I am working on a code for Goldbach Conjecture to display the prime number pairs whose sum is equal to a positive even number N. I was able to find these prime number pairs but I want to print all these prime number pairs equal to N in one single line.
Any clue on how I would be able to work it out to achieve the desired result? This is the code I have worked out:
function goldB(N)
for x = 6:2:N
P = primes(x);
for y = 1:length(primes(x))
for z = 0:(length(P)-y)
if P(y) + P(y+z) == x
fprintf('\n%d = %d + %d',x,P(y),P(y+z));
I think the easiest way is to change the function call so that it prints the target number separately (along with a newline), and then also prints all the pairs associated with it (as they are found):
function goldB(N)
for x = 6:2:N
fprintf('\n%d', x);
P = primes(x);
for y = 1:length(primes(x))
for z = 0:(length(P)-y)
if P(y) + P(y+z) == x
fprintf('= %d + %d', P(y), P(y+z));
Looking within the xcorr function, most of it is pretty straightforward, except for one function within xcorr called "findTransformLength".
function m = findTransformLength(m)
m = 2*m;
while true
r = m;
for p = [2 3 5 7]
while (r > 1) && (mod(r, p) == 0)
r = r / p;
if r == 1
m = m + 1;
With no comments, i fail to understand what this function is meant to acheive and what is the significance of p = [2 3 5 7]. Why those numbers specifically? Why not take a fixed FFT size instead? Is there a disadvantage(cause errors) to taking a fixed FFT size?
This part is used to get the integer closest to 2*m that can be written in the form:
m is already of this form, then the loop
for p = [2 3 5 7]
while (r > 1) && (mod(r, p) == 0)
r = r / p;
Will decrease r down to 1 and the break will be reached.
Or m has at least one other prime factor, and r will not reach 1. You go back to the look with m+1 and so on until you reach a number of the right form.
As per why they do this, you can see on the fft doc, in the Input arguments section:
n — Transform length [] (default) | nonnegative integer scalar
Transform length, specified as [] or a nonnegative integer scalar.
Specifying a positive integer scalar for the transform length can
increase the performance of fft. The length is typically specified as
a power of 2 or a value that can be factored into a product of small
prime numbers. If n is less than the length of the signal, then fft
ignores the remaining signal values past the nth entry and returns the
truncated result. If n is 0, then fft returns an empty matrix.
Example: n = 2^nextpow2(size(X,1))
I want to count the number of values in the array. I have a code which works:
Range = [1:10^3];% [1:10^6];
N = 10^2;% 10^8
Data = randi([Range(1),Range(end)],N,1);
Counts = nan(numel(Range),1);
for iRange = 1:numel(Range)
Counts(iRange) = sum(Data==Range(iRange));
Could you help me to make this code faster?
I feel that it should be via unique or hist, but I could not find a solution.
N = histcounts(Data,Range)
gives me 999 numbers instead of 1000.
As Ander Biguri stated at a comment, histcounts is what you seek.
The function counts the number of values of X (Data in your example), are found at every bin between two edges, where bins defined as such:
The value X(i) is in the kth bin if edges(k) ≤ X(i) < edges(k+1).
While the last bin also includes the right edges.
This means:
For N values, you need N+1 edges.
Each bin should start at the value you want it to include (1 between 1:2, 2 between 2:3, etc).
In your example:
Counts = histcounts(Data,Range(1):(Range(end)+1))';
I wanted to point out an issue with this code:
Counts = nan(numel(Range),1);
for iRange = 1:numel(Range)
Counts(iRange) = sum(Data==Range(iRange));
It shows a single loop, but == and sum work over all elements in the array, making this really expensive compared to a loop that doesn't do so, especially if N is large:
Counts = zeros(numel(Range),1);
for elem = Data(:).'
