCode";
stateCodeDataColumn.Caption = "State Code";
stateCodeDataColumn.DataType = typeof(Int16);
var countyCodeDataColumn = new DataColumn();
countyCodeDataColumn.ColumnName = "CountyCode";
countyCodeDataColumn.Caption = "County Code";
countyCodeDataColumn.DataType = typeof(Int16);
var entryNumberDataColumn = new DataColumn();
entryNumberDataColumn.ColumnName = "EntryNumber";
entryNumberDataColumn.Caption = "Entry Number";
entryNumberDataColumn.DataType = typeof(string);
var volumeDataColumn = new DataColumn();
volumeDataColumn.ColumnName = "Volume";
volumeDataColumn.DataType = typeof(string);
var pageDataColumn = new DataColumn();
pageDataColumn.ColumnName = "Page";
pageDataColumn.DataType = typeof(string);
var pageCountDataColumn = new DataColumn();
pageCountDataColumn.ColumnName = "PageCount";
pageCountDataColumn.Caption = "Page Count";
pageCountDataColumn.DataType = typeof(string);
var createDateDataColumn = new DataColumn();
createDateDataColumn.ColumnName = "CreateDate";
createDateDataColumn.Caption = "Create Date";
createDateDataColumn.DataType = typeof(DateTime);
foreach (var index in imgLeaseIndexes)
DataRow dataRow = dataTable.NewRow();
dataRow["StateCode"] = index.StateCode;
dataRow["CountyCode"] = index.CountyCode;
dataRow["EntryNumber"] = index.EntryNumber;
dataRow["Volume"] = index.Volume;
dataRow["Page"] = index.Page;
dataRow["PageCount"] = index.ImgLocation.PageCount;
dataRow["CreateDate"] = index.ImgLocation.CreateDate;
return dataTable;
Any ideas on what else might be causing this?
So it looks like other people have had this problem - specific to creating and setting the DataRows. My co-worker came across this:
The DataRow value setter is slow!
I'm going to try some of the stuff suggested in the link.
As Thiago mentioned in the comments the problem is the use of reflection.
The reflection part is where you are using PropertyInfo. You are getting the structure of the data types at runtime. But these are known at compile time.

Entity Framework - how to save entity without saving related objects

In my Entity Framework, I have three related entities 'Client', 'ClientAddress' and 'LookupAddressType'. "LookupAddressType" is a master class specifying the type of available address type, like business address, residential address etc. ClientAddress depend on LookupAddresstype and Client. While saving a Client entity with relevant ClientAddress data, i'm getting following error.
"Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint 'PK_LookupAddressType'. Cannot
insert duplicate key in object 'dbo.LookupAddressType'. The statement
has been terminated.
I do not need LookupAddressType to be inserted. Here I just need the relevant lookupAddressTypeId to be inserted in clientAddress entity.
The Saving code is like this:
how can i do this?
The Load Code is below:
private void LoadClientDetails(EFEntities.Client _Client)
EFEntities.LookupClientStatu clientStatus;
var clientAddressList = new List<ClientAddress>();
if (_Client == null)
//Assign data to client object
_Client.ClientName = rtxtName.Text;
_Client.Alias = rtxtAlias.Text;
_Client.ClientCode =Int32.Parse(rtxtClientCode.Text);
_Client.TaxPayerID = rtxtTaxPayerId.Text;
if (rcboStatus.SelectedIndex != 0)
clientStatus = new EFEntities.LookupClientStatu
ClientStatusID = (Guid) (rcboStatus.SelectedValue),
ClientStatusDescription = rcboStatus.Text
_Client.LookupClientStatu = clientStatus;
//_Client.Modified = EnvironmentClass.ModifiedUserInstance.Id;
_Client.EffectiveDate = rdtEffectiveDate.Value;
if (rdtExpDate.Value != rdtExpDate.MinDate)
_Client.ExpirationDate = rdtExpDate.Value;
_Client.ExpirationDate = null;
_Client.StartDate = DateTime.Now;
EFEntities.ClientAddress clientAddress = null;
// Iesi.Collections.Generic.ISet<ClientAddress> clientAddress = new HashedSet<ClientAddress>();
foreach (var cAddress in _clientController.client.ClientAddresses)
clientAddress = cAddress;
if (clientAddress == null)
clientAddress = new EFEntities.ClientAddress();
clientAddress.Address1 = rtxtClientAdd1.Text;
clientAddress.Address2 = rtxtClientAdd2.Text;
clientAddress.Address3 = rtxtClientAdd3.Text;
// Address type details
if (rcboClientAddType.SelectedIndex != -1)
clientAddress.LookupAddressType = new EFEntities.LookupAddressType
AddressTypeID = (Guid) (rcboClientAddType.SelectedValue),
AddressTypeDescription = rcboClientAddType.Text
//clientAddress.AddressType.Id = Convert.ToByte(rcboClientAddType.SelectedValue);
clientAddress.City = rtxtClientCity.Text;
clientAddress.Client = _Client;
Well I did this to the following lines of code to make it work.
