Why T is in the covariance position or contravariance position - scala

Given the following class definition
class X[+T] {
def get[U>:T](default:U):U
why T in the method def get[U>:T](default:U) is in the covariance position
Given the following class definition
class X[-T] {
def get[U<:T](default:U):U
why T in the method def get[U<:T](default:U) is in the cotravariance position

It is hard to answer "Why?" question without you providing more details but I'll try. I assume that your question is really "why type restriction on U are not inverted?". The short answer: because this is type-safe and covers some cases that are not covered otherwise.
Your first example is probably inspired by Option[T] and its getOrElse method. Although I'm not sure why anybody needs getOrElse with U different from T, logic why type restriction can be only U>:T seems obvious to me. Let's assume you have 3 classes: C which inherits B which inherits A and you have an Option[B]. If your default value is already B or C you don't need anything beyond U = T and thus simpler signature without additional generic U would suffice. The only case when you can't pass default value to the getOrElse method is if you have it of some type which is not a subtype of B (such as A). Let's extend this signature even more for a moment
def getOrElse[U, R](default:U): R
How types U, T and R should be related? Obviously R should be some common super-type of U and T because it should be able to contain both T and U. However such definition would be an overkill. First of all it is really weird to have default value of a type that is not related to the T at all. Secondly, even if it is such a strange case, you (and compiler) still can calculate a common super-type and assign it to some new U' = R'. Thus you don't need R but adding U adds some more flexibility (at least theoretically). But U still has to be some super-type of T because it is also the return type.
So to sum up: adding U with U<:T will
either produce wrong code if you use U as the result type (U as a result type can't hold T)
or if you use T as the result type would not extend applicability of this method i.e. would not allow any code that does not compile without U to compile with this additional U.
But adding U with U>:T will allow some more code which is actually type-safe to compile such as (yes, stupid example but as I said I don't know any real life examples):
val opt = Option[Int](1)
val orElse: Any = opt.getOrElse(List())


Type constraint on input function parameter in Scala

I'm trying to create a higher order function that has an upper bound on the type of the parameter accepted by the input function.
A toy example of a naive attempt that demonstrates the problem:
class A
class B extends A
def AFunc(f: A => Unit): Unit = {}
AFunc((b: B) => {})
//<console>:14: error: type mismatch;
// found : B => Unit
// required: A => Unit
// AFunc((b: B) => {})
This doesn't work, I assume, because functions are contravariant in their parameters so B => Unit is a supertype of A => Unit.
It's possible to get it working with polymorphic functions like so:
class A
class B extends A
def AFunc[T <: A](f: T => Unit): Unit = {}
AFunc[B]((b: B) => {})
This solution has the drawback of requiring the caller to know the exact type of the passed function's parameter, despite the fact that all AFunc cares about the type is that it is a subtype of A.
Is there a type-safe way to enforce the type constraint without explicitly passing the type?
Your problem here is not due to language construct limitations, it's conceptual. There is a reason why functions are contravariant in their arguments.
What would you expect to happen if we take your code and extend it slightly into a following situation:
class A
class B extends A
def AFunc(f: A => Unit): Unit = {
f(new A) // let's use the function f
AFunc((b: B) => {}) // ???
How would this compile? Method AFunc clearly needs a way to handle values of type A, but you only provided it with a way of handling one subset of those values (= those of type B).
Sure, you can make your method polymorphic the way you did, and btw you won't even need to specify the argument type at call-site because it will be inferred. BUT, this is not the "solution". It's simply a different thing. Now instead of saying "I need a function that handles values of type A", your method is saying "I need a function that handles one particular subtype of A, but I will be fine with whatever subtype you decide on".
So, as it often happens on StackOverflow, I have to ask you - what are you trying to achieve? Is your method AFunc going to be handling all kinds of As, or just one particular subtype at a time?
If it's the latter, parameterising with an upper bound (as you did) should be fine. Just be careful with the inference if you decide not to specify the type at call site, because sometimes your code might compile just because the compiler inferred something other than what you intended (I see from the comments in your question that you already discovered this behaviour). But, if parametric method is indeed what you need, then I don't see why would specifying the type at call-site be a problem.
despite the fact that all AFunc cares about the type is that it is a subtype of A.
Sure, AFunc doesn't care. But the caller does. I mean, someone must care, right? :) Again, it's hard to continue discussion without knowing more about the actual problem you're solving, but if you want to provide more details I'd be happy to help.

