Powershell - Refresh SNMP from registry or do a SNMPServiceResetEvent - powershell

I've written a powershell script that writes registry entries for network drivers to change DCB settings. Things like turning DCB on and off, defining traffic classes and bandwidth groups. After writing the values to registry sometimes you cannot see the changes with SNMP remotely. Though this is inconsistent.
I've scoured the web to see if there is a way to force SNMP to get its values from registry again. We have a script that sets the values in SNMP which automatically changes the registry. I'm trying to go the opposite way and set the values in the registry and have the MIB updated. I've tried reseting the SNMP service and network device in the script with no luck.
After modifying the registry, do a SetEvent on the global event named
"SNMPServiceResetEvent". (That is, do a CreateEvent to that named event and
then do a SetEvent). That should cause the agent to reintialize using the
current registry values.
Jeff Kelley
Microsoft / Windows CE Networking
The only thing I've found that sounds like what I need is the above quote, though futher research suggests he is talking about C++ or C#. Is there a way to do what he suggests in powershell? I found a New-Event commandlet though I'm unsure of its suitability to the current task. Code I've tried:
$snmpService = New-Event -sourceidentifier dcbScriptSnmpReset -sender SNMPServiceResetEvent -messagedata "Reset SNMP to refresh Registry"
Though there is no Set-Event commandlet and I don't know how to proceed.
Any help or leads would be much appreciated.

Apparently I misunderstood how SNMP worked and now I can get it to update values entered into the registry by enabling and disabling the network adapter and stopping and starting the SNMP service:
Stop-Service $snmpService.Name
$adaptor = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_NetworkAdapter | Where-Object {$_.DeviceID -eq $deviceID }
Start-Service $snmpService.Name


Is there a way to find which user run what application on a server using Powershell

I am trying to find a way to find out who has ran an application (for example SQL) on a server, just to get some idea.
I tried Get-Process but this doesn't give me historic information, I want to get historical information
Get-Process -IncludeUserName *
what I want the return resule is "name of application", "user who ran it" and the last datetime it was ran by that user'
As for ...
I am trying to find a way to find out who has ran an application (for
example SQL) on a server, just to get some idea.
What you are asking for here is software metering.
SQL is a service that is always running once it is installed, so, no individual user is ever going to be running it. So, that is a bad example. MS Word for example would be a better example.
Yet there is nothing native in PowerShell that does this, software metering, but of course PowerShell can look at event logs. Yet if your auditing is not setup correctly then it's moot. This is better for a software metering tool, and there are several out there. So, why try and reinvent the wheel.
As for ...
I tried Get-Process but this doesn't give me historic information, I
want to get historical information
That is not what a process is nor what Get-Process is for. It, Get-Process only checks for and lists whatever process is currently running, regardless of what/who launched it.
As for...
what I want the return resule is "name of application", "user who ran
it" and the last datetime it was ran by that user'
As long as the process is running, you can get this, with that cmdlet.
However, what are you trying to accomplish by this?
Again, there are purpose built tools to meter software use.
If you must go down this reinvent the wheel road, using scripting, then you need a task watcher on the target machines, which watches for the WinWord process to appear.
Get-Process -IncludeUserName |
Where ProcessName -EQ 'Winword'
... you then write those results to a file or database or your own event log each time you see that process.
Use PowerShell to Create and to Use a New Event Log
New-EventLog -LogName ScriptingGuys -Source scripts
When the command runs, no output appears to the Windows PowerShell console. To ensure the command actually created a new event log, I use
the Get-EventLog cmdlet with the –List parameter. Here is the command
and the associated output.
Write-EventLog -LogName ScriptingGuys -Source scripts -Message “Dude, it works … COOL!” -EventId 0 -EntryType information
Or just to a file
Get-Process -IncludeUserName |
Where ProcessName -EQ 'Winword' |
Select-Object -Property Name, StartTime, Username |
Export-Csv -Path 'F:\Temp\AppLaunchLog.csv' -Append
Import-Csv -Path 'F:\Temp\AppLaunchLog.csv'
# Results
Name StartTime UserName
---- --------- --------
WINWORD 5/23/2019 9:02:53 PM WS01\LabUser001

Can you use a powershell script to create a powershell script?

