How to Create EAR file in RAD 7.5 - eclipse

I have checked out a dynamic web project from a CVS repository. But, there was no EAR file to check in. Now how can I create an EAR file for the project to deploy in WAS 6?
Also can I run my project in RAD without creating an .ear file? I am a newbie to Java EE projects.

In order to be able to export an EAR, you can add a new Enterprise Application project ( New > Enterprise Application project) and select your Web project as a Java EE module dependency.
This way you can export an EAR file that will contain a WAR file built from your Web project.

If you run the wizard for creating a new enterprise application (File->New), one of the options is to add an existing web project in your workspace into the application as you create it. You can then export the enterprise application as an EAR file ready to deploy into WebSphere Application Server or, if you have the test environment set up, you can just drag-and-drop it onto the server in the Servers view. To test your web application, right-click it and choose Run->Run on Server.

Try importing as project instead of EAR files


Deploying an EJB .jar to jBoss/WildFly from Eclipse

I am new to Java EE. I use Eclipse, jBoss/WildFly and Maven. I have a multi module Maven project:
parent Maven project (pom)
web application (war)
EJB project (jar)
Currently, the EJB jar project is packaged inside the web application and the entire solution is deployed as one war file.
I want to change it: I need to deploy the war and the jar projects to the application server independently (as two independent applications). Then the web project could access the EJBs via their remote interfaces.
The problem:
I can deploy the war project in Eclipse with the Run As > Run On Server context menu, however when I attempt to deploy the jar project in the same way, I get an error message saying that the project cannot be deployed.
How can I deploy my projects independently from Eclipse?
Should I wrap the jar project into an ear project? If so, can I convert my jar project into an ear project, or do I have to keep my jar project and create one more project to wrap it into an ear? (I would no like to introduce one more project).
Look at your packaging for your EJB project. You should have
This will allow you to run the EJB project on the server.

STS 3.4.0 with Websphere don't deploy my application

I try to deploy my application on WebSphere from Eclipse.
Here some conditions:
STS 3.4.0
Websphere Plugin: IBM WebSphere Application Server V8.5 Developer Tools for Kepler/Luna
After i installed the plugin i can add the Server and start/stop him, but when i try to add my application for deployment i get the feedback "There are no resources that can be added or removed from the server"
I have an ear project and a war project in my workspace which are deployable with JBoss without problems. Do i have to add something to my projects to make them deployable?
Is there any clue for this?
* Update *
Here you can see the project structure of my ear module.
I found a workaround which is ok i think.
I created a "Enterprise Application Project" and added my war modules to it.
This was deployable with WebSphere.
You can only add EAR projects via right click on Server > Add and Remove.... You should see dialog with projects that can be deployed to your server. If your EAR project is not visible there maybe it is not correctly recognized as EAR project. Check in Project properties > Project Facets if it has EAR facet checked.
Just for test you can try to export your project as EAR and then deploy it using web admin console.

How to run two WAR files in same worklight server?

I want to run two different WAR files in same Worklight server. I came know it is possible from this link. But want to know how to achieve this?
How to change the context root path of war file while
This link explains only to change the context root for local development environment. But i want to run it in one of the testing servers.
Do i need to mention context root while deploying? -
Currently after building ill send the war files to other team to
deploy. They do have a ant script to deploy the war into server.
Let me know do i need to take care of anything else while running 2 wars in same server.
In Eclipse Worklight Studio you will have 2 Worklight projects. Each Worklight project will have its own .war file (in the \bin folder). By default, the context root of each project is the name of the project.
These .war files are separate of each other. They run separate of each other whether you are running in Worklight Studio or outside of it.
Outside of Eclipse Worklight Studio, you are not deploying the .war files to the Worklight Server.
You are deploying the .war files to the application server (WAS, Liberty, Tomcat) that Worklight Server is also deployed to it.
So pointing to http://worklightserver/contextRootA will be the first project, and pointing to http://worklightserver/contextRootA will be the second project

Can I run Java EE Spring MVC project without Eclipse?

I have Tomcat installed and it's working when I open a browser.
I want to know that can I run a Java EE Spring MVC project without using Eclipse.
You need to create a .war file (for example, using Export -> WAR file) and deploy it in Tomcat (via web interface of Tomcat Manager or by placing that file into webapps subfolder of Tomcat).

Deploy "exploded" folder to Tomcat in Eclipse

I just installed Eclipse for Java EE developers, Created a New Project by checking out files through SVN from a repository.
I was able to successfully generate an "exploded" web app folder through an ANT build.
How do I deploy this exploded folder (not .war file) to Tomcat? Any configuration that needs to be done?
Just make an ant target that copies the folder directly into the deploy folder of tomcat, usually $TOMCAT_HOME/webapps. Tomcat should then deploy the app in it's container.