Changing ODBC connection servername parameter using PowerShell - postgresql

I need an automatic way to change only servername parameter of a connection to a PostgreSQL database.
The only way I found in my research is through a PowerShell script following instructions from this link. It states that Set-OdbcDsn can modify, add or delete connection properties.
I have the following script:
$DsnArray = Get-OdbcDsn -DriverName "PostgreSQL ANSI" |
Where-Object {($_.Attribute["Servername"] -eq "oldServer")}
Set-OdbcDsn -InputObject $DsnArray -SetPropertyValue "Servername=newServer"
My problem is that the script is changing indeed the servername parameter, but deletes Port, Username, Database, SSlMode, Description parameters and I need them to remain as they are because they differ to each connection.
What am I missing in the commands? If you know a different way to achieve the same purpose of automatically modify existing connection strings, please let me know.


How to get the database backup path from a server using powershell?

I have been looking for the powershell commands for getting the backup path of a database in an sql server. I would be providing sever name and database name as input. Could some one help me with the solution so that I can achieve my requirement.
Note: I just need the path of the database backup. I need not to do any back up of that database in a path.
Thanks in advance.
So.... couple of things.
A SQL Server instance (sounds like you're asking about SQL Server), has a default backup location, which can be overridden at the time of a backup. If you want to see an instance's default backup location, I'd use something like this:
$i = New-Object 'Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Server' '(local)'
I'm using SQL Server Management Objects (SMO) here. I've created an instance object ($i), and I've queried the BackupDirectory property in the Settings collection to get the desired path.
If you don't like SMO, you can also get this information from the registry; see this article for help there.
Adding an answer here (since I can't add comments yet), there is also the option to use the newer SQLServer module in powershell. Just run a query to get the data you need. This is for a local SQL Express instance, update the name as needed.
Import-Module SqlServer
$bkppath = Invoke-Sqlcmd -Query "SELECT SERVERPROPERTY('InstanceDefaultBackupPath')" -ServerInstance ".\SQLExpress"
As an added bonus, if you'd like to delete the oldest backups just run this line, updating the best number of days to keep (AddDays function) (using bits of Pinal code from ):
Get-ChildItem $bkppath.Column1 -Recurse | Where-Object { $_.LastWriteTime -lt (Get-Date).AddDays(-7) } | Remove-Item -Recurse

Search for and modify a firewall rule in powershell using Get-NetFirewallRule/PortFilter/AddressFilter

What I am trying to do seems simple but I need help knitting all the pieces together.
What I want to do is search all the firewall rules based on local port and protocol (i.e. 3389 TCP) then, if I find one, ensure that the RemoteAddress is set to x.x.x.x. If I don't find one, then add it.
I can't seem to find out how to knit together Get-NetFirewallPortFilter, Get-NetFirewallAddressFilter, and Get-NetFirewallRule to do what I want.
We have a Remote Desktop Gateway and Multi-Factor Authentication and as part of compliance, all RDP connections must go through the RDGateway so that Two Factor is used. There is a rule in place at the firewall but I want to find some way to enforce this on mass using Powershell (in an SCCM compliance item) at the Windows Firewall level too. Sure I could do a Group Policy Objects but I want to be able to report on compliance which is why I am trying to do this via System Center Configuration Manager.
Ugh. I believe this will work. You can pipe these things both ways. I believe it's pretty self explanatory, but it takes 2 minutes on my computer. At least I got a progress bar. The whatif output is actually incorrect. That's the name, not the displayname.
EDIT: Oh I see. It's much faster without the first command. I guess that's the point. I never understood. It's like the -filter parameter to other commands like get-childitem, that make it faster. Get-NetfirewallPortFilter actually returns the name of the firewall rule if you look at all the properties.
# Get-NetFirewallRule |
Get-NetFirewallPortFilter -Protocol TCP |
Where LocalPort -eq 3389 | Get-NetFirewallRule |
Set-NetFirewallRule -RemoteAddress -WhatIf
What if: Set-NetFirewallRule DisplayName: RemoteDesktop-UserMode-In-TCP
Piping each command to the next takes the input and filters to the end where your result showing the list of Scopes (RemoteAddress) by expanding the selected property, which you can then use to Edit your Set. Each Command shows a subset of the prior one...
Get-NetFirewallRule -DisplayName "Allow Port 3389 - RDP Access" |Get-NetFirewallAddressFilter |Select -expandproperty RemoteAddress

