Matlab: Compute sum of series with increment - matlab

I need the output this way:
If n = 3;
x = function_name(n)
I need to get x = 15.
If n = 5;
x = function_name(n)
I need to get x = 57.
I believe I need a for-loop to iterate; but am finding it difficult to iterate the increment value itself (increase the increment value by 4 for every 2 set of numbers in the series, after 1).

n=input('what is n?\n');
while n~=1
for j=1:2
disp('sum is ');


Display all prime number pairs whose sum is N

I am working on a code for Goldbach Conjecture to display the prime number pairs whose sum is equal to a positive even number N. I was able to find these prime number pairs but I want to print all these prime number pairs equal to N in one single line.
Any clue on how I would be able to work it out to achieve the desired result? This is the code I have worked out:
function goldB(N)
for x = 6:2:N
P = primes(x);
for y = 1:length(primes(x))
for z = 0:(length(P)-y)
if P(y) + P(y+z) == x
fprintf('\n%d = %d + %d',x,P(y),P(y+z));
I think the easiest way is to change the function call so that it prints the target number separately (along with a newline), and then also prints all the pairs associated with it (as they are found):
function goldB(N)
for x = 6:2:N
fprintf('\n%d', x);
P = primes(x);
for y = 1:length(primes(x))
for z = 0:(length(P)-y)
if P(y) + P(y+z) == x
fprintf('= %d + %d', P(y), P(y+z));

Optimize algorithm that generates the number of units in each binary state

TL;DR: I need to find all possible combinations of N row vectors (of size 1xB), whose row-wise sum produces the desired result vector (also of size 1xB).
I have a binary matrix (1 or 0 entries only) of size N x B where N denotes the number of units and B denotes the number of bins. Each unit, i.e., each row, of the matrix can be in one of 2^B states. That is, if B=2, the states possible are {0,0}, {0,1}, {1,0} or {1,1}. If B=3, then the possible states are {0,0,0}, {0,0,1}, {0,1,0}, {0,1,1}, {1,0,0}, {1,0,1}, {1,1,0} or {1,1,1}. Basically the binary representation of the numbers from 0 to 2^B-1.
For the matrix, I know the sum over the rows of the matrix, for example, {1,2}. This sum can be achieved through different binary matrices like [0,0;0,1;1,1] or [0,1;0,1;1,0]. The number of units in each state are {1,1,0,1} and {0,2,1,0}, respectively for each of the matrices, where the first number corresponds to the first state {0,0}, second to the second state {0,1} and so on in increasing order. My problem is to find all possible vectors of these numbers of states that satisfy a particular matrix sum.
Now to implement this in MATLAB, I used recursion and a global variable. This to me was the easiest approach, however, it takes a lot of time. The code I used is given below:
function output = getallstate()
global nState % stores all the possible vectors
global nStateRow % stores the current row of the vector
global statebin %stores the binary representation of all the possible states
nState = [];
nStateRow = 1;
nBin = 2; % number of columns or B
v = [1 2]; % should always be of the size 1 x nBin
N = 3; % number of units
statebin = de2bi(0:(2 ^ nBin - 1), nBin) == 1; % stored as logical because I use it to index later
getnstate(v, 2 ^ nBin - 1, nBin) % the main function
checkresult(v, nState, nBin) % will result in false if even one of the results is incorrect
% adjust for max number of units, because the total of each row cannot exceed this number.
output = nState(1:end-1, :); % last row is always repeated (needs to be fixed somehow)
output(:, 1) = N - sum(output(:, 2:end), 2); % the first column, that is the number of units in the all 0 state is always determined by the number of units in the other states
if any(output(:, 1) < 0)
output(output(:, 1) < 0, :) = [];
function getnstate(r, state, nBin)
global nState
global nStateRow
global statebin
if state == 0
if all(r == 0)
nStateRow = nStateRow + 1;
nState(nStateRow, :) = nState(nStateRow - 1, :);
for a = 0:min(r(statebin(state + 1, :)))
nState(nStateRow, state + 1) = a;
getnstate(r - a * statebin(state + 1, :), state - 1, nBin);
function allOk = checkresult(r, nState, nBin)
% just a function that checks whether the obtained vectors all result in the correct sum
allstate = de2bi(0:(2 ^ nBin - 1), nBin);
allOk = true;
for iRow = 1:size(nState, 1)
sumR = sum(bsxfun(#times, allstate, nState(iRow, :).'), 1);
allOk = allOk & isequal(sumR,r);
function b = de2bi(d, n)
d = d(:);
[~, e] = log2(max(d));
b = rem(floor(d * pow2(1-max(n, e):0)), 2);
The above code works fine and gives all possible states but, as is expected, it gets slower as you increase the number of columns (B) and the number of units (N). Also, it uses globals. The following are my questions:
Is there a way to generate these without using globals?
Is there a non-recursive way for this algorithm?
In what way do the above and still have an optimised algorithm which is faster than the current version?
Added the de2bi function to remove dependency on the Communications Toolbox.

