Draggable items not working in QML - drag-and-drop

I'm trying to implement basic drag n' drop in QML. Functionally, it works -- I'm able to drag a string around. However, I can't get my draggable Rectangle object to follow the cursor. It sets the Rectangle's x and y properly the frame that it becomes visible, but then it remains stationary rather than move with the mouse. Here is my code:
MouseArea {
id: mouseArea
anchors.fill: parent
drag.target: draggable
Rectangle {
id: draggable
height: 18
width: dragText.width + 8
clip: true
color: "#ff333333"
border.width: 2
border.color: "#ffaaaaaa"
visible: false
anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
Drag.active: mouseArea.drag.active
Drag.hotSpot.x: 0
Drag.hotSpot.y: 0
Drag.mimeData: { "text/plain": "Teststring" }
Drag.dragType: Drag.Automatic
Drag.onDragStarted: {
visible = true
Drag.onDragFinished: {
visible = false
Text {
id: dragText
x: 4
text: "Teststring"
font.weight: Font.Bold
color: "#ffffffff"
horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter

Your rectangle is not moving, because you set anchors to your Rectangle. Anchors are intended to be set stationary to the anchoring point.
anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
in your QML.
If you want to place it in the center of the parent, you would need to set it like this instead:
x: parent.width / 2 - this.width / 2
y: parent.height / 2 - this.height / 2
You may also want to remove
Drag.dragType: Drag.Automatic
if the rectangle should follow your cursor, rather than only moving, after the drag ended.

I ended up solving this by avoiding the Draggable framework altogether and basically just using workarounds. I added the following to my MouseArea to make the rectangle move around properly:
onMouseXChanged: {
draggable.x = mouseX - draggable.width/2
onMouseYChanged: {
draggable.y = mouseY - draggable.height/2
To emulate dropping functionality, I programatically calculate the position of the "drop area," compare it to the mouse position with rudimentary collision detection, and then append to the ListView that's attached to the "drop area."


Unity - How to scroll a scrollbar for a ScrollRect smoothly?

I have a ScrollRect to which I add content to. When it reaches the point where the content is longer than the ScrollRect (ie when the ScrollBar's value changes from 0), I want the ScrollRect to scroll all the way down (I do this by tweening the ScrollBar's value until it reaches 0). However, my problem is that I can't figure out how to do this smoothly over time.
Here's my code snippet:
public void Update() {
if (scrollbar.size < 1 || scrollbar.value > 0) {
LeanTween.value(scrollbar.value, 0, duration).setOnUpdate((float val) => {
if (scrollbar.value == 0) {
} else {
scrollbar.value = val / scrollAdjustment;
I tried using "Time.deltaTime" and "Time.time" in place of duration and it did not seem to matter. Here's a gif of what happens:
(In this example, I used "duration" that had the value of 5 (the idea was to have the transition take 5 seconds) and "scrollAdjustment" was 50 but it did not seem to matter what I set either of these values to.
You can see it instantly snaps to the bottom. I'd like this to be a smooth transition. Any help is appreciated!
My settings:
Then here is me scrolling with my mouse wheel while the autoscroll feature is turned off (because I'm using Rewired, I am intercepting an input called "ZoomIn" and "ZoomOut" and add "0.01f * scrollSpeed" (where scrollSpeed is 15 in this case):
You shouldn't need to add any additional code to make the scroll bar function as the way you want it to. Try deactivating your script and mess with your scroll bar. Make sure you have your Number Of Steps On Your Scrollbar Component as 0 to make it smooth. If it's still not working, send some screenshots of your scroll gameobject to see if the rect is the problem or something else.

