Eiffel: Covariant illegal types passed as arguments? - covariance

(emphasis mine)
Covariant redefinition of fields and functions provides no problems, but
covariant redefinition of arguments does create a problem that illegal
types can be passed as arguments.
But, if redefining field and function types covariantly causes no problems, then
how come redefining an argument's type covariantly can cause trouble?
Covariant redefinition equals subtyping, right? And subtypes can take the place of their supertypes!
What's the catch?

The issue is not with covariance itself. (In particular, if it were contra-variance, Design-by-Contract would be impossible, because argument types in the features of descendant classes would not necessary have features available in their parents. With covariance there is no such a problem.)
Problematic is a combination of covariance with polymorphism. E.g.
class A feature
foo (a: A) do a.bar end -- (1)
bar do end
class B inherit A redefine foo end feature
foo (a: B) do a.qux end -- (2)
qux do end
Now the following code would crash:
a: A; b: B
create b
a := b
a.foo (create {A})
Indeed, a.foo would call version (2) because a is attached to an object of type B. However, the argument passed to this feature will be of type A. And A has no feature qux that leads to a run-time error. This kind of an error is know as a CAT-call (Changing Availability or Type).
A solution to this issue is to avoid using covariance together with polymorphism, i.e. a call should not be polymorphic or there should be no covariant redeclaration of arguments. The work on this solution is in progress.

"a call should not be polymorphic or there should be no covariant redeclaration of arguments."
How can you tell?
Let's change your example a bit:
buzz (a_a: A)
a_a.foo (create {A})
This looks innocent enough. But if buzz receives an argument of dynamic type B you still get the catcall. The author of buzz might well be in a situation where the existence of B is unknown.
I think you need to drop the "a call should not be polymorphic or " bit of the advice. Simply prohibit covariant redeclaration of arguments.


PureScript - Inferred Type Causes Compiler Warning

Consider the following simple snippet of PureScript code
a :: Int
a = 5
b :: Int
b = 7
c = a + b
main ∷ Effect Unit
main = do
logShow c
The program successfully infers the type of C to be Int, and outputs the expected result:
However, it also produces this warning:
No type declaration was provided for the top-level declaration of c.
It is good practice to provide type declarations as a form of documentation.
The inferred type of c was:
in value declaration c
I find this confusing, since I would expect the Int type for C to be safely inferred. Like it often says in the docs, "why derive types when the compiler can do it for you?" This seems like a textbook example of the simplest and most basic type inference.
Is this warning expected? Is there a standard configuration that would suppress it?
Does this warning indicate that every variable should in fact be explicitly typed?
In most cases, and certainly in the simplest cases, the types can be inferred unambiguously, and indeed, in those cases type signatures are not necessary at all. This is why simpler languages, such as F#, Ocaml, or Elm, do not require type signatures.
But PureScript (and Haskell) has much more complicated cases too. Constrained types are one. Higher-rank types are another. It's a whole mess. Don't get me wrong, I love me some high-power type system, but the sad truth is, type inference works ambiguously with all of that stuff a lot of the time, and sometimes doesn't work at all.
In practice, even when type inference does work, it turns out that its results may be wildly different from what the developer intuitively expects, leading to very hard to debug issues. I mean, type errors in PureScript can be super vexing as it is, but imagine that happening across multiple top-level definitions, across multiple modules, even perhaps across multiple libraries. A nightmare!
So over the years a consensus has formed that overall it's better to have all the top-level definitions explicitly typed, even when it's super obvious. It makes the program much more understandable and puts constraints on the typechecker, providing it with "anchor points" of sorts, so it doesn't go wild.
But since it's not a hard requirement (most of the time), it's just a warning, not an error. You can ignore it if you wish, but do that at your own peril.
Now, another part of your question is whether every variable should be explicitly typed, - and the answer is "no".
As a rule, every top-level binding should be explicitly typed (and that's where you get a warning), but local bindings (i.e. let and where) don't have to, unless you need to clarify something that the compiler can't infer.
Moreover, in PureScript (and modern Haskell), local bindings are actually "monomorphised" - that's a fancy term basically meaning they can't be generic unless explicitly specified. This solves the problem of all the ambiguous type inference, while still working intuitively most of the time.
You can notice the difference with the following example:
f :: forall a b. Show a => Show b => a -> b -> String
f a b = s a <> s b
s x = show x
On the second line s a <> s b you get an error saying "Could not match type b with type a"
This happens because the where-bound function s has been monomorphised, - meaning it's not generic, - and its type has been inferred to be a -> String based on the s a usage. And this means that s b usage is ill-typed.
This can be fixed by giving s an explicit type signature:
f :: forall a b. Show a => Show b => a -> b -> String
f a b = s a <> s b
s :: forall x. Show x => x -> String
s x = show x
Now it's explicitly specified as generic, so it can be used with both a and b parameters.