save matrix value which create in each loop save in common matrix ,each loop matrix has same row size but column is ow

for i=1:10
r1 = randi([18 22],1,1)
name= (b-a).*rand(r1,2) + a
now save this all name value matrix in result matrix of all genrated value
in each loop row size not fix but coiumn is 2
preallocate the maximum sized matrix and remove redundant rows at the end:
a = 18;
b = 22;
% number of iterations
n = 10;
% maximum number of rows
maxRows = b*n;
% preallocating matrix
nameMat = zeros(maxRows,2);
currentRow = 0;
for i = 1:n
r1 = randi([18 22],1,1);
name = (b-a).*rand(r1,2) + a;
nameRows = size(name,1);
nameMat((1:nameRows) + currentRow,:) = name;
currentRow = currentRow + nameRows;
% remove redundant rows
nameMat(currentRow+1:end,:) = [];
You can achieve it with one line code; actually in each iteration of the loop
generate an integer random number r1 (e. g. 20)
it is then used to generate r1 double random number that are multiplied by (b-a)
and then added to a
these random numbers are not affected by the ones generated in a previos iteration
a and b are constant so do not change in the loop
At the end of your loop you the number of row will be the sum of the
integer random number, so you can directly generate the 10 integer random numbers in the evaluation of name and sum them to create the desired set name values:
name=(b-a).*rand(sum(randi([18 22],n_iter,1)),2) + a
Hope this helps,

How can I simplify this MatLab code?

I would like to know if there is a way to get rid of the inner for loop
for i = 1:size(VALUES)
for k = 2:bins+1
if VALUES(i) < Arr(k)
answer_list(i) = find(Arr == Arr(k)) - 1;
VALUES is a file with 100 doubles from 2 to 4
Arr is an array with 4 values, starting at VALUES min a step of 1 and ends at VALUES max
bins is Arr's length - 1
and answer_list is a column of numbers VALUES long that hold the discrete value depending on the size of the bins variable.
I think this is what you look for (in comments are the references to the original lines in your code):
out = bsxfun(#lt,VALUES(:).',Arr(:)) % if VALUES(i) < Arr(k):
out2 = size(out,1)-cumsum(out,1); % find(Arr == Arr(k)) - 1;
answer_list = out2(end,any(out,1)).';
This replaces the whole code, not only the inner loop.