So this may be an odd request and maybe I'm going about this all wrong but I also have a unique situation. I have servers that are sometimes cloned and I need to run a script that I created on the clones servers. Due to the nature of the clones they cannot be connected to a network.
Currently I am manually putting the generic script on each server before cloning and then running the script on the clone server.
What I would like to do is have a script that runs and gathers all the information, say installed programs as an example, and generate a custom version of my current script on the servers before they are cloned.
I have both the powershell script that gets the server information and the generic one that makes the changes to the clone but I have not found a way to merge the two or any documentation so I don't know if i am hitting a limitation with this one.
Edit for more explanation and examples. I'm doing this from my phone atm so I dont have an example I can post.
Current I have a script that has a set number of applications to uninstall, registry keys to remove, services to stop ect. In another application I have a list of all the software that we have for each server and I can pull that data for each server. What I need to do is pull the data for each server, and have a script placed on each server that will uninstall just the programs for that server.
Currently the script has to run through every potential software and try to uninstall it and then check the other application to see if there are any additional programs that need to be uninstalled.
Hope this extra info helps.
Stop thinking of it as code.
Use script 1 to export blocks of text into a new file. for example, you might have a configuration that says all Dell servers must have this line of code run:
Set-DELL -attribute1 unmanaged
where on HP, the script would have been
Set-HP -attribute1 unmanaged
on web servers, you want:
set-web -active yes
where if not a web server, you want nothing.. so, your parent script code would look like:
$Dell = "Set-DELL -attribute1 unmanaged"
$HP = "Set-HP -attribute1 unmanaged"
$web = "set-web -active yes"
if (Get-servermake -eq "Dell")
$dell | out-file Child.ps1 -append
if (Get-servermake -eq "HP")
$HP | out-file Child.ps1 -append
if (Get-webserver -eq $true)
$web | out-file Child.ps1 -append
The result is a customized script for the specific server, child.ps1.
Now, you can take this and run with it. You could say add functionality to the child script like "Is it an AD controller", etc.
However, you might be better off having all of this in a single script, and just block off sections that don't apply in an if statement for example.
I'm still not totally sure I understand what your asking. If I've missed the mark, tell me how, and I'll tell you how to tweak this better. (And hopefully obvious is that the Get-whatever is sample code. I don't expect that to be what your using to determine a computer make/model/etc)

Get-EventLog not parsing Message when run by SYSTEM user

I am trying to schedule a job that monitors events on remote machines.
I wrote the script based on the Get-EventLog command and it works properly when run by my account. But when I run the Get-EventLog as SYSTEM user, the .Message attribute of the returned objects shows the following error:
The description for Event ID '4724' in Source 'Microsoft-Windows-Security-Auditing' cannot be found. The local computer may not have the necessary registry information or message DLL files to display the message, or you may not have permission to access them. The following information is part of the event: {somedata}
When I use the Get-WinEvent command as SYSTEM user, the problem does not appear and the .Message part displays properly.
I would stick with Get-WinEvent, especially since the data is much easier to parse (thanks to the ToXML() method), but the Get-EventLog happens to be terribly faster :(
Does anyone have any idea why the Get-EventLog fails to render .Message when run by SYSTEM user and perhaps how to fix it?
To avoid obvious answers:
the COMPUTER$ account is member of DOMAIN\Event Log Readers group,
the COMPUTER$ account does have the read privileges over the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\EventLog\Security on remote machines,
obviously, the registry entries for Microsoft-Windows-Security-Auditing and related DLL's are identical on both the source and target computers.
Get-WinEvent -LogName “Microsoft-Windows-Security-Auditing” | where ID -eq 4724 | select-object -ExpandProperty Message

Get Associated Application of a Disabled / Stopped Service

I am working with a PowerShell script to skim through a lists of known application services and, for any that are disabled, the script is expected to uninstall them. I have been researching how to get the application name/path of a target service, but failed to find anything suitable to my needs. I had tried working with Get-Service in hopes of that getting me what I need, but was not able to get the desired results.
How do I get the associated application of a target service that is currently stopped or disabled using PowerShell?
PS: Please understand that PowerShell is a requirement of this.
The running state of the service shouldn't really impact what information you get back. However Get-Service doesn't give you all of the configuration info for a Service, in particular the Path of the process being invoked.
To get that you can use Get-WMIObject Win32_Service. For example:
Get-WMIObject win32_service | Where {$_.name -eq 'wuauserv'} | Select *
This returns a PathName property amongst others that I think you will find useful.

Powershell: Re-create RDS Remote Apps by Looping?

I'm stumped. I can usually take the output of one powershell command and use it as the input to another powershell command. For example:
Get-Mailbox | Set-Mailbox -MaxSendSize 40MB
This will loop through every mailbox and then set the maximum send size to 40 MB in Exchange 2007.
...but the same doesn't work with get-rdremoteapp and new-rdremoteapp.
Get-RDRemoteApp | new-rdremoteapp -collectionname APPSNEW -connectionbroker edge-1.mydom.local
The goal of this command is that we are preparing to Migrate from a Windows 2012 RDS environment on virtual servers to a Windows 2012 R2 environment on physical servers.
On the virtual 'edge' server, I should be able to get all the RD Remote Apps, loop through them, and then use the 'new-rdremoteapp' command to create them on the new 'edge-1' server.
What actually happens is the command runs and creates the 1st remote app, then exits without an error. It doesn't process the apps in the list.
I think I need to use foreach-object, but after reading the docs and playing around, I can't seem to get it to work.
I couldn't find an easy out. I had to specify a bunch of parameters like so:
Get-RDRemoteApp | foreach-object -process {new-rdremoteapp -collectionname APPSNEW -connectionbroker edge-1.mydom.local -displayname $_.displayname -filepath $_.filepath -alias $_.alias -commandlinesetting $_.commandlinesetting -usergroups $_.usergroups}
Time to find a job that has more bash scripting... ;)