Why Scala Infer the Bottom Type when the type parameter is not specified?

I wonder if anyone could explain the inferencing rule in this particular case below, and most importantly it's rational/implication ?
case class E[A, B](a: A) // class E
E(2) // E[Int,Nothing] = E(2)
Note that I could have wrote E[Int](2). What matter to me is why is the second parameter type inferred to be Nothing (i.e. Bottom type) instead of let say Any for instance ? Why is that and What's the rational/Implication ?
Just to give some context, this is related to the definition of Either and how it works for Left and Right. Both are defined according to the pattern
final case class X[+A, +B](value: A) extends Either[A, B]
Where you instantiate it let say as Right[Int](2) and the type inferred is Right[Nothing, Int] and by extension Either[Nothing, Int]
There is consistency here, but i still can figure out the rational. Below is the same definition with a contra-variant paramete:
case class E[A, -B](a: A)// class E
E(2) // E[Int, Any] = E(2)
Hence we do have the same thing the other way around when it is contra-variant, and that make the all behavior or inference rule, coherent. However the rational for this i am not sure ....
Why not the opposite rule i.e. infer Any when Co-Variant/Invariant and Nothing when Contra-Variant ?
In the light of #slouc Answer, which make good sense, i'm left with still understanding what and why the compiler is doing what it is doing. The example below illustrate my confusion
val myleft = Left("Error") // Left[String,Nothing] = Left(Error)
myleft map { (e:Int) => e * 4} // Either[String,Int] = Left(Error)
First the compiler fix the type to something that "for sure work" to reuse the conclusion of #slouc (albeit make more sense in the context of a Function) Left[String,Nothing]
Next the compile infer myleft to be of type Either[String,Int]
given map definition def map[B](f: A => B): Either[E, B], (e:Int) => e * 4 can only be supplied if myleft is actually Left[String,Int] or Either[String,Int]
So in other words, my question is, what is the point of fixing the type to Nothing if it is to change it later.
Indeed the following does not compile
val aleft: Left[String, Nothing] = Left[String, Int]("Error")
type mismatch;
found : scala.util.Left[String,Int]
required: Left[String,Nothing]
val aleft: Left[String, Nothing] = Left[String, Int]("Error")
So why would I infer to a type, that normally would block me to do anything else over variable of that type (but for sure works in term of inference), to ultimately change that type, so i can do something with a variable of that inferred type.
Edit2 is a bit misunderstanding and everything is clarified in #slouc answer and comments.
Given type F[+A] and relation A <: B, then the following holds: F[A] <: F[B]
Given type F[-A] and relation A <: B, then the following holds: F[A] >: F[B]
If the compiler cannot infer the exact type, it will resolve the lowest possible type in case of covariance and highest possible type in case of contravariance.
This is a very important rule when it comes to variance in subtyping. It can be shown on the example of the following data type from Scala:
trait Function1[Input-, Output+]
Generally speaking, when a type is placed in the function/method parameters, it means it's in the so-called "contravariant position". If it's used in function/method return values, it's in the so-called "covariant position". If it's in both, then it's invariant.
Now, given the rules from the beginning of this post, we conclude that, given:
trait Food
trait Fruit extends Food
trait Apple extends Fruit
def foo(someFunction: Fruit => Fruit) = ???
we can supply
val f: Food => Apple = ???
Function f is a valid substitute for someFunction because:
Food is a supertype of Fruit (contravariance of input)
Apple is a subtype of Fruit (covariance of output)
We can explain this in natural language like this:
"Method foo needs a function that can take a Fruit and produce a
Fruit. This means foo will have some Fruit and will need a