How to list folder permissions located on a different server

I'm fairly new to PowerShell and am running into a problem.
I want to do the following:
Get list of permissions/users on a single folder on a different server than where I am running my PowerShell window from.
Current command failing:
Get-acl -path "\\servername\folder"
Error Message:
Get-acl : Cannot find path '\\servername\folder' because it does not exist
Does this command only work on the local machine?
It turns out with the way permissions/authentications are setup in my environment prevented my code from working.
Here are the steps I took to verify if I could connect to the server:
Test-Path \\server\folder
This returned "False", which is why my code was breaking.
The work around I used was this:
#Step 1: remotely connect to server
Enter-PSSession -ComputerName servernamegoeshere
#Step 2: get list of permissions on folder and save to csv
get-acl E:\foldernamehere |
select -expand access |
export-csv C:\Users\usernamegoeshere\Documents\listofperms.csv |
#Step 3: close remote connection
I still had to remote into the server and copy the csv to the location I wanted because again, any copy command to another server/share in PowerShell would not work due to permission/authentication issues.
This article explains authentication/permissions a bit better than I can:
Second way to do this with less code and not having to create a remote session thanks to user Ansgar Wiechers:
Invoke-Command -Computer server -ScriptBlock {get-acl E:\folder |
select -expand access } |
export-csv \\server\folder\accesslist.csv
With PowerShell, there are many ways to do one thing...I think this way is best/most simple! Thanks!
The command works on UNC paths as well, but UNC paths are slightly different from local paths. You need an access point to enter the file system of a remote host. For SMB/CIFS access (via UNC paths) that access point is a shared folder, so you need a path \\server\share or \\server\share\path\to\subfolder.
With an admin account you could use the administrative shares (e.g. \\server\C$\Users\Administrator), otherwise you need to create a share first.

Powershell - Refresh SNMP from registry or do a SNMPServiceResetEvent

I've written a powershell script that writes registry entries for network drivers to change DCB settings. Things like turning DCB on and off, defining traffic classes and bandwidth groups. After writing the values to registry sometimes you cannot see the changes with SNMP remotely. Though this is inconsistent.
I've scoured the web to see if there is a way to force SNMP to get its values from registry again. We have a script that sets the values in SNMP which automatically changes the registry. I'm trying to go the opposite way and set the values in the registry and have the MIB updated. I've tried reseting the SNMP service and network device in the script with no luck.
After modifying the registry, do a SetEvent on the global event named
"SNMPServiceResetEvent". (That is, do a CreateEvent to that named event and
then do a SetEvent). That should cause the agent to reintialize using the
current registry values.
Jeff Kelley
Microsoft / Windows CE Networking
The only thing I've found that sounds like what I need is the above quote, though futher research suggests he is talking about C++ or C#. Is there a way to do what he suggests in powershell? I found a New-Event commandlet though I'm unsure of its suitability to the current task. Code I've tried:
$snmpService = New-Event -sourceidentifier dcbScriptSnmpReset -sender SNMPServiceResetEvent -messagedata "Reset SNMP to refresh Registry"
Though there is no Set-Event commandlet and I don't know how to proceed.
Any help or leads would be much appreciated.
Apparently I misunderstood how SNMP worked and now I can get it to update values entered into the registry by enabling and disabling the network adapter and stopping and starting the SNMP service:
Stop-Service $snmpService.Name
$adaptor = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_NetworkAdapter | Where-Object {$_.DeviceID -eq $deviceID }
Start-Service $snmpService.Name

PowerShell 2.0: Accessing Windows Shares during a Remote Session

I am having trouble accessing a shared network location while within a PowerShell remote session.
From the PowerShell prompt, I enter a new session:
Enter-PSSession server1
The session is properly created and entered. I then attempt to list the contents of the share:
dir \\server2\share1
The response is this error:
Get-ChildItem : Cannot find path '\\server2\share1' because it does not exist.
However, if I remote desktop into server1, bring up PowerShell, and execute the very same dir command, the contents are correctly listed.
I've tried various things using credentials, but that doesn't seem to fix it. I've also confirmed via the "whoami" command that I have the same identity in both examples.
What would cause this?
If you can't use credential delegation as mentioned above, you can mount (or just authenticate as below) the remote share in the remote session using explicit credentials, e.g.
[server1] ps> net use \\server2\share * /user:username
(prompts for password)
[server1] ps> dir \\server2\share
This problem has nothing to do with powershell per-se; you are trying to replay your local credentials in a remote session to a third location and falling foul of the NTLM "double hop" limitation.
Read the section "Credential Delegation"
Here - Credit to Keith Hill
and perform the steps if you have not already done so.
Another option is kerberos resource delegation
$server_name = "my-server" $servers = #(get-adcomputer -identity $server_name)
$target = "target-server" $tgt_srv = get-adcomputer -identity $target
Set-ADComputer -Identity $to_delegate -PrincipalsAllowedToDelegateToAccount $servers