Growing menu with scrollbar

I hate to ask such a generic question but I'm really stuck and super hoping someone can help me along the way. Here is the situation:
I'm making the GUI for a mobile app, portrait mode. I'm using canvas scalers to scale my canvasses with a reference width of 1080. This means I effectively don't know the height of my screen space.
What I want to create is a menu with a variable amount of items. The menu must be anchored to the bottom (with an offset margin) and grow upwards. So far I've been able to manage this using VerticalLayoutGroup and anchoring the rect transform to the bottom.
But my last requirement is that if the content would grow too big, a scrollbar would appear. The definition of the content being too big is: if it would extend the (unknown) screen height ( minus the offset margin of course). I hope the following image illustrates this much clearer:
I have a unity project here: https://ufile.io/v31br
Did you give a try to scrollView? here it is: https://unity3d.com/learn/tutorials/topics/user-interface-ui/scroll-view
You can use your vertical layout inside it and you will probably want to deactivate horizontal scroll and delete the horizontal slider.
Via script you can check its rectTransform height and compare it to your container's size, when reached maxHeight you can start managing your item's sizes
I assume you use the ScrollRect component as it is the right component to use in your case.
You can check the screen height with the Screen.height property.
Once you know the screen height you can compare it with your rect height and toggle the scrollbar with the ScrollRect.vertical property. You may have to change the ScrollRect.verticalScrollbarVisibility to permanent in order to make it work for you.
The answer Dave posted was close, but the problem is that the scrollview doesn't expand. I fixed it eventually by stretching the scrollview and resizing the parent manually as items are added. I set the anchors to the maximum size and adjust the sizeDelta.
public class MenuScript : MonoBehaviour
public int MenuItemCount;
public GameObject MenuItemPrefab;
public Transform MenuItemParent;
private RectTransform _rectTransform;
void Start()
_rectTransform = GetComponent<RectTransform>();
for (var i = 0; i <= MenuItemCount; i++)
GameObject instance = Instantiate(MenuItemPrefab, MenuItemParent, false);
instance.GetComponent<Text>().text = instance.name = "Item " + i;
float size = instance.transform.GetComponent<RectTransform>().sizeDelta.y;
TryExpandBy(size + 10);
private void TryExpandBy(float size)
var deltaY = _rectTransform.sizeDelta.y + size;
if (deltaY > 0) deltaY = 0;
_rectTransform.sizeDelta = new Vector2(_rectTransform.sizeDelta.x, deltaY);

swift correct syntax if else while etc

I have a SKSpritenode which can be dragged around the screen, within a boundary.
I have a test for being within the boundary.
if backgroundRect.contains(paddleRect){
let paddleX = paddle.position.x + (touchLocation.x - previousLocation.x)
let paddleY = paddle.position.y + (touchLocation.y - previousLocation.y)
paddle.position = CGPoint(x: paddleX, y: paddleY)
} else {
print ("paddleRect not contained by backgroundRect")
At the moment I can drag the paddle around within the background. When I drag the paddle and it hits the edge of the background then it isn't contained within the background and stops so I can't move it anymore.
I would like be able to move it just within the background rectangle but not stop responding to drags at the edge. I know "if else" isn't the correct way to do this, but am wondering how I write it so the paddle keeps moving, within the bounds of the background rectangle.
Is it a "while continue" loop? or something else?
The issue is that once you exit the rectangle, you lose the ability to change the position of the paddle. Because of that, every subsequent check of backgroundRect.contains(paddleRect) will return false, forever.
What you should do instead is always compute the potential position, and either use it, or discard it:
let potentialPosition = CGPoint(
x: paddle.position.x + (touchLocation.x - previousLocation.x),
y: paddle.position.y + (touchLocation.y - previousLocation.y)
// This line is approximated, I don't know the exact relation between
// `paddleRect` and `paddle`, but you get the idea
if backgroundRect.contains(potentialPosition) {
paddle.position = potentialPosition
} else {
print ("paddleRect not contained by backgroundRect")

Stage scaling affecting AS3

I have some code that controls a serious of images to produce and 360 spin when dragging mouseX axis. This all worked fine with the code I have used.
I have since had to design for different platform and enlarge the size of the stage i did this by scale to stage check box in the document settings.
While the mouse down is in action the spin works fine dragging through the images as intended but when you you release and start to drag again it doesn't remember the last frame and jumps to another frame before dragging fine again? Why is it jumping like this when all I have done is change the scale of everything?
please see code use to
var spinX_mc:MovieClip;
var offsetFrame:int = spinX_mc.currentFrame;
var offsetX:Number = 0;
var percent:Number = 0;
spinX_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, startDragging);
spinX_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, stopDragging);
function startDragging(e:MouseEvent):void
// start listening for mouse movement
offsetX = stage.mouseX;
function stopDragging(e:MouseEvent):void
// STOP listening for mouse movement
// save the current frame number;
offsetFrame = spinX_mc.currentFrame;
removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, startDragging);
// this function is called continuously while the mouse is being dragged
function drag(e:MouseEvent):void
trace ("Drag")
// work out how far the mouse has been dragged, relative to the width of the spinX_mc
// value between -1 and +1
percent = (mouseX - offsetX) / spinX_mc.width;
// trace(percent);
// work out which frame to go to. offsetFrame is the frame we started from
var frame:int = Math.round(percent * spinX_mc.totalFrames) + offsetFrame;
// reset when hitting the END of the spinX_mc timeline
while (frame > spinX_mc.totalFrames)
frame -= spinX_mc.totalFrames;
// reset when hitting the START of the spinX_mc timeline
while (frame <= 0)
frame += spinX_mc.totalFrames;
// go to the correct frame
By changing
offsetX = stage.mouseX;
offsetX = mouseX;
I seem to of solved the problem and everything runs smoothly again.