function it can feed it to, and expect some Fruit back. If it gets a
function Food => Apple, everything is fine - it can still feed it
Fruit (because the function takes any food), and it can receive
Fruit (apples are fruit, so the contract is respected).
Coming back to your initial dilemma, hopefully this explains why, without any extra information, compiler will resort to lowest possible type for covariant types and highest possible type for contravariant ones. If we want to supply a function to foo, there's one that we know surely works: Any => Nothing.
Variance in general.
Variance in Scala documentation.
Article about variance in Scala (full disclosure: I wrote it).
I think I know what's confusing you.
When you instantiate a Left[String, Nothing], you're allowed to later map it with a function Int => Whatever, or String => Whatever, or Any => Whatever. This is precisly because of the contravariance of function input explained earlier. That's why your map works.
"what is the point of fixing the type to Nothing if it is to change it
I think it's a bit hard to wrap your head around compiler fixing the unknown type to Nothing in case of contravariance. When it fixes the unknown type to Any in case of covariance, it feels more natural (it can be "Anything"). Because of the duality of covariance and contravariance explained earlier, same reasoning applies for contravariant Nothing and covariant Any.
This is a quote from
Unification of Compile-Time and Runtime Metaprogramming in Scala
by Eugene Burmako
https://infoscience.epfl.ch/record/226166 (p. 95-96)
During type inference, the typechecker collects constraints on missing
type arguments from bounds of type parameters, from types of term
arguments, and even from results of implicit search (type inference
works together with implicit search because Scala supports an analogue
of functional dependencies). One can view these constraints as a
system of inequalities where unknown type arguments are represented as
type variables and order is imposed by the subtyping relation.
After collecting constraints, the typechecker starts a step-by-step
process that, on each step, tries to apply a certain transformation to
inequalities, creating an equivalent, yet supposedly simpler system of
inequalities. The goal of type inference is to transform the original
inequalities to equalities that represent a unique solution of the
original system.
Most of the time, type inference succeeds. In that
case, missing type arguments are inferred to the types represented by
the solution.
However, sometimes type inference fails. For example,
when a type parameter T is phantom, i.e. unused in the term parameters
of the method, its only entry in the system of inequalities will be
L <: T <: U, where L and U are its lower and upper bound respectively.
If L != U, this inequality does not have a unique solution, and that
means a failure of type inference.
When type inference fails, i.e.
when it is unable to take any more transformation steps and its
working state still contains some inequalities, the typechecker breaks
the stalemate. It takes all yet uninferred type arguments, i.e. those
whose variables are still represented by inequalities, and forcibly
minimizes them, i.e. equates them to their lower bounds. This produces
a result where some type arguments are inferred precisely, and some
are replaced with seemingly arbitrary types. For instance,
unconstrained type parameters are inferred to Nothing, which is a
common source of confusion for Scala beginners.
You can learn more about type inference in Scala:
Hubert Plociniczak Decrypting Local Type Inference https://infoscience.epfl.ch/record/214757
Guillaume Martres Scala 3, Type Inference and You! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lMvOykNQ4zs
Guillaume Martres Dotty and types: the story so far https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YIQjfCKDR5A
Slides http://guillaume.martres.me/talks/
Aleksander Boruch-Gruszecki GADTs in Dotty https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VV9lPg3fNl8

