Running a gui app with Powershell without displaying the gui - powershell

I want to run an app (it does not natively support command line mode) on Windows that require 5 fields of generic data from a user. However, I want to run this app without opening/displaying the gui (a la command line like). Is this something that can be done with Powershell. If so, can someone point me in the right direction. Thanks in advance

PowerShell does not change how an application is executed versus how it is when executed at the command line or a run dialog. If the application can accept input via arguments when run then any of these methods for executing the application will work.
If you are asking if powershell can read from the console host, the appropriate cmdlet would be read-host. So you could read from the user and then run the command with the arguments you desire.
$user = read-host "Username:"
& examplecommand.exe $user


How to launch a script that execute a check disk (chkdsk) without manual confirmation in Powershell?

I have a supervision tool that can deploy scripts on customers end devices.
I'm trying to make two powershell scripts.
The first one is supposed to launch a "chkdsk disk_name: /f /r".
The second one is supposed to extract the result of the chkdsk after the reboot from the event viewer.
The second script is operational. My problem is with the first one.
I think that when I'm launching my job from my administration tool, the script is launched on the end device, but when you type "chkdsk disk_name: /f /r" on a command prompt, it asks if you want to do the chkdsk at the start of the machine because the disk is actually in use. I think that the letter "Y" that you have to type to confirm, is blocking the execution of the command (and my script by consequence).
I didn't find in the documentation of the command any method to launch it with a "default confirmation".
Do you have any idea of what I can do to automate this?
Sorry for my English, it's not my native language.
Thank you all!
I tried to launch the script (it's in admin mode when my administration tool launch it's job) but the result was that my job was running indefinitely and at the restart of the machine, the check disk is not performed.

Powershell how to run a external application and respond to it's prompts

From a Powershell script I would like to run another application, which in this case is a Java app, and when that app asks a question via stardard in prompt I would like PowerShell to give it a response.
The Java app don't accept this data via command line arguments 😥, instead it must be run interactively and expects responses to it's prompts. When run interactively the it goes through the following questions:
Question: Select your application? Answer: 7
Q: Are you sure? A: Y
Q: Online[1] or offline[2] A: 1
I've been able to get this to work automatically using 'echo' only for the first question via this script:
echo 7 | java -jar javaapp.jar
But attempts to get it to send to the subsequent prompts are ignored: commas between the options, `n [new lines] between the letters, or spaces, are all ignored.
Can anyone suggest an alternative way of doing this?

powershell running the code instead of create a new line

I think that my question is something too easy that you guys will solve in 1 minute.
I'm trying to run a script that have multiple lines of code. But, when I write the first line and hits SHIFT+ENTER it runs the code. I need to write a new line, instead of running what I've wrote.
Anybody knows what should I do (instead killing myself because I'm too dumb) ?
In powershell console there are a few ways to make a new line
A. Shift + Enter : Use this at any point to make a new line
B. The opening of a string " or ' until the closing of the string " or ' : use this when you have a string that you wish to span many lines
C. A pipe | : Use this if you have output that you would like to pass to another command
D. The Back tick (escape char) ` : use this to separate lines for a new command or splitting a command into other lines
If you are new to powershell, I would suggest using Powershell ISE. If its installed you can go to the powershell console and type ISE or go to start and type Powershell ISE. This will be a good place to run scripts and debug as you can add breakpoints to your scripts.
The easiest and best way to do this would be to create the script inside of the PowerSheell ISE program. You can then reference this script and run it in the console by preceding it with a .\script.ps1.
If needed you can create script on the command line by creating and writing to the file from the console.
Open the PowerShell console
Run the following command to create a file New-Item script.ps1
Run the next command as many times as it takes to populate the file Add-Content script.ps1 "My code line here"
Run the code using the script run command .\script.ps1
Now let it be known that the ISE is a much better tool because it allows for debugging of files and testing them on demand. The only downside is it will cache whatever it uses or creates (such as variables or references). If you aren't getting the expected result trying closing and reopening to clear the cache run it from the console in tandem. One last thing to note is that if you use the ISE and it successfully runs there that doesn't mean it will run in the console. Be sure to test thoroughly.

PowerShell SCript to Execute CMD.exe with Arguments

SO I have surfed this site and the web and I feel as though I am missing something simple.
I find related questions but none that combine a scriptblock and remote calling of a 3rd party app (not a simply windows function or app)
I have the following string that I can copy into a command window and run without issue
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Vizient\Vizient Secure Channel v2.1\VizientSC.exe" PWD=XXXXXXXXX HCOID=123456 PRODTYPE=PRO-UHCSECURECHANNEL-CDB PACKAGETYPE=OTH FOLDERPATH="\\da\db5\MyFiles\Viz\20180413"
To simplify this, lets just assume I want to run this same String every time BUT with a REMOTE call.
I have written this many different ways but to no avail using
Invoke-Command -ComputerName "edwsql" -ScriptBlock { .........
I simply want to run the designated string using cmd.exe on a remote machine.
The EXE being run in the string is a 3rd party software that I do not want to install all all possible locations. Much simpler to run remote form the box it is already installed and is secure.
Can someone point me in the right direction???? Pls???? I'm new to PowerShell. I am trying to phase out some old PERL as the folks who can support that on the client site are few and far between these days.
You don't need to try so hard. PowerShell can run commands. If the command you want to run contains spaces, enclose in " (as you have done) and invoke it with the & (call or invocation) operator. This is all you need to do:
& "C:\Program Files (x86)\Vizient\Vizient Secure Channel v2.1\VizientSC.exe" PWD=XXXXXXXXX HCOID=123456 PRODTYPE=PRO-UHCSECURECHANNEL-CDB PACKAGETYPE=OTH FOLDERPATH="\\da\db5\MyFiles\Viz\20180413"
If a parameter on the executable's command line contains any characters that PowerShell interprets in a special way, you will need to quote it.

How can I communicate with an application that does not return to the command prompt?

I need to build a test bench by sending appropriate inputs to an application. However,
once I launch the application, it takes control and does not return to the command
prompt (unless an exit command is executed from the application). In that case
is there any technique by which I can send a command to that application from the Perl
script and interpret the output from that application?
My operating system is Windows.
If it's a GUI application, take a look at the Win32::GuiTest module. It sends events to GUI applications - simulating user input.
For a command line application, I would normally recommend the Expect module. Unfortunately, Expect doesn't work under Windows.
If there is anyway to write or redirect the application output to a file, you can always open that file to process/interpret the output. If you are talking about a command-line application, it should be easy to redirect the terminal output to a file using the '>' and '>>' characters. It may not be as easy with a GUI app, though.