def layout[A](x: A) = ... syntax in Scala

I'm a beginner of Scala who is struggling with Scala syntax.
I got the line of code from https://www.tutorialspoint.com/scala/higher_order_functions.htm.
I know (x: A) is an argument of layout function
( which means argument x of Type A)
But what is [A] between layout and (x: A)?
I've been googling scala function syntax, couldn't find it.
def layout[A](x: A) = "[" + x.toString() + "]"
It's a type parameter, meaning that the method is parameterised (some also say "generic"). Without it, compiler would think that x: A denotes a variable of some concrete type A, and when it wouldn't find any such type it would report a compile error.
This is a fairly common thing in statically typed languages; for example, Java has the same thing, only syntax is <A>.
Parameterized methods have rules where the types can occur which involve concepts of covariance and contravariance, denoted as [+A] and [-A]. Variance is definitely not in the scope of this question and is probably too much for you too handle right now, but it's an important concept so I figured I'd just mention it, at least to let you know what those plus and minus signs mean when you see them (and you will).
Also, type parameters can be upper or lower bounded, denoted as [A <: SomeType] and [A >: SomeType]. This means that generic parameter needs to be a subtype/supertype of another type, in this case a made-up type SomeType.
There are even more constructs that contribute extra information about the type (e.g. context bounds, denoted as [A : Foo], used for typeclass mechanism), but you'll learn about those later.
This means that the method is using a generic type as its parameter. Every type you pass that has the definition for .toString could be passed through layout.
For example, you could pass both int and string arguments to layout, since you could call .toString on both of them.
val i = 1
val s = "hi"
layout(i) // would give "[1]"
layout(s) // would give "[hi]"
Without the gereric parameter, for this example you would have to write two definitions for layout: one that accepts integers as param, and one that accepts string as param. Even worse: every time you need another type you'd have to write another definition that accepts it.
Take a look at this example here and you'll understand it better.
I also recomend you to take a look at generic classes here.
A is a type parameter. Rather than being a data type itself (Ex. case class A), it is generic to allow any data type to be accepted by the function. So both of these will work:
layout(123f) [Float datatype] will output: "[123]"
layout("hello world") [String datatype] will output: "[hello world]"
Hence, whichever datatype is passed, the function will allow. These type parameters can also specify rules. These are called contravariance and covariance. Read more about them here!

Deciphering one of the toughest scala method prototypes (slick)

Looking at the <> method in the following scala slick class, from http://slick.typesafe.com/doc/2.1.0/api/index.html#scala.slick.lifted.ToShapedValue, it reminds me of that iconic stackoverflow thread about scala prototypes.
def <>[R, U](f: (U) ⇒ R, g: (R) ⇒ Option[U])
(implicit arg0: ClassTag[R], shape: Shape[_ <: FlatShapeLevel, T, U, _]):
MappedProjection[R, U]
Can someone bold and knowledgeable provide an articulate walkthrough of that long prototype definition, carefully clarifying all of its type covariance/invariance, double parameter lists, and other advanced scala aspects?
This exercise will also greatly help dealing with similarly convoluted prototypes!
Ok, let's take a look:
class ToShapedValue[T](val value: T) extends AnyVal {
#inline def <>[R: ClassTag, U](f: (U) ⇒ R, g: (R) ⇒ Option[U])(implicit shape: Shape[_ <: FlatShapeLevel, T, U, _]): MappedProjection[R, U]
The class is an AnyVal wrapper; while I can't actually see the implicit conversion from a quick look, it smells like the "pimp my library" pattern. So I'm guessing this is meant to add <> as an "extension method" onto some (or maybe all) types.
#inline is an annotation, a way of putting metadata on, well, anything; this one is a hint to the compiler that this should be inlined. <> is the method name - plenty of things that look like "operators" are simply ordinary methods in scala.
The documentation you link has already expanded the R: ClassTag to ordinary R and an implicit ClassTag[R] - this is a "context bound" and it's simply syntactic sugar. ClassTag is a compiler-generated thing that exists for every (concrete) type and helps with reflection, so this is a hint that the method will probably do some reflection on an R at some point.
Now, the meat: this is a generic method, parameterized by two types: [R, U]. Its arguments are two functions, f: U => R and g: R => Option[U]. This looks a bit like the functional Prism concept - a conversion from U to R that always works, and a conversion from R to U that sometimes doesn't work.
The interesting part of the signature (sort of) is the implicit shape at the end. Shape is described as a "typeclass", so this is probably best thought of as a "constraint": it limits the possible types U and R that we can call this function with, to only those for which an appropriate Shape is available.
Looking at the documentation forShape, we see that the four types are Level, Mixed, Unpacked and Packed. So the constraint is: there must be a Shape, whose "level" is some subtype of FlatShapeLevel, where the Mixed type is T and the Unpacked type is R (the Packed type can be any type).
So, this is a type-level function that expresses that R is "the unpacked version of" T. To use the example from the Shape documentation again, if T is (Column[Int], Column[(Int, String)], (Int, Option[Double])) then R will be (Int, (Int, String), (Int, Option[Double]) (and it only works for FlatShapeLevel, but I'm going to make a judgement call that that's probably not important). U is, interestingly enough, completely unconstrained.
So this lets us create a MappedProjection[unpacked-version-of-T, U] from any T, by providing conversion functions in both directions. So in a simple version, maybe T is a Column[String] - a representation of a String column in a database - and we want to represent it as some application-specific type, e.g. EmailAddress. So R=String, U=EmailAddress, and we provide conversion functions in both directions: f: EmailAddress => String and g: String => Option[EmailAddress]. It makes sense that it's this way around: every EmailAddress can be represented as a String (at least, they'd better be, if we want to be able to store them in the database), but not every String is a valid EmailAddress. If our database somehow had e.g. "http://www.foo.com/" in the email address column, our g would return None, and Slick could handle this gracefully.
MappedProjection itself is, sadly, undocumented. But I'm guessing it's some kind of lazy representation of a thing we can query; where we had a Column[String], now we have a pseudo-column-thing whose (underlying) type is EmailAddress. So this might allow us to write pseudo-queries like 'select from users where emailAddress.domain = "gmail.com"', which would be impossible to do directly in the database (which doesn't know which part of an email address is the domain), but is easy to do with the help of code. At least, that's my best guess at what it might do.
Arguably the function could be made clearer by using a standard Prism type (e.g. the one from Monocle) rather than passing a pair of functions explicitly. Using the implicit to provide a type-level function is awkward but necessary; in a fully dependently typed language (e.g. Idris), we could write our type-level function as a function (something like def unpackedType(t: Type): Type = ...). So conceptually, this function looks something like:
def <>[U](p: Prism[U, unpackedType(T)]): MappedProjection[unpackedType(T), U]
Hopefully this explains some of the thought process of reading a new, unfamiliar function. I don't know Slick at all, so I have no idea how accurate I am as to what this <> is used for - did I get it right?