Generics invariant covariant contravariant in scala

This could be a very silly question, but I am not able to understand the difference even after scratching my head for a long time.
I am going through the page of scala generics: https://docs.scala-lang.org/tour/generic-classes.html
Here, it is said that
Note: subtyping of generic types is invariant. This means that if we
have a stack of characters of type Stack[Char] then it cannot be used
as an integer stack of type Stack[Int]. This would be unsound because
it would enable us to enter true integers into the character stack. To
conclude, Stack[A] is only a subtype of Stack[B] if and only if B = A.
I understand this completely that I cannot use Char where Int is required.
But, my Stack class accepts only A type (which is invariant). If I put Apple, Banana or Fruit in them, they all are accepted.
class Fruit
class Apple extends Fruit
class Banana extends Fruit
val stack2 = new Stack[Fruit]
stack2.push(new Fruit)
stack2.push(new Banana)
stack2.push(new Apple)
But, on the next page (https://docs.scala-lang.org/tour/variances.html), it says that type parameter should be covariant +A, then how is the Fruit example working as even it is adding the subtypes with invariant.
Hope I am clear with my question. Let me know if more Info. needs to be added.
This has nothing to do with variance at all.
You declare stack2 to be a Stack[Fruit], in other words, you declare that you are allowed to put anything into the Stack which is a Fruit. An Apple is a (subtype of) Fruit, ergo you are allowed to put an Apple into a Stack of Fruits.
This is called subtyping and has nothing to do with variance at all.
Let's take a step back: what does variance actually mean?
Well, variance means "change" (think of words like "to vary" or "variable"). co- means "together" (think of cooperation, co-education, co-location), contra- means "against" (think of contradiction, counter-intelligence, counter-insurgency, contraceptive), and in- means "unrelated" or "non-" (think of involuntary, inaccessible, intolerant).
So, we have "change" and that change can be "together", "against" or "unrelated". Well, in order to have related changes, we need two things which change, and they can either change together (i.e. when one thing changes, the other thing also changes "in the same direction"), they can change against each other (i.e. when one thing changes, the other thing changes "in the opposite direction"), or they can be unrelated (i.e. when one thing changes, the other doesn't.)
And that's all there is to the mathematical concept of covariance, contravariance, and invariance. All we need are two "things", some notion of "change", and this change needs to have some notion of "direction".
Now, that's of course very abstract. In this particular instance, we are talking about the context of subtyping and parametric polymorphism. How does this apply here?
Well, what are our two things? When we have a type constructor such as C[A], then our two things are:
The type argument A.
The constructed type which is the result of applying the type constructor C to A.
And what is our change with a sense of direction? It is subtyping!
So, the question now becomes: "When I change A to B (along one of the directions of subtyping, i.e. make it either a subtype or a supertype), then how does C[A] relate to C[B]".
And again, there are three possibilities:
Covariance: A <: B ⇒ C[A] <: C[B]: when A is a subtype of B then C[A] is a subtype of C[B], in other words, when I change A along the subtyping hierarchy, then C[A] changes with A in the same direction.
Contravariance: A <: B ⇒ C[A] :> C[B]: when A is a subtype of B, then C[A] is a supertype of C[B], in other words, when I change A along the subtyping hierarchy, then C[A] changes against A in the opposite direction.
Invariance: there is no subtyping relationship between C[A] and C[B], neither is a sub- nor supertype of the other.
There are two questions you might ask yourself now:
Why is this useful?
Which one is the right one?
This is useful for the same reason subtyping is useful. In fact, this is just subtyping. So, if you have a language which has both subtyping and parametric polymorphism, then it is important to know whether one type is a subtype of another type, and variance tells you whether or not a constructed type is a subtype of another constructed type of the same constructor based on the subtyping relationship between the type arguments.
Which one is the right one is trickier, but thankfully, we have a powerful tool for analyzing when a subtype is a subtype of another type: Barbara Liskov's Substitution Principle tells us that a type S is a subtype of type T IFF any instance of T can be replaced with an instance of S without changing the observable desirable properties of the program.
Let's take a simple generic type, a function. A function has two type parameters, one for the input, and one for the output. (We are keeping it simple here.) F[A, B] is a function that takes in an argument of type A and returns a result of type B.