if (rcboClientAddType.SelectedIndex != -1)
clientAddress.LookupAddressType = new EFEntities.LookupAddressType
AddressTypeID = (Guid) (rcboClientAddType.SelectedValue),
AddressTypeDescription = rcboClientAddType.Text
//clientAddress.AddressType.Id = Convert.ToByte(rcboClientAddType.SelectedValue);
I changed the above code into this
if (rcboClientAddType.SelectedIndex != -1)
//clientAddress.LookupAddressType = new EFEntities.LookupAddressType
// {
// AddressTypeID = (Guid) (rcboClientAddType.SelectedValue),
// AddressTypeDescription = rcboClientAddType.Text
// };
clientAddress.AddressTypeID = (Guid)(rcboClientAddType.SelectedValue);

Entity Framework overwrites data when 2 two people save data simultaneously

In a function I pass a list of related values and loop over them to save changes in the database. All works well until 2 or more people use the same page to update different entities .Then only that data gets saved for which the changes were made more recently.
public bool UpdatePermanentDifferenceBL(List<PermanentDifferenceProperties> permDiffDetails)
int permanentDifferenceID=0;
int taxEntityID = 0;
int mapid = 0;
//using (TransactionScope scope = new TransactionScope(TransactionScopeOption.Required))
Topaz.DAL.PermanentDifference permDiff;
for (int i = 0; i < permDiffDetails.Count; i++)
if ((bool)(HttpContext.Current.Session[GlobalConstant.currentDataSet]) == true && (int)(HttpContext.Current.Session[GlobalConstant.snapShotID]) == 0)
using (var ctx = new TopazDbContainer())
permanentDifferenceID = permDiffDetails[i].PermanentDifferenceID;
taxEntityID = permDiffDetails[i].TaxEntityID;
mapid = permDiffDetails[i].MapID;
permDiff = new Topaz.DAL.PermanentDifference();
permDiff = ctx.PermanentDifference.Where(p => p.PermanentDifferenceID == permanentDifferenceID && p.TaxEntityID == taxEntityID && p.MapID == mapid).SingleOrDefault();
permDiff.Business = permDiffDetails[i].Business;
permDiff.Interest = permDiffDetails[i].Interest;
permDiff.Corporate = permDiffDetails[i].Corporate;
permDiff.UnallocatedTax = permDiffDetails[i].UnallocatedTax;
permDiff.Total = permDiffDetails[i].Total;
permDiff.ModifiedBy = permDiffDetails[i].ModifiedBy;
permDiff.ModifiedDate = DateTime.Now;
catch (System.Data.OptimisticConcurrencyException ex)
permanentDifferenceID = permDiffDetails[i].PermanentDifferenceID;
taxEntityID = permDiffDetails[i].TaxEntityID;
mapid = permDiffDetails[i].MapID;
permDiff = new Topaz.DAL.PermanentDifference();
ctx.Refresh(System.Data.Objects.RefreshMode.StoreWins, permDiff);
permDiff = ctx.PermanentDifference.Where(p => p.PermanentDifferenceID == permanentDifferenceID && p.TaxEntityID == taxEntityID && p.MapID == mapid).SingleOrDefault();
permDiff.Business = permDiffDetails[i].Business;
permDiff.Interest = permDiffDetails[i].Interest;
permDiff.Corporate = permDiffDetails[i].Corporate;
permDiff.UnallocatedTax = permDiffDetails[i].UnallocatedTax;
permDiff.Total = permDiffDetails[i].Total;
permDiff.ModifiedBy = permDiffDetails[i].ModifiedBy;