Are polymorphic functions "restrictive" in Scala?

In the book Functional Programming in Scala MEAP v10, the author mentions
Polymorphic functions are often so constrained by their type that they only have one implementation!
and gives the example
def partial1[A,B,C](a: A, f: (A,B) => C): B => C = (b: B) => f(a, b)
What does he mean by this statement? Are polymorphic functions restrictive?
Here's a simpler example:
def mysteryMethod[A, B](somePair: (A, B)): B = ???
What does this method do? It turns out, that there is only one thing this method can do! You don't need the name of the method, you don't need the implementation of the method, you don't need any documentation. The type tells you everything it could possibly do, and it turns out that "everything" in this case is exactly one thing.
So, what does it do? It takes a pair (A, B) and returns some value of type B. What value does it return? Can it construct a value of type B? No, it can't, because it doesn't know what B is! Can it return a random value of type B? No, because randomness is a side-effect and thus would have to appear in the type signature. Can it go out in the universe and fetch some B? No, because that would be a side-effect and would have to appear in the type signature!
In fact, the only thing it can do is return the value of type B that was passed into it, the second element of the pair. So, this mysteryMethod is really the second method, and its only sensible implementation is:
def second[A, B](somePair: (A, B)): B = somePair._2
Note that in reality, since Scala is neither pure nor total, there are in fact a couple of other things the method could do: throw an exception (i.e. return abnormally), go into an infinite loop (i.e. not return at all), use reflection to figure out the actual type of B and reflectively invoke the constructor to fabricate a new value, etc.
However, assuming purity (the return value may only depend on the arguments), totality (the method must return a value normally) and parametricity (it really doesn't know anything about A and B), then there is in fact an awful lot you can tell about a method by only looking at its type.
Here's another example:
def mysteryMethod(someBoolean: Boolean): Boolean = ???
What could this do? It could always return false and ignore its argument. But then it would be overly constrained: if it always ignores its argument, then it doesn't care that it is a Boolean and its type would rather be
def alwaysFalse[A](something: A): Boolean = false // same for true, obviously
It could always just return its argument, but again, then it wouldn't actually care about booleans, and its type would rather be
def identity[A](something: A): A = something
So, really, the only thing it can do is return a different boolean than the one that was passed in, and since there are only two booleans, we know that our mysteryMethod is, in fact, not:
def not(someBoolean: Boolean): Boolean = if (someBoolean) false else true
So, here, we have an example, where the types don't give us the implementation, but at least, they give as a (small) set of 4 possible implementations, only one of which makes sense.
(By the way: it turns out that there is only one possible implementation of a method which takes an A and returns an A, and it is the identity method shown above.)
So, to recap:
purity means that you can only use the building blocks that were handed to you (the arguments)
a strong, strict, static type system means that you can only use those building blocks in such a way that their types line up
totality means that you can't do stupid things (like infinite loops or throwing exceptions)
parametricity means that you cannot make any assumptions at all about your type variables
Think about your arguments as parts of a machine and your types as connectors on those machine parts. There will only be a limited number of ways that you can connect those machine parts together in a way that you only plug together compatible connectors and you don't have any leftover parts. Often enough, there will be only one way, or if there are multiple ways, then often one will be obviously the right one.
What this means is that, once you have designed the types of your objects and methods, you won't even have to think about how to implement those methods, because the types will already dictate the only possible way to implement them! Considering how many questions on StackOverflow are basically "how do I implement this?", can you imagine how freeing it must be not having to think about that at all, because the types already dictate the one (or one of a few) possible implementation?
Now, look at the signature of the method in your question and try playing around with different ways to combine a and f in such a way that the types line up and you use both a and f and you will indeed see that there is only one way to do that. (As Chris and Paul have shown.)
def partial1[A,B,C](a: A, f: (A,B) => C): B => C = (b: B) => f(a, b)
Here, partial1 takes as parameters value of type A, and a function that takes a parameter of type A and a parameter of type B, returning a value of type C.
partial1 must return a function taking a value of type B and returning a C. Given A, B, and C are arbitary, we cannot apply any functions to their values. So the only possibility is to apply the function f to the value a passed to partial, and the value of type B that is a parameter to the function we return.
So you end up with the single possibility that's in the definition f(a,b)
To take a simpler example, consider the type Option[A] => Boolean. There's only a couple ways to implement this:
def foo1(x: Option[A]): Boolean = x match { case Some(_) => true
case None => false }
def foo2(x: Option[A]): Boolean = !foo1(x)
def foo3(x: Option[A]): Boolean = true
def foo4(x: Option[A]): Boolean = false
The first two choices are pretty much the same, and the last two are trivial, so essentially there's only one useful thing this function could do, which is tell you whether the Option is Some or None.
The space of possible implementation is "restricted" by the abstractness of the function type. Since A is unconstrained, the option's value could be anything, so the function can't depend on that value in any way because you know nothing about what it. The only "understanding" the function may have about its parameter is the structure of Option[_].
Now, back to your example. You have no idea what C is, so there's no way you can construct one yourself. Therefore the function you create is going to have to call f to get a C. And in order to call f, you need to provide an arguments of types A and B. Again, since there's no way to create an A or a B yourself, the only thing you can do is use the arguments that are given to you. So there's no other possible function you could write.