Drag, drop and shape rotation with Raphael JS

I'm using RaphaelJS 2.0 to create several shapes in a div. Each shape needs to be able to be dragged and dropped within the bounds of the div, independently. Upon double clicking a shape, that shape needs to rotate 90 degrees. It may then be dragged and dropped and rotated again.
I've loaded some code onto fiddler: http://jsfiddle.net/QRZMS/. It's basically this:
window.onload = function () {
var angle = 0;
var R = Raphael("paper", "100%", "100%"),
shape1 = R.rect(100, 100, 100, 50).attr({ fill: "red", stroke: "none" }),
shape2 = R.rect(200, 200, 100, 50).attr({ fill: "green", stroke: "none" }),
shape3 = R.rect(300, 300, 100, 50).attr({ fill: "blue", stroke: "none" }),
shape4 = R.rect(400, 400, 100, 50).attr({ fill: "black", stroke: "none" });
var start = function () {
this.ox = this.attr("x");
this.oy = this.attr("y");
move = function (dx, dy) {
this.attr({ x: this.ox + dx, y: this.oy + dy });
up = function () {
R.set(shape1, shape2, shape3, shape4).drag(move, start, up).dblclick(function(){
angle -= 90;
shape1.stop().animate({ transform: "r" + angle }, 1000, "<>");
The drag and drop is working and also one of the shapes rotates on double click. However, there are two issues/questions:
How can I attach the rotation onto each shape automatically without having to hard-code each item reference into the rotate method? I.e. I just want to draw the shapes once, then have them all automatically exposed to the same behaviour, so they can each be dragged/dropped/rotated independently without having to explicitly apply that behaviour to each shape.
After a shape has been rotated, it no longer drags correctly - as if the drag mouse movement relates to the original orientation of the shape rather than updating when the shape is rotated. How can I get this to work correctly so that shapes can just be dragged and rotated many times, seamlessley?
Many thanks for any pointers!
I've tried several times to wrap my head around the new transform engine, to no avail. So, I've gone back to first principles.
I've finally managed to correctly drag and drop an object thats undergone several transformations, after trying to work out the impact of the different transformations - t,T,...t,...T,r,R etc...
So, here's the crux of the solution
var ox = 0;
var oy = 0;
function drag_start(e)
function drag_move(dx, dy, posx, posy)
r1.attr({fill: "#fa0"});
// Here's the interesting part, apply an absolute transform
// with the dx,dy coordinates minus the previous value for dx and dy
transform: "...T" + (dx - ox) + "," + (dy - oy)
// store the previous versions of dx,dy for use in the next move call.
ox = dx;
oy = dy;
function drag_up(e)
// nothing here
That's it. Stupidly simple, and I'm sure it's occurred to loads of people already, but maybe someone might find it useful.
Here's a fiddle for you to play around with.
... and this is a working solution for the initial question.
I solved the drag/rotate issue by re-applying all transformations when a value changes. I created a plugin for it.
Demo here:
As amadan suggests, it's usually a good idea to create functions when multiple things have the same (initial) attributes/properties. That is indeed the answer to your first question. As for the second question, that is a little more tricky.
When a Rapheal object is rotated, so is the coordinate plane. For some reason, dmitry and a few other sources on the web seem to agree that it's the correct way to implement it. I, like you, disagree. I've not managed to find an all round good solution but I did mange to create a work around. I'll briefly explain and then show the code.
Create a custom attribute to store the current state of rotation
Depending on that attribute you decide how to handle the move.
Providing that you are only going to be rotating shapes by 90 degrees (if not it becomes a lot more difficult) you can determine how the coordinates should be manipulated.
var R = Raphael("paper", "100%", "100%");
//create the custom attribute which will hold the current rotation of the object {0,1,2,3}
R.customAttributes.rotPos = function (num) {
this.node.rotPos = num;
var shape1 = insert_rect(R, 100, 100, 100, 50, { fill: "red", stroke: "none" });
var shape2 = insert_rect(R, 200, 200, 100, 50, { fill: "green", stroke: "none" });
var shape3 = insert_rect(R, 300, 300, 100, 50, { fill: "blue", stroke: "none" });
var shape4 = insert_rect(R, 400, 400, 100, 50, { fill: "black", stroke: "none" });
//Generic insert rectangle function
function insert_rect(paper,x,y, w, h, attr) {
var angle = 0;
var rect = paper.rect(x, y, w, h);
//on createion of the object set the rotation position to be 0
rect.attr({rotPos: 0});
rect.drag(drag_move(), drag_start, drag_up);
//Each time you dbl click the shape, it gets rotated. So increment its rotated state (looping round 4)