And now we play through a couple of scenarios. I have some operation O that wants to work with a function from Fruits to Mammals (yeah, I know, exciting original examples!) The LSP says that I should also be able to pass in a subtype of that function, and everything should still work. Let's say, F were covariant in A. Then I should be able to pass in a function from Apples to Mammals as well. But what happens when O passes an Orange to F? That should be allowed! O was able to pass an Orange to F[Fruit, Mammal] because Orange is a subtype of Fruit. But, a function from Apples doesn't know how to deal with Oranges, so it blows up. The LSP says it should work though, which means that the only conclusion we can draw is that our assumption is wrong: F[Apple, Mammal] is not a subtype of F[Fruit, Mammal], in other words, F is not covariant in A.
What if it were contravariant? What if we pass an F[Food, Mammal] into O? Well, O again tries to pass an Orange and it works: Orange is a Food, so F[Food, Mammal] knows how to deal with Oranges. We can now conclude that functions are contravariant in their inputs, i.e. you can pass a function that takes a more general type as its input as a replacement for a function that takes a more restricted type and everything will work out fine.
Now let's look at the output of F. What would happen if F were contravariant in B just like it is in A? We pass an F[Fruit, Animal] to O. According to the LSP, if we are right and functions are contravariant in their output, nothing bad should happen. Unfortunately, O calls the getMilk method on the result of F, but F just returned it a Chicken. Oops. Ergo, functions can't be contravariant in their outputs.
OTOH, what happens if we pass an F[Fruit, Cow]? Everything still works! O calls getMilk on the returned cow, and it indeed gives milk. So, it looks like functions are covariant in their outputs.
And that is a general rule that applies to variance:
It is safe (in the sense of the LSP) to make C[A] covariant in A IFF A is used only as an output.
It is safe (in the sense of the LSP) to make C[A] contravariant in A IFF A is used only as an input.
If A can be used either as an input or as an output, then C[A] must be invariant in A, otherwise the result is not safe.
In fact, that's why C♯'s designers chose to re-use the already existing keywords in and out for variance annotations and Kotlin uses those same keywords.
So, for example, immutable collections can generally be covariant in their element type, since they don't allow you to put something into the collection (you can only construct a new collection with a potentially different type) but only to get elements out. So, if I want to get a list of numbers, and someone hands me a list of integers, I am fine.
On the other hand, think of an output stream (such as a Logger), where you can only put stuff in but not get it out. For this, it is safe to be contravariant. I.e. if I expect to be able to print strings, and someone hands me a printer that can print any object, then it can also print strings, and I am fine. Other examples are comparison functions (you only put generics in, the output is fixed to be a boolean or an enum or an integer or whatever design your particular language chooses). Or predicates, they only have generic inputs, the output is always fixed to be a boolean.
But, for example, mutable collections, where you can both put stuff in and get stuff out, are only type-safe when they are invariant. There are a great many tutorials explaining in detail how to break Java's or C♯'s type-safety using their covariant mutable arrays, for example.
Note, however that it is not always obvious whether a type is an input or an output once you get to more complex types. For example, when your type parameter is used as the upper or lower bound of an abstract type member, or when you have a method which takes a function that returns a function whose argument type is your type parameter.
Now, to come back to your question: you only have one stack. You never ask whether one stack is a subtype of another stack. Therefore, variance doesn't come into play in your example.
One of the non-obvious things about Scala type variance is that the annotation, +A and -A, actually tells us more about the wrapper than it does about the type parameter.
Let's say you have a box: class Box[T]
Because T is invariant that means that some Box[Apple] is unrelated to a Box[Fruit].
Now let's make it covariant: class Box[+T]
This does two things, it restricts the way the Box code can use T internally, but, more importantly, it changes the relationship between various instances of Boxes. In particular, the type Box[Apple] is now a sub-type of Box[Fruit], because Apple is a sub-type of Fruit, and we've instructed Box to vary its type relationships in the same manner (i.e. "co-") as its type parameter.
... it says that type parameter should be covariant +A
Actually, that Stack code can't be made co- or contra-variant. As I mentioned, variance annotation adds some restrictions to the way the type parameter is used and that Stack code uses A in ways that are contrary to both co- and contra-variance.
Variance is related more with complex type rather then passing objects which is called subtyping.
Explained here:
If you want to make a complex type that accepts some type as a child/parent of list that accepts certain other type, then idea of variance comes int effect. As in your example, it is about passing child in place of parent. So it works.
Please see the code here. It is understandable. Please respond if you do not get it.