permDiff.ModifiedDate = DateTime.Now;
//ctx.ContextOptions.UseLegacyPreserveChangesBehavior = true;
//using (UnitOfWork uow = new UnitOfWork())
// for (int i = 0; i < permDiffDetails.Count; i++)
// {
// if ((bool)(HttpContext.Current.Session[GlobalConstant.currentDataSet]) == true && (int)(HttpContext.Current.Session[GlobalConstant.snapShotID]) == 0)
// {
// Repository.PermanentDifferenceRepository pDiffRepo = new Repository.PermanentDifferenceRepository(uow);
// Topaz.DAL.PermanentDifference permDiff = pDiffRepo.GetByEntityId(permDiffDetails[i].PermanentDifferenceID, permDiffDetails[i].TaxEntityID, permDiffDetails[i].MapID);
// permDiff.Business = permDiffDetails[i].Business;
// permDiff.Interest = permDiffDetails[i].Interest;
// permDiff.Corporate = permDiffDetails[i].Corporate;
// permDiff.UnallocatedTax = permDiffDetails[i].UnallocatedTax;
// permDiff.Total = permDiffDetails[i].Total;
// permDiff.ModifiedBy = permDiffDetails[i].ModifiedBy;
// permDiff.ModifiedDate = DateTime.Now;
// pDiffRepo.ApplyChanges(permDiff);
// }
// else
// {
// int snapshotID = (int)(HttpContext.Current.Session[GlobalConstant.snapShotID]);
// SnapShotPermanentDifferenceRepository pDiffRepo = new SnapShotPermanentDifferenceRepository(uow);
// SnapShotPermanentDifference permDiff = pDiffRepo.GetByEntityId(permDiffDetails[i].PermanentDifferenceID, permDiffDetails[i].TaxEntityID, permDiffDetails[i].MapID,snapshotID);
// permDiff.SnapshotID = snapshotID;
// permDiff.Business = permDiffDetails[i].Business;
// permDiff.Interest = permDiffDetails[i].Interest;
// permDiff.Corporate = permDiffDetails[i].Corporate;
// permDiff.UnallocatedTax = permDiffDetails[i].UnallocatedTax;
// permDiff.Total = permDiffDetails[i].Total;
// permDiff.ModifiedBy = permDiffDetails[i].ModifiedBy;
// permDiff.ModifiedDate = DateTime.Now;
// pDiffRepo.ApplyChanges(permDiff);
// }
// }
// uow.SaveChanges();
return true;
catch (Exception ex)
TopazErrorLogs.AddTopazErrorLogBL(ex, 1, 1);
throw new TopazCustomException(GlobalConstant.errorMessage);
Any urgent assistance is much appreciated.
The common way to solve this is adding additional column to every table where you want to handle concurrency. This column will have ROWVERSION or TIMESTAMP data type. Once you map tables in EDMX you will get a new computed property of type byte[] and set its Concurrency mode to fixed. This setting will force EF to add additional WHERE condition to every UPDATE or DELETE statement validating that row version is the same as it was when the record was loaded from the database. If the row version is not the same (another thread updated the record) the record from modification is not found and you will get exception.
Database will change the value every time you update the record automatically. You just need to ensure that your entity uses the value which was retrieved when the entity was loaded from the database.
Apologies all the viewstate and to some extent session was the culprit and not EntityFramework.