Specialization of a generic-generic parameter with another, simple-generic parameter

I'm currently working on a project that includes Gaussian Processes for Machine Learning. Considering the examples and explanations in the book, I'm trying to create a generic function for the various parameters that are part of a trained GP-object - thus, the following declaration is the most general one for a (simple) training function.
def train[T, M <: MatrixInverter[T], S <: Kernel[T]](): GP_Spawn[T] = null
(I've removed the parameter list and the implementation, just if you're wondering.)
Tdescribes the numeric type, e.g. it may be Double or Int. MatrixInverter[T] is a trait that enforces a calculateInverse function. Kernel[T] is the corresponding trait for a kernel-function.
As some of you may already know, training in a gaussian process can be changed (somehow simplified) when using a Cholesky-Decomposition as the matrix-inverter - thus, I've considered to specialize the function mentioned above. Due to the documentation of the #specialized tag, it should be something like this:
def train[T, #specialized(CholeskyDecomposition[T]) M <: MatrixInverter[T], S <: Kernel[T]](): GP_Spawn[T]
It's obvious that all parameters are more or less depending on T, since they need to use some variables (types T,Vector[T],Matrix[T]) that depend on it. If I try to compile the code mentioned above, the scala-compiler (2.9.2) complains about
error: not found: value CholeskyDecomposition
I'm not sure what this means, since the import import algorithms.{CholeskyDecomposition, MatrixInverter} is correct. Besides, it's curious to see that the import of CholeskyDecomposition is marked as Unused import statement. CholeskyDecomposition has a companion that includes some constants that are related to the algorithm itself, but I don't assume this aspect to be the reason for this error.
Any ideas what may cause this error ? And, furthermore, how to solve it without cutting of the generic approach ?
After reading the answers are considering some re-ordering of my code, I ended up with a solution at runtime that uses type-matching.
val testMat = new Matrix[T](3, 3)
val testInv = fac(testMat)
testInv match {
case chol : CholeskyDecomposition[T] => println("Found Cholesky!")
case _ => println("Found something different.")
And it works now :) Thanks to all!
You can only specialize a generic parameter with a primitive type: Int, Double, etc. So you can specialize T but not Foo[T] even if T is a primitive.
If you have a class C that is specialized on type T, then
class D[#specialized T, C[T]](c: C[T]) { ... }
will use the T-specialized verson of C.
This is all you need anyway. There is no point to specialization on object; generic code works just as well since everything non-primitive is an object anyway.
As per the API, it says:
Type T can be specialized on a subset of the primitive types by
specifying a list of primitive types to specialize at:
So it is basically only for primitive types.