var pos = this.attr("rotPos");
this.attr({rotPos: pos});
angle -= 90;
rect.stop().animate({transform: "r" + angle}, 1000, "<>");
return rect;
//ELEMENT/SET Dragger functions.
function drag_start(e) {
this.ox = this.attr("x");
this.oy = this.attr("y");
//Now here is the complicated bit
function drag_move() {
return function(dx, dy) {
//default position, treat drag and drop as normal
if (this.attr("rotPos") == 0) {
this.attr({x: this.ox + dx, y: this.oy + dy});
//The shape has now been rotated -90
else if (this.attr("rotPos") == 1) {
this.attr({x:this.ox-dy, y:this.oy + dx});
else if (this.attr("rotPos") == 2) {
this.attr({x: this.ox - dx, y: this.oy - dy});
else if (this.attr("rotPos") == 3) {
this.attr({x:this.ox+dy, y:this.oy - dx});
function drag_up(e) {
I can't really think of clear concise way to explain how the drag_move works. I think it's probably best that you look at the code and see how it works. Basically, you just need to work out how the x and y variables are now treated from this new rotated state. Without me drawing lots of graphics I'm not sure I could be clear enough. (I did a lot of turning my head sideways to work out what it should be doing).
There are a few drawbacks to this method though:
It only works for 90degree rotations (a huge amount more calculations would be needed to do 45degrees, nevermind any given degree)
There is a slight movement upon drag start after a rotation. This is because the drag takes the old x and y values, which have been rotated. This isn't a massive problem for this size of shape, but bigger shapes you will really start to notice shapes jumping across the canvas.
I'm assuming the reason that you are using transform is that you can animate the rotation. If this isn't necessary then you could use the .rotate() function which always rotates around the center of the element and so would eliminate the 2nd drawback I mentioned.
This isn't a complete solution, but it should definitely get you going along the correct path. I would be interested to see a full working version.
I've also created a version of this on jsfiddle which you can view here: http://jsfiddle.net/QRZMS/3/
Good luck.
I usually create an object for my shape and write the event handling into the object.
function shape(x, y, width, height, a)
var that = this;
that.angle = 0;
that.rect = R.rect(x, y, width, height).attr(a);
that.rect.dblclick(function() {
that.angle -= 90;
transform: "r" + that.angle }, 1000, "<>");
return that;
In the above, the constructor not only creates the rectangle, but sets up the double click event.
One thing to note is that a reference to the object is stored in "that". This is because the "this" reference changes depending on the scope. In the dblClick function I need to refer to the rect and angle values from my object, so I use the stored reference that.rect and that.angle
See this example (updated from a slightly dodgy previous instance)
There may be better ways of doing what you need, but this should work for you.
Hope it help,
Addendum: Dan, if you're really stuck on this, and can live without some of the things that Raphael2 gives you, I'd recommend moving back to Raphael 1.5.x. Transforms were just added to Raphael2, the rotation/translation/scale code is entirely different (and easier) in 1.5.2.
Look at me, updating my post, hoping for karma...
If you don't want to use a ElbertF library, you can transform Cartesian Coordinates in Polar Coordinates.
After you must add or remove the angle and transform again in Cartesian Coordinate.
We can see this example with a rect rotate in rumble and moved.
<div id="foo">
var paper = Raphael(40, 40, 400, 400);
var c = paper.rect(40, 40, 40, 40).attr({
fill: "#CC9910",
stroke: "none",
cursor: "move"
var start = function () {
this.ox = this.type == "rect" ? this.attr("x") : this.attr("cx");
this.oy = this.type == "rect" ? this.attr("y") : this.attr("cy");
move = function (dx, dy) {
var r = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(dx, 2) + Math.pow(dy, 2));
var ang = Math.atan2(dy,dx);
ang = ang - Math.PI/4;
dx = r * Math.cos(ang);
dy = r * Math.sin(ang);
var att = this.type == "rect" ? { x: this.ox + dx, y: this.oy + dy} : { cx: this.ox + dx, cy: this.oy + dy };
up = function () {
c.drag(move, start, up);?
my first thought was to use getBBox(false) to capture the x,y coordinates of the object after transform, then removeChild() the original Raphael obj from the canvas, then redraw the object using the coordinate data from getBBox( false ). a hack but i have it working.
one note though: since the object the getBBox( false ) returns is the CORNER coordinates ( x, y) of the object you need to calculate the center of the re-drawn object by doing ...
x = box['x'] + ( box['width'] / 2 );
y = box['y'] + ( box['height'] / 2 );
box = shapeObj.getBBox( false );
another way to solve the same problem