Install vnc.exe with powershell without an authorization prompt - powershell

I want to install a vnc.exe with powershell script , and I don't want to receive message box which ask me if I want to install this application , is possible to skip over this step with a powershell script or parameter .
Thank you !

See all the options at the end of


VB Script to auto download and Install Windows Updates from Microsoft

i need to build a script for automate check, download, and unstall windows updates.
i got this VB script at Microsoft site:
but when running it ask the user permission ([Y\N]) for various actions .
what do i need to change for it to auto choose 'yes'.
the script comments mentioned this, but i dont know how and what to change on it :
/Automate: Don't prompt the user for various actions
' Default: Prompt the user

How to see what process is triggered with a PowerShell cmdlet

currently, I am trying to get some silent install commands out of the winget cmdlet in order to deploy win32apps via intune. Most of the time I just run the powershell window without admin & when I use the below command (with adobe for example) it prompts for admin credentials and shows me the process i.e. "do you want to make following changes to your pc blabla AcroRdrDCx642200220191_MUI.exe /sAll /rs /rps /l /re"
Is there a different method to see what kind of process a cmdlet triggers? because some apps don´t need admin for their .exe´s and I can´t look up random silent install commands in the internet, neither use so called "tools" to determine them, because either they are expensive as hell or not reliable.
would be nice if someone can help me out here :)
winget install --exact --silent --accept-package-agreements --accept-source-agreements "randomapp"
If you run winget install <package> --verbose-logs you can open up the log file and see which switches were passed to the installer. The log file location is displayed via winget --info.

Running a gui app with Powershell without displaying the gui

I want to run an app (it does not natively support command line mode) on Windows that require 5 fields of generic data from a user. However, I want to run this app without opening/displaying the gui (a la command line like). Is this something that can be done with Powershell. If so, can someone point me in the right direction. Thanks in advance
PowerShell does not change how an application is executed versus how it is when executed at the command line or a run dialog. If the application can accept input via arguments when run then any of these methods for executing the application will work.
If you are asking if powershell can read from the console host, the appropriate cmdlet would be read-host. So you could read from the user and then run the command with the arguments you desire.
$user = read-host "Username:"
& examplecommand.exe $user

Script in Rundeck

I am completely new to RunDeck, please tell how to run a script(Python/shell script) via RunDeck?
Say I have a Python script which runs command print ("Hello Rundeck") or I have a shell script which runs command echo "Hello Rundeck". Please tell me how to run these scripts from RunDeck?
You have to create a job
Then choose to add a "Execute remote command" step
And define your command
Of course you will need yo have properly configured your rundeck first, with appropriates nodes, etc
Not sure if this question is still of interest, but another way to run any command ad hoc is going to the 'Commands' menu, choosing the script name and the node to run the script to.

I need to write a perl script which will pass value to a shell script

I have a shell script say .
while running this, this will ask several question. like:
Please enter database name, server name etc.
I am not allowed to edit anything in this script.
So I want to write a different perl script or shell script, which will run the install script and pass the default value without asking anything. Basically i am trying to add this in cron.
I searched over the internet, I dint find any solution, dont know its possible or not. Please suggest.
More clarification:
>> sh
Please enter the database name : xyz
Please enter the server ip : abc
Put the appropriate respones in a file (e.g. install.txt) in the order expected and simply do:
./ < ./install.txt
You could try using expect to automate this for you.
Open pipe to that process and then use it.