Why T is in the covariance position or contravariance position

Given the following class definition
class X[+T] {
def get[U>:T](default:U):U
why T in the method def get[U>:T](default:U) is in the covariance position
Given the following class definition
class X[-T] {
def get[U<:T](default:U):U
why T in the method def get[U<:T](default:U) is in the cotravariance position
It is hard to answer "Why?" question without you providing more details but I'll try. I assume that your question is really "why type restriction on U are not inverted?". The short answer: because this is type-safe and covers some cases that are not covered otherwise.
Your first example is probably inspired by Option[T] and its getOrElse method. Although I'm not sure why anybody needs getOrElse with U different from T, logic why type restriction can be only U>:T seems obvious to me. Let's assume you have 3 classes: C which inherits B which inherits A and you have an Option[B]. If your default value is already B or C you don't need anything beyond U = T and thus simpler signature without additional generic U would suffice. The only case when you can't pass default value to the getOrElse method is if you have it of some type which is not a subtype of B (such as A). Let's extend this signature even more for a moment
def getOrElse[U, R](default:U): R
How types U, T and R should be related? Obviously R should be some common super-type of U and T because it should be able to contain both T and U. However such definition would be an overkill. First of all it is really weird to have default value of a type that is not related to the T at all. Secondly, even if it is such a strange case, you (and compiler) still can calculate a common super-type and assign it to some new U' = R'. Thus you don't need R but adding U adds some more flexibility (at least theoretically). But U still has to be some super-type of T because it is also the return type.
So to sum up: adding U with U<:T will
either produce wrong code if you use U as the result type (U as a result type can't hold T)
or if you use T as the result type would not extend applicability of this method i.e. would not allow any code that does not compile without U to compile with this additional U.
But adding U with U>:T will allow some more code which is actually type-safe to compile such as (yes, stupid example but as I said I don't know any real life examples):
val opt = Option[Int](1)
val orElse: Any = opt.getOrElse(List())

def layout[A](x: A) = ... syntax in Scala

I'm a beginner of Scala who is struggling with Scala syntax.
I got the line of code from https://www.tutorialspoint.com/scala/higher_order_functions.htm.
I know (x: A) is an argument of layout function
( which means argument x of Type A)
But what is [A] between layout and (x: A)?
I've been googling scala function syntax, couldn't find it.
def layout[A](x: A) = "[" + x.toString() + "]"
It's a type parameter, meaning that the method is parameterised (some also say "generic"). Without it, compiler would think that x: A denotes a variable of some concrete type A, and when it wouldn't find any such type it would report a compile error.
This is a fairly common thing in statically typed languages; for example, Java has the same thing, only syntax is <A>.
Parameterized methods have rules where the types can occur which involve concepts of covariance and contravariance, denoted as [+A] and [-A]. Variance is definitely not in the scope of this question and is probably too much for you too handle right now, but it's an important concept so I figured I'd just mention it, at least to let you know what those plus and minus signs mean when you see them (and you will).
Also, type parameters can be upper or lower bounded, denoted as [A <: SomeType] and [A >: SomeType]. This means that generic parameter needs to be a subtype/supertype of another type, in this case a made-up type SomeType.
There are even more constructs that contribute extra information about the type (e.g. context bounds, denoted as [A : Foo], used for typeclass mechanism), but you'll learn about those later.
This means that the method is using a generic type as its parameter. Every type you pass that has the definition for .toString could be passed through layout.
For example, you could pass both int and string arguments to layout, since you could call .toString on both of them.
val i = 1
val s = "hi"
layout(i) // would give "[1]"
layout(s) // would give "[hi]"
Without the gereric parameter, for this example you would have to write two definitions for layout: one that accepts integers as param, and one that accepts string as param. Even worse: every time you need another type you'd have to write another definition that accepts it.
Take a look at this example here and you'll understand it better.
I also recomend you to take a look at generic classes here.
A is a type parameter. Rather than being a data type itself (Ex. case class A), it is generic to allow any data type to be accepted by the function. So both of these will work:
layout(123f) [Float datatype] will output: "[123]"
layout("hello world") [String datatype] will output: "[hello world]"
Hence, whichever datatype is passed, the function will allow. These type parameters can also specify rules. These are called contravariance and covariance. Read more about them here!