General method to find submatrix in matlab matrix

I am looking for a 'good' way to find a matrix (pattern) in a larger matrix (arbitrary number of dimensions).
total = rand(3,4,5);
sub = total(2:3,1:3,3:4);
Now I want this to happen:
loc = matrixFind(total, sub)
In this case loc should become [2 1 3].
For now I am just interested in finding one single point (if it exists) and am not worried about rounding issues. It can be assumed that sub 'fits' in total.
Here is how I could do it for 3 dimensions, however it just feels like there is a better way:
total = rand(3,4,5);
sub = total(2:3,1:3,3:4);
loc = [];
for x = 1:size(total,1)-size(sub,1)+1
for y = 1:size(total,2)-size(sub,2)+1
for z = 1:size(total,3)-size(sub,3)+1
block = total(x:x+size(sub,1)-1,y:y+size(sub,2)-1,z:z+size(sub,3)-1);
if isequal(sub,block)
loc = [x y z]
I hope to find a workable solution for an arbitrary number of dimensions.
Here is low-performance, but (supposedly) arbitrary dimensional function. It uses find to create a list of (linear) indices of potential matching positions in total and then just checks if the appropriately sized subblock of total matches sub.
function loc = matrixFind(total, sub)
%matrixFind find position of array in another array
% initialize result
loc = [];
% pre-check: do all elements of sub exist in total?
elements_in_both = intersect(sub(:), total(:));
if numel(elements_in_both) < numel(unique(sub))
% if not, return nothing
% select a pivot element
% Improvement: use least common element in total for less iterations
pivot_element = sub(1);
% determine linear index of all occurences of pivot_elemnent in total
starting_positions = find(total == pivot_element);
% prepare cell arrays for variable length subscript vectors
[subscripts, subscript_ranges] = deal(cell([1, ndims(total)]));
for k = 1:length(starting_positions)
% fill subscript vector for starting position
[subscripts{:}] = ind2sub(size(total), starting_positions(k));
% add offsets according to size of sub per dimension
for m = 1:length(subscripts)
subscript_ranges{m} = subscripts{m}:subscripts{m} + size(sub, m) - 1;
% is subblock of total equal to sub
if isequal(total(subscript_ranges{:}), sub)
loc = [loc; cell2mat(subscripts)]; %#ok<AGROW>
This is based on doing all possible shifts of the original matrix total and comparing the upper-leftmost-etc sub-matrix of the shifted total with the sought pattern subs. Shifts are generated using strings, and are applied using circshift.
Most of the work is done vectorized. Only one level of loops is used.
The function finds all matchings, not just the first. For example:
>> total = ones(3,4,5,6);
>> sub = ones(3,3,5,6);
>> matrixFind(total, sub)
ans =
1 1 1 1
1 2 1 1
Here is the function:
function sol = matrixFind(total, sub)
nd = ndims(total);
sizt = size(total).';
max_sizt = max(sizt);
sizs = [ size(sub) ones(1,nd-ndims(sub)) ].'; % in case there are
% trailing singletons
if any(sizs>sizt)
error('Incorrect dimensions')
allowed_shift = (sizt-sizs);
max_allowed_shift = max(allowed_shift);
if max_allowed_shift>0
shifts = dec2base(0:(max_allowed_shift+1)^nd-1,max_allowed_shift+1).'-'0';
filter = all(bsxfun(#le,shifts,allowed_shift));
shifts = shifts(:,filter); % possible shifts of matrix "total", along
% all dimensions
shifts = zeros(nd,1);
for dim = 1:nd
d{dim} = 1:sizt(dim); % vectors with subindices per dimension
g = cell(1,nd);
[g{:}] = ndgrid(d{:}); % grid of subindices per dimension
gc = cat(nd+1,g{:}); % concatenated grid
accept = repmat(permute(sizs,[2:nd+1 1]), [sizt; 1]); % acceptable values
% of subindices in order to compare with matrix "sub"
ind_filter = find(all(gc<=accept,nd+1));
sol = [];
for shift = shifts
total_shifted = circshift(total,-shift);
if all(total_shifted(ind_filter)==sub(:))
sol = [ sol; shift.'+1 ];
For an arbitrary number of dimensions, you might try convn.
C = convn(total,reshape(sub(end:-1:1),size(sub)),'valid'); % flip dimensions of sub to be correlation
[~,indmax] = max(C(:));
% thanks to Eitan T for the next line
cc = cell(1,ndims(total)); [cc{:}] = ind2sub(size(C),indmax); subs = [cc{:}]
Thanks to Eitan T for the suggestion to use comma-separated lists for a generalized ind2sub.
Finally, you should test the result with isequal because this is not a normalized cross correlation, meaning that larger numbers in a local subregion will inflate the correlation value potentially giving false positives. If your total matrix is very inhomogeneous with regions of large values, you might need to search other maxima in C.