Counts(elem) = Counts(elem) + 1;
I'm currently working on an edge detector in octave. Coming from other programming languages like Java and Python, I'm used to iterating in for loops, rather than performing operations on entire matrices. Now in octave, this causes a serious performance hit, and I'm having a bit of difficulty figuring out how to vectorize my code. I have the following two pieces of code:
function zc = ZeroCrossings(img, T=0.9257)
zc = zeros(size(img));
# Iterate over central positions of all 3x3 submatrices
for y = 2:rows(img) - 1
for x = 2:columns(img) - 1
ndiff = 0;
# Check all necessary pairs of elements of the submatrix (W/E, N/S, NW/SE, NE/SW)
for d = [1, 0; 0, 1; 1, 1; 1, -1]'
p1 = img(y-d(2), x-d(1));
p2 = img(y+d(2), x+d(1));
if sign(p1) != sign(p2) && abs(p1 - p2) >= T
# If at least two pairs fit the requirements, these coordinates are a zero crossing
if ndiff >= 2
zc(y, x) = 1;
function g = LinkGaps(img, k=5)
g = zeros(size(img));
for i = 1:rows(img)
g(i, :) = link(img(i, :), k);
function row = link(row, k)
# Find first 1
i = 1;
while i <= length(row) && row(i) == 0
# Iterate over gaps
while true
# Determine gap start
while i <= length(row) && row(i) == 1
start = i;
# Determine gap stop
while i <= length(row) && row(i) == 0
# If stop wasn't reached, exit loop
if i > length(row)
# If gap is short enough, fill it with 1s
if i - start <= k
row(start:i-1) = 1;
Both of these functions iterate over submatrices (or rows and subrows in the second case), and particularly the first one seems to be slowing down my program quite a bit.
This function takes a matrix of pixels (img) and returns a binary (0/1) matrix, with 1s where zero crossings (pixels whose corresponding 3x3 neighbourhoods fit certain requirements) were found.
The outer 2 for loops seem like they should be possible to vectorize somehow. I can put the body into its own function (taking as an argument the necessary submatrix) but I can't figure out how to then call this function on all submatrices, setting their corresponding (central) positions to the returned value.
Bonus points if the inner for loop can also be vectorized.
This function takes in the binary matrix from the previous one's output, and fills in gaps in its rows (i.e. sets them to 1). A gap is defined as a series of 0s of length <= k, bounded on both sides by 1s.
Now I'm sure at least the outer loop (the one in LinkGaps) is vectorizable. However, the while loop in link again operates on subvectors, rather than single elements so I'm not sure how I'd go about vectorizing it.
Not a full solution, but here is an idea how you could do the first without any loops:
% W/E
I1 = I(2:end-1,1:end-2);
I2 = I(2:end-1,3:end );
C = (I1 .* I2 < 0) .* (abs(I1 - I2)>=T);
% N/S
I1 = I(1:end-2,2:end-1);
I2 = I(3:end, 2:end-1);
C = C + (I1 .* I2 < 0) .* (abs(I1 - I2)>=T);
% proceed similarly with NW/SE and NE/SW
% ...
% zero-crossings where count is at least 2
ZC = C>=2;
Idea: form two subimages that are appropriately shifted, check for the difference in sign (product negative) and threshold the difference. Both tests return a logical (0/1) matrix, the element-wise product does the logical and, result is a 0/1 matrix with 1 where both tests have succeeded. These matrices can be added to keep track of the counts (ndiff).
I need the output this way:
If n = 3;
x = function_name(n)
I need to get x = 15.
If n = 5;
x = function_name(n)
I need to get x = 57.
I believe I need a for-loop to iterate; but am finding it difficult to iterate the increment value itself (increase the increment value by 4 for every 2 set of numbers in the series, after 1).
n=input('what is n?\n');
while n~=1
for j=1:2
disp('sum is ');
I have adapted some existing code for my program but I am coming across an error that I do not know the cause for. I have data with N observations where my goal is to break up the data into increasing smaller subsamples and do calculations on each of the subsamples. To determine the how the subsample size will change, the program finds divisors of N and stores it into an array OptN.
dmin = 2;
% Find OptN such that it has the largest number of
% divisors among all natural numbers in the interval [0.99*N,N]
N = length(x);
N0 = floor(0.99*N);
dv = zeros(N-N0+1,1);
for i = N0:N,
dv(i-N0+1) = length(divisors(i,dmin));
OptN = N0 + find(max(dv)==dv) - 1;
% Use the first OptN values of x for further analysis
x = x(1:OptN);
% Find the divisors >= dmin for OptN
d = divisors(OptN,dmin);
function d = divisors(n,n0)
% Find all divisors of the natural number N greater or equal to N0
i = n0:floor(n/2);
d = find((n./i)==floor(n./i))' + n0 - 1; % Problem line
In function divisors is where the problem occurs. I have 'Error using ./ Matrix dimensions must agree.' However, this worked with input data of length 60, but when I try data of length 1058 it gives me the above error.
I think that with large dataset it's possible that find(max(dv)==dv) will returns multiple numbers. So OptN will become a vector, not a scalar.
Then the length of i (BTW not a good name for variable in MATLAB, it's also a complex number i) will be unpredictable and probably different from n causing the dimension error in the next statement.
You can try find(max(dv)==dv,1) instead to get only the first match